Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 23, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 13:

By the end of the first week, David knew the names of some of the guys in their grade 9 class. This was possible, because it seemed to David that Aaron had become friends with all of them. Of course, David hadn't been threatened by this, because he figured that Aaron's love for him was more than any stupid friendship. David was also not threatened by the fact that Aaron no longer allowed David to hold his hand, when they sat beside each other in class. After all, this was a new school and Aaron probably needed to suss it out first, before going full-force into showing everybody how much he loved David.

Alex was a really nice guy, David thought. He had, apparently, dyed his hair so many times that even he couldn't remember what the original colour was. His hair was only shoulder-length, which was actually short, compared to Aaron's. Alex was an actor and had done several things for local Montreal television, as well as some theatre work. As a result, he was really looking forward to Drama class in grade 10. He was a really outgoing guy and seemed to talk to Aaron, non-stop, about his hair. What shampoo he used, which hairdresser he went to, what kind of brush he used. Aaron seemed glad to get the attention, but David's dormant jealousy about Aaron's hair had begun to wake up in a big way and, so, he really sort of resented when Alex was around. Alex had come from a prissy private school in Dollard.

Trevor and John were two guys who Aaron and David had been afraid of, when they first met them. Trevor was only 5'3", but he was built like a pitbull. John seemed to have the face of a guy who was stuck between being human and being a neanderthal. Both had come from a school way out in Two Mountains, where they claimed that they had gotten into at least six fights each day. Looking at them, though, David didn't doubt it. John always carried six throwing daggers and a very large hunting knife on him. Trevor didn't carry any weapons, but he was very adept with his fists. David had jokingly called Trevor a leprechaun one day, when he'd come to school in a green shirt and Trevor had just been on him. Despite being seven inches taller and nearly 30 pounds heavier than him, Trevor had given David two black eyes and a busted lip, before David could even throw a single punch. Trevor had apologized afterwards, saying he didn't mean to actually hurt him and David had forgiven him, although he didn't want to consider what would have happened if he hadn't.

Then, there was Michael Glazerman. Mike had been in Bialik with David and Aaron for their second year, and knew the relationship between them. He'd done so well in grade 7, that he'd skipped grade 8 and gone right into grade 9. So, while Aaron and David were fourteen, going on fifteen, Mike had only recently turned thirteen. At first, David didn't quite understand why Aaron had become friends with Mike, and when he found out why, he wished he hadn't.

All in all, David liked MIND. The classes were fairly easy, with teachers who almost spoon-fed the subjects to the students. Being as intelligent as he was, David should have rightfully ruled every class, but he couldn't. He couldn't, because Aaron had decided, right from the first day, that he wasn't going to work more than a little in each class. And, because David loved Aaron so much, he couldn't bring himself to excel past Aaron. That didn't bother Aaron's other friend, Mike, though, who continued to work really hard that first week of school.

On the last day of their first week of school, David was sitting in a plush chair, doing some math homework, in the student lounge. It was lunch-time and David still didn't have any plans to go anywhere. He was only mildly amused, when Michael Glazerman walked into the lounge and declared, as he'd been doing for the past 4 days, "Good afternoon, plebeians!"

"Fuck you!" Somebody in the back yelled out.

"Not if you were the last man alive and I hadn't gotten any for a month!" Michael responded, in the slightly-gravelling, pubescently cracking voice that David had already begun to loathe.

"You haven't ever gotten any, Mike." David remarked, looking up briefly from his work.

There was a brief chuckle throughout the lounge and David congratulated himself again on his ability to make a small impact of a bunch of people that he cared nothing about.

Walking right up to David, Michael put his hands on his hips and whispered, "Well, at least I plan on getting some one day."

David looked up and took a deep breath, then whispered back, "One more faggot joke and I'm tossing you out the window, you little turd."

Michael smiled, appearing pleased that he got on David's pecs, and said, "Well, seeing as how Aaron is off with John, I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch."

David laughed and picked up his books, "Heck, why not? I got nothing better to do."

Depositing his things into his cubbyhole by the door, David and Michael stopped by their lockers to grab their coats, then headed down the stairs and out into downtown Montreal.

David walked behind Michael and periodically shook his head. It was incredible how one person could piss him off so much, so often. Right down to the long trench-coat and black beret that he wore, David kept wishing a car would hit Mike or something. The two boys went down to Carpaccios, a ludicrously expensive italian restaurant down University street. Mike was a kid who, David knew right away, should have stayed at Bialik. He was insanely rich and liked paying for people, just to piss them off. David didn't let it piss him off, though, and just enjoyed the free meals when he could get them.

Over a Pepsi in a wine glass, David and Michael talked about their experiences during the first week of school. After fifteen minutes of simple chatter, David had actually begun thinking that Michael was a decent guy, when, for the first time since the `Squinky' incident, David sprayed a mist of soda out of his mouth.

"I actually wanted you to come out to lunch with me today, because I wanted to tell you..." Mike began.

"Tell me what?" David replied, filling his mouth with Pepsi.

