Rain on Me

By Sammie G

Published on Mar 11, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a FICTIONAL story describing the love triangle of a teenage boy. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then refrain from reading it. The story consists of lust, incest, passion, teenage romance, interracial, love and all the rest of the good stuff in that order... Prepare to be rained on.

Feel free to send respect, questions or comments about the story to

Sum1pleZzCall911@hotmail.com - Definition of Rain \ r-an\ v 2: To bestow abundantly



"Morning." "Morning," Eric said as he entered into the kitchen and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He squeezed me tight around my waste and prolonged the kiss already touching my private area to get me a little hard. I knew what he was doing. It was Monday morning and my father had just left for work. Dina was still up in her bedroom sleeping while Robbie was standing in the kitchen making us some breakfast. I was standing opposite Robbie at the kitchen counter having a conversation when Eric walked in. I knew that Eric was trying to make Robbie feel jealous. I didn't know if it worked at first because I wasn't really paying attention to Robbie's reaction. Eric was a lot more aggressive passionately when Robbie was around and I guessed it was a good thing. I prayed that Robbie wouldn't get too mad about something though. It has been almost a week now that Eric, my boyfriend, has been staying with us. Both of their faces healed up and so the reminder of the big fight was beginning to slip away slightly. They both looked like supermodels in my house. Robbie (for the first time in his life) just ignores Eric every time he's around. It is the same thing for Eric as well. Dina seemed to be the most outspoken one though. She was so angry that the boy who beat up her son was in the house that she was threatening to break her engagement to my father. They argued on it constantly to the point where my father would break something against the wall and Dina would call the cops on him for domestic abuse. Yet she was the same one who would go pick him up at the station and spend the rest of the day in her room with him doing freaky shit. Dina seemed to catch onto my relationship with Eric being more than just a friendship because of Robbie's big mouth. She tried to tell my father about it, but he never seemed to care. He was real friendly to Eric and at times they were tighter than I was with my father. Dina scorned Eric though. All her anger was used out on him now and I was spared for a while. She would always tell him that his hair was long like a girl. She would say that he was too short to be the same age as Robbie. She asks him why his parents both dated outside their races to make someone so yellow. "You want to do something today?" he asked me, still not letting go of my waist until I almost was leaning over the cabinet. "Well Robbie and I were going to go shopping for the party tonight." "What party?" Robbie gave out a little laugh, probably teasing me that Eric didn't remember, but I just grunted at him and took Eric's hands off my waist. "My birthday party," I told him, feeling a little disappointed but not showing it because I didn't want to make him thing I was too sentimental about those sort of things. I knew that he cared about me, regardless of whether he remembered my birthday or not. He seemed a little confused and shot Robbie one of those looks that said, 'You better shut the hell up.' It wasn't a long look though and he looked back at me quickly. "I'm sorry," he said and the look in his eyes was real sincerity, "I know that your birthday is tomorrow, but didn't know you were having a party tonight. If you want me to come..." "No, we'll handle it," I told him and patted him on the shoulder. Then I teased him lightly; "You might forget why we went shopping for in the first place." I laughed and Robbie sneered a little. I was surprised when Eric didn't laugh. He was always so serious. He turned around and went to the counter, his face grimacing with a little embarrassment. His light brown skin was easily blushed and it had turned into a pinkish chestnut. I looked at Robbie, almost trying to ask him what I did wrong. Robbie read my mind and shrugged his shoulders in puzzlement. I got off my stool and went to Eric, who was sitting in the chair, sulky like a little ass kid. "Eric, I was just joking," I told him, "You take shit too serious." "Am I a joke to you?" he asked me real seriously. I didn't answer his question and tried to shut him up with Robbie sitting at the counter with a big grin on his face. "What is it with you and mornings?" I teased, but Eric didn't break his sobriety. "My problem is you're really starting to become just like Robbie and his friends. Now, you're just doing things to get a laugh. Just to make Robbie laugh." Not this again! He was on the same old issue about me trying to please Robbie more than I tried to please him. His insecurity was one time something that was cute and playful, but when it starts to get irritating to the point when everything I do is offensive to him, I just want to roll back and let things play off. I tried not to rage the subject any more, "You really want to talk about this now? Robbie is right here nosing into our business." "Dame, Damien! Don't shit in your drawers," Robbie said and I squirmed to hear what was coming next; "Oh I forgot! You don't wear drawers." I wasn't too mad at Robbie for saying that. He usually said it to me, when he was trying to joke about it. Robbie was a big joker and that is something that isn't too formal with Eric. He teased me from the moment we had that "rendezvous" in my room. I was blushing by now, sort of regretting that the whole morning even started and then looking out at Eric. He wasn't happy. I could see how much he cared about me, but there wasn't anything of love in his eyes. At that moment he was looking at me with a big disappointment. "How would he know something like that?" I turned my head and didn't answer. Eric walked out of the room soon after, probably taken my neglect of response. I wanted to run after him but I felt Robbie's hand suddenly pull me back as though trying to tell me something. "We better hurry up Damien," he told me and turned his eyes towards the door, "We're gonna miss the bus that goes downtown." He was right! I grabbed my coat and looked around. Robbie wasn't the smartest person but he was very self-conscience. He checked the time almost every five minutes. At times, he told me about when he would just wake up in the morning to check the clock. I was never sure why Robbie was so accurate with time but flunked math repeatedly. I think that he was just didn't want to waste any of his life, but then again Robbie never moved extra fast doing things either. He just did things on time. I trusted that the bus was coming and grabbed my coat. I followed closely behind Robbie, close enough to make them know that we were walking together but not close enough for people to think there was anything more. It was really because I respected Robbie and knew that everywhere we go, girls would be looking at him about a couple of seconds before they looked at me. He just had this glow about him that I couldn't have. I didn't know why but I thought it was because of his smile. Robbie smiled a lot too. He started up a whole different conversation when we were walking and seeing him smile as he did so, made me smile too even though the conversation wasn't too smile-initiating. I sat next to Robbie on the bus, mostly because the conversation he was starting with me really interested me. We were talking about gay marriages. It was a real old ass joint to talk about for young ass kids like us, but it wasn't really too interesting. "There's nothing wrong with it," I said, "I mean it is breaking the law, but laws can always be changed. I think it is mainly because of religion." "Well, I don't like it, at all," he told me, then laughed as though suddenly changing his mind, "Unless it's with you." The bus wasn't too packed, but I was still scared that someone had heard Robbie. I wanted to punch him in his lip for saying it as loud as he did, but I just hit him in his side. It only made him laugh more and then made me laugh more. No one heard us, because nobody was paying much attention to a couple of kids in the back of the bus talking mad loud like the own the dame bus. Robbie had that thing about him when he said things like that. It was like he was just playing but he was being serious too. After he laughed, he sexed himself up again and started licking his lips and staring deep into my eyes. His face had healed way before Eric's face had healed and it was looking probably even better than it looked before Eric beat him up. He was looking way better. We went shopping downtown for all the major things that we were going to need for the party. I was real particular about the things I bought. I wanted everything to be the color red. It wasn't a gang thing or anything like that, it was just red had always meant a symbol for youth to me. I was trying to hang onto the days when I was young. Now I was turning 16. It wasn't a real major difference, but it was important to me. I was going to become a man in many ways. This was the year that I would learn to drive and all that. I was excited in some ways. Robbie really tried to argue about the red color but in the end everything was red. The balloons, the plastic cups and the streamers were all tinted crimson red. Robbie kept making jokes about me acting like a chick on her menstrual cycle because the only color I saw was red. We stayed downtown late into the afternoon preparing for the part. Everything seemed to be going good too. Robbie and I went to get a haircut at the same Barbershop and then we started walking around to see if we could find something to wear for the party. We ended up spending hours downtown, because everywhere we went, someone recognized Robbie and stopped to talk to him. Robbie was rude to some of them, giving them a brush off and making them feel like shit, but he did talk to the fly girls that came to talk to him. That was a bad thing about Robbie. He really did know that he was better than most and so he knew that most were inferior to him. He wasn't that kind of sweet guy who let people think that he was friendly to everybody. He wasn't trying to win Mr. Congeniality. His attitude was shit but his physical features were like a taste of heaven. Robbie constantly reminded me that I was mulatto but his hair was smoother than mine was. He let me know these little annoying things about himself while pulling down my self-esteem in the meanwhile. It was almost as though Robbie was the cool, funny boy and Eric was the exactly opposite shy, modest one. Robbie was still popular because of his model-like looks though. Altogether we were stopped almost 20 times because of all the people who knew Robbie. We got home and I found out that Eric wasn't anywhere in sight. I figured he probably got mad and didn't want me to meet him home when I came in. It didn't bother me much though, because my mind was preoccupied with the party. Robbie promised he would help me hang up all the decorations too. Without him, I probably would have just went to sleep and waited until Eric came home to help me with them, from