Railroad Turnaround

By moc.loa@zijxemvol

Published on Jun 26, 2021


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Railroad turnaround Part 1

I had just graduated from the local community college with my Associate degree and quickly came to the conclusion that what I learned was that this degree would get me no where. Having no job prospects, only a little money in my pocket, and knowing that this small town would not help me grow, I decided to strike out on my own. Said good by to the parents and headed West, just like the good old days, except this was the 21st century. While it was never discussed, like so many parents, they know when their sons are gay and this was an easy out for them and myself to step away from the small town. My dad hugged me and told me he understood and slipped my some extra money to "get by on" and when I gave my Mom a kiss good bye, she had packed a lunch for me for on the road. Well, I was on the road for about 10 minutes when I became hungry as hell, don't know if it was nerves or what, so I busted out the lunch. Besides the sandwiches, chips and a piece of cake, she had also slipped me some money so I realized that I wouldn't be rich, but I wouldn't starve to death in the next hour or so. I drove for three days, sleeping in my car each night to conserve money and it was actually quite nice being out on the road. The third day I pulled into this little roadside cafe to get some real food since my snacks were starting to get to me.

I sat down and ordered a nice breakfast and as I ate, I watched someone out changing the marquee sign to read Help Wanted. I asked the server, what kind of job they were looking for and was directed to the manager of the Motel behind the restaurant.

I went over to the Motel and met with the manager and it was a very interesting interview. It was more about what the job entailed rather than what I had done in the past. The manager pointed out that the Motel was a turnaround spot for railroad crews. The ICC would only allow train crews to work for 12 hours and then take a mandatory 10 hours off. So crews to the East would run the trains into this little town, meet the next crew that would pick up the train and continue it on its way West, basically back to their home base. Then trains coming from the West would do the same thing, the crew would leave their home town bringing the train East and get to the turnaround spot and one of the crews that was completing their 10 hour rest would get on and continue the train towards the East. So the Railroad had contracted with the Motel to provide rooms to the crew members and paid the Motel expenses plus 10%. If I took the job, I wouldn't have any set hours but must be available 24/7. The nice thing was that as soon as a one crew was checked into the motel and the other left, all I had to do was clean the 8 used rooms and I was off for the day. I would be given a free room and 1/2 price food at the diner, if I took the job. There is one train each way each day and sporadically a third one to keep things caught up, so eight rooms to clean each day and I would be done for the day. I would work 3 weeks on and one week off, since we were in the sticks, it gave me a week to go into a bigger town for movies and such. I would be paid $500 a week plus any tips the guys left in the room and was told since they didn't pay for the rooms, they tipped well. Was I interested? I thought to myself $500 a week, half price grub, plus tips in one hand and in the other hand, cruise down the road with the money that my parents smuggled to me and fingers crossed get something better. Hell yes, I was interested.

A crew had just arrived so while they were being brought over from the rail yard, my first duty was to remove the help wanted sign. As I was finishing, the crew arrived and we went into the office to check them in. There was no money involved since the Railroad was paying, so basically just assigning rooms to the men. The manager introduced me to the guys as the new Motel liason and they were real pleasant and friendly. When they had all received their keys, the manager took me on a tour so that I knew where my room would be, where the linens were stored and the cleaning equipment. As luck would have it or planning on their part, my room was right next to the office. I threw my suitcases into the room and changed out of my cut offs and T-shirt to a regular shirt and levis and came out and said that I was ready. The manager smiled and said that while he appreciated the upgrade in clothing, the shorts and T-shirt had been fine that they were real informal. We then went and got linens for 4 rooms and the cleaning cart and started to clean the rooms. I was surprised at how tidy the rooms were, mainly just the beds having been slept in and tidy up the bathroom, take out the trash and vacuum.

