Raj and Eric M/M

By Raj

Published on Jan 16, 2002



This story contains explicit sex between two consenting men. It is entirely fantasy and does not represent any real person or event. If such writing is illegal where you are, if you are underage, or if you would be offended by gay erotica, then don't read it! Practice safe sex. And if you like this, email me (prairiedude_69@yahoo.com) and tell me what turns you on.

Raj and Eric

Scene 1

It was pitch dark in the bedroom. Nothing was visible to the naked eye. Raj was tucked under the thick comforter to keep himself warm. The heating in the room was meagre and barely kept him warm on a chilly winter night like this. The thoughts in Raj's mind compensated for the lack of heat, or should we call them fantasies? His dreamy eyes held the vision of Eric, totally nude in the bath tub, drying himself with a towel that could barely cover his body. Raj's right hand was busy stroking his 6" uncut boner while his left hand was alternatingly probing into his tight ass and pinching his nipples. Moans of pleasure filled the room as Raj dreamt pictured himself stroking the beautiful 7" circumcised cock of Eric.

Eric was every gay guy's dream cum true. He was 6 feet tall with a swimmer's built. He was 165 lbs. and was smooth all over except the pubes. His deep blue eyes could melt a heart and harden a cock. His seductive smile was enough for a guy to shoot a load in his underwear. As Eric was drying himself, little drops of water trickled down his hair and went down the neck and further down to the chest. The brownish red nipples glistened under the water droplets. It was extremely arousing to trace the movement of water drops on Eric's body while they travelled down his 6-pack and disappeared into the navel. Raj started to kiss on Eric's nipples and gently started to bite on them. Eric's cock became very hard at this act of arousal and he hugged Raj in a tight embrace. Their cocks began to rub against each other in that tightness.

Before they knew what was happening, they were on the bed, making passionate love to each other. Raj climbed on top of Eric and gently slid his cock into the hot, tight ass of Eric. Eric began to moan in ecstasy. Raj's cock was lubed enough with his precum and Eric's hole was hot and moist. The sensation was too much to control for Raj and he shot one load after another inside Eric. Eric also came about the same time and they both collapsed into an embrace, in complete satisfaction.

The dream was so real that when Raj woke up the next morning, he was surprised to see his bed empty. Eric was nowhere to be seen. It took a while for the reality to set in. The comforter and the sheets had his cum stains on them and the air in the room was filled with his manly scent.

Raj woke up and got out of the bed. The dream was so vivid in his mind that it was no surprise that he had a fully erect member. Raj headed straight to his ensuite washroom to take care of his morning hardon.

Scene 2

Eric was very moody that day. His foul temper was increasing and his mood swings sometimes surprised even himself. Yesterday his boss advised him to visit a counsellor. So here he was waiting for his turn in the counsellor's office. What would he say if the counsellor asks him any questions? Would he know when the questioning takes place or will he be under hypnosis? May be it is better to be under hypnosis, so that I can talk freely without trying to hold back - Eric said to himself. But will my conversation be held in strict confidence? Eric made a mental note to ask the counsellor that question at the beginning of the session.

"Eric Jones. The doctor will be with you in a moment. If you can please follow me into this room!" Eric's thoughts were disrupted with these words as he followed the assistant down the corridor into a room. The Assistant took his coat and put it on a coat hanger. Then he asked Eric to sit in a couch and wait for the counsellor.

Eric's mind drifted back to his thoughts as the assistant left the room. He remembered the death of his close friend, Jason. Jason was the victim of a gay-bashing mob who went too far this time. The mob's fury was not satisfied until they saw the young and handsome body of Jason bleed to death. "Is that what I want to happen with my life?" asked Eric. He knew he was safe as long as his secret was safe within him. If anyone ever knew that he was gay, he would sooner or later become another victim to the ever-increasing hatred towards gay people that was engulfing the city.

"How are you today, Mr. Jones?" the counsellor was looking at the patient file as he said those words. When he turned to look at Eric, his eyes met with Eric's and they both froze for a moment.

"Eric!" said the counsellor, "What brings you here?"

"I thought I had an appointment with Dr. Keith Anders." said Eric, not knowing what to say.

