Randall and Scott

By moc.loa@taKyllihW

Published on Apr 30, 2001


Hey Kids, Well I know that it has been along time, and I do apologize for that! I hope that I still have some readers out there, for those of you who are you have a treat in store! But enough of me.....



Know them

Own them

Read if you are too young

Read if you are homophobic

Think this is real, because I made it all up

I would suggest that you read "Curly and Josh" by the very talented Aaron! It is a great story, but HASN'T BEEN UPDATED IN FOREVER....AARON! LOL! And "Not Until You Love Me" By Dawn, and it is updated almost every couple of days! They both are wonderful stories, and I highly recommend that you read them.

*Aaron, I am sorry that I haven't written...but all my computer time has been spent writing and re-writing this chapter. I hope you understand!

Chapter 4 "Give it to You"

JC woke up to the shower running. It had been three days since Justin had come to stay with him, and he was loving every minute of it. After the whole confession thing, they had slept until late that afternoon, and then went to a midnight movie. The next day, JC made Justin breakfast in bed......and Justin, in turn, gave JC a sponge bath. Today, though, was going to be that of another sort. Today was the day to tell the guys. First they would just start with the crime, and if they took that well....they would move on to the two hottest guys in the group dating. Hopes were high, to say the least.

The shower stopped running, and the sound of Justin's voice could be heard humming the lyrics to "This I Promise You" quietly to himself. JC got up, slid the sheet around his naked body, and walked to the bathroom. He silently opened the door and began to sing along with Justin. "And I will take you in my arms," JC placed his arms around Justin..., "and hold you right where you belong..." Justin sang, "Every word I say is true...," he kissed JC lightly on the lips, "this I promise you. Oh, I promise you." The sheet had slid off of JC, and they both stood naked in the middle of the floor.

"JC....do you think that we will last forever?" Justin said, still in JC's arms.

"Yes, I do. I mean, I know that it has only been three days, but I feel like everything that I have been waiting for is finally happening. All the pieces of my life have finally come into place. After 24 years of waiting, the one true person that I have always known that I love has come along, only to feel these same feelings back. I am in heaven." JC whispered, staring at Justin's face. Almost like he was trying to memorize every little detail. Trying to convert it to memory, like he might go blind tomorrow.

"You know....I have that same feeling, but I just could never find the words to express it. You are so good with words. You turn them into art, you paint this beautiful picture with your lips, and your voice is your paint. You make things come alive in me that would have otherwise gone un-noticed. I love you for that. Promise me that you will never stop?" Justin stated.

"I promise..." JC said, and with those last few words, he lifted Justin off of the ground, and gently placed him on the counter. They stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment, then JC ran his hands up Justin's torso. He was aroused by the hardness of his abs and chest. But, when he reached his face he stopped. A tear ran down his cheek.

"JC, why are you crying? Did I miss something? Or am I just not what you expected?" He said.

"No, baby. You are perfect. It is just I see that man put his hands on you every time that I close my eyes. I can't imagine what you had to go through. And there is this one question that lurks in the back of my mind, and I have to ask it. Justin, did he take you?" The older man shakily asked.

"No, JC. He never touched me with the slightest hint of love. We did not ever sleep together, and I am still a virgin. You know....I have been saving my self for you. And I won't settle until I have you." Justin said. He thought that he was going to break down, but he stayed strong during his whole speech.

"Okay! That is really good news! But, you know as well as I do that we can't do this now. Like you, I have been saving myself for the same reason. And this isn't really memorable. I want our first time to stay in our minds forever. So, you finish getting ready and I will jump in the shower. Are you okay with that," he said in a changed tone, "I mean, we can if you want too."

"Well, as much as Jimmy is telling me jump the gun...I fell that same way as you. So, here is a proposition for you...how about we go out to dinner tomorrow, and we can see what progresses from there?" Justin stated.

"Sure! That sounds like a great idea!" JC said. "But, I want to be at least a little formal, so.....Justin, would you go out with me?" JC asked.

"Yes, I will. Just as long as you keep your hands to your self, and be a good little chap. he he he. Pick me up at seven!" Justin joked.

"Jimmy? How funny!" JC laughed hysterically!

"What?....Do you not have a name for HIM? I mean, come on. I thought that every guy named his dick."

