Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Jul 15, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

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Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly




I looked at them both. Eric, the boy who was promised to me in so many ways. The guy who would probably make me the happiest person in the world if I let him. I looked to the left of him, it was Robbie. The one that I couldn't forsake no matter how much I loved Eric. He was there now, as though he understood the sadness and anger that I felt with Eric's family. They were standing there watching me and all of a sudden I knew that I couldn't stay too long.

I ran out.

There was emotion there that I couldn't control. Sometimes I felt like that. Sometimes I felt like I wanted to run away, pick up all my shit and make a quick get away. I wondered if this was what was happening. So much shit was happening inside.

I needed time to breath.

Robbie and Eric were after me. They probably couldn't understand that I just needed a moment to be alone. They had chased me probably down the hall and probably even more. I ran, jumping over the stairs as though they were nothing. I ran.

"Come back!" I heard.

No! Not now. I gotta run away! I gotta run away some how...

The rain I heard was everywhere, the drizzle was pounding on the cement before I even left the building. The world around me seemed to be driving me insane. Seeing Robbie there, I knew that every emotion I had for him was beginning to stir up as though it had never gone anywhere before. I felt sadness...complete sadness and confusion.

I ran through the halls until I came outside, finally standing in the rain and feeling it. Finally knowing that it was going to rain on me, that the rain was never going to stop. I felt like leaving my father's house was going to stop it. There was soft music, playing in my heart and in my mind. It was the song that told me that I needed comfort finally. That emotion had become too much all of a sudden.

The yellow taxi pulled up in front of me.

I looked at his face. He was an old man, that I would never remember, that I would never think about a day in my life. Yet still I knew that the old taxi driver was my only comfort from the rain that had soaked me almost completely.

He rolled down his window.

"Its pouring out there! You need a ride?!"

I got in the car, knowing that I had no money on me. I didn't think on the end of the taxi ride, even though I never was the type to just wing something. This was different. Me, standing there, I worried about nothing but being taken out of the rain. I couldn't see five minutes ahead of me to tell you the truth. I pushed down into the seat, burying my wet clothes into the leather seat.

"When it rains it pours," he told me.

I nodded, agreeing with him. My father had told me that when it rained it pours.

"The rain seems to catch to you..." he said suddenly and I looked him into his eyes. Then he continued, "I mean, your soaked."

He let out a little laugh and so did I. The old guy was a sort of comfort, when no one else could offer it. I was soaked really. More then he could have known. I think he saw the emotion in my eyes, but he really didn't ask what it was about, but the way he talked, I knew that he knew about it. He was trying to be comforting, knowing that I was just what I looked like. I was a wet boy whose dreams and desires had somehow gotten mixed up. I was a wet, mulatto boy who all of a sudden just wanted to get away.

We sat in that car for a little while till he suddenly spoke to me slowly.

"So where we headed to boss?"

I looked out the window. The rain was all around us. I remember where we were going. There was a dark bridge up ahead. They had called it the Raritan bridge. It was a little bridge, over a big river. I had been there only once, with my father. Or maybe it was a dream...I didn't remember now. I didn't remember anything now but knowing that I had to get away.

"I guess across the bridge, then I'll tell you after that where to go."

We were approaching the bridge soon and I could see the eyes of him following me. He was looking into my eyes. The old man was searching into them as though he had seen something in them. I knew there was nothing in my eyes but emptiness. Still I wasn't afraid to look back into his eyes, so that hopefully he could tell me what it was he was looking at. He didn't...until...

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing boss..."

I turned away but all of a sudden caught his eye again. I wondered if he was some kind of freak of a sort, "What is it you want?"

We slowly were approaching the Raritan Bridge now. The lights adorned everywhere. I looked at them, like I had never heard them before. I wanted to tell him to turn on the radio, but I knew I was being haunted. I knew what would have played on that radio should he turn it on.

"I been a taxi driver for almost 20 years, boss," he told me, "There was only one time I saw someone like you come into my cab. There are nothing in your eyes, boy. There is no soul. I know that you are leaving behind your soul and trying to run away. Am I right boss?"

I paused and looked out at the rain hitting the pavement.

"I guess..."