"Yes you did. But Dr. Keith had a medical emergency just a minute ago. I was the only other counsellor on duty today, so I wanted to stop by and ask you if it was okay to reschedule your appointment."

Eric sighed with relief. He would never be able to bring himself to confide his dark secrets with his best friend from the high-school years.

"I am sorry Raj, if I sounded upset. I didn't know what was happening?"

"No problem Eric. It has been a while since we last met . . . " and Raj's sentence stopped mid-way. He realised that when they met the last time, Raj broke the news to Eric that he was gay and Eric stopped seeing him after that.

Eric moved uncomfortably in the couch, at the mention of the last meeting. He knew he acted foolishly at that time and only he knew how many hundreds and thousands of times he wished he could have acted a little more responsibly. After all he was the only friend Raj had then. But he freaked out and his parents harsh outlook towards the gay phenomenon only made the distance between him and Raj grow beyond repair. If only . . . Well! Wishful thinking will not help.

"I am sorry for the way I reacted when we last met Raj. I know a mere sorry means nothing, but I wish there was something I could do to patch up the past and be your friend again" Eric was surprised at the speed and force with which the words escaped his mouth.

Raj was also taken aback when he heard Eric's words, but inside he felt happy, extremely happy. All these years, he had the faint hope of regaining the friendship of Eric and now it seems to be happening. He felt the familiar movement in his crotch. "Not now" he cursed himself quietly.

"I am glad to hear that Eric. Because after you, I have not even ventured to make another friend," said Raj truthfully. He then moved ahead and pulled Eric into a friendly hug. Eric held on to his friend with such peace and satisfaction that he never knew he could feel again in this life time.

"So do you have any other plans for the day?" asked Raj looking fondly at his friend Eric.

"Nothing actually. I was planning to take it easy for the rest of the day" said Eric.

"If you can wait for another half-an-hour, we can go out and have some lunch. We can try to catch up with all the past years" said Raj. Eric found himself saying an eager yes. He waited at the lobby while Raj met with his last patient.

Scene 3

It was business as usual at Dennys for a Wednesday afternoon. Raj looked across the table into the eyes of Eric. Eric was reading the menu card, deciding what to eat. The past came back in a flash to Raj.

Raj's parents moved to Canada when he was 5 years old. They moved into a house across from the street where Eric lived with his parents. Eric was also 5 years old and had just started his kindergarten in the community school, which was a 15 minute walk from their house.

Until then Eric did not have any non-Caucasian friends and he was curious about Raj. Raj seemed to represent something that was totally different than himself. Raj was eager to make friends in the new country and took a liking to Eric in their first meeting.

Eric's parents were very conservative but they liked Raj's parents for their simplicity and honesty. Their mothers often shopped together and the fathers spent evenings, talking about everything under the sun, with beer mugs in their hands.

Eric and Raj grew up together to become best friends. They shared common interests and seemed to enjoy each other's company. As they hit puberty, Eric became an extrovert while Raj seemed to draw into a shell. This did not hinder their friendship at all. Raj realised that he was gay when he could not stop staring at his schoolmates while they were changing in the locker room. He and Eric jacked off together several times. Each time Raj was thinking about himself and Eric together.

"Raj!" Eric's words brought Raj back into the present times.

"Sorry, I was lost in thoughts" said Raj.

Eric grinned at those words. "And when I say I think too much, I am referred to a counsellor! What are you thinking about?" Raj could not tell him about the innumerable times that he wanted to make love to his friend. Instead he changed the topic.

"Nothing of any significance. It's this patient that I counsel. How are you doing? When did you return to Calgary?" Raj knew that Eric returned back home only 2 months ago, after 15 years of academic pursuits that only seemed to be taking him farther and farther away from his hometown.

"Just recently. After my parents passed away last year (how I wished that you were there to console me in those moments of grief!) I thought I'll never come back here again. But as luck would have it, I got this irresistible job offer and so here I am." said Eric.

"I was sorry to hear about the tragic car accident, Eric," said Raj reaching out and patting him gently on the shoulder, "I was away that summer doing my final year at the University. It happened during my final semester and my parents did not tell me until and after I returned back home 4 months later." Raj said apologetically.

