Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 4, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 20:

Sean had, apparently, led a very unfortunate life. Originally from White Rock, a fairly populated city up from Surrey with a reputation for being a haven for child molesters, Sean had been living with his father, as a result of his parent's divorce when he was eight. Though normal situations usually favour the mother gaining custody of the child, she was, according to Sean, a "drunken whore who'd sleep with every fucking thing that moved, and some things that just vibrated." His father, however, found it very difficult to deal with Sean's frequent bursts of rage, and soon he, too, turned to alcohol for comfort. Unfortunately, it was comfort for him and not so much comfort for young Sean. Sean told David that he'd sometimes be woken up at night, by his blitzed father stabbing shallow holes in his back with a penknife. Sean would get mad and try to fight back, but his dad was a big, mean man, and the more Sean retaliated, the more he got cut up and beat up. Sean refused to go to the police, because wanted his father to suffer by his own hand. Never mind the fact that Sean got beat up daily and could not fend for himself. Eventually, money began to run low, as Sean's father's problem caused him to lose his job and, this time, he was unable to find a new one. When money ran low, alcohol ran low and when alcohol ran low, Sean's father calmed down. So, after several months of being horribly abused, Sean's father decided to make amends and they lived in harmony for the next five years. Sean's father got a new job and things seemed to calm down. Sean still had bursts of aggression, but Sean's father had gone for help and knew just to take a deep breath and walk away.

It was the afternoon of Sean's thirteenth birthday, and Sean remembered his father walking in the Lazer Dome, a laser tag place in Richmond, where he'd been having his birthday party, and his father was drunk again. Sean didn't know why or where he got it, but he started to just rant and rave, calling Sean a whole bunch of names. Sean began to cry and when one of the other fathers tried to comfort him and reprimand Sean's father for his actions, Sean's father flew into a rage and attacked the other father. The police were called, and Sean's father was arrested for DDC and assault.

Seeing her chance, Sean's mother fought the courts for the right to gain custody of Sean, instead of him going to live with his father's sister in Surrey. She won, and Sean was forced to go live with his mother.

This is where the details that Sean told David had gotten sketchy. Sean remembered vaguely, waking up one morning and walking groggily to the bathroom. His mother was in the hallway, stumbling around after one of her late night drinking binges at the local bar. She spotted him and just laid it in to Sean. She called him a psycho, a bastard, a freak...She had attacked Sean and scratched at his bare chest with her fingernails. He had pushed her off of him and run for the front door, but she kept after him. Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped. His mother calmed down, apologized and swore that it would never happen again.

However, Sean hadn't calmed down and went into a full attack of fury. He lunged at his mother, cursing her actions, and speared her against the wall. She was crying and begging him to stop, but there was no stopping him. Grabbing her around the waist, he through her against the glass balcony door, however she held on to his arm and they both went smashing through. Sean slashed a pretty deep gash from under his nipple to his bellybutton, and they both lay on the stone balcony, bleeding and breathing heavily. Sean looked down at his mother, who was now begging for him to stop. He told David that he really wanted to stop, but he just couldn't. He picked up a shard of broken glass and just drove it down into his mother.

He hadn't seen exactly where it had gone, but the next thing he knew, he was calling 911 and explaining himself. By the time the paramedics arrived, his mother was dead.

Sean's details had pretty much ended at that point, but David had surmised that, rather than pursue any criminal action against Sean, he'd been sent to the ACRP to get help.

On Friday, the kids had their weekly session with the psychiatrist, Dr. Mascal. They went alphabetically, so David was between Todd Kilmer, the drug freak, and Vanessa Peters, the manic-depressant. David waited for his turn in the lounge with Sean. Sean was last, his last name being Zekk.

David sat on the black rocking chair and read a print-out of his latest POV from his website, while Sean lay on the couch and read a Star Wars novel. Every so often, Sean would look up and smile at David, then turn off the lights. A few seconds later, Deirdre would come by, turn the lights back on and warn, as calmly as possible, "Darkness promotes depression, guys."

As soon as she left, Sean would smirk at David and wait another few minutes, before turning off the lights again. David knew that Sean was not all there, but that was one of the things he really loved about him. Another thing he loved about him, was how different he was then Aaron. In fact, he really would have loved for Aaron to meet Sean. Sean would so kick his ass, it wouldn't even be funny.