I was told that I had to remain cognizant to what rooms were occupied because some of the guys got checked in during the wee hours of the morning so you don't want to be vaccumming while they are trying to sleep. Even with all those learnings, it only took 20 minutes to clean a room and we were done in an hour and a half. I would do that work twice a day and get paid $100 for a day plus tips. The tips for the first set of rooms netted $27.00 so doing the math quickly, I would be getting $500 pay and $50 in tips for 7 days, that would be $850 a week. Not bad. On the other hand, I was in the sticks and there was no place to spend the money that I earned unless I went to town on my week off.

The railroad was real good about letting us know when the next crew would be coming in so we could plan our lives. I went to crash in my room and was told the next crew would be there about 11 PM that night. As I relaxed in my room, I got to thinking, a couple of the rooms gave good tips and a couple were pretty light. I figured I should create a spread sheet so I would know who tipped the best and really cater to those guys and then try to find out why the other guys were so cheap to increase my tips. I fell asleep thinking about this. I woke up about 8 PM, I guess sleeping in my car the last couple of days had taken a toll on me and I showered and was ready to get to work. As I sat around the Motel office, the train crew started trickling in and since I hadn't met these guys yet, I introduced myself and under the guise of learning what rooms needed to be cleaned, I got their names and room numbers for my spread sheet so I could track tips. Slowly all four got to the office and the guy that drove the crews back and forth to the train yard asked me if I wanted to go with them to see how things worked. Sure, I said and we all piled into the Yukon. At the rail yard the other train hadn't arrived quite yet so we stood around bullshitting until the train got there. One crew got off and the other crew got on. As the crew got done doing their paperwork in the office, I was introducing myself to the new guys. They threw their travel bags into the back and three got into the back seat. I headed to the front seat and one of the brakemen says, "Hey sport, I called shotgun so slide over to the middle." I told him him, "Damn, it has been years since my father called me sport" and he tells me, "I'm not your father, but you can call me daddy if you like!" I blushed and all the other guys roared. I slid over into the middle and Dan (I came to find out his name) slid in next to me. He probably was only a couple of years older than me but black hair and the most Italian man I had ever seen in my life. He leaned over to pull the door shut behind him and as he did he grabbed my inner thigh for support. That would have been fine, but all the way back to the motel, he never removed his hand from my thigh.

We all piled into the motel when we got back. I pulled out the room assignments and started telling them where they were assigned. Two of them wanted different rooms if they were available. I learned at that point that I needed to add room assignments to my spreadsheet to give them the room they wanted each trip. I was assigned to room 101 which was right next to the office and Danny wanted room 102 because he said it was quiet. Sam wanted room 125 because it was round back and less people go back there. The other two just wanted a place to sleep. I got everyone settled in and went to check the four vacated rooms to see what would have to be done to clean them in the morning. What I really was doing was looking for the tips that had been left. Another $24 so that added to the tips this morning and my daily wage, brings me up to $750 a week or $3000 a month. This was going to be a good gig.

I settled into my room and stripped down to my boxers. I was watching a little TV working on my spreadsheet and heard a knock at the door. I jumped up and went to the door. As I peeked out around the corner of the door, I saw Danny standing there and he was saying something about his pillow being dead and he would like a different one. I opened the door and said, "What?" He says, yea the pillow won't poof up and he was wondering if he could get another. I told him sure, let me get my keys to the supply closet. I didn't give it a thought that I was just in my boxers and entered the hall way to unlock the linen closet. I opened the door to what must have been 25 different pillows and said we would find one that suits him. It was at this point that I realized that he too was only in his boxers. But where my boxers were a fuller fit and not skin tight, his were not and he must of had them painted on his ass. If I had gotten close enough, I probably could have counted the freckles on his ass they were so tight. As I am reaching for pillows to make the customer happy, he decides to slide past me into the closet to test other pillows. As he goes behind me he reaches out and puts his hand on my side to steady himself as he scoots by. When he touches me, I about jumped out of my skin, he laughs and tells me to calm down, but I could feel his protusion in the front of his boxers as he slides by. He finally finds a pillow that he likes and helps me put the rest back on the shelves. As I bend over to pick them up to put on the shelving, I finally get a chance to look at the front of him and his boxers and they are the type that has a pouch to hold in his cock and balls. I keep telling myself that my mind is playing with me and this good looking Italian with a full chest of hair and a nice treasure trail is not coming on to me. With all I can do, I try to play straight.

