Randall and Scott

By moc.loa@taKyllihW

Published on Mar 23, 2001


Well, I know that it is short! But, I had a really good ending point! So, the following chapters will be a whole lot better. This one is kind of the ending and beginning, if you know what I mean. Thanks to all of you who responded to the first chapter. I really appreciate it! Love to you all! Keep it coming!


Not real, didn't happen, don't know um', too young - don't read, don't like gay stories - screw you!

Chapter 2 The Ending of it all

Justin stared blankly at the man that lay beneath his feet. His blood congregated in pools that surrounded him. Moans of pain could be faintly heard escaping his lips. But, all Justin could do was stare. He did this. He caused this pain, and yet he felt so good. Like on a baseball team, and every summer there is this one unbeatable team...and then finally you beat them. Justin felt a release, one that cleared his mind and awakened his soul. Then the paranoia set in. What was he going to do about Ben? He didn't want to just kill him. Well, yeah he did, but he knew that he couldn't.

He snapped out of his trance, and let all the years of crime shows on the discovery channel, and cops come into play. This was his plan: since the apartment was empty, besides them, he could easily burn it with out anyone knowing that he did it. It would burn all the fingerprints, hairs, and microscopic stuff that could be used to incriminate him. And hopefully, Ben would be left alone to escape. Whether he did or not would be left up to him. But, Justin knew that there was no way of that happening. And even if he did escape, who would believe a deranged man who claims that Justin Randall Timberlake burned his apartment? So, either way, he would be safe.

He calmly walked back to his room; since he was always traveling, he hardly ever had time to really unpack. So, just about everything that he owned was already in the lovely set of suitcases that JC had bought him from the previous Christmas. They had his name embroidered on them, too. He ran his hand across them and surrendered to the brief JC moment that had began to fill his head. They were standing barefoot on soft green grass under a sky filled with thousands of stars. The moon was bigger than usual, and there was a light breeze. Nothing was said, but felt in body language. JC ran his fingers through Justin's hair, and kissed his cheek lightly. Then, embraced him in a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever, and a second at the same time.

The sound of a gunshot rang through the air. Justin turned around, startled and disoriented. Ben was lying in the floor, holding the very gun that had almost blown his legs off. Justin stared at Ben with terror in his eyes.

"You know, if I'm going to die tonight, you are too." Ben stated in a nonchalant tone. He raised the gun, slightly until Justin's head was in sight. Then he ever so gently pulled the trigger. It was like slow motion, Justin could see the bullet exiting the barrel, and his whole life passed before his eyes. Mostly times of him and JC together, but there was some family in there, too. Then he heard it, like a train passing over the top of his head. The bullet hadn't hit his head at all, only just gone through his aphro. The smell of burnt hair filled the air, and Justin got another idea. He hit the floor with a thud, and began screaming in over exaggerating pain. The screaming stopped, and Justin lay lifelessly on the floor.

"Well, Justin...this is where we say goodbye, I am afraid. You and I must have never been meant to be. Pity, though. You were so cute." Ben bent down to give him one last kiss on the cheek.

"Cute means ugly but interesting, dick-head!" Justin shouted as he pointed a pistol into Ben's face and pulled the trigger. He always carried a gun in his shoulder bag for security purposes, and the time had come to use it. During the long and hard screaming session, he had slyly reached into his bag and retrieved it.

As for Ben, His face was blasted into a million little pieces that now decorated the wall. Justin laid on the floor in silence for almost two hours, thinking about life with out Ben, and how his relationship with JC was going to be better, as was his career. All of a sudden the alarm clock started blasting Etta James, "At Last", which made the whole situation a little too weird for Justin. He slowly made his way to his feet. He knew that it was 5:00 because the alarm was going off, so he had to pull his plan off in an hour, and be at the photo shot in less than two hours. He set his brain into gear.

He grabbed his stuff and began to take it down to his car. When he got downstairs, he remembered that he was going to need an outfit to wear to the shoot. So, he undid all the bindings on the cases and proceeded to pick out something to wear. After deciding on a white wife beater, baby blue shear shirt, and a pair of black leather pants, he placed everything back in his car and headed back upstairs. Back in the apartment, he took Ben's body and laid it in the bathroom, and shut the door. He went into the bedroom and cleaned it up a little, and put Ben's cigarettes on the nightstand beside the table. He got one out of the package and lit it. He waited a couple of minutes before putting it on the bed. But, then he finally did. He blew on it a couple of times and left the room. He walked through the house double-checking to make sure that he had gotten everything.

The smoke started coming out of the bedroom in wafts, and this was the signal for Justin to leave. But, he had one last task to complete. He opened the bathroom door, and took the alcohol out of the bathroom cabinet. He opened the bottle and began to pour it all over the floor, in the tub, on the body, and over the walls. He got his keys off of the kitchen table and walked out of the door. The reason for the alcohol was that when it burned, it left no chemical trace; if he would have used gas, the police would have know it was a murder. He had also spread a 50oz. jar of Vodka all over the kitchen and living room floor. He poured regular bleach in the bedroom, and made a trail with it leading from the bedroom to the rest of the house. Everything was perfect.

He opened his car door and hopped into the drivers seat. He put his car into drive and pulled out of the parking lot. There was a small field across the street from the house, and he had decided to go over there to watch the fire take over the whole place. The drive had only taken a minute, and he had already parked and turned the car off.

From his position he had a perfect view of the whole spectacle. He watched as the flames rose to meet the walls, and as it engulfed the drapes. The glass started bursting the windows out, and when he was positive that the fire had done it's job, he called the fire department.

"911...what is your emergency?" Said the operator.

"Umm...Well, I just drove past an apartment and it is on fire. It looks like it is out of hand, and I don't think that there is anybody in it. There aren't any cars in the driveway. But, I may be wrong." Justin said, in an innocent tone. Almost like he was mocking the crime that had just been committed.

"Thank you, sir. I have dispatched the FD, and they should be there any minute. Could I please have your name, so the plaque that you will receive for this act of kindness will have your name on it?" She responded. It sounded like she recognized the voice. But he shook the thought off as being nerves.

"Umm...Randall Scott, but I really don't think that I deserve an award. I mean it is an abandoned complex, with nobody living in it looks like, and nothing was gained by putting the fire out?" Justin replied. His nervousness could be detected in his voice. But, he tried to hold out.

"Thank you, sir. We will be in touch." And with that, she disconnected the line, and left Justin without saying a goodbye. But he didn't care. He was free. He no longer had that adorning monster to control his every move, and he could now confess his feelings for his real true love. Nothing else really mattered. He left the real world for his thoughts of his and JC's first time...well, really their first everything. He couldn't wait. Tomorrow was the beginning of his new life, with JC, himself, and everybody else.

Till next time! 8-p

I know it was short, but like I said before...really good stopping point! Did you like it? Well, just wait for what else is in store for you, if you continue reading!! Maybe even a little naked time! he he he! Anyway, write me and encourage me to continue! GRIN! Bye for now! WhillyKat@aol.com

Next: Chapter 3

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