Railroad Turnaround

By moc.loa@zijxemvol

Published on Jul 2, 2021


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Railroad turnaround Part 2

I was so glad that I went to bed when I did because it was becoming a hassle trying to get my body turned on to the lack of schedule these rail workers kept. Right on cue, I get that ominous bang on the door that the crew had been called for 7:30. I pulled myself out of my stuper, grabbed my spreadsheet and headed for the office. This crew had been a dream to work with because they had no strange request and I didn't hardly hear from them. I talked to the front desk and we decided which rooms were available to the four new guys coming in and all piled into the Yukon and headed to the rail yard. Much to my happiness, the train was already at the depot when we arrived and everyone was completing their paperwork. All that was left to do was unload one crew and load the new guys up to take to the motel. I was starting to see a pattern that the engineers are old, the conductors are younger and the brakemen are the babies of the crew. Everyone it seems starts as a brakeman and then you work your way up into the more advanced positions. I shook hands with everyone and gave them their room assignments as they loaded into the Yukon and headed to the Motel.

When everyone was unloaded and headed to their rooms, I went around and started collecting bedding and towels to get the laundry going. Again, only $20/25 in tips so I was coming to the conclusion that would be about normal unless there was any special accomodations. I had already washed the bedding from Danny's crew last night so just had to clean the rooms this morning. Again, totally done by about 11 AM with the rest of the day. My day wouldn't be real short because while at the rail yard, I found out that there would be sporatic extra train coming in about 3 o'clock and Melvin and Tyler's crew would be taking that train out, so I was glad that I had my rooms clean as I would have 4 more in the afternoon. Since it was getting close to lunch, I headed over to the restaurant. Slowly Melvin's crew started trickling in and came over to sit with me. We were all laughing and talking and I noticed a 30 something beefy highway cop come in and walk straight over to our table. He was cordail so my guess was he had been there eatting many times before because he spoke to everyone. At the table, he pulls out a little notebook and looks at it, then at me and says, "Are you Tom ah,ah, ah?" So I gave him my last name and said yes I am. He apologized since he didn't know how to pronounce my last name. I told him "Yes I am" and not to worry about the name. He asks, "Is that car out front yours?" Again, "yes, is there a problem?" He says, "No, we just saw the car parked there without moving so we ran the plates and got your name. Then we were told there was a new guy working here, so wanted to check it out. By the way your license plates expire shortly so you need to get them re-registered. You liking it here so far? These guys taking good care of you?" Before I could answer, Melvin reaches over and wraps an arm around my neck, pulls me into himself and ruffles up my hair. "Tell them Sport that we are taking good care of you and you are taking good care of our needs, also." "Oh, so you go by Sport, do you?" the officer asks and this cause everyone to laugh and I tell him, "no my name is Tom and they are just fucking with me, I mean messing with me officer." He laughs and as he walks away, he reminds me to fix my license plates, "Take it easy, SPORT. I'll see you around." Everyone just laughed and I knew my name would be Sport forever.

