Rainy Day Discoveries

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Feb 18, 2010



Rainy Day Discoveries By Storyguy22

Being as covert as he could manage, Josh watched Rick run his towel through his thick brown hair, drying it after his shower. The stunning boy who had long filled all of Josh's masturbatory fantasies was at his gym locker, maybe fifteen feet from Josh's position in front of his own locker, but Josh was certain that he could smell the hunky teen's scents.

Letting his hungry gaze drift over Rick's svelte body he felt his young penis stir under the towel that he had draped over his lap, and he idly adjusted it to allow for the expansion that was certainly coming. He settled his eyes on Rick's white boxer briefs, and the well packed bulges he saw stirred his cock even further as it went to full erection, creating a tent in his towel. Man, he thought, no wonder I can't get this guy out of my mind, he is freaking beautiful, no doubt about it.

And, had Josh somehow taken a poll on that opinion he would have found the vast majority of those so polled in agreement. Rick was indeed a very good looking boy with a body that mirrored the symmetry of those old Greek statues without having the overdone appearance of a body builder. Instead, Rick's body had the look of a swimmer, lean and solid without any apparent softness anywhere. At just under six feet tall, Rick weighed in at a lean and well toned one-fifty five, and Josh had repeatedly ascertained that the teen's body was devoid of any sign of hair growth save for the thick thatch on his head, and possibly some pubic growth which, much to Josh's chagrin, remained as yet unseen territory.

Josh surmised that while some of the boys smoothness may have been come by naturally via his gene pool, it was also to some degree a result of his shaving his legs and various other body areas as a result of his participation on the high school swimming and diving team. No matter, really, as Josh absolutely loved the smooth look of Rick's body, and it only served to enhance his longing to sexually explore the hot young stud in a variety of ways.

Therein lay the problem, actually. Josh, you see, is decidedly gay, while Rick is sadly about as straight as an engineered truss. The two had been acquaintances since grammar school, and while they were not exactly buddy's, they did have a long history of mingling with mutual friends, and of chatting whenever they encountered each other at school or social gatherings. To make matters worse, Rick was considered somewhat of a celebrity on campus with half the female population of the school all but throwing themselves at his feet in spite of the his having a somewhat steady relationship with one girl in particular. Josh was certain that Rick was getting laid any time he wanted, and that certainty agitated Josh even further as any sort of regular sexual outlet lessened Josh's chances of ever catching his idol in some sort of desperate state that might offer up the rare opportunity for him to strike while the iron was hot, metaphorically speaking.

Josh sighed loudly as Rick stepped into his Levi's, ending the all too brief show that Josh had been surreptitiously enjoying, and he stood up then, hurrying through his own dressing. Grabbing up his gym bag, he exited the school gym, and was surprised to find that outside it was raining the proverbial cats and dogs. Pulling his sweat shirt tighter around himself against the hammering rain, he jogged across the parking lot to his car, and climbed in. He started the motor and turned on the windshield wipers, allowing the engine to warm so that the defrosters began to operate, and just as he was ready to drop it into gear he saw his amour Rick pass by the front of the car on a dead run with his back-pack over his head against the railing storm. Josh waited, watching as Rick ducked under the scant shelter of the small hut where people waited for the City bus, and he realized that opportunity was indeed knocking somewhat loudly. He quickly steered his car over to the bus stop, and stopped in front of the mostly useless shelter. He ran down the passenger window, and leaned across the seat as he hollered,

"Hey Rick...looks like rain, huh...you need a ride?"

Rick bent down to peer into the car window, and when he recognized Josh, a huge grin crossed his handsome face, and he quickly answered,

"Josh...oh man, do I ever need a ride...this freaking rain sucks!"

Yea, thought Josh, and so do I, big guy, if you would only let me! Out loud, he waved Rick into the car as he said,

"Cool...so get in out of it, Dude...hurry up!"

A very grateful Rick quickly slid into the front seat next to Josh and dropped his soaked backpack into the back seat as he pulled the door closed. Turning to Josh, he flashed that killer grin again, and told him,

"You, my man, are a life saver...I really appreciate you stopping for me!"

Josh chuckled and shook his head as he let his eyes roam over the hottie that sat beside him. He noted the errant strands of wet hair that grazed over Rick's forehead, and he let his eyes drop to the bulge behind the damp Levi's briefly, and then he replied,

"Not a problem, Dude...just glad that you ran past my car and I saw you...so, you headed home, or what?