"Well, not me. I just refer to mine as Mister. That is all, but you can name him if you want? Come on Justin, how 'bout it, huh?"

"Okay, let me think....Ummm, well in order for me to get a well suited name, I have to see the merchandise. So, what I am suggesting is that you whip him out, and let me have an eye full?"

"Ummm, okay. Just as long as you don't jump at it like some sort of starved dog with someone shaking a piece of steak in front of their face. What exactly do you want me to do when I "whip him out" as you call it."

"Well...you can stroke him, just as an idea though. I mean, that would be good judging material...action is always the best way to tell."

"Justin, have you told before?" JC jested.

JC slowly un-zipped his pants, and pulled out his engorged 7-inch limp member. As he began to stroke, his dick rose to the occasion at a full 11 inches, and stood tall under JC's hand. He got harder, and harder...until he all of the sudden stopped.

"Justin, if I keep on going like that, I will blow my load all over you and the carpet!" JC laughed.

"Eewwwww! Cock snot! Yuck! he he he! Well, then just keep him hard, as I think! Is that too hard, Joshy?" Justin said in his most seductive voice.

Justin stared at JC's fully erect penis, as thoughts of lust raced through his mind. Oh, how he wanted to take the whole thing in his mouth and suck until those tasty man juiced flowed from it, but he would have to wait! Damnit, I hate waiting! Justin thought. All kinds of names ran through his mind, Tom...Jerry...Thumper...Thunder...But, the one that stuck was Brock. It had just came to him all of a sudden.


"I like it! And now, I really need to take care of this! So, I will be back!"

"Wait! I mean, masturbation isn't really sex! Maybe I could help you with your little problem! I mean, what could it hurt?" Justin said innocently.

"I guess that you are right...Well, are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come over here and deal with this monster that you have created?" JC said, acting annoyed.

Justin made his way over to JC, and as he took his dick into his hand and softly began to beat it. He heart beat faster, and his hand took notion to do the same. The urge to suck it had become way to un-bearable and he was thinking of doing it.


"Damnit! I was just getting started!...Hello?" Justin said un-easily.

"Hey darlin! How have you been?"

"Mom?" Justin stammered.

"Yes, baby! It is me. I was wanting to know if I could come and see my oldest son?" Lynn said ecstatically.

"Sure...I mean, yeah that is okay. Do you remember where JC lives?"

"Yeah, I think so. Isn't it over there by the doughnut store?"

"Yes, it is number 56. We will have to stay in a room together so you can have your own. When are you coming?" Justin asked.

"I will be there in a couple of hours. I already bought a ticket! Oh, and Justin...I don't think that you and JC should share a room! How about one of you just sleep on the couch. You wouldn't want people talking?" Lynn said in a very blunt voice.

"Mom? What is the matter with me and JC sharing a room? We do it all the time? I mean, the way you talk we will be having sex?" Justin burst out laughing! That was a lie.

"There is nothing funny about this Randall! You will not share a room and that is final!" Lynn stated.

"Mom, I will do whatever I want to do! I am 18. And if this is how you are gong to be while you are down here then do not come at all!" Justin said heatedly.

"I will be there in a while. You best not ever talk to your mother like that ever again! I mean it young man! Good-bye!" She screeched.

Justin rolled over in the bed to face his boyfriend. He looked longingly into his eyes and knew that they were feeling the exact same thing. Their love would always be there to console.

"What was that all about?" JC asked.

"Well, she doesn't want us to stay in the same room. But that will change before the day is over!"

"Are you going to tell her? Justin that could ruin your relationship with her? Are you sure that you can handle that now? I mean, we talked about this, and you decided to wait." JC worried.

"I know, but I would rather tell her in the beginning than let her hear it from one of the guys. I think?" Justin said, suddenly lost in thought. What would happen if I told her today? Would she disown me, or embrace me? "JC, I have to tell her. I know that there is a seventy-five percent chance of her leaving, but I have no choice. She does mean a lot to me, and it would kill me to have to chose...but I would choose you. I don't understand why she would want me to be unhappy...."

"She wouldn't, Justin. You know that. I mean, ever since the Mickey Mouse days...she had been way over protective, and insecure about her mothering habits, that should tell you that it is all about making you happy." JC said in a thoughtful tone.

"Well, that is the way that I would be without you." He said bluntly.