"You are gonna run for a lifetime. You are going to hide in your own shadow soon. Sometimes, things get too much for us to handle. Sometimes people run away, but when they come back...they realize that everything they had...everything that meant something to them is gone. Is that what you want boss?"

I was crying now, "I got problems that I gotta find answers to."

"Boss, I know. But ask yourself right now. Where are the answers to the questions? Have you ever spent your time hiding behind a curtain, not knowing that the pain will go away? I know you are trying to be happy boss, but right now you gotta stop and think whether you are solving your problems or simply being a coward and hiding from them. Do you know what I mean? Dig a little deeper, boss..."

"A little deeper...TURN AROUND!"

"Yeah boss, you get it. No way to turn around now, though. But when I cross the bridge. We'll turn around. Alright boss?"

I couldn't wait, but all of a sudden, I knew that the rain wasn't raining on me anymore. I was going to be happy and dig a little deeper. I thanked the old man and suddenly laid back into the backseat of the car. The rain was beating on the hood trying to reach me, but not this time. This time I was well protected. It couldn't touch me. I would go back...bring Eric and Robbie into the rain and tell them that they would get along. I would tell Robbie what I couldn't tell him before. I would tell him that I was going to marry Eric. I would tell Eric that I wanted Robbie in my life, a friend, no matter what. I could see it now...they would agree...because they both loved me so much. They would agree...

We were on the bridge now and I was feeling as though my life would only start to begin. I was going to be reborn today and finally tell them what I was meaning to tell them this whole time. The lights had put me in the mood. My clothes had dried. My hair wasn't as wet. I dried the last bit of tears that fell from my eyes.


Suddenly I heard the taxi driver hit his breaks. I could feel us going up to the bridge and a car passed us almost immediately, seeming to be going about triple the speed limit. He raced past us, barely hitting us.

I looked into the car, catching the boy's eyes. There was one boy. He had hazel eyes, no not contacts. I could tell contacts. They were real hazel eyes. He was in the passenger seat. He stared back at me. He was terrified as the driver of the car sped past us. We exchanged the longest glance within those few seconds that I saw him. I knew there was something wrong all of a sudden.

"These goddam kids..." the old man said suddenly, putting two hands behind the wheel.

"What is that?" I asked pointing up.

Suddenly I could hear a loud horn and saw something up forward. At first it seemed like nothing probably just a bright light, but then I heard a loud crash. The young boy had stopped suddenly in the middle of the road and he was rammed by another car. The car behind him had suddenly flipped over both of them and stood sideways on the road! The next car crashed suddenly turning over like the rest, then we came...our taxi.

I felt our car skid on the rain on the slippery bridge. I remember hearing the old man screaming and cursing suddenly I remember the hard thump against my back. I thought I was gonna lose conscienceless. My eyes rolled in the front of my head as my body jerked forward. I could feel the car start to flip. I could feel my heart almost stop as we grinded against the rail of the bridge. I knew I was no longer in the seat. Not anymore. I was pressed up against the window and out the window I could see water...the water from the river. It was so far away that I was sure we were still on the bridge. I couldn't feel my left leg and I knew I was bleeding. The taxi was almost falling off the bridge I could notice now. There was another car sitting beneath us that held us almost like a rock keeping a tilting stick from collapsing over.

I wondered if the old man was still alive. He didn't make any sounds. I couldn't see him. I could only move my eyes. I didn't have the courage to move at all. I could hear something. Almost like a loud sound, wondering if there was another that fell into the trap of the bridge. There was a loud blaze and I could see a spark as I could see everything being engulfed with red and suddenly I could feel the car that was sitting beneath us suddenly fall, it fell off the bridge, awaiting whatever fate it was. Others cars around us were suddenly falling from the explosion, sending about eight or nine cars. There were more explosions. I prayed our car wouldn't be next, but I felt it tipping slowly.

I suddenly had the feeling, as the glass gave way. I fell out of the car somehow, but I was still falling, falling off the fall bridge.

All of a sudden...I wondered if I was flying, but I was falling. I was falling off the bridge.

No pain, no rain and no emotion.

I didn't know who this boy was. I knew his name was Damien.

I met him at his funeral.