As we return to our respective rooms, Danny asks me if I have a wrench because the connections on his TV cable box are loose and the picture flickers. I tell him I will be right back and head off from a wrench. I get back to his room and it is obvious that his pouch has filled out more. I am glad that I had the brains to pull on my basketball shorts before returning to his room, so my enlargement is not showing. I get down on my knees, crawl under the desk and make sure all the fittings are tight. He comes over and starts fiddling with the TV and tells me that is much better. But as I start to back out from under the desk, where he is standing, his pouch is right in my face. He tells me that while I am there, he needs one other thing taken care of. I laughed and said, "Yea, right, you want some Head?" He says, "Sport, won't you help Daddy out a little, please." He was good looking and it wasn't as if I hadn't sucked cock before, but I didn't want to screw up this job the very first day. While I am giving him a respectable amount of push back saying, no no no, he is dragging his semi-hardon out of his boxers. He starts rubbing his precum up against my lips since I am still stuck under the desk with him right in front until I give up my good sense and open my lips. That was all it took for him to slip it into my mouth and he starts fucking my face. He must have not been layed in quite some time because it took less than 5 minutes and he was coating my tonsils with his cum. He lets me suck everything out of him and gives me time to lick him clean and he falls back onto the bed, so I can climb out. As I climb out, I notice that the door to his room is wide open and say, "Dude, the door was open," He laughs and says, "yea, I like to be watched". I was pissed and as I left his room, looked all over to see if anyone was in the hallway. I scurried back to my room and laid down on the bed wondering if I would be fired tomorrow.

As I lie on the bed tossing and turning, I was so happy when there was a strong rap on the door and a voice called out that a crew had been called. This meant that another crew was going out and one coming in. I got dressed, brushed my teeth so no tell tale odor of cum breath and headed to the office. I took my clip board and spreadsheet down and started writing notes about who stayed in which rooms. This time I declined the ride over to pick up the new crew so I could start cleaning rooms, after all I had eight to clean. I had already met these guys as they were the ones that I checked in yesterday morning, so I got out the caddy and started changing sheets. When I saw the truck arrive, I went down and met the new guys. I introduced my self as the Motel liason and told them if they had any special request or needed anything, let me know. We got them situated in rooms and I returned to cleaning. Thankfully, they all wanted to have breakfast so I got a chance to do a bunch of vacuuming before they went to bed. I had six of the room cleaned before they got back with two to go and I was coming to the conclusion that $5/6 a room per night for tip was what I would be getting. I had all the sheets and towels in the washer and as I got back to the office, noticed that it was only 10 AM, basically 4 hours of work, got my daily wage and tips, still not too bad. I noticed out in the parking lot was Danny and a couple of other guys and they motioned me over. Having nothing to do until the night crew changed, I walked over and they invited me to breakfast. Danny says, "hey Sport, you want breakfast, or your still full from last night?" I am sure the other guys were thinking dinner, but I still blushed and said, "No I could eat something as I just had small snack last night" looking him dead in the eye. He punched me in the arm and we went to the restaurant. While we were eating, in walks the Motel manager. He beelines it straight to the table and starts making small talk. My heart is beating out of my chest. He then asks if I am taking good care of them. They all nodded and mumbled, but Danny pipes up and says, "Yes, I had a problem with my room come up and he was right there to do whatever he could to help him out." He told my boss it was a hard problem and I made it go away, quickly and that I was a good hire. The manager turns to me, laughs and says, "you really sucking up to these guys that they say good things about you so quickly." Danny interjects, "Yes he is sucking up very well, but that is what we like about you, isn't it Sport?" Gawd, I wish they would stop using the work suck, I know it was my guilty conscience, but it was making me nervous.

