Rainy Season

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 11, 2019



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Rainy Season

Sixty-six year young, Timothy O'Brien, Jr., had retired to South Florida just the previous May. Now it was mid-October, and the rainy season had at least a month more to go, but Tim knew full-well just what the rainy season was all about. It had rained a lot during the summer months, but South Florida was spared two strong hurricanes, which shattered several Caribbean countries and The Carolinas on the east coast of the United States.

As if it was reluctant to let go, before the glorious winter weather arrived, a tropical depression hovered over South Florida from coast to coast and from The Keys to Orlando. The depression was stalled. It wasn't going anywhere, and the heavy rains were flooding the streets. The weather man was predicting at least another three days of rain.

Tim had made a few friends over the summer, but nobody that he was close to, yet. He was pretty much holed up in his apartment, reluctant to go anywhere in this weather. Depression was setting in, and he began to question his move to "Sunny Florida."

Before he retired, Tim had enjoyed winter vacations in both South Beach, Miami's gay mecca, and Wilton Manors, Ft. Lauderdale's gay mecca. He chose to retire in Ft. Lauderdale only because it was less congested, and traffic flowed more easily.

He rented an apartment in a high rise in Wilton Manors. The upscale building boasted an exercise room, and a large social hall, among other amenities. Tim's apartment was on the fifth floor. Every day, when he rode the elevator, he read a posting on the elevator's bulletin board. It advised the tenants of the social activities which were going on in the building that day. The posting was changed daily. He never attended any of these events, preferring to go to his favorite bar instead. The atmosphere there was warm and friendly. He had made a few friends and he felt comfortable in the place.

That morning, he read that there was to be a Columbus Day party in the social hall at 7 PM. It further advised that all were welcome, even if you weren't Italian, and to please BYOB. The social committee was going to provide food, soft drinks, and mixers. Tim didn't feel much like venturing out in this miserable weather. He hoped that this party would help him get over his depression, and that he would meet some of his neighbors, as well. He reluctantly decided to go to the social.

He had no idea what food would be served, nor in what quantity, so he decided not to eat dinner. He put a bottle of scotch in a paper bag, and with great effort and resolve, he went to the social hall.

He was greeted at the door by a very good looking guy, who was a member of the social committee. Tim placed his age at about fifty. In fact, he was fifty-nine.

"Hi," the man said. He stuck out his hand to shake Tim's. "I'm Jack Severson, 4B. Are you a new tenant? I haven't seen you here before."

Rather than go into details regarding his personal, nearly reclusive life, Tim shook Jack's hand and said, "Yes, I'm very new. I live in 5B, just above you."

"Come," Jack said. "I'll introduce you around. Will it be all right to tell people that you're on top of me?"

It was a bad joke, but both men laughed anyhow.

By the time Jack introduced Tim to just about everyone in the social hall, Jack decided that anyone who was coming to the party, was there already, and he could abandon his post as official greeter.

"Let's eat," he said.

He took Tim's arm and led him to the buffet table. There was a nice assortment of cold cut sandwiches, dips, and spreads. There were also soft drinks and mixers. Tim made himself a scotch and soda, helped himself to a roast beef sandwich, and waited until Jack did the same. Jack took a sandwich and a coke.

"I don't drink," he felt he had to explain.

The tables were set up cafeteria style. The two men sat facing each other on either side of the end of a long table.

Jack wasn't shy. He was attracted to Tim, and wanted to get to know him better.

"Did you just move down from up north, or are you relocating from another part of town?" Jack asked.

"I'm newly arrived from New York," Tim answered.

"Did you come alone or do you have a partner or a husband?" Jack was really prying now.

It finally hit Tim that Jack was hitting on him. He didn't mind at all.

"None of the above," he said. Then he added, "Unfortunately."

"I'm alone also," Jack said. "I've never been in a relationship, but I'm getting to an age where I sure would like to settle down, especially since I sold my brokerage business, and took early retirement."

"Same here. I'd like to settle down at last," Tim lied.

His partner, Bill, of thirty years, died just a few months before Tim moved to Florida. He had a massive heart attack at dinner one evening, and Tim's life was shattered. He wasn't ready to share this information with Jack at this time.

He'd been celibate ever since his partner's death, but when he realized that Jack was hitting on him, his libido started to do its job. He was attracted to Jack, and he wouldn't mind having a fuck buddy. He was finally able to admit to himself that he was a lonely man.

As if Jack could read Tim's mind, he said. "There's a gay themed movie playing down town. Everyone has told me not to miss it. If you're free tomorrow, would you like to go with me?."

"Sure I would, and I'm free," Tim smiled. "I haven't established much of a social life yet, and my dance card is a total blank. The weatherman says that this bloody rain will keep up all day tomorrow. Should we delay the movie, and do something else?"

