Ravaged by Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Sep 8, 2020


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us characters based off the 'with the Ramgards' tale I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. But this take is to show not all ramgards are nice This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ravaged by Ramgards (1)

I am Tamir. I live (or lived) in the village of Gromach to the east of the great sea. I lived there in my youth with my family. My father and mother as two younger brothers. When I was very young, life seemed great. I was loved by my family and we worshiped the God of the books of religion as all others did there. It was a simple life we had. My brothers and I to studies in school and then home. My mother the cook and the caretaker of the home. My father the hard worker that kept a roof over our heads. But as I great I started to question everything as my mind thought more. I would ponder the books and the teachings of the sacred scrolls. Finding some of the written words very contradictory. So I would question it. Then ask my mother abd father and they would just say it is the will of God.

"That's bull" I would say "Some thing (actually many don't make any scense" "That is sacrilege" my father would grumble a me

Amy father was a good provider and a decent man. But he was as many and just like sheep lead by unknown forces. And he did not like my questioning the laws. The problem was I did. And as my body had the needs of flesh that seeped into me in my teens it was even more difficult to believe the laws. The issue was not that I had needs. Every man and woman did. And sex was not a sin. But something the teachings called "sins of flesh". Fleshly desires of someone if your same sex was forbidden. And that was the desires I had. I was more interested in watching men working in the village and seeing a fair maiden dancing in a garden. More interested the muscle and hair on a man than the soft silken pale flesh of a woman.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I first thought "This is supposed to be so wrong" "But it is so natural to me"

So yes I questioned such things as thus. And soon after started to to question even more. But this was the primary as I wanted to feel the touch of another man. To feel him on me. To kiss and have him inside me as a man does to a woman. The male penis was a thing of beauty. A strong rigid thing of beauty. And I wanted it. Even if it was considered blasphemy. And it was my father that was first 'crush' as a man. My father worked in the mines. Excavating stone for building the buildings we have here. The work has made my father strong and rugged. He stood just iver 6 feet in height. His weight was somewhere near 200 plus pounds of male strength. And he has had it since I can remember. His body a stunning form whenever I saw him without his shirt.

"Wow" I had said when I was younger" "My fathers body is awesome to look at"

Yes he was. His chest big and beefy. He was almost as strong looking at those city guards that I had seen near the temple. Huge fantastic looking men. But my father was the most handsome of all. His face rugged and bearded. Deep blue eyes that pierced me when he was angry. His chest broad and hairy. Not a lot, but a beautiful coating that made him appear even stronger as it shaped its swirls around the frame of his broad chest. And his clothes fit him well too. Trousers nice on his strong legs. And what a butt.

"Father is gorgeous" I had said a few years back

And he was. The issue was his total belief in the teachings and the law. I would see him applaud as this caught in sin were pulled in to the temple for judgement. Happy that they were persecuted for what i thought was silly law. So he and I of course did not get along when I teach the teen years and beyond. In my youth he would hold me when I was afraid and make things alright. And I loved being held in his mighty arms. He was my hero. But as I aged and fought with him mote, it would turn ugly. He beat me many a time for saying things against the religion and those sacred scrolls. And said I would fall to sin and perish.

"And I won't be here to save you boy" he would growl at me "You will burn in the fires of Hell!"

But I did not care. For I hated the teachings and what I believed to be falsehoods by the church. And as my father and mother amd most of the village believed in such, I knew I needed to flee this place. Before I too fell onto the judgement for any of my sins. Most of all that which was not to spoken of. 'Sins of the flesh'. It was the sins of all sins. Flesh and uncoupled sex. And worst, same sex. Many have been damned and cast out from the village. And some even worse. Killed dor such a sin. I have seen this. And those found guilty were paraded for the village to see. Bound amd shackled. Thrown in a cell until judgement.

"Vileness" I said "Such hate for what us different" "Such a mockery to the true nature of humanity"

Unfortunately, I had to stay silent. To bide my time until I was old enough to escape. I had heard whispers of the man beasts outside the city. Many there only to end us. And we were told to stay clear of man beasts. They were an abomination to us. But the ones that gave me curious thought were the ones that had come into the city walls on many an occasion. The only beasts that our leaders faired to accept aide and assistance with. These beasts were the ramgards. They were said to be allies when passing through the deep dark forests beyond the gates of the city. They have aided passage to our kind many a time when we have needed it. So to our leaders. Even though they were beasts, they were allowed access and passage into our city. They were one reason I failed to believe. That they were exempt from the rule in the village.

"Why them?" I asked my father "Why are they different? They are man beasts" "Do not question the leaders!" He would just bellow

'Fools' I said to myself. They are all just fill of foolish lies. And ignorance like that my father shown kept them with their power. Bow it wasn't that I blamed the ramgard for anything. They are just beasts that live outside the walls of our city. Large fantastical beasts that they were. About as tall as a regular man, but with rugged masculine frames. They were built like warriors. At least the ones I had seen before.

"These beats are the key to my freedom" I said to myself

For it was in those trailing whispers I had heard that these beasts. These ramgards took many unwanted and cast put souls and brought them to their lands as workers. But that was their worst fate. To be workers for the man beasts.

"Better than living here in this village of hate" I said "Yes. The ramgards are my way out" "I shall join them the next time they pass through" ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to come

Next: Chapter 2

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