laziness. Robbie and I started hanging up the streamers in the living room and hanging the balloons near the kitchen door. Robbie seemed to know a lot about parties. He gave me advice on where to keep the chair and where to keep room for the dancers. He told me how I could get the flashing blue light to start and even told me that he would D.J for the party. Robbie took off his shirt when he started to vacuum. I almost got a hard-on when I saw the Tyson Beckford abs lean and stretch out. He was a perfect sculpture at the age of 17. He looked so comfortable without the shirt while we worked in our hot surroundings that I got jealous and did the same thing. I threw my shirt and the chair and went into the kitchen to fix the light bulb. The light bulb had completely gone out and as I reached to replace it I couldn't do it. "Ey Robbie!" Robbie was about the same height as me and it wouldn't help for him to try and reach it. We had taken all the chairs into the cellar so everyone would be dancing for our party. The table was too heavy to slide across the floor. So we came up with another idea. He decided to pick me up. I tried not to think about his body as he grappled my upper thighs and lifted me. His mouth was a little open from the strain and my crotch was right his face! Thinking about it made me start to get a little hard and I rushed trying to fit the bulb in quickly. A spark of electricity came from the source. Robbie lost his balance and we both came tumbling down. Without even realizing it I was sitting on Robbie's chest, no I was sitting on his dick. The only thing that separated my ass from his dick were our denim jeans. I swayed my weight a little, so that the realization that my ass was sitting on a wrong spot would make me get aroused again. I thought about Eric and pushed off his chest to get off. Robbie had let out a short giggle when we were falling but now his face was serious, as his hand held mine on his chest. It felt so good... "What's going on?" Eric said suddenly. Eric was standing at the door, watching me sitting on top of Robbie. "I know what it looks like," I stuttered, pushing off of Robbie as Robbie burst out in laughter, "The only thing that happened was that I fell on top of Robbie. We were fixing the bulb." "I know that, I saw it from the stairs, but why did it take you so long to get off," Eric asked me. I looked at Robbie for suggestions. Nothing... Eric turned around again, "Never mind, but there are already people in the living room for the party." Robbie jumped off the floor immediately and I had already started to walk down the hallway. The living room was just off to the right and I could already see crowds of people already on the dance floor. I didn't know who was playing the music, but I figured it was Tiara who had promised to bring some D.J equipment. I was in a rush and quickly hurried up to the stairs, trying not to let anyone see me while I was sweaty and tired. I ran up to the bathroom, which was on the second floor. I stood in front of the faucet looking at the gigantic mirror that Dina had bought. The mirror showed my entire body. It was one of those times that I didn't just feel like I was handsome. After seeing Robbie's abs again, it was like mine just still didn't match up. My face wasn't a cute as his was. I realized that being so close to Robbie made me feel like shit about myself, because he was so physically perfect. He was so pretty that he 'had' to play sports just other dudes wouldn't see him as a pretty boy. I wanted to be like that so bad, but I wasn't. I had normal average features that didn't stick out too much. I 'had' to wear loud clothes, just so that I didn't fall in with the rest of the crowd. I undressed and just when I got into the shower, I heard the door opening. I turned to see a shadow from behind the shower curtain. I knew it was Robbie even before he said anything. "Damien, I'm coming in." I thought he was joking, "No you're not." "Really, you take long ass showers, Dee," he insulted me and then laughed, jokingly, "Have you seen the crowd down there? The party started without us. We might as well bunk up for a shower, so that we could both enjoy the party. Its not like I'm gonna try anything." He was right in some ways. The party did already start and it was crowded, but I really didn't take long ass showers. I could already smell into his game, but I really wasn't denying it. I didn't know why. I was probably upset with Eric's overprotective attitude and beginning to believe that since Robbie hadn't really pushed up on me for a whole day, he would keep that act going. I didn't say anything as I saw the curtain open and knew he was climbing into the shower behind me. I tried to firm up my ass, not because I knew Robbie wanted to fuck it, but because I didn't want him to think that he had a better ass than I did. I knew he was staring at it from the moment he jumped into the shower. We didn't talk for a while, but Robbie was really close to me because the fall of the water was short and came only in the front area of the bath. Finally I realized that Robbie had the soap and it was a reason to turn around and see what Robbie was really staring at. When I turned around, I nearly wrapped Robbie's dick around my leg. He wasn't too hard, but he was long, not really thick like Eric, but long. I could see almost seven inches in a semi-erect cock. As I brushed up against his cock, he staggered back a little. It was the first time that I saw Eric wet. He looked even more perfect. His lips soaked up the waters and than drained them out in soft droplets. His body looked like sprinkling showers on the concrete. "Good," he said when I turned around and grabbed