"So, do you know what the outing today is going to be?" David asked, putting down his latest rant against Taylor Hanson to address a nearly-prone Sean.

Sean shrugged and sat up, "I don't really giving a fuck, Dave. I know that I won't be going on it. Stupid fucking whore Laura doesn't think I'm entitled to the same perks as all you other freaks, since I'm here under `special' circumstances. By the way, you never told me why you're here."

David sat back in his chair. He didn't want to show weakness in front of Sean, but at the same time, he didn't want to come across as a liar either.

"School and I didn't agree." David answered simply.

Sean nodded, then closed his eyes and lay back on the couch. David took a deep breath and lay back in the chair too.

"David?" Sean asked, without opening his eyes or looking up.

David sat forward again, "Yeah?"

"Come over here and suck me off."

David smirked, then looked around, "What? You mean here? Now?"

Sean looked up, "Do you really give a damn if anybody sees you? If they make fun of you, then I'll fucking beat them up!"

David sat back. He didn't want to do this right here. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't. Fortunately, the moment was broken when Harry walked in to the room.

Looking over at David, he said, "Before you go speak to the doctor, I'd like to have some words with you, Dave."

"I got some words for you!" Sean cut in, "How about `fuck off'? I got a conversation going here!"

"Why don't you just shut the hell up, Sean?" Harry turned and said to him, "Nobody asked for your opinion and I've had just about enough of you!"

David sat and looked on, as the two locked a hateful gaze on each other. After a few seconds, Sean smiled and turned to David. "You can go, Dave." He said, "I'll be fine on my own."

David nodded and got up, following Harry out of the room and into his office down the hall. He closed the door behind him and urged David to sit down.

Sitting down in front of him, Harry said, "So, how you doing today, Dave?"

David shrugged, "Okay, I guess. I slept okay last night and school is going good."

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I've noticed that you've settled right there, eh? Heck, you even seemed to make a friend."

David smiled, "Yeah, I like Sean."

Harry shook his head, "I can see that, Dave, but why? You're a real good kid. I can feel it in you. You're going to be in and out of this place. You just need some self-confidence, from what I hear. You don't need someone like Sean to ruin things for you."

"How is Sean ruining things for me?" David asked.

Harry sat back in his chair and said, "Sean has no doubt enlightened you as to what he's doing here. Heck, he talks about it like he's proud of it or something. The thing with Sean, David, is that he has a habit of influencing the minds of new members of the ACRP. He can be your best friend and he has a way about him that makes him seem mysterious. But he ain't, Dave. He ain't mysterious. He ain't cool. He ain't anything good. He's scum and the sooner he's finished his term here, the better for you, the better for us, and the better for him. I can't tell you what to do or what not to do, Dave. I ain't your momma. What I can tell, you, though, is stay away from Sean. Oh, and especially don't go doing anything else like what happened in the shower room the other day!"

David listened to what Harry had to say, but he still replied, "Yeah, well Sean doesn't seem that bad. I mean, he doesn't smoke or do drugs. He just gets a little mad now and then, that's all."

Harry leaned forward, "Yeah, he gets mad. He gets real mad, Dave. When he first came here, he thought I was cool. He tried to be my best friend, but I was having none of it, so then he starts with his pissy mood swings. I criticize him, so he punches a hole in the wall. I threaten him, so he knocks me in the face. It just ain't worth being friends with Sean. That boy doesn't have friends. He uses people and right now he's using you."

David nodded, but seemed unconvinced, "Yeah, well thanks, Harry. I'll be careful."

David stood up and opened the door.

"Remember," Harry said, following him out, "You're a good kid, okay?"

David nodded and, smiled at Harry. As soon as David left the office, he went into the lounge and said to Sean, "Guess what that bastard Harry said about you!"

When Sean heard, he calmly got to his feet and, without saying a word, left the lounge and headed toward Harry's office.

David stood in the lounge, wondering what he had just done, when he heard the shouts and the sound of a fight going on down the hallway. Deirdre, Dr. Mascal, Laura and all the teachers ran to help Harry, but David just sat down in the rocking chair in the lounge and went back to reading his POV.

Next: Chapter 21

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