"I don't think your folks live in Edgemont anymore" asked Eric.

"I have sold my house because there are too many memories that I want to forget. I have just moved into a luxury apartment close to downtown."

"Actually after your parents passed away, my folks could not live in that neighbourhood anymore. They had lost their best friends and life became a void for them. They moved back to India, early part of this year." said Raj.

"Oh!" said Eric in surprise, "So where do you live now?"

"Just like you, I sold away their house and sent them the money. They can live a luxurious life with that money there. I have also moved into a downtown apartment." said Raj. Hours passed like seconds that afternoon as two friends started to pick-up their friendship where they left it 15 years ago.

"How did your parents take to the news that you are gay?" asked Eric and wished he didn't. Raj's eyes shone in mist.

"It was a very difficult time for me. You were the first one with whom I confided and then I lost you. After that I could not get myself to tell anybody, because I did not want to lose anybody else. But soon I realised that after I lost you, it did not make a difference if I lost any one else. I came out to my parents when I turned 20. They were putting pressure on me to find a girl and I could not deceive them anymore. My mother seemed to know about it from some time, so she showed no signs of surprise at all. My dad was upset for a long time and stopped talking to me.

Thanks to your dad, who made my dad see me for who I am as a person and not what my sexual preferences were."

Eric was surprised to hear this. "My dad did that?"

"Yes. He became close to me in your absence. I was like his son for all practical purposes. I used to hang out at your place, because it reminded me so much about you. And also, I got updated about your life every now and then." Eric was jealous that Raj had the approval of his father, while he was so scared of offending them, never even ventured to tell them.

"But I still can't believe that my dad would approve of your being gay" said Eric in disbelief.

"It was not as if he openly appreciated my gay status. I guess he missed you and knew that something went wrong between us and wanted us to be friends again. Even though he never said that himself."

Eric could relate to that. His father was too proud to admit anything. However he was also a kind soul. If only he had the opportunity to tell him that he was gay.

"OK. Now that we are done with our lunch, how about we get out of this place, before we are shown the door." said Raj. Eric then realised that they were there for more than two hours. He reached out for the bill, when Raj prevented him.

"Its on me this time. Thanks for coming back into my life" When he said that Eric could feel a new warmth in his tone. It made him feel secure and at home.

"Thanks for the lunch and thanks for accepting me back in your life after what I have done" said Eric. They hugged as briefly as two long-lost friends would. Then they exchanged phone numbers and headed out of the restaurant.

Scene 4

By the time Raj returned to his apartment, his cock was rock hard and pulsating with excitement that Raj did not know before. He knew that he had to take care of it right away. He took off his clothes in a hurry and jumped on the bed. He began to jack off, his hand stroking his cock vigorously. But he did not want the urge to be satisfied in a rush like that. So he stopped himself before he could ejaculate. He then took some lube into his palm and applied on his cock. He started to play with his nipples and kissing himself on his shoulders and chest. When his nipples were hard and pointing out like flagpoles, he continued to feel his body with one hand, while the other hand was making love to his shaft. He was about to shoot his wad, when unexpectedly the phone rang.

"Shit," shouted Raj as he tried to reach for the phone. But he was too close to cumming, so he decided not to take the call. He tried to press the button that would direct the call to his answering machine, but instead he pressed the hands-free button.

It was Eric on the other side. Raj did not realise what he had done and continued to stroke himself with increasing vigour and passion. In less than five seconds, he came with an intense orgasm. The intensity lingered on for a long time as Raj moaned in pleasure, riding in its waves. When he opened his eyes and looked at himself, he was surprised to see the huge amount of semen that he had shot.

"Wow!" he said, "I love you RJ" Then he realised that the phone was still on.

"Shit" he said and hurriedly turned it off.

"I wonder who it was" he thought. He did not want to know as he was still riding the wave of ecstasy. He remained in that position on the bed and very soon he was fast asleep.