the soap, "I need to scrub my back for me." "Why?" "I can't reach it," he laughed and for a minute I grinned at my own stupidity. Feeling guilty for treating him with so much suspicion, I agreed to scrub his back. I noticed soft moans as I guided the soap into the middle of his back, but they weren't moans that signified erotic pleasure only a sort of relief that happened when you scratch an itch. The moans started getting more passionate as I continued down his back. I began to realize that Robbie was really enjoying it. He had flattened his stomach against the shower wall and had his ass sticking out as if inviting me to go down there. I hesitated, remembering Eric again and just as I was about to move my hand, Robbie came once again showing that he was stronger than me by sticking my hand on his ass. I had dropped the soap, so now it was only my bare hand on his ass. It didn't seem to matter to him as he called out, "Ohh. I wanna fuck you so bad! Ohh! You like that? You can fuck me!" "Robbie, stop joking around." He wasn't joking. He put my middle finger between his crack and kept it there as he started to grind against my finger. It felt so warm, almost like my finger had been stuck between too hard pillows. "Ahh, You want this ass don't you? You want to put your big dick in it and pound it until your cum leaks from it. Or you want me to fuck 'you' so hard until you fucking piss on yourself!" He was grinding harder against my finger, making his ass cheeks swallow my finger until I couldn't even see traces that my middle finger still existed. He talked dirty even more, his words like hypnosis, making me actually believe I wanted to do some of those things. Suddenly I pulled back, thinking of Eric. I didn't just pull, back, but I tossed my body back feeling that I needed to get distracted by pain so that I couldn't do what I was thinking about when my middle finger was stuck between Robbie's ass cheek. I kept thinking about Eric, thinking about what Eric would think if he found us like that. "No! Robbie, why do you keep on doing this?" I asked him and pushed my head back, "I care about Eric. We aren't going to get married or anything, but it is just one of those relationship where we understand each other too much just to be friends. Eric and I are deeper than just sex." "Fuck!!" Robbie cried out and came out of the shower following me, his almost hard dick swinging like a rope; "Does he think the same thing about you, Damien?" "What do you mean?" I asked suddenly confused that after all the affection Eric's shown me, Robbie would doubt his feelings for me. "Remember Tim? I just saw ol' Tim Tim all over Eric before I came up here to take a shower. I heard some people are downstairs in the basement trying to get their dicks sucked too. I wonder if Eric is one of them?" I jumped out of the bathroom, partly because I was angry with Robbie for hitting on me when he said he wouldn't and second because I wanted to see if what he was saying about Eric was true. Robbie didn't lie, but I didn't think Eric would cheat on me. I ran to my room and tried to put on some clothes. I really wasn't too particular about the clothes I was wearing. I ended up picking out an outfit that Robbie and I bought when we went out earlier. I didn't really fix my hair or dry my skin from the shower. I kept thinking about Eric. I was going to tell him everything now. I was going to tell him about how Robbie kept trying to fuck me, but how I never let him. I knew Eric was going to be so proud. I got my clothes on and opened the door, hearing the loud music beginning to play already. Everything was so dark and it was hard to even walk down the stairs. People were passing around liquor in the party and I knew that I probably would have gotten a big ass fine I the cops came by, still nothing mattered at the moment. I was so emotional, feeling like I finally got down to all Of Robbie's evil tricks when he tried to seduce me. Tim. Timothy Grains was the only Tim that I knew. He was the one who was always trying to be around me for a while and always asking me these different questions. If there were such a word for a male slut, he would be it. Everyone knew that he was gay. He was really open about it. People spread rumors that the only reason he followed Robbie around everywhere was because he was trying to suck Robbie's dick. Timothy Grains was really open about his sexuality too. He tried to fuck teachers, deans, students and once even tried to fuck my father. I didn't trust him for the moment, when I couldn't spot him on the dance floor. People were really drinking and conversing more than they were dancing acting like it was some kind of club. There were a lot of slutty people there though, probably because a lot of the people there were Robbie's friends. A couple of the girls started grabbing me and asking me to dance. Some of them went to grab my ass and some even tried to grab my dick. I managed to pull away and go into the D. J booth, which was just the kitchen cellar. Sure enough, Tiara was there, playing the D. J. "Where's Eric?" I asked her immediately as I entered. "I think he went to the basement for a drink." For a drink, she had mentioned. He hadn't gone there to fuck, but for a drink. A little weight went off my chest as I looked around and tried to find my way to the D. J booth. Robbie was waiting for me outside the booth, almost like he knew that I would go in there. As soon as I came out I tried to walk away but he jumped in front of me. "Damien, I care about you," he told me, almost like I didn't know that already, "I don't wanna see you get hurt. If Eric hurts you, I'm gonna go fucking crazy!" "Do what you want," I scowled and