Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 12, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 25:

David had made quite a few Internet friends, by this point, and they all loved hearing him tell the story about how he was sued by Hanson. Being the minor celebrity that he had somewhat become, he felt inclined to embellish the story a little bit, at least to certain people. He got quite a kick out of telling all the panty-wetters that Taylor had actually come out to David, during his apology.


It was fun to tease them, but David still missed Sean and Montreal and Aaron and his mom and was still in complete and total misery.

However, several days later, David's life went from complete and total misery, to a state of bliss that exceeded anything he'd ever felt before and his desires to return to Montreal were totally eliminated. On December thirtieth, 1997, at 11:13 at night, David's step-mother gave birth to a 5 pound, 3-and-a-half ounce baby girl who she named Natalie. Natalie was David's new half-sister and when his father brought him to the hospital to meet her the next morning, he fell in love not once, but twice.

Even at twelve-hours-old, David was utterly in love with Natalie. He had a sister who lived back with his mother, but something about Natalie made David love her even more than his full-blood sister. She had her mother's nose, her father's eyes and lips, and something about those two huge blue eyes made David feel like crying. To David, she symbolized his new life and new beginning. He had come to be with his father, and she was the completion of his new life. They would now be a nuclear family. They would now be perfect. David held Natalie in his arms and she put her little hands on his back and lay her head on his shoulder. He hugged her tighter against him and smelled her nearly bald head.

Then, Candace walked into the room. Candace was the daughter of David's step-mother's best friend and, as far as females went, she was the most beautiful one that David had ever seen. Her mother was a member of one of the Native tribes in the lower mainland and her father was a businessman from Toronto. Candace had long, brown hair, just past her shoulders, freckles on her nose, big brown eyes, and one of the deadliest smiles that David had ever seen. She was wearing a white tube-top with Mickey Mouse on the front that showed off her smooth, flat stomach, and blue jeans. When she walked in to the room and saw David and Natalie, she smiled that smile of hers and, when David saw it, he nearly lost consciousness. It was a strange thing for him, because until this point, he knew that he liked guys and he was pretty sure that he was a pedophile, but he'd never really liked girls. He'd lost his virginity to one at a summer camp when he was 12, but he hadn't much enjoyed it. In fact, he was very confident in the fact that he was gay and seeing Candace right here now, made him feel suddenly very panicky.

"Can I hold her?" Candace asked, walking up to David.

David stared at the girl for a few seconds, before smiling what he hoped was his sexiest smile and holding the baby out to the girl. "Sure." He said.

David stood and watched Candace hold the baby against her chest and whisper babytalk in her ear, and he was filled with the sudden thought of what their children would look like, if they had any. His mind was filled with song. His breathing stopped, except for a quiet sigh every few seconds.

When everybody rode back to the house, to bring Natalie to her new home, David rode in Candace's mother's car, with Candace and they talked all the way home. She was his perfect girl, as far as he knew. She liked Shakespeare, chocolate ice cream and tennis. She hated when people called her "Candy", and her favorite subject in school is drama. Her father ran off many years ago and she doesn't know where he went and she doesn't want to know.

By the time they arrived at the house, David and her were casting coy stares at each other. Natalie was brought up to David's father and step-mother's room and David's step-mother breastfed her, while Candace's mother and David's father went to finishing painting the nursery. That left Candace and David with nothing much to do. It was raining outside and, so, neither one of them wanted to go out.

"Why don't you two go watch a movie or something?" David's father had suggested.

David's father was somewhat of a collector of movies and so, when David went into his father's office and opened up the closet, he was at somewhat of a loss to pick which of the 483 movies to watch.

"What do you want to watch?" David asked the girl beside him.

Candace shrugged and replied, "Whatever you like, I'm sure I'll like."

In the end, they decided to watch "My Girl 2", thinking that maybe it was a movie that she would enjoy.

And so they sat together on the couch in the living room and watched My Girl 2. At about the part where Vada was on the plane to L.A. and going through the box of her mother's things, David attempted to put his arm around Candace's shoulders. He felt that the whole yawn and stretch farce was a little corny for him and he might as well give this a shot. To David's shock, she not only didn't object to it, but she gradually worked her way over, closer to David, until she was lying on his chest. David was glad that he wore deodorant that morning.

Unfortunately, that was the extent of what David knew about courting females. So, with her head on his chest, he bit his lower lip like a certain friend of his used to do and tried to think about every romantic movie he had seen and figure out what to do next and if it was, at all, going too far.

In order to kiss her, he'd have to life her head up. He could kiss her head, but that seemed like something that parents did to their children. He could always move the hand attached to the arm around her shoulder to her breasts, but that might be a little too much, and, besides, she didn't appear to have any breasts. How old was this girl, anyway? He had a free hand too. He could put it on her leg...or between her legs. No, too far. Then again, on her leg might be too far too. Hmmm...Maybe he could ruffle her hair. No! They were sort of beyond that, he thought.

So, they watched the next hour of the movie like that and, toward the end, she seemed to get getting somewhat fidgety. Finally, she lifted her head up and, looking at David, whispered, "Well? Are you ever going to kiss me or not?"