Rick settled into the seat, and lifted his hands to place his palms in front of the heat vents in the dash as he shrugged, and said,

"I guess so...whatever...I don't have anything going until dinner time now that practice is over...so don't let me take you out of your way."

Josh's mind was racing as he reacted to the closeness of his fantasy lover, and he struggled to find some way to prolong the closeness longer, and hopefully much more intimately than a simple ride home, so he told Rick,

"Okay, cool...I actually kind of need to swing by my house first and turn on some heat so my Mom won't be all pissy when she comes home to a cold house...you cool with that?"

Rick shrugged, not really caring now that he was dry and warm in Josh's car, and he answered,

"Yea, totally...I'm cool with that."

Josh headed for his house, his brain working overtime on possible methods of getting this stud out of those Levi's once he got him inside his empty house, and he tried to make idle conversation at the same time so that he had repeated opportunities to look over at Rick. Arriving, he pulled into the driveway, and shut off the car. Turning to Rick, he said,

"This might take a while...you might as well come inside...we can raid the fridge, or whatever."

Rick nodded, another small shrug of his shoulders as he pushed open his door, and told Josh,

"Once more into the breach...so come on, Dude...it's still freaking pouring!"

Josh quickly opened his own door and got out, then ran with Rick to the front porch where he unlocked the door, and then pushed it open as he stepped back to let Rick go inside, following him as soon as he had entered the foyer. He closed the door, and then turned to flip on the furnace before leading Rick through a large living room area to the kitchen. He pulled sodas from the fridge, and handed one to Rick as he told him to sit at the breakfast bar. He climbed onto a stool of his own, and the boy's popped open the drinks, and sipped them as they chatted. After a bit, Josh told Rick that he had just purchased a new CD by one of the current favorites of the high school set, and asked if he wanted to go get comfortable in his room and listen to it. Rick agreed, and the two went back through the living room, then down a hallway to Josh's bedroom.

Josh could barely contain his excitement at having his fantasy dream boy actually inside the very room where he had countless times jerked his cock to a creamy explosion of boy-cum as he fantasized about sucking Rick off, and to his utter consternation the idea seemed to excite his cock which was about as hard as he could ever recall it being. As he loaded the new CD, he glanced down at his crotch, and he was mortified to see the obvious tent his pulsing erection was making in his damp jeans. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Rick had settled into the chair at his computer desk, and throwing all caution to the wind regarding his hard-on, he walked over to his bed, and sprawled out face down. Rick gave him a kind of strange look as he crossed the room and Josh figured that he had noticed his condition. Fuck it, he decided, every teen boy on the planet had countless spontaneous erections, no doubt including Rick, so it was no big deal.

The boys sat quietly as the first cut of the CD played out, and when the second song began, Josh decided to push the envelope a little by turning over onto his back, and pushing a pillow behind his head. His erection was plainly visible, and he was sure that Rick had looked at it as he worked on the pillow, but as he glanced his way Rick quickly averted his eyes as he made some inane comment on the music. Josh responded, and then tossed a lure into the water as he said,

"It's cool if you want to stretch out over here...plenty of room for us both."

Rick looked over, a sheepish expression on his face, and then, surprising Josh greatly he stood, and crossed over to the bed where he sat down on the edge. Josh's heart raced as he savored the scents of Rick so close to him, the lingering aroma of his recent shower and shampoo flooding his senses as his cock throbbed inside his pants. Turning to grab another pillow, he placed it against the headboard, and then patting the mattress, he told Rick,

"Here you go, Dude...get comfy."

Rick hesitated, glancing at the offered pillow, and he started to go for it, and then stopped as he looked nervously at Josh.

"What...?" asked Josh, "I won't bite, honest...it's just way more comfortable, and this CD is pretty long."

Rick flushed, his cheeks going all pink as he muttered,

"I'm sure you don't bite...it not that...I just...well...these Levi's got really wet, and I hate that feel...you think I could...um...maybe take them off first?"