I spent the rest of the day in their "rec room". The motel had set up a lounge room where you could play video games, cards, pool, watch tv in a group setting and basically just hang out with other guys instead of sitting in your room all day. They really went over the top in trying to make the whole experience a good one for the guys. This gave me the opportunity to match names to faces and get to know the guys. I also had the opportunity to ask questions like, do you have a preference in rooms? It seemed to me that if we could accommodate their preferences it would make all of our lives a little easier. I used my spreadsheet and tracked all this information. It also gave me the chance to think maybe, no one had seen me sucking Danny's cock last night and he was just stringing me along. It was along about 8 PM and I had just crawled into bed and I got that hard knock on the door, "Crews called", so I had to drag it back out. That is one thing I learned about the rail road, no such thing as a time table that crews tried to adhere to. They just went to work when the train got there and they got called about 1 and half hours before the train was getting to town to give them a chance to get ready for work.

I went up to the office as soon as I got dressed and prepared to assign rooms to the arriving crew. As I sat there, Danny and his crew were the ones headed out on the road and were gathering in the motel office. Danny came over and ruffled my hair and says, "you going to miss me, Sport?" I just looked at him and one of the other guys told him to leave me alone. He smiled and said, we are just playing with each other, right, Sport. "We like messing with each other don't we Sport?" "Sure" I said. I was sitting there plotting out which rooms I was going to put the new guys in and Danny comes over and tells me to gather my stuff because I was going with them to pick up the new crew. I tried begging off but he insisted saying he wanted to introduce me to some of the guys. When it was time to go, I went out to the truck with them and this time Danny insisted that I sit in the back with him. I had no idea what he had up his sleave, but soon found out that he liked to feel me up as we went down the road. He was brushing up against my leg, reaching across my front for something or other and trying to touch my groin to get me hard. I just ignored him and in the 5 minutes it took to get there, he finally gave up. I went into the railroad office and was BS'ing with the guys and soon the train pulls in. Down off the engines climbs the engineer, (a guy about 65), the conductor, (also in his late 50s) and two young guys that I assumed were the two brakemen. As the engineer and conductor finalized their paperwork the two brakemen came over to talk with Danny. Danny promptly introduces me to Melvin who was from Guam (Asian looking and about 30 years old) and Tyler from TX (also late 20's early 30's Brown hair and eyes) with the drawl to prove it. Danny tells them my name is Sport, which I jumped in and corrected to Tom and shook both of their hands. He then tells them that if they take good care of me that he knows that I will take really good care of them. Melvins says, "okay" and Danny restates really good care of them and they both jerk and turn and look at me and smiling say together "Okayyyyy, good to know." Deep in my heart I knew I had just been outed to them. As we left, Danny shouts out, "Sport, i'll see you in a couple of days" and we returned to the Yukon to go back to the Motel. It was quickly decided that Melvin, Tyler and I would sit in the back so the old guys could sit in the front.