David was struck dumb and responded something even dumber, "Oh...ummm...I didn't know that you wanted me to."

She smiled, "Haven't you ever made out before?"

David was again at a loss for words. The truth to that question might not be the best path to take, and a lie toward the negative might be seen as weak, but...

"Well, let me show you."

She leaned in, much to David's surprise, and kissed him on the lips.

Well, that sort of answered David's question about the next step, so his next thought was what the next step was, and also how, if you're thinking about steps when a girl is kissing you, you might not be the best person to be kissing a girl. "Oh well..." He thought, "Might as well try a few things..."

They sat on the couch, one arm wrapped around each other while they kissed, and the other one searching for something else to do. Candace's chose to try the traditional "hand on the back of the head pulling the face kissing you closer". David's chose to try a more risky "underneath the shirt stroking the breast" move. Being that she was wearing a tube top, it was a fairly easy task, even though stroking of breasts had never come up in any of David's previous relationship experience. He soon found that he had been wrong before, when he thought that she had no breasts. She did, in fact, have breasts, but they were little more than a slightly puffed up area around her nipples. It came to David's attention, at this point, that, given his knowledge of human development, either she was a late bloomer, or she was just entering puberty. That would put her age around...what?

Briefly pulling through her grip, he broke the kiss and gasped, "How old are you, again?"

She shrugged, "Twelve. How old are you?"

"Sixteen." David replied, then simply went back to kissing her and stroking her developing breasts.

Interestingly enough, it bothered David that he didn't know her age, but now that he did, he didn't really feel to guilty about it. After all, she had been the one who wanted to kiss him. Girls mature faster than boys, after all, so stroking the breasts of a twelve-year-old girl wasn't the same as wanting to lick baby oil off the body of a twelve-year-old boy...was it?

David's ears were open, despite the sounds of the movie still going on, and he didn't hear anything except the sounds of his father and her mother talking as they painted the room. He figured that his step-mother would be incapacitated for at least another half-hour, because she had to feed the baby, then change it and put it to bed and she was tired, so she'd probably go to sleep. Given that, as long as he could hear the painting still going on, they weren't going to get caught. With that in David's somewhat-psychologically unbalanced mind....

The kiss finally ended, and, a blush on both their faces, they separated and Candance whispered, "You're a good kisser, David."

"So are you." He replied, drowning in the brown of her eyes.

"What do you want to do now?" She asked.

David was pretty sure that she expected an answer like, "Watch another movie" or "Take the dog for a walk" or, at the very most, "Make out again", but he was very turned on and, with horniness, comes lack of modesty.

"Wanna have sex?" David inquired.

"You serious?" She asked, not looking so much nervous as just surprised.

"I mean, if you want to. We could just watch another movie or something." He responded, baiting her.

She shook her head, "No, no! I mean, okay. Like, but...ummm...How do you do it?"

David smiled and said, "I'll show you."

He was an incredible liar, he was beginning to think. What did he expect to show her?

"What if we get caught, though?" She asked, now becoming somewhat nervous.

David put his hand down on the waistband of her jeans and, looking at her comfortingly, replied, "We won't, I promise."

"What about a condom? Won't I get pregnant?"

David hadn't quite thought about that. After all, he never had to worry about that when he had sex, before."

Thinking about it for a few seconds, he came up with, "Well, have you gotten your period yet?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Then you won't get pregnant." David quickly replied.

David wasn't sure if that was totally true or not, but he really wanted to do this. However, over the course of the short conversation and seeing the look of indecision in her eyes, David had regained somewhat of a handle on the situation and that prevented him from doing anything more than gripping the waist of her jeans between his fingers.

After a minute, she looked at him and shrugged, said, "Well, are we going to...you know... do it or not?"

David shrugged, "I dunno. Do you want to?"

"I thought you wanted to!" She whispered.

"I don't want to if you don't want to." David replied, turning an about-face.

"So you don't want to?"

David shrugged, "I only want to if you want to. Do you want to?"

She giggled, "I want to if you want to, but if you don't want to, I don't want to, unless you want to, then I want to."

David began to agree with the logic of making 16 the age of consent in Canada.

Trying to keep serious and get a straight answer, even though it would never hold up in any court in the world, David asked, "Candace...Do you want to have sex with me?"

She looked up at the ceiling in thought, then looked back at David, "I think."

"You think?" He replied.

"I do."

"You do?" He responded, still trying to be serious, but beginning to find some humour in it.

"I'm sure."

"You're sure?"



David took a deep breath and moved his fingers down to the zipper of her jeans. She helped him, as he undid the button and pulled down her jeans. Then, she watched as he undid and pulled down his jeans. Now sitting in just shirts and underwear, David climbed up on to the couch on all fours and, seeing her cue, Candace lay down underneath him.

After waiting a few more seconds, to make sure he still heard the sounds of painting, he reached down and put his hand over the front of her panties. He looked down at her and, taking a deep breath, asked, "You ready?"

She reached up and put her down over the impression of David's penis within his boxers.

"I'm ready." She replied.

Shrugging, he reached down and she lifted up her ass as he pulled down her