There actually IS a God, thought Josh as he quickly gave Rick the okay to get out of the wet Levi's if he wanted, and then he waited with baited breath for the stud to actually do it. Standing, Rick quickly shed the wet Levi's, and Josh was forced to bite his tongue not to groan at the breath taking site of Rick in just those clinging boxer briefs. Rick sat back down on the bed to tug the jeans off his feet, and then he slid up onto the mattress and plumped the pillow behind his head as he stretched his muscular legs out. Josh was powerless to not stare at his fantasy-come-to-life lying beside him on his bed, and his hungry gaze of course settled on the bulging briefs of his bed partner. Oh man, he thought, what I wouldn't give to see what's in there! Fearing that Rick would pick up on his rising lust, he forced himself to look up, his eyes meeting Ricks. Rick had an expression on his face that was somewhere between curiosity and nervous discomfort, and Josh was certain that his own expression was one similar to that of a starving man eyeing a juicy steak. Rick broke the somewhat awkward silence when he asked,


Trying to contain himself, Josh smiled, and replied,

"Nothing really...it's all good...I was just kind of admiring how buff your body is...your legs are so solid, strong looking, you know..."

Glancing down at his bare legs, Rick gave a small nod, and then much to Josh's surprise and delight he tugged his tee shirt up, exposing his chiseled abdomen, his well developed chest, and the dark little circles of his nipples. Josh stifled another groan as a sudden ringing sound suddenly filled his head as Rick said,

"Thanks Dude...it's all the swimming and the weight training I do for diving...a ton of work, but I've been at it, like, forever it seems."

Feeling suddenly daring, and unable to let such a tempting moment pass without seizing the unexpected opportunity before him, Josh bravely laid his hand on Rick's firm abdomen as he said,

"Yea, well whatever...it's definitely working for you...you really have an amazing body."

All the while this little exchange was taking place Josh had continued to touch Rick's firm stomach, and he slowly worked his hand higher, his fingertips gliding over the ridges of Rick's abs until he was lightly rubbing his chest and grazing his fingers over the small nubbins of his nipples. The silence that filled the room was deafening, the only sounds being the playing disc, and Josh had to smile to himself as he sensed Rick's nipples respond to his careful caresses, and he smiled again when he felt a shudder pass through Rick's body accompanied by a soft sigh. The reaction, and apparent lack of any resistance on Rick's part emboldened Josh, and he intensified his attentions to the now rigid nipples, his thumb and finger gently pinching the tiny eraser-like tip.

"Jesus!" barked Rick.

"I know," replied Josh softly, "I bet your girlfriend has no clue how sensitive a guys nipples can be."

Rick snorted, and then blurted,

"Are you kidding me, Dude...she barely even touches my dick much less anything else...!"

Alternating his touches between Rick's nipples, Josh replied,

"Really...?...wow, I would have thought she would be all over a stud muffin like you...and if not her, any number of the other chicks in school."

Rick guffawed again, and blurted,

" I so wish...I mean shit, she likes to make out, for sure, but once she gets me all worked up, she backs right off...makes me nuts, too...not to mention the grief it gives my balls...at least until I get home, heh heh."

Rick chuckled, mumbling his understanding of Rick's dilemma as he slid his exploring hand lower until his fingertips were tracing along the waist band of Rick's briefs. He felt Rick shudder again, and he said,

"That so sucks, Dude...these chicks...jeez...they have no clue how bad that is on a dude...I bet you blow a hell of a load once you get home and jerk off, huh?"

Rick chuckled, and answered,

"Yea, for sure I do...but it still sucks...I mean jerking off is cool and all, but...well, you know what I mean, I'm sure."

Holding his breath, Josh dared to let his fingers slip under the elastic of Rick's briefs, not too far, but his intention more than obvious, and Rick gave another little shudder as he shifted his hips, and splayed his legs further, and then said in a breathless tone,

"Josh...Dude...that shit you're doing is making me crazy!"

Josh could barely contain his excitement as he eyed the obviously rigid, and obviously thick erection that strained against Rick's briefs, and he inched his hand deeper inside the snug briefs, his fingertips now feeling the wiry pubes on Rick's groin. His own cock pulsed inside his jeans, and as he worked his fingers against the root of Rick's cock he inhaled a breath, and said quietly,

"It's supposed to make you crazy, Rick...the difference is that I won't send you home hurting, or make you take care of it yourself."

Another silence fell over the room, and Josh held his breath as he wormed his prowling hand deeper, and finally closed it around the thick shaft of Rick's rock hard cock.

"Oh shit...Jesus, Josh...that feels so good...but Dude...I'm not gay...aw, shit!"

Josh began slowly stroking Rick's rigid erection, savoring its heat and abject hardness as he answered,

"Of course you're not gay, Dude...so what...?...this is just one dude helping out a bud...nobody else needs to know...I can...I want to...make you feel great if you can handle it...don't put try to put it in some labeled box...just go with what you want...what feels good."