JC reached across the bed where they were sitting and rubbed Justin lightly across the cheek. The younger boy turned to look at the sexy man who was caressing his face. As his eyes traveled over his bare body, his human instincts set in and he embraced JC in a passionate kiss that stole the man's breath. They lay on the bed together touching each other in an innocence that can only be possessed by those who truly love one another. It was like a glow. A soft glow that swallowed them up in everything that they stood for and were inside. You could see the love writhing within them. As the kiss grew stronger, the two young men became one and for a second you couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. But, the air between them was growing short, so before long one had to come up for air.

"You know...I feel like we are supposed to be doing this right now, right here, at this moment." Justin said.

"Me too, like looking into your eyes and tasting your soul is a life goal for me or something." JC said lovingly.

"JC, I know that you wanted to wait...but I feel like this is the right time. I want you to have me now. I am ready."

"Are you sure?" JC said with concern.

"Yes, baby. I love you, and I want to give you the one thing that I can never give to anyone else."

"I love you, too"

Justin slid into JC's lap and began to run his shaking fingers through his hair. He kissed his eyes and massaged his neck. He felt JC's silky back and tasted his ears. Mesmerized by his irresistible lips, he bent his head down long enough to latch on to that glorious mouth. He explored the older man's mouth and felt of every crevice and indention with his tongue, JC did the same...and let out a low moan, as Justin was letting out one of a higher note at the same time. It was like singing, even during sex...their voices harmonized.

JC made his way down Justin's torso and suckled the teen's nipples taking care not to bite them. He kissed down his abs and rimmed his belly button, which made Justin absolutely giddy, then made his way down the younger mans barely there happy trail. There, between his legs lay the most beautiful penis known to man. At 9-inches, Justin was well endowed, and without waiting to plesurize the area surrounding that gifted piece of man meat, JC inhaled Justin's dick. Justin's hips moved with the sucking pattern of the older man's mouth. JC's head bobbed up and down, and every once in a while he would remove it to lick Justin's balls. Justin was moaning and groaning, his hands found their way to JC's hair and began to guide them to the point of pleasure.

"Oh My God.....JC......I am gonna.....cum,....Let's 69..." Justin managed to get out.

With out responding, JC slid his bottom half around to where he could get into Justin's mouth, then with care he slid himself into Justin's mouth. Justin was in heaven...Although JC was a bit big, he could still fit a good bit into his mouth. As he began to deep throat JC, his hips were moving uncontrollably, but he was determined to give JC the pleasure that he had been receiving for the last ten minutes. After being sure that he had done his job, Justin was ready.

"JC, I want you in me now!" Justin said in a grunt.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" Justin reassured.

JC got up and went fumbling through a drawer.

"JC, you don't have to use a condom. I mean, I know where you have been, and I want your seed in me."

"Okay, but it might hurt, and I will understand if you don't want to."

"I will be fine."

Justin rolled around to where he was on all fours. JC slowly walked to the other side of the room and grabbed the lube out of the bathroom. As he came out, he got his first look at his lover's rosebud. Lust overcame him, and he practically ran the rest of the way. He stepped up to Justin like he would step up for bat at a really important baseball game. Needless to say, he knew what to do. He centered his dick at the entrance of Justin, and slowly began to push past his tight ass. Justin winced, but with the pain came pleasure, and the more he took of JC the higher he rose.

"I am all the way in...are you still okay"

"You talk too much! I am fine!" Justin said.

"You want this pretty bad, don't you?"

"Hell yeah, now get busy there 'Brock'"


JC took that as a signal to give it to Justin, so without warning he began rodeo. He started slow, but was progressively getting faster. With each thrust he made into Justin, sweat fell from him and onto the blonde. The sheets were at Justin's mercy and there were already tears in them where he had mawed them. He turned to lay on his back and lifted his legs onto JC's shoulders. JC just started pumping Justin for all he was worth, and before too long he was ready to unload. Since he was flexible, he bent to where he could suck and fuck Justin at the same time.

"I'M CUMMING!" Justin screamed.

"ME TOO!" JC replied.

"OH MY GOD" They both screamed as they came.

The door burst open and Lynn came running in, and after realizing what was happening she screamed... "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Tbc? Ha Ha! What is going to happen? Well, don't ask me I am just the writer! Feedback is always welcome at WhilyKat@aol.com flames or comments!

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