Michael took a deep breath, "I wanted to tell you...that I'm gay."

David sprayed Michael's undoubtedly expensive clothing with Pepsi, and, coughing, replied, "You're what?! But you're only 13!"

A smile on Michael's face, he wiped his face with the back of his hand and replied, "I'm gay...and I'm in love with you."

David sat in silence, swallowing the news like it was an unchewed piece of lamb.

A blush passed over the thirteen-year-old's face, as he leaned across the table and kissed a very surprised David on the lips.

"Well?" Michael asked, sitting back in his chair.

David let out a long breath and shook his head, "This is...wow...This is just...I...I dunno, this is so weird. You're sure about this?"

Michael nodded emphatically, "Totally sure. I thought about it ever since I first met you and Aaron. I'm in love with him too."

David smiled and shook his head, "Unbelievable. Well, Mike, I'm flattered and everything, but...."

"Don't say no, yet!" Mike cut him off, "It's not as if you guys are married or anything."

David shook his head and leaned forward, "I love Aaron, Mike. You're an okay guy, I guess, and you're kind of cute, but...well..Aaron and I are a couple."

Michael shook his head, still in defiance, "Just one night. That's all I ask."

"You're 13, Mike." David laughed, "and I'm with Aaron. I'm sorry."

Michael opened his mouth to say something, but slowly smiled and shook his head, "Geez, you faggots can't take a joke!"

David smiled, "Oh, don't start that!"

Michael forced himself to laugh, "Yeah, and the whole `I love you' thing...Wow, I can't believe you fell for it!"

David laughed, "You're insane, Mike. Totally out."

Michael shook his head, "Why don't you believe this was a joke?"

David laughed again, "You kissed me, Mike, and trust me when I say that I know a kiss of love when I feel one."

Michael continued to smile as he tried to think of something else to say, but David was having none of it. He simply went back to drinking his soda, while Michael continued to shoot excuses at him, until he realized that he wasn't getting away with it, so he simply shut up and ate his ravioli.

When they were both done, Michael paid the bill and left a 30% tip, then they left.

As they stood at the corner and waited for the light, David turned to Michael and, smiling, said, "So, you really like me, don't you?"

Michael shrugged, "I guess so."

David nodded, "You are kind of cute, though."

Michael scoffed, "Don't patronize me. I have no chance with you, right?"

David shrugged, "I kinda got a boyfriend, Mike."

Michael nodded, "Well, so long as you know."

The two boys crossed the street and David smiled and waved as he saw Aaron and John coming up from the other direction. The four boys joined each other as they walked back up to school. David walked beside Aaron and smiled, "How was your day?"

Aaron shrugged and replied, "Okay, I guess. You were there."

David nodded, "So, do you wanna come over after school."

Aaron shook his head, "Not today, Dave."

David nodded, "Okay, it's up to you...I guess."

Aaron smiled and, leaning in, whispered, "But I'll see you on Saturday, if you want."

David smiled too and nodded. He noticed Michael was smiling too, but in a sad kind of way.

The four boys returned to school and went into their next class, which happened to be Sex Ed. Why Sex Ed was being taught in grade 9, David didn't know, but it was the only class that he was truly allowing himself to excel in. However, as Peter stood there and talked about syphilis and gonorrhea, David was thinking about lunch and what Michael had said. David had gotten so used to being with Aaron and having sex with him, that he totally forgot about what other people might think of him. He didn't consider himself to be all that desirable, but he was still really high on the idea that the annoying little prick, Michael, had a crush on him. He remember when he was thirteen and felt that way about Aaron. He hadn't been able to put it into words like Michael had, but then Michael was quite a bit smarter than David was.

The rest of the day passed and, as was the tradition, Aaron said goodbye to his friends and walked to the metro with David. It was things like this that kept David secure in the knowledge that he and Aaron were still tight.

As they walked down the street toward the metro, David was grappling with the issue of whether to bring up what Michael said to Aaron. He opted not to, so they simply descended into the metro level, silently. Once on the metro, they kept going, and the feeling burned in David. He loved Aaron and he wanted there to be only honesty between them, so, just before Aaron's stop, David turned to him and said, "Aaron, I need to tell you something."

"What?" Aaron asked.

"Well, today, I went out to lunch with Michael and...and...well...umm...He told me that he loved me."

Aaron smiled, "He did?"

"Uh Huh" David nodded, waiting for Aaron to show the anger that David was feeling.

But Aaron didn't show anger, he just smiled at David and said, "That's nice, sweetie."

David shook his head as the metro pulled to a stop and Aaron picked up his bag.

"He said he loves you, also." David exclaimed.

"I know." Aaron shrugged and said, "He told me he loves me yesterday, before lunch."

"And what did you say?" David asked, slightly worried.

But Aaron had already walked out of the car.

"What did you say?" David yelled at the closed doors.

He stomped his foot and nearly burst into tears.

"Please, no..." David mumbled to himself, nearly crying.

Next: Chapter 14

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