Rick sighed heavily, mumbling some gibberish that Josh missed as he ran his thumb over the wide knob of Rick's cock, reveling in the wetness he found there. Finally, Rick sighed again, and uttered breathlessly,

"Oh Christ...this is so weird...fuck...so, um...damn, that feels nice...so what, then...what do you, uh...want to do?"

His thumb teasing the flared head of Rick's impressive cock, Josh lowered his head until his mouth was on Rick's briefs covered erection, and as his warm breath on the rigid stalk caused Rick to moan, Josh told him,

"I told you already...I want to make you feel amazing...I want to take these hot little briefs off you...and I want to suck you off...taste your amazing cock...taste your balls...taste your hot load...!"

"Fuck...fuck yea...fuck the gay shit, too...I'm boiling here...just fucking do it, Josh...whatever...all that shit you just said...go for it, man...please just...go for it!"

Not chancing any last second change of heart, Josh immediately stripped Rick's briefs down his strong legs, and off his feet. He positioned himself on his belly between those swimmers legs as he gripped the thick stalk of young cock that swayed before him. Holding it at its base, Josh took a moment to admire the beauty of the piece. Rick was definitely a big boy, Josh estimated close to seven inches long, and thick, his fingers barely able to wrap its girth. The thick shaft widened slightly at it center, then tapered to meet the flared head, and Josh thought it was possibly the most perfectly shaped penis he had ever seen. Circumcised cleanly, the plum-like head was wide and ringed by a plump ring of corona, and Josh felt his mouth fill with saliva as he admired it. Ricks balls were plump and heavy, the crinkled pouch nestled between his muscled thighs, and when Rick used his free hand to gently heft the heavy sack Rick groaned loudly.

Inching slightly forward, Josh tugged on the rigid stalk so that it pointed at the ceiling, and then he opened his mouth, and slowly engulfed it to the hilt.

"Oh my God!" wailed Rick.

Josh relished the feelings and the flavors of Rick's cock in his mouth as he began to bob his head over it, his hand going back to Rick's balls. Holy shit, he thought, this is actually happening...at last...I am actually sucking off Rick...wow...how fucking awesome is this!"

For Rick's part, his mind was reeling, completely in sensory overload from the myriad of sensations that Josh's incredible mouth was providing him. A sense of warmth, and wetness seemed to envelope his pulsing cock, and the silky movements of Josh's bobbing head sent an electric-like feeling coursing through his body while a part of his feverish mind seemed to focus entirely on the magic that Josh's fingers were delivering to his balls, and for the first time in his young life Rick began to reconsider his position on gay sex.

Josh was every bit as much in his own heaven as was Rick and he decided that the actual act of slurping over this delicious specimen of boyhood in its prime was far superior to what his countless fantasies had been. In all candor, Josh didn't actually have all that much actual cock sucking experience, but if the incredible pleasure he feeling right now as Rick's thick cock and oozing juices filled his drooling mouth was anywhere near typical, he would definitely be rectifying that!

Rick was definitely getting into things now and Josh relished his heavy breathing and the steady cadence of low groans he was emitting as he continued to bob over his cock. Rick humped his hips to match Josh's rhythm, and without being aware he was doing it he reached down to thread his fingers into Josh's hair, his hands following his up and down movements. He groaned once again as Josh managed to engulf his entire shaft which caused his sensitive cock head to press against the soft tissues at the back of Josh's throat, and his hips instinctively thrust forward as he tried to drive his throbbing cock even deeper into Josh's throat. Josh gagged as Rick drove into him, and he backed off, letting Rick's rigid boyhood slip from his mouth as he gulped in air to recover his breath.

Josh gripped the base of Rick's erection as he stared at it in wonder. My God, he thought, it's beautiful, so thick, and all shiny with my spit. He gripped the rock hard cock and slid his finger upward along the wide shaft all the way to the ring of his corona, and he smiled as he watched a tiny pearl of clear fluid emerge from the tiny slit in the head. Extending forward, he slid his tongue out and lapped up the glistening tear drop of precum, the tartness of it registering on his tongue as Rick let out another low groan. Josh sensed how close to blowing Rick was, and in an effort to make this stunning event last as long as possible, he lapped his way down Rick's cock, and then went lower to lick all over the bulging scrotum, finally capturing each ball in turn to gently suck it.

"Ohhhh fuck...fuck...fuck...!" huffed Rick as he felt an exquisite sensation, a mix of mild pain and intense pleasure as Josh carefully sucked his tender balls.