I had seen him once before. I had seen him the day that he died. The big car accident. It was on the news as the biggest tragedy on this side of the state. It was a thirty car pile up. I was in it of course. I had seen the boy's face. My car was one of the lucky cars. We had been hit, but far ahead from where the fires engulfed the other cars and sent the ones closer to the edge over the bridge. I had remembered the explosion as though it had happened just the other day.

Damien was the only one that hadn't been found. The taxi that he was in was found and so was the driver's body. They were sitting at the bottom of the river, stuck somehow. About five other cars also took a plunge into the water. All of there bodies were accounted for except Damien. Of course he was dead. After almost a year, he had been announced legally dead, even though his body couldn't have been found due to the circumstances around his disappearance. Most everyone involved in the pileup was dead and definitely everyone that had managed to be involved in the explosion was dead. Then again there was Damien. He was in the pileup, the explosion and even was in one of the cars to plummet out into the river.

There was no way he was alive.

I put my hand on Eric's shoulder, but he pulled away quickly. He wasn't crying like I thought he would have been doing. I heard that they were really...close...

"Sorry Eric."

"He's not dead. I don't know what there is to say sorry about."

He said it a little loud and I saw a couple of people at the memorial look at us. Eric was in the front isle of the seat and I was there with him. See Eric and I were friends for almost 10 years. I think he was the first friend I ever had. I was on my way to visit him when the accident occurred.

There was so much I wanted to tell Eric about the details of the accident, but knew even though he wasn't crying. He was very emotionally unstable.

There was no body at the memorial. There was nothing but a huge picture of Damien smiling happily in front of everyone. It was enough to send the whole congregation into tears though. I looked in the eyes of everyone. A boy had gone up to talk. He stood there in front of everyone. He didn't have a piece of paper in his hands like everyone else did, but he seemed to be so nervous. They had asked Eric to read, but Eric refused, still keeping to the story that he wasn't dead. But when this other boy came up to read, he looked right into Eric's eyes. There was something there. It wasn't sympathy or remorse, not this was hate. I had never seen a hate so pure from one person to another. Eric's glare back was almost similar. Then Eric suddenly put his head down, biting on his lips.

The boy began to speak, crying so much that I could hardly hear his words, "My name is Robbie. I was perhaps Damien's best friend. You know, the Ancient Egyptians said that before someone could enter the afterlife, they would have to answer two questions truthfully. The first was 'Did you bring joy' and the second one was, 'Did you find joy.' I believed Damien brought more joy to me than anyone that I ever knew. Whether or not, he found the same joy in me that I found in him is still a mystery. Still I know that no afterlife could keep a person like Damien out."

He had collapsed all of a sudden in a overbearing sadness. I had never seen so many people emotional. It was almost like Damien had died and left half the population with HIV or something. I wondered if anyone would shed half the amount of tears for me as they did for this strange boy whose picture had already begun to haunt my head.

I looked around and saw the guy that was Damien's father. He was acting much like Robbie had been acting. He was in tears and had a woman by him to comfort him. She cried thoroughly herself. Behind them there were teens about Damien's age. They all cried thoroughly. I had never seen so many people at a funeral before. It seemed like the whole town had showed up.

"So what's up with you coming here all of a sudden?" I heard Eric finally when everyone was getting together and letting an informality out.

Again this wasn't a funeral. It was a memorial. They seemed very comfortable remembering Damien around his picture. We were in a church of course. Everyone was using this moment to burn candles in front of Damien's pictures and put flowers there.

"Ahh, would you believe I missed you?" I told him and began to laugh almost hoping that he would laugh too, but then I remembered that we were at a goddam memorial.

"Why you really here?" he asked me.

"Well see, I had a little business proposition with you," I told him, "Remember my cousin Jay. He's couldn't make it here because he had to be somewhere real important, but the thing is...never mind we'll talk later about it. How about we go for dinner..."

"I'm really not in the mood today."

"Its cool. I mean I'll make an appointment."

"So where have you been Adrian? I mean you disappear for almost 10 years. Then suddenly appear out of no where. Sorry you have to see me like this..."