As I headed back over to the motel office and they guys to their rooms to get ready for their trip, I noticed the Cop entering the restroom that contained the gloryhole. Instantly, I was torn between two perverted reasons, not the obvious one that he had to piss, but 1) was he trying to bust someone with their dick in the hole, or 2) was he an active participant (the one that made me horny)? I waited a couple of moments and went into the restroom and he was in the cubicle. His feet were pointing to the toilet so he wasn't sitting down. I stood at the urinal and without too much movement, I tried to see thru the hole as to what he was doing. But short of bending over and putting my eye to the hole, that was fruitless. I just stood at the urinal playing with my phone watching to see if he shoved anything thru the hole. I waited and waited, but nothing. It seemed to be a good 10 minutes, but probably less and he emerged from the cubicle. He glances over and sees it is me and says, "Hey Sport, if you shake it more that 3 times it is considered playing with it" and we both laughed at the old cliche. With phone in hand, I turned and looked at him and told him I wasn't shaking anything, but answering text messages. He laughs and says, "Not to worry, shake it as much as you like, you are a young man. But there is something I wanted to talk to you about." "OK, what is that," I reply. He tells me in the past, since the motel is paid for so many rooms each night by the railroad and some go unused, that he was given the priviledge of taking a nap in an unused room if he is working and gets real tired. "Would that courtesy continue?" I gave him my cell phone number and told him that if it had been okay with management in the past, I wouldn't be changing anything and just call me and we would accomodate him. He took out his phone, punched in the number and my phone started vibrating. He tells me, "that is my number so you know who is calling, when I call." I look at my phone and out of the corner of my eye, I see him adjusting himself. I had a bad feeling about all of this but finally ask him, who told him that the motel had hired a new guy. He smiles and says, "Your friend Danny called me and told me that I should check you out and see what could be arranged. I am glad that I did, you seem real accommodating." He then tells me thanks, introduces himself as Officer Neil Ryan and that he appreciates my flexibility quickly adding that even thought his name is Neil, he never kneels. I laughed at that cuz he knew what I was thinking and then he says that we will figure out some sort of quid pro quo, and leaves the restroom. I instantly googled "quid pro quo" not knowing what he meant and then was confused as to what that really meant in my life, something for something. I never did figure out what was taking him so long in the cubicle, either.

As I leave the restroom, who should I run into other than Melvin. He smiles and asks me, "you have some traffic tickets you are trying to get rid of?" and busts out laughing at his own joke. I just flipped him off and went to the motel office to get ready for the next crew. I was really interested in how a something for something was going to impact me. Oh well, I had work to do. Once again the railroad crew coming in was a new crew so I rode over to greet them and introduce my self. I wasn't quite as forturnate this time as the train was running late and I had time to kill at the rail yard. It was Melvin and Tylers crew that was headed out, so I was a little relieved that the two of them would be out of town. I talked to the clerk and asked when Danny would be coming back to town. I really need to talk with him about his mouth and outing me to everyone. I found out he wouldn't be coming back until the late train tomorrow. After about an hour the train pulled in and the guys loaded into the Yukon and we were headed back to the motel. I tried to introduce myself to everyone but got as far as my name. "You must be Sport that Danny is telling us all about?" a big nordic guys says to me, "He says you perfer that name to your actual name, so Sport, which rooms do we have?" I gave three of them their room assignments and told the Nordic guy that I would have to change his room, so I could keep an eye on him, I knew it, I was going to be Sport forever. But then got to thinking, they could call me whatever they wanted as long as they tipped well. We got back to the motel and i gave Sven (the nordic guy) his original room, just wanted him off kilter thinking I had really changed his room assignment.

As I started cleaning rooms the Old engineer and conductor only left $5 each, but Melvin and Tyler came thru big time with $50 each. I may not be the quickest person around, but I was coming to the conclusion that my mouth was earning me some big bucks. Hmmm. As I was emptying the trash in Tyler's room, I found a condom full of what I could only believe was his little swimmers. Underneath the condom was a note telling me that I wouldn't have had to clean out the trash, if I had let him put them where he wanted. Jerk, but it got me to thinking, he had already nutted in my mouth, did he really want to butt fuck me? Hmmm, I wonder what type of tips that would bring?

I got done with the rooms and it was about 5:30, so I headed over to get something to eat. The crew that would be headed out that night were already there eating, so I sat down with them. It wasn't long and the crew that had just came into town were came in to get something to eat also. Sven kept asking what was wrong with the room that I gave him and that he wanted a different room. I was starting to have as much fun with these guys as they were having with me. So the nine of us sat, ate, and BSed the time away. I was finding that a lot of time was spent just talking since the guys didn't really have anything else to do at the turnaround spot. Sven was still worrying about what was wrong with his new room assignment, he was so gullible. About 6:30 our friendly highway patrol officer showed up and joined us for dinner. He gave me a hard time about not getting my license plates renewed yet, but hey, I had a month so lots of time.

As they are all talking, I excuse myself under the pretense of having to check in with the office and make my way out of the restaurant. I am not lying, I do check in with the office to see if there are any updates and then headed to the restroom. I pulled my pants and boxers down, not because I was going to jack off or take a dump, but in case anyone could see into the cubicle, they wouldn't wonder why I was sitting there with my pants up. I only sat there a couple of minutes and I hear the door open and someone approach the urinal. Mind you this isn't those little urinals where everyone has their own spot, but a four foot long trough type urinal. In my little time here, I had learned to look at what people wore as I met them because it was so difficult to turn myself upside down to look thru the hole upward to see who people were without them seeing me peeking thru the hole. I just sat there and could glance thru the hole and have a pretty good idea who was who and this who was Sven. He must have followed me because there is a restroom in the restaurant. I sit there watching him and he pulls down his zipper and hauls out his cock. It appeared to be huge even though it was obviously still soft. He then pulls his balls out thru the zipper and steps back a foot from the urinal. He is slowly jacking off and tugging on his balls at the same time. He is having a good time putting on a show then turns and heads toward the hole in the wall. I am trying my best to stay under control and he pushes his cock into the hole and OMG, only a small portion of the head can come thru the hole. He is too big. I see his piss slit and it looks like it is forming a drop of precum and I am just ready to try to lick it off when I hear the restroom door open again. He pulls back and turns towards the urinal. I try to see who it is and it is the cop. He walks up to the urinal and tells Sven, "looks like you had the same idea that I had," and Sven stammers out a "huh?" The cops says, "to drain the lizard." "Oh yea, too much iced tea," Sven responds.

"So the Motel taking good care of you boys out here?" the cop asks and then adds "Danny says that the new kid they hired does a good job of taking care of the guest here as long as they take care of him." "Yes that is what he told me too, just haven't had a chance to let him take care of me yet, my first time here since he got hired." "Well take it easy on him, you are pretty big," the cop offers up and I can see that they are both still shaking their cocks at the urinal. I think the fear of the cop being in the restroom scared Sven because he had lost his hardon and the cop never got one, but that didn't stop them from milking their cocks down to get rid of any piss right in front of me. They were basically jacking off in front of each other. I pulled up my pants and left the cubicle and as I saw the two of them, I spoke and laughingly said, "Hey, remember what you told me, you shake it more than three times, you are playing with it." I laughed, Sven laughed and the cop told me to get out or he would bust my ass for something. I made a hasty retreat chuckling under my breath. I hung out at the front desk and it still took them another 5 minutes for them to come out. When they did, I just smiled at both of them, gave a little head nod and returned to work. Officer Ryan left through the front door and Sven came over to where I was hanging out. Sven kept insisting that I had changed his room assignment and gave him a "crap" room. I hadn't, actually, I hadn't even changed his room, just wanted him to think something was up. I finally asked him if he had the key to his room. He said "yes", we headed down the hall. When we got to the room, we entered, and I challenged him to find anything wrong with the room. He looks all over, checking the bed for bugs, everything and finally relents that there was nothing wrong with the room. He then walks over and playfully puts me in a headlock and tries to convince me that he was just making a fuss so I would come to his room so I could suck his dick. I just smiled and told him that sucking his dick was not going to happen right now because I had work to do. I think I caught him off guard and he says, "so it is going to happen, just not right now?" I just left him in his room pondering the conversation.

When I returned to the front counter, Officer Ryan was back in the office. I gave him a nod and asked what I could do for him. He tells me that he had already done an 8 hour shift and had to do a double and was this too early to take me up on the offer of a room. At that point, I didn't know what we had for empty rooms so I tossed him the key to my room because I knew I wouldn't be going to bed early and he only wanted to catch an hour nap then get back out of the road. He thanked me and headed off to get some sleep. I hung out in the lounge watching TV with the guys and sat in on a few hands of poker. I could really use a mellow night for a change. Neil was a man of his word and about an hour later he walks thru the lounge, gives me a wave and heads out to his patrol car. I had been lucky enough to dodge Sven for the evening, I think he was holed up in his room thinking I was going to join him and slobber all over his dick. Not tonight, Sven, not tonight.

I left and went to my room and to my surprise, the room was very tidy. I could tell the bed had been slept in because it wasn't made the way that the motel mandated, but otherwise, it was real clean. Also, there were tissues in the trash, but didn't know if it was snot or cock snot, so just left them there. I got undressed down to my boxers and crawled into bed. Once I laid my head on the pillow, I could smell him, so I knew that he had slept there. I fell asleep with my face buried in the pillow, just something about man smell. I don't know how long I had been sleeping when I became aware that there was someone in my room. I lay perfectly still and sort of tried to look around and figured it must be Officer Ryan back in the room. I figured he had forgotten something, but soon could tell that he was getting undressed. He was leaving a trail of clothes from the door to the bed. He pulls back the covers on the other side of the bed and crawls into the bed. I am on my side with my back to him still pretending to be asleep and I feel him inch closer and closer to me. Soon he has one arm under my head, the other over my side with his hand on my stomach and he is pulling himself into the big spoon position. I can feel the fleshiness of his cock resting against my boxers and he has his face buried into the back of my neck. I don't know if he is talking to me or himself, but he is muttering 'I am so fucking tired, so tired.' It was only a couple of minutes later that I hear his breathing mellow out and know that he has already fallen asleep. I wait and wait and he never moves, so I figure it is safe and I wanted to investigate his crotch mound. I slightly roll away from him to give me a little room between my ass and his cock and as I drop my hand down between us I realize that he is bare ass naked. I barely touch him and I hear, "If you wake it up, you will put it back to sleep and I am tired." With that he pulls me back into the spoon position and falls back to sleep. I don't know how long I lay there until I too fell back to sleep.

As I woke up in the morning, I could tell that Neil was a little harder than when he crawled into bed. I slid out of bed and went to take my shower to get my day going. When I came out of the shower, Neil had rolled over onto his back and it was quite evident that he was getting hard by the way the sheet tented up over his cock. Quietly I hear, "thank you", I turned and said for what? He says thank you for not making him hard last night so he would have had to fuck me to get back to sleep. I smiled and said, "not sure you are welcome for that, but..." I head out to the front desk to see where we were for trains and the first person I encounter is Sven. He has a stupid grin on his face and says, "you look like you are in a good mood, you get laid last night?" I just smiled back and said, "If you ass hurts, don't blame me, it wasn't me pounding on you" and continued walking to the office. I noticed when I got to the office one of the crews was getting to leave town so I checked them out and since the crew coming in was Danny and his band of merry men, I didn't have to greet them at the train depot. I got started cleaning rooms so I would be available to greet the crew with their room assignments when they got to the office. Since I knew which room Danny wanted, I only had to set up three other rooms.

Having them all ready, I went back to Danny's to make sure everything was right, I didn't need to be hearing his mouth run if things were not in order. As I put final touches on the room, I hear the door close and look up and it is Neil. He is smiling and unzipping his pants at the same time and says, "since I was tired last night, I was hoping you could help me out now before I go back to work." He had pulled his cock and balls out of his zipper and is moving in my direction. I sat down on the edge of the bed and in no time he is feeding me his cock. He has me by both sides of my head and is sliding in and out. He was just long enough to make my eyes water, but not so long that I had to gasp for air. I was slobbering all over his cock and licking his balls as he fed me. All the sudden he slows way down and I prepare myself to take is swimmers and then he stops. Soon he starts fucking my face again. In my mind, I am saying if you are going to cum, then cum because I have work to do, but no he stops again. This time, I try to keep sucking and bobbing and he just holds the head of his cock in my mouth. I reach up thinking he wants me to jack him off into my mouth and he pushes my hand away. I look up into his eyes and they are smiling. He says, "see I knew you wanted my cock and cum, but you will have to wait. I don't waste it in a mouth, one of these days I will be back to breed your ass with all my saved up swimmers." With that he pulls out of my mouth, zips up and tells me he will be in touch, but has to get to work and walks out of the room. I couldn't take it and went back to my room and jack off all over the sheets on the side of bed where he slept.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at lovmexjiz@aol.com and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 3

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