Damn, thought Josh as he savored the wonder of taking Rick's balls into his mouth, this is so much more than I ever thought; amazing is what it is, and the sense of providing this level of pleasure to someone is mind-blowing! Returning to the business at hand, Josh moved back to take Rick's rigid cock into his mouth once more, and resumed the steady up and down movements that he was fully aware would soon result in the final reward for his cock sucking efforts. He shifted to a combination of using his hand to pump the base of Rick's turgid erection while applying suction and tongue work to the spongy knob and the highly sensitive place where the head joined to the shaft, and in moments Rick was groaning loudly and beating his fists into the mattress. His hips bucked upward, and he yelped out some unintelligible warning of his impending orgasm, and Josh redoubled his efforts at pushing the thrashing teen over the edge. Seconds later, his oral efforts were rewarded when Rick's rigid cock seemed to spasm in his mouth, and then it erupted, a flood of warm, thick semen suddenly jetting into his mouth in rapid spurts.

Josh gagged a bit, the volume of the viscous fluid surprising him, and then he relaxed his throat muscles as he eagerly swallowed the entire offering in rapid gulps, the slightly acrid taste causing his jaw to ache as his taste buds reacted to the unfamiliar flavor. At last Rick's cock stopped pumping out the creamy fluid, and Josh sensed it wilting as it softened in his mouth. He let it go the, lifting his head as he looked up at a stunned and flushed Rick, and he grinned sheepishly, lifting a hand to wipe at the errant strings of cum that had escaped the corners of his mouth. Rick's eyes met his, and slowly a coy smile painted over his handsome face, and he raised his arms as he mumbled,

"Wow...fucking amazing...come here, you!"

Josh quickly moved up, and laid his body across Rick's smooth chest as Rick held him in his arms. Josh heard Rick's heart still hammering in his chest and he savored the soothing sensation of Rick stroking his back. Finally, Rick broke the silence as he quietly told Josh,

"Dude, that was the most intense thing I have ever felt...intense...and...well, pretty damned wonderful!"

Josh lifted his head, and looked at Rick, a smile on his face as replied simply,

"Yea, it was."

After another short silence, Rick added,

"So, um...I'm definitely a happy camper right now...but, uh...what about you?"

Lifting his head off Rick's chest, Josh looked at him, giggling as he replied,

"Is that an offer to reciprocate?"

Rick felt his face grow warm with a blush and he quickly answered,

"No way, Dude...I mean...well, I owe you for sure...but shit...I don't think I'm ready for that!"

"Only kidding you, Rick...I understand, really...and don't sweat it, okay...?...call me crazy, or whatever, but I totally loved sucking you off, and, I guess I really loved it, because I slimed my undies doing it, so I'm all good, too."

Rick mulled that admission for a minute, and then smiled widely as he commented,

"You're too much, good buddy, really too much!" and they both giggled nervously, but happily.

As much as Josh would have loved to let Rick recharge and then start the whole glorious event all over, there was the matter of the hour growing closer when Josh's parents might arrive at home, so they reluctantly got off the bed, and cleaned up, then dressed, and went back to Josh's car. The heavy rain still showed no sign of stopping, and Josh drove carefully as they made their way toward Rick's house. The conversation was subdued, mostly concerned with Rick imploring Josh to keep the recent activities a sworn-to secret which Josh readily agreed to. Rick was emphatic that the experience had been totally amazing, and he was not in the least regretful that it had happened, just that he was in no way ready for the social grief that would surely occur if it became common knowledge among their peer group. Josh let him ramble on, all the while harboring not a single intention of telling anyone, and as he rolled to a stop in front of Rick's house, he turned to face Rick, and told him,

"Like I told you before, Rick, don't worry about it, okay...it's our secret, period...now, having said that, let me tell you that anytime you want to go there again, just let me know."

Rick chewed on that a few seconds, and then a slow smile crossed his face, and he said,

"Actually, I could there again...like, right now, if you're up for it, there's a park just down the block that I'm betting is deserted given all this freaking rain...!"

Quickly catching Rick's drift, Josh glanced down to briefly study the crotch of Rick's Levi's, and when he saw the obvious renewed erection there, he looked at Rick, and overtly licked his full lips and replied, as he turned to drop the car into gear, moving toward the park Rick had mentioned,

"Yup, I am definitely up for it...and, so are you, apparently!"

Chuckling happily, the two boys drove to the empty park to continue their new rainy day discoveries.

The End Storyguy22@yahoo.com

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