turned to walk away. I didn't care if he was joking or not now. I knew then that Robbie would do anything just to get into my ass. I knew he wanted it only because he knew that Eric wanted it even more and Eric's reason for wanting my ass was better. Eric's reason was love. I managed to push past him and go down into the basement. It was dark and already I could smell the sex in the air. It was hot in the basement, hotter than it usually was down there. I saw a couple of girls who were tongue kissing a couple of guys on the old sofa. The small laundry rooms that we had were being used as almost sex room. Small moans were coming from each room and I knew that other things besides kissing must have been going on. I remembered locking the basement door because I knew something like this was going to come up, but I figured Robbie opened the door because he wanted something like this to happen. I found a friend who was getting fondled by this blonde girl on the far end of the basement near the opening of the bathroom. "Yo, you seen Eric?" I asked him. He gave out a short grunt and then pointed down the hall towards the small bedroom that Dina had installed just in case she wanted space to herself. She never really used the small bedroom, but Robbie usually went down there to play cards with his friends or fool around with some chicken-heads. I went to the room immediately because I knew that there was no lock on the door. I didn't bother to knock, I mean, it was my house! It was my birthday party! I never told anyone that they could be in the basement. When I opened the door, at first I thought that it was a girl and a boy, but then I realized it was too boys. When I noticed the two boys, I looked at their faces. At first I saw the braids of the one with light skin. He had long hair that came down to his shoulders. His skin was a caramel brown color and he had soft freckles that showed he was mulatto. It was Eric. The other boy was clearly Timothy Grains, the smutty ass dude was bent over on the bed, on his hands and knees. He was ass naked. Eric was at the foot of the bed, standing up and grappling onto Timothy's waist as he shoved his dick up Timothy's ass. Timothy moaned deeply, in pleasure. He was laughing and giggling in excitement. Eric was pounding into the ass harder, pulling his dick out so far that I could see the red tip and then slamming it back into Tim's ass again. Eric wasn't really naked though. He had just pulled his pants down and his shirt covered the top part of his ass. Eric had a yellow condom on his dick and Timothy had a box of condoms in his hands (probably because he expected to be fucking a lot of people all night). I watched desperately as Eric grabbed onto the boy from behind so tightly as though he was trying to explore different pieces of the boy that he never knew. He pounded into his ass and I realized that Eric had never fucked another boy's ass before. The way he did it was almost like he was excited about it. He kept pounding, harder and harder faster and faster. He didn't make any noises like he did when we fucked in the bathroom, but I could see how he moved his waist that he was having a good time pounding into Tim's ass. My heart began to drop. I fell to the floor in tears with no other choice but to watch Eric go into the boy. I kept seeing Eric's thrust, as his ass tightened up and he rapidly stroked Tim. He was so excited. My heart cried with my tears. My mouth went dry. I thought I was going to faint, but I couldn't. All I did was watch, helplessly. I fell to the floor and started to cry like a little girl. Eric wouldn't stop! He kept doing it, pounding into the boy and pounding even harder when he heard Tim's loud shrieks, "OH, I love you, I love you!" I started to cry even louder. Eric wouldn't stop! Finally Tim turned around to face the doorway and saw me sitting there. He pointed and shrieked a little bit. Eric didn't move when he saw me he stayed there, his dick still in the boy and chanted, "Oh god! Oh god, no! Please no!" I was thinking the same thing. Still, Eric hadn't spoken to me, he spoke to God. Only God could forgive for such a thing. I was lost in my tears. I was lost in my sadness and within me, my own voice mourned; "Oh, God, I love this man. How could this be? He stole my heart without mercy And now I he uses dynamite to finish the rest of me?" He staggered off his feet and I watched as he and Tim tried their best to put back on their clothes without tripping over their own bodies. Eric looked so beautiful to me, even now. His sweet look making me wish that I hadn't fallen for him, then I wouldn't have hurt so much right now. I finally got off my feet and started to walk away, knowing that they wouldn't follow me too soon because they still weren't dress fully. I made my way up the stairs and at the top of the stairs I saw him...Robbie. His body was something like an angel, seeming to call me home after I lived my world of distress. He had told me that he didn't want to see me hurt, but I ran into his arms crying. For the first time Robbie embraced me in front of his friends, showing no concern about whom in the party was looking. He hugged tightly as I cried on his chest. "I didn't want to see you this hurt," Robbie told me, "You make me crazy when you get hurt. Don't worry. I'll make everything better. I'll fix 'everything'". He picked my head up and kissed me, there in the middle of the dance floor, where it was so romantic. Even though no one could see us because it was dark, it seemed as though he would be my umbrella in the rain, but only for a while. The rain hadn't stopped yet...

Next: Chapter 9

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