Scene 5

Eric did not know what was happening until Raj mentioned his name. At first he thought that he had the wrong number. Then he realised Raj's voice. He seemed to be enjoying himself, from all the moans that Eric could hear. Eric thought that may be Raj was with another guy and they were probably making out when he phoned. But then he distinctly heard Raj saying "I love you RJ".

Raj used to call Eric RJ when they were not yet teenagers. Eric knew that it had to be him that Raj referred to. "If that is the case, was Raj thinking about me when he was masturbating? Am I his fantasy?" the mere possibility of that happening stirred the manmeat in Eric's pants. He had to know right away. He wasted half his life in denial and he did not want to waste another moment. He thought about jacking off but decided to keep that option if things didn't turn out the way he was now hoping they would.

Eric found himself knocking on the door of Raj's apartment. A few knocks later, Raj opened the door. He was in his boxer briefs and was sleepy. Eric could see the cum tangled on his hairy chest. Raj's cock was rockhard and made a huge tent. Eric knew at that moment what had happened and that he found his life partner.

"Who is it . . . Hey Eric? What are you doing here at this time?" he said groggily.

"I had to see you." said Eric. "I need to talk to you"

Raj realised that Eric was still standing in the corridor," Sorry man. Come in. I fell fast asleep and was not expecting any one, so . . ." he became aware of his physical state and turned beet.

"Make yourself comfortable while I change into something more decent" he said and started to go to his bedroom. Eric quickly closed the door, took his coat and shoes off and with quick steps, went behind Raj.

"What . . ." Raj's words stopped in mid-sentence as Eric grabbed his near-nude body and pressed himself against it with passion. Then he kissed Raj on his lips, his lips gently pressing against Raj's, his tongue trying to probe into Raj's mouth. Raj did not resist. It was like his dream coming true. He opened his mouth to feel the hungry tongue of Eric familiarising itself with every nook and corner of his mouth. Their tongues entwined just like their bodies. Raj's hands were busy in getting Eric naked. Their passion was insatiable and hunger was immense. They kissed like that for about half-hour.

Finally when they pulled apart to catch their breath, Raj asked, "When did you know that you are gay?"

Eric replied honestly, "Ever since you told me that you were gay, I was disturbed because I also shared similar feelings towards you. I was not interested in any other guy, except you, so I was not sure if I was gay or if I was infatuated with you. I waited so that time will prove me wrong but time only confirmed what I already knew but dreaded to accept."

"Then why did you not tell me all these years? You could have trusted in me at least in that issue." asked Raj.

"Actually I have not told any one yet," said Eric.

"Nobody! Not even your parents?" Raj was surprised. Eric's eyes filled with tears at the mention of his parents.

"I am sorry, I should not have asked that question." apologised Raj.

"That's OK. I should have done so many things in my life that I did not. I do not want to miss another opportunity like that in my life. That's why when I heard you utter my name in the phone, I knew I had to meet you." said Eric. Raj then realised what had happened. It was Eric who phoned when he was masturbating. His voice choked with emotion.

"I never thought this moment would happen in real life. I was fantasising this all my life and now when it is actually happening, I feel like crying my soul out" said Raj, sobbing.

"Remember you are not alone in this anymore," said Eric as he hugged Raj, tears rolling down his eyes as well.

Scene 6

The rest of the evening was a memory that Raj and Eric shared and cherished for the rest of their lives. It only happened in fairytales and stories, they were told. But it was very much happening before their own eyes and they wished that, if it were a dream, that they would never wake up and the dream would never end.

When Eric hugged Raj into a warm embrace, they kissed again. Raj licked away the tears from Eric's eyes and proceeded to kiss him on the neck and behind the ears. Eric's body was shaking with immeasurable pleasure. When Raj reached for Eric's nipples, Eric involuntarily thrust his cock into Raj's crotch. Both cocks were now rubbing against each other. The simultaneous throbbing of the cocks only increased the passion in Raj as he sucked on Eric's nipples. He was kissing Eric all over, not missing any part, the face, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, hands, armpits, crotch, legs, back and finally the tight ass. When Raj breathed hot air into the ass cheeks, he felt Eric moan with pleasure and felt the ass cheeks tightening up. Raj lubed his fingers and probed one finger into the hole. Eric seemed to resist that. Raj then took Eric's cock in his mouth and started to chew on it like a candy. His mouth didn't seem to get enough of it as he almost managed to take the entire length of Eric's cock into his throat, without accidentally biting with his teeth. His tongue was licking the cock all over as Eric began to fuck his face. Slowly Eric's ass relaxed and Raj began to probe again.

