Ranch Boy Next Door


Published on Feb 28, 2019


Learning New Skills

In the early dawn, Logan drove the tractor to the alfalfa field towing a flatbed trailer. I rode beside him, sitting on the fender. Even with my sweatshirt, I was shivering in the cool morning air. The usual fresh country smell was tainted by diesel fumes. Turning onto the dirt road at the near end of the field, we stopped.

"Okay, you take the line apart from this end and load the pipe on the trailer. At the other end, yer gonna drive the tractor and I'll set the new line."

I jumped off and separated the first section of pipe, loading it onto the trailer. Logan slowly drove the tractor, stopping to allow me to load one or two sections before moving on. There was more lifting with this task, and my arms were tired by the time we reached the riser. I hopped back on the tractor and he drove it along the risers to the road at the far end.

"Okay, yer turn. If ya have any questions, stop and we'll talk about it."

Logan put the tractor in park and I moved into the driver's seat, excited about this new skill I was learning. I slowly drove the tractor along the road as Logan unloaded and reconnected the pipe sections. When we were finished, I parked the tractor and turned off the engine.

"Any questions?"


"Okay, let's walk back and start the next line."

The rest of the activity was like the previous week. We finished in good time, but the pipe-moving part added an extra hour to the job.

Since I couldn't work the longer hours Logan did, we'd agreed that I would walk to the ranch tool shed at noon and we would tackle the fence project during the afternoon. So I waved goodbye to Logan and walked over to my parents' house. I planned to spend the rest of the morning looking at some videos on barbed-wire fence construction.

At noon I returned to the tool shed. Logan and I loaded the necessary tools onto the newer and larger truck with the supplies which were already on it. Logan drove to the first work site. There were ten broken posts to be replaced.

Logan handed me a pair of leather work gloves and fencing pliers. "The first thing we gotta do is pull the staples and take the wire down. Watch me as we go, and you'll figure it out. It isn't complicated."

Once we had the wire down and had tossed the broken posts to one side in a pile, I was introduced to the two-man power auger.

"Yer gonna learn to hate this tool, but you would hate the manual post hole digger more. I started with this section 'cuz there ain't no rocks and so it's easier to learn. Basically, I'm gonna start the gas engine and then me and you are gonna hold onto the handles on each side, push down slightly, and let the auger do the work. Don't push too hard, and if the auger binds, let up. We don't wanna turn it into a merry-go-round. Again, once we start, just follow my lead."

The ten holes went fairly quickly. Logan's size and weight made it easier for both of us. I had a hard time doing my part in keeping the torque under control.

The post setting was fairly easy, using rock bars to tamp the dirt down well. That was followed by lessons on using a stretcher to get the wire back in place, re-stapling, and a lesson in splicing a broken strand of wire. At the end of the afternoon, the fence looked great, and I was beat. Moving pipe was a much more pleasant job.

We were both silent on the way back to the ranch. I was thinking again about how many things Logan had to do and how many skills he'd learned. It was going to take me a while, but I wanted to learn everything.

Logan took pity on me and gave me a ride to the house that afternoon. I realized that after he had dinner with his grandparents, he would still be working for a couple hours. Ranch life wasn't for the faint of heart.

The week went by quickly with days of hard work, a little passionate sex in the evening, and nights of deep sleep with Logan cuddled up behind me. I wondered how Logan managed to perform on top after a hard day's work. I would have been too tired to do more than a token effort.

I spent a lot of my spare time on the internet studying about the things I was helping Logan with on the ranch. I found some more information on the John Deere 4020, and learned how to use the hydraulic controls and the power take-off. I also looked at the various equipment which could be attached to the tractor. I didn't know how I would be using it later, but at least I had some background information.

The fence work continued every afternoon. As I became familiar with the tools, the work became easier and more enjoyable. I was excited about the things I was learning and the skills I was developing. By the end of the week, we were finished with at least half of the planned repairs.

Each day, I realized how much I was falling in love with Logan. Everything about him was just right. We made a perfect team in everything we did. I wanted to be with him forever. But I kept having this nagging doubt about whether he felt the same way.

I wasn't surprised on Friday afternoon that Logan made a suggestion for the weekend.

"There's a great swimmin' hole about four miles from here that I wanna show ya. The guys around here hang out there a lot on the weekend. I want ya to meet some of my friends, and the swimmin' hole would be a good place for that. Do ya wanna do that this weekend?"

"I'm going to Boise with my parents tomorrow. Would Sunday be okay?"

"Sunday would be best. A lot of the guys gotta work on Saturday. Could I pick ya up at yer place about one o'clock?"

"That would work well. I'll be ready."

"Oh and one other thing ... "

I was getting used to the add-ons which were usually the whole point of the conversation.

"... would ya wear that hot swimsuit you were wearin' when I met ya?"

I hesitated. "What do the other guys wear?"

"Everything from Speedos to gym shorts to cut-off Levis like I have. There's no standard. Now, to be sure, yer swimwear will be unique, but I'd really like ya to wear it."

"Okay, I'll do that. But I wanna wear a pair of cargo shorts over it until we actually go swimming."

"That sounds great. I'll see ya Sunday."

My nagging doubt was growing. I didn't mind showing off my body, but why would Logan want me to? Was he displaying the boy-toy he was proud of? Was I going to be the joke for the day? Whatever it was, I'd find out on Sunday, and I'd live through it.

It took about an hour to get to Boise. I realized my parents spent a couple hours on the road every day in order to live where we did. They were doing it for all of us, but I knew it was mostly for me. I hadn't been happy in the city, and they had correctly concluded the country would be better.

My parents had a lot of shopping to do, but I had a specific mission in mind. While they spent several hours at a shopping center, I walked a few blocks to visit a tattoo parlor.

I know I looked nervous when I entered. The receptionist was courteous, but I was sure she was used to turning away underage kids wanting tattoos.

"Hello, young man. How may I help you?"

"I wanna find out some things about getting a tattoo. And before you ask, I'm fourteen and I know I'll need my parents' permission. I just wanna know what to expect."

She smiled and held out her hand. "I'm Susie. What's your name?"

I shook her hand. "Toby. I'm glad to meet you."

"What kind of tattoo do you have in mind?"

"A braided rope tattoo around my right upper arm."

She showed me some pictures. "Like this?"

"Yeah, that's close. Before I get it, I'll take a picture of the one my friend has. I want one just like his."

"Okay, here's how it works. First, you have to pay when you come in. I can't give you an estimate, but it won't be cheap. The tattoo process can take several hours, and you'll experience some pain. You'll go home with a bandage around your arm, and you'll have to put ointment on the tattoo for several days until it starts to heal."

"You won't be able to go swimming for several weeks, and you have to keep it out of the sun until it heals. I can tell by your tan that you spend a lot of time in the sun. You may want to get your tattoo during the fall or winter when it will be easier to have the right conditions. Do you have any other questions?"

"No, I think that's what I needed to know. You're right about being in the sun. I'm working on a ranch for the summer, and that could be an issue. I also go swimming a lot. I'll take your advice and wait. Thanks very much for your help."

"You're welcome, Toby. Also, keep in mind your parents will need to sign the permission form here in our presence, although they don't have to be here while the tattoo is being made."

"Okay, I'll be back later. Thanks again for your help."

There was more to tattoos than I'd realized. I wanted one like Logan's, but I would have to think about it for a while. I would also have to convince my parents. They were being very helpful about allowing me to work, but a tattoo would be a big stretch.

And it would be a good idea to wait a while. Tattoos were permanent. My relationship with Logan might not be.

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Next: Chapter 7

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