"Nah," Jack said. "I have plenty of umbrellas in my apartment and neither one of us looks like a little rain will melt us."

They spent the evening eating, drinking, and getting to know each other. When they reluctantly said good night, they hugged one another. There was nothing chaste about the hug. They each pushed hard against the other, and felt plenty to arouse them. They shared the elevator to the fourth and fifth floors, and each entered their apartments, where they jacked off ASAP.

The next afternoon they went to the movie together. But that was only the beginning. They began to see other movies and live theater as a couple. They even attended some tea dances around town, and Jack went with Tim to bars where he sipped a coke all night. Jack brought Tim out of his self-imposed shell. They were becoming very good friends, and as their friendship grew, so did the sexual tension between them. For some reason each was reluctant to tell the other how they felt.

Finally, it was Jack, the more aggressive of the two, who made a move. They were saying goodnight in the elevator after seeing an opera at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts. As soon as the door closed in the lobby, Jack grabbed Tim and started to kiss him. He nearly cried when he realized that Tim was responding. Their mouths opened and their tongues met.

"You're place or mine?" Jack asked.

"You're closer. You're on the fourth floor," Tim said smiling.

They got off at the fourth floor and rushed into Jack's apartment. They continued kissing in the apartment, and while they did, they began to remove articles of clothing until they were both naked.

"Let me look at you," Tim said.

He didn't want to, but he started to compare Jack to his late partner. Jack was a little taller and much more solid. They both had grey hair and blue eyes. Jack was cut and he was hard at about seven inches. Tim would have to wait until he saw his friend flaccid to note the difference, if there was any, between him and Bill. His partner had been uncut and about six and a half inches hard. Suddenly, Tim stopped comparing. He realized how foolish he was being, and he put all those thoughts aside. There was no mistaking how beautiful Jack was.

Jack, of course, was giving Tim the eye. They smiled at each other. They could have been twins in the cock area, but Tim's hair was salt and pepper and his eyes were brown.

"Let's make love," Jack urged. "It's been such a long time for me."

It did not escape Tim's notice that Jack said, "Make love."

"Yes, it's been a long time for me too. I want to make love to you so badly."

Jack led Tim to his bedroom. He fell on his bed flat on his back. He held out his arms, welcoming Tim into them. Tim started to get on the bed in a sixty-nine position.

"No," Jack said. "When I'm down on you, I want to give you as much pleasure as I can. I want to concentrate fully on you, and I want you to concentrate fully on receiving the wonderful pleasure I'm offering you. I don't want you doing anything to me until my turn comes up."

"Yes, yes," was all Tim could murmur. "At my age," he continued, "All I can manage is once a day if I'm lucky, so please bring me to paradise and we'll fuck next time."

Jack gave out an involuntary sob. There was going to be a next time. This was not a one night stand as he was used to. He was convinced that he loved Tim, and he wanted to have the elusive relationship with him, that had been lacking in his life.

"The same is true for me too," Jack said. "Once a night until further notice, but I have one request."

"Ask away."

"Let's go back and forth, delaying our orgasms for as long as possible. When it becomes impossible, please shoot in my mouth. I haven't tasted anybody else's cum since forever."

Tim smiled to himself. It sounded like Jack tasted his own cum when he whacked off. So did he.

"It'll be a pleasure," Tim said.

They did indeed suck each other back and forth. Because of their ages, they lasted two and a half hours before they could hold back no longer, and unloaded in one another's mouth.

They lay together in the afterglow, holding hands, fondling, and kissing.

"Will you sleep with me tonight?" Jack asked.

"Of course I will. I told you that my dance card was empty. Besides I'm already in your bed, and it's nice and cozy."

They started to drift off, when Jack asked, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"It's raining. I can hear it against the window."

Tim began to laugh sardonically. "When I first moved down, we had so much rain, I wondered why Florida was called The Sunshine State. It was depressing and I was miserable. I wanted to move back up north. But now, I love the rain. If it hadn't been raining so hard the night of the Columbus Day party, I would never have gone to it, and we would not have met."

"Sh," Jack said. "That's too terrible to contemplate. The next time we're in a bar, let's drink a toast to the rainy Florida climate."

They each had a small, one bedroom apartment. They put in a request at the rental office for a larger apartment. Jack's lease was almost up for renewal. He did not renew it and he moved in with Tim. They both moved when a larger apartment became available in their building.

When they moved in together, Jack realized his dream of being in a loving relationship, and Tim renewed the comfort he had always enjoyed when he was with Bill.

Occasionally, dreams do come true. Jack and Tim were truly blessed.

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