This time Eric began to enjoy it. Raj's finger seemed to loosen him up. Raj then pulled out and this time inserted two fingers into his ass. Eric began to moan loudly as if saying "yes". Very soon, Raj hit the g-spot and without any warning, Eric started to shoot hot wad in Raj's mouth. Eric tried to pull away, but Raj continued to swallow the cum. Some cum slipped out from the sides. When Eric was spent, Raj let go of the soft member. Eric quickly kissed him on the lips and tasted his own cum.

"I am sorry. I should have warned you that I was cumming." said Eric.

"Stop being sorry. I wanted you to cum in my mouth, that's why I touched your prostate," said Raj, still relishing the taste in his mouth.

"You should have waited for some more time. I didn't want this to end so soon," complained Eric.

"Who said this is the end? We have all night for ourselves." reassured Raj as Eric went down on his knees and started to kiss on Raj's member. Raj sent out moans of approval. Eric flicked his tongue of the tip of Raj's cock and knew from its throbbing that Raj liked it. He continued doing it while he started to slowly take the cock into his mouth. Being his first time, he choked and took it out immediately. He kissed it from the outside and when he felt more comfortable and relaxed, he took it in again. This time, he took it in inch by inch until his nose was pressing against Raj's pubes. Raj was riding the waves of ecstasy and knew he would come very soon, when Eric stopped.

"What's the matter? Are you suffocating?" asked Raj. His voice showed concern. Eric shook his head to say "No."

"I want you to fuck me in my ass. Be my first and only one." said Eric.

Raj was happy beyond words. "Are you sure?" he asked, "Let me warn you it will hurt at first."

"I don't care. I want this night to be memorable and I don't want to deprive myself of any pleasure tonight. I love you Raj and I want you to make love to me," he said. Raj needed no more words to convince him to enter Eric. He held him in a gentle embrace and put him on the bed, with his arse arching up. Raj lubed his hard cock and gently probed the opening a few times. When he heard the moans of Eric, he knew that he was enjoying it. He slowly slid his cock into Eric's hole inch by inch, each time withdrawing slightly. Eric's ass burnt like hell and tears rolled down his eyes. But he knew that it will all be over in a few minutes, so he closed his eyes and tried to enjoy as much as he could.

"Am I hurting you RJ?" asked Raj in a deep, sexy voice. Eric shook his head to say no. The pain was almost gone now and he felt his ass opening up like a blossoming flower. Raj held Eric's hips tightly as he slid in and out of Eric's hot hole. The tightness of the passage was exciting and Raj knew he would cum soon if he did not check himself. He did not want this to end so soon. So he slid out of Eric's arse and before Eric knew it, Raj was devouring his cock with passion.

Raj's mouth was so hot that Eric thought his cock might melt. On the contrary it was getting harder with each suck and Raj could feel the throbbing of the blood vessels in the cock. Eric was about to cum again. Eric pulled out from Raj's mouth and started to rub his ass cheeks against Raj's cock. Raj entered Eric again as Eric propped himself against the bed frame. He started to play with his cock as Raj was pounding his cock into Eric's ass.

"Wow, Raj. That's incredible. Dig deeper man. Tear me apart. I love it man. Fuck me harder. Fuck me." Eric started to rant in pleasure. Raj's excitement was building up with each word and very soon he felt the familiar rush in the dick head and very soon he was shooting his semen in Eric's lovehole. Eric never felt anything like that before. When he felt Raj fill him up with his manjuices, he felt complete. The volleys of semen in his ass sent Eric over the edge and he shot another load. He had the most intense orgasm of his life. When Raj slid out of his ass, Eric turned around and kissed Raj on his lips.

"I love you Raj", he said.

"I love you RJ" said Raj as he took Eric into his arms.

And they lived happily ever after.

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