I gave them all their room assignments and told them I would see them later. I went to check out the rooms to, again, see what kind of tips I got and how much cleaning I had to do. Tonight I collected $67 in tips. Danny had left a $50 bill for me and told me I was great. I almost felt like a hooker, but but the hell, $50 is $50. This was turning into a great summer job. I could hear my room phone ringing as I unlocked my door. I grabbed it quickly and said "hello". All I hear is "what are you wearing", I just hung up. It instantly started ringing again and as I picked it up, I could hear laughter and someone telling me not to hang up, that it is Melvin and Tyler. They wanted to know if I would like to meet in the lounge room to play some cribbage. I said sure and then was told to bring some change so they could "change it from mine to theirs". They were already there when I arrived so I emptied my change on the table and was told they played for a penny a point. This was just to make it interesting because no one was going to get rich that way. We played several games and the two of them were drinking beers, again I declined because I knew I would be having a crew come in bright and early and I had to be ready. We played for a couple of hours and Tyler goes to excuse himself to go to his room to piss. I tried to remind him that the there was a restroom in the lobby that he didn't need to go all the way back to his room. Melvins says, "let him go, the restroom in the lobby has a gloryhole and he doesn't want anyone to think he is using it." "What?" I fire back, "there is a gloryhole in the restroom of this place?" Melvin laughs at my surprise and says, "Yes, but it is small, my cock barely fits thru the hole," and laughs. I guess people from Guam either have big dicks or the hole is really small. I tell him, "this I have to see." and get up and head to the bathroom. As I head to the restroom, Melvin follows me and I go into the cubicle and sure enough between the urinal and cubicle is a hole in the wall. I am really dumbfounded and as I stand there, I see Melvin push his hardon thru the hole. He was right, it just barely fit and the hole was small because his cock was good sized and just kept getting longer and longer. I reached down and lightly ran the tips of my fingers over it before turning around and sitting down. The head was already all shiny and the skin had pulled back a little exposing the tip that was drooling some precum. I leaned over and gave it a swab with my tongue and heard Melvin moan on the other side of the wall. He tells me to hurry up before anyone else comes into the restroom and as I lean forward to suck him I see his toes in flip flops under the wall and then his fingers gripping the top of the wall. He must have been plastered against the wall waiting for some relief. His dick smelled so nice and clean, he must have showered before coming down to play cards and as I swallow his manhood I hear him say, "Danny boy was right, you do know how to treat daddy's cock." How many daddys do I now have? It didn't take too long and he was shooting all his baby batter down my throat and pulled back thru the hole. I got up and left the cubicle and we headed back to the lounge. Tyler was already back and asked where we had gone. Melvin tells him, "I was showing Sport the gloryhole so he understood why you wouldn't take a piss there." Tyler looks at Melvin, then at me and then back at Melvin and I swear to God it was just a coincidence that as he looked back at me that I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. They both burst out laughing and I didn't realize what they were laughing at for a couple of moments. Tyler set the cards down on the table, looks at me and says, "you and I need to go for a walk while your jaw still works properly." I didn't know just what he meant, but got up and followed him. He cut thru a side door outside into the dark, the only way that I knew where he was at was to follow the glow of his cigarette. He finally stopped and the cigarette was in his mouth because it never moved so I stopped when I got close. He reached out, took my hand and guided it to his cock which was out of his pants and hard as a rock. All he said, was lets see if all this praise is worth it. I knew we were out in the open so instead of getting on my knees, I just bent over and took his cock in my mouth. As I licked the end, I could taste a little piss from when he had just gone to the toilet, but didn't let that deter me and swallowed him to his pubic hairs. As I got my stroke going, he reaches over and I feel him slide his hand under the waistband of my shorts and he is looking for my hole. I am enjoying him rubbing my butt hole and keep a steady pace on sucking his dick. He then pulls his hand out of my shorts and his cock out of my mouth and for sure I thought he was going to spin me around to nail me, but he sticks three of his fingers in my mouth and rubs them all over inside my mouth. He returns them to my ass and one finger goes into my hole as his cock goes back into my mouth. Then I feel him trying to get a second finger in me, I spread my legs a little to open up for him and the second finger is in me. He is playing rough with my ass separating his fingers to open me up and loosen me up and I am pushing back on him trying to get as much of his hand in me that I can. He was getting off on this as much as I was and when his fingers were in me as far as they would go, he grabs my head with his free hand and forces my head down on his cock and he blows. So without even touching myself, I start bucking up a storm because I am nutting in my shorts. He finally pulls his cock out of my throat so I can breath again while his hand is still feeling my insides. I can now stand up and lift myself off his fingers and he places them in my mouth to clean off for him so we can go back and finish playing cards.

As I sat down, Melvin sniffs the air and says, "I think someone had a good time, I smell cum," to which Tyler whispers, "unless you are smelling his breath, it isn't mine, I deposited mine deep in his throat." They thought it was funny and I sat there smelling of fresh cum. But the guys took me off the hook for any further embarrassment and said that they had a long day and were going to turn in. I bid them good night and started heading off to my own room. Tyler followed me to my room and rubs my back and wanted to come in. I told him that I had to get some sleep and we would see each other tomorrow. I had the feeling that this was turning into a big thing and I wanted to keep my job, so figured I had a tight rope to walk.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at lovmexjiz@aol.com and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 2

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