Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 21, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 11:

And so the year went by. For David, it all seemed like a blur, what with the time he spent with Aaron. At least once a week, the two fourteen-year-olds would go over to David's house and do one of several things that always ended in one, or both, of them sperming on the other.

Between Aaron and tests and exams, David began to feel more and more tired, so when June finally came, he chose to take the summer off and just rest. Aaron was going back to California anyway, so he didn't see that there was much that he could do.

He was lying in bed, one Tuesday in June, when the phone rang. David picked it up and was more than a little surprised to hear Aaron's voice on the other end.

"Hi Dave!" it said, sounding quite excited.

"Hi Aaron..." David replied, confused, "Aren't you in Los Angeles or something?"

"Nope." Aaron replied, "My dad decided to only go for two weeks instead of a month, and I convinced him to let me stay home by myself during that time."

"That's so cool!" David answer, genuinely pleased, "Two weeks by myself sound amazing!"

"Yeah, I guess. That's what I thought at first too, but the more I think about it, the more it sounds boring."

"So what do you have planned?"

"Well," Aaron replied, "I was hoping that I could see you."

David smiled, "I could ask my mom if you could come over."

"I don't really want to come over to your place."

David's smile faded, "So, you want me to come to your place? I thought you didn't like having friends over."

"It's a small place and, with my dad and my brother, I don't have the privacy to do...hmmm...stuff. Especially not stuff like what I do with you."

David's smile came back, as he giggled and replied, "Okay, so when do you want me over?"

"I want you over right now." Aaron replied, "And I want you to bring your pillows and your clothes."

"I'm sleeping over tonight?"

David heard a laugh, "Why just one night, when you could sleep over for the next two weeks?"

David paused and adjusted his rapidly hardening penis in his shorts, then replied, "T...Two weeks? Alone in your house with you?"

"I mean, if you want to. I don't know if your mom would go for it."

"No!" David replied, "She'll go for it. Trust me! So, what will we do for the next two weeks?"

"Well..." David replied, "We could go to the park, we could go see movies, we could go to Laser Quest. We could do tons of fun stuff."

"Oh." David replied.

"And, of course," Aaron added, "We could suck on each other's dicks, and, tonight, I think I'm ready, if you know what I mean."

"You think?"

"I know." Aaron replied, seriously, "I want to do it with you tonight."

David paused, then quickly said into the phone, "Okay, see you in two seconds." and quickly hung up.

"Mom!" He yelled, "Can I spend two weeks with Aaron?"

"Why?" she asked, walking into the room.

"His dad's out of town and he invited me to sleep over until he comes back."

"Wow, lucky you!" She replied, "And lucky me. I can be alone for two weeks!"

David gave his mother a quick hug, then ran around and packed his things. Within ten minutes, he was ready to leave.

As his mother's car pulled up to the walkway of the duplex, Aaron was waiting in the open doorway. David quickly grabbed his bag and ran up toward him.

"Don't worry!" Aaron called down to David's mother, "I'll take good care of him!"

She laughed, in her infinite naivety, as David walked past Aaron and, waving goodbye, Aaron walked in too and closed the door.

Instead of throwing himself into his arms, like David thought he would, Aaron just leaned over and gave David a light kiss on the cheek, and then asked, "So, what do you want to do now?"

David shrugged, "You know the area better than I do. What do you want to do?"

Aaron smiled, "Well, it's still early. We can do a lot of stuff before...tonight."

David smiled too and nodded, "Okay, so what now?"

Aaron looked around, unsure, then said, "Well, to start, why don't you put your stuff in my room?"

David nodded, so Aaron took him down the hall to where his room was. While they walked, Aaron giggled and said, "Two weeks alone and we can't even figure out what to do first."

David nodded, then said, "If it's all the same to you, I think I'd like to stick around and rest for a while. I'm kind of tired, actually."

The two boys walked in to Aaron's room and David threw his bag down on the floor, beside the bed. Aaron turned around and, taking David's hand, said, "Do you want me in it?"

"You in what?" David asked.

"Bed." Aaron replied, giggling.

David smiled, "I thought you wanted to wait until tonight?"

Aaron smiled back and, reaching down to unbutton David's jeans, said, "Well, I did. But I changed my mind."

David smiled and began undoing Aaron's jeans too.

"Why?" David asked, as he lowered the zipper on Aaron's pants.

Aaron giggled, "Because if we do it now, then tonight, we'll have the evening free with..."

Aaron peeled down David's jeans, "...out any prior commitments."

David graciously stepped out of his pants and said, "So, I take it you want to be the one doing the sticking?"

Aaron nodded, "This time. If we like it, then I'll let you fuck me later on."

David nodded, "Yeah right. If we like it, then you'll be begging to fuck my ass all the time!"