I knew what he was talking about. He looked almost miserable. He tried to hide it and look strong, but I could see that he hadn't slept for almost ever. His usually light brown caramel complexion had gone completely red, almost like a cherry. He had tears in his eyes but wasn't crying. I could see he at least tried to fix himself up. He had his jelled down and the back was a little cut puff of hair as a ponytail. It was different from the boy I knew as a kid, who always either had his hair braided or tucked under a scarf. He looked almost more mature.

"He was just your friend?" I asked and immediately I felt the pain running through my stomach. I had heard that they were more then friends, but I DEFINITELY wouldn't think Eric went that way.

He was crying now. Lightly and look up at Damien's picture. He didn't want to answer.

"Eric, you can talk to me about it. I mean this is a memorial."

"I know what the FUCK it is!" He said suddenly calling out so loud that a lot of people turned to look at us.

I hid my face a little embarrassed.

He continued, "My bad. That was my fault. Its just I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"Its cool. Wanna go burn this candle I bought?"

He gave me a quick touch on the shoulder, "Thanks a lot."

He took the candle and I followed him for some sort of support. It was the best time to go up there. Most of the people were either on there way out or getting ready to leave by the cars. I stood a little off, not wanting to get too close. He went in front of the picture and lit the candle. He was holding it and looking up at the picture of Damien. It was then that I knew for sure that they must have had something...something that I probably wouldn't understand, but I was gonna try for sure.

Suddenly I looked out and saw that boy. That boy that had said his name was Robbie. He was alone and the look on his face was as sour as though he just seen the most sickening thing ever. He walked right past Eric and I could tell that Eric didn't notice him, because he was in such a meditation with Damien.

Robbie walked up to me and looked at me, "Who the hell are you?"

I held my breath wondering why he wanted to know, "I'm a friend of Eric's."

"A 'friend', huh?" he asked.

I noticed that this was a memorial for Damien and with his strange questions, I knew that I had to somehow bring the subject back to why we were all here, I nodded, "Were you real close to Damien?"

"Very, very close," he told me. He said it almost like he was angry. A little angry at me. I couldn't tell why, but then I remembered how he looked at Eric.

"You close to Eric?" I asked.

He began to laugh. He was laughing so loud that he seemed to wake Eric up. Eric put down the candle and walked over to us. He walked right up to the other boy as though he was going to hit him, but suddenly he stopped.

"Don't talk to this cat, Adrian. He's trouble," Eric had finally said.

"He was talking to me," I replied.

"You got a nerve," I heard Robbie say to Eric as he moved closer to the memorial of Damien, "You bring this guy to Damien's memorial. You must have lost your mind."

"You have no idea what you're even talking about," Eric said, "Adrian is my friend from a long time that came into town to see me."

"I hate him," Robbie suddenly said and I noticed he was speaking about Damien, "No one had ever gotten to me. I had made sure of that. Until he came along. With an angel's glow, he brought my soul joy...joy...joy..."

"Adrian, lets go talk about that business you came here to talk about."

I stopped wondering why that other boy, Robbie, thought that it was something more. There was anger between the two of them. I didn't understand it but I wanted to know. I wondered if Eric was going to tell me, but something told me it had to do with Damien. I wondered if it was sparked by Damien's death...or probably it was even before that. The secrets of Damien seemed to interest me.

I knew that it wasn't the last time I was going to hear of this Damien. I wanted to know everything. I knew it wasn't my business. But I remembered how he looked at me. He was the one who looked at me on the bridge. I knew it. I looked into his eyes while he looked into my hazel eyes.

I was in that car, with Jay as we sped. We had caused the crash and the whole accident. I felt almost responsible even though it was Jay driving. Jay doesn't drive anymore. I had given Jay all those drinks that made him so tipsy that day we went joy riding. It was my fault that Damien had died and that these people were crying. It was my fault that one of my first friends, Eric, was all of a sudden sent into a what seemed like a lifetime depression. I promised Jay I would never tell anyone that it was us who caused the accident. No one ever really knew how the accident started. No questions were answered. Most of the evidence had went up in flames.

Damien was dead...but his story had stirred up so many people. Suddenly a whole neighborhood had been awoken. His rain had finally stopped, but the memory of him had stirred up more rain.

ThanX to



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