Aaron's hand reached down to grip the stiff impression of David's dick beneath his briefs, "I'm fair, Dave. If you want to fuck me, then I'll let you, but you have to let me fuck you first. Now go shower! I don't want no shit on my dick."

David smiled and walked off toward the bathroom. He was extremely meticulous, washing in and around his ass four times.

When he got back in the room, Aaron was lying underneath his cover, propped up on one arm.

"Miss me?" David asked, tugging playfully on the tied ends of his towel.

Aaron smiled and, reaching over to his bedside table, pulled open a bottle of baby oil. "I don't know..." He said, smiling, "Why don't you ask my little friend here?"

Aaron pulled back the covers to reveal that he was naked underneath. His six-inch erection pulsed stiffly against his stomach. David took a deep breath and undid his towel, letting it drop to the floor. His own six-incher throbbed in response, standing parallel from his body.

Without another word spoken, David crawled onto the bed and Aaron grabbed him in his arms. They kissed and licked each other's faces for a few minutes, rubbing their fourteen-year-old bodies together in a dance that their bodies seemed to instinctively know.

Finally, David pulled his tongue from Aaron's mouth and panted, "Okay...You wanna do it?"

Aaron paused for a minute to catch his breath, then leaned over and grabbed the bottle of baby oil. Pouring a generous amount on his hand, he rubbed it gingerly over his now-highly-sensitive penis.

"I better do it." He advised to David, "If you touch my dick now, I'll cum."

"Cum?" David asked, confused.

Aaron giggled, "It's a word my brother uses when he's talking to his girlfriend. It means to get that amazing feeling, like after you get sucked off. To sperm...you know?"

"Oh, okay." David nodded, "I like that word. You're going to cum up my ass."

"If we make it that far." Aaron shrugged and said.

Putting the bottle aside, David rolled onto his stomach and slowly go on to his hands and knees. Aaron went behind him, holding his dick in his fist, so it stuck straight at the target.

"I'm gonna do it now, okay?" Aaron asked.

David closed his eyes and nodded, "Okay. I'm ready."

Aaron nodded and took a deep breath, "Okay, here I go. Now, don't fart or anything, okay?"

"Just fuck me already, ya dumb shit!"

Aaron nodded and, trying to hold apart David's ass cheeks with one hand, he cooted forward on his knees and put his dick against the entrance to David's colon.

"Ready?" Aaron asked.

David nodded.

Taking another deep breath, Aaron bit his lower lip in concentration and thought and pushed his dick forward.

"Hey, ow, OW!" David cried.

"What?" Aaron asked, "I can't get it in!"

David took a deep breath and said, "Okay, lemme just take a few more deep breaths."

While David almost hyperventilated himself into unconsciousness, Aaron kneeled there, leaning against his body, with the tip of his dick touching David's asshole. He reached back with his free hand and pulled his hair behind his ears, but sweat had stuck it to his face.

"We should have drank something first." David noted.

Aaron shook his head and sighed, "Just come on. This is supposed to be fun...I mean, I heard it was."

David nodded, "Okay, I'm relaxed."

Aaron smiled and began pushing again, working another few inches inside David's ass.

"Should I..." Aaron began.

"No! Keep going, dammit!" David growled.

After a few slow seconds, another inch was in.

"Damn, feels so weird." David noted.

Aaron smiled, "I guess. It feels real warm and stuff. I'm gonna start fucking now, okay?"

David nodded, "Okay."

Aaron pulled an inch of his dick out, then thrust back in. The slipperiness of his penis, though, and the lack of control caused his return thrust to jam his entire dick up David's ass.

"AH FUCK!" David screamed, clenching his fists so tight that his knuckles turned white.

Aaron quickly pulled out and crawled over to where David was lying.

"I'm sorry!" Aaron exclaimed, "Are you hurt?"

David was silent except for constant groaning.

Aaron looked over and saw a steady stream of blood running out of David's ass.

"Oh shit!" Aaron cried, tears running down his face, "You're bleeding, man!"

David finally got onto all fours, but quickly seethed and fell back onto the bed. "I feel like someone just stuck a knife in my gut." David groaned.

Aaron got up and quickly pulled back on his pants. "I'll get you some ice!" He exclaimed, "No...Maybe...I dunno, what do you need? Do I call 911? Oh god, my dad's gonna fucking kill me!"

David painfully managed to roll over onto his back, just so he could look up at Aaron.

"Baby?" He whispered.

Aaron rushed back to David's side, "Yes, angel?"

David smiled weakly, "Could you kiss me?"

Aaron slowly bent down and softly kissed David's lips.

"Now, bring me some ice. I'll be just fine. Don't worry."

Without another word, Aaron rushed off toward the kitchen to get ice and David gingerly reached down and pulled back on his briefs and swore that he would never...e-e-e-e-ever do that a-gain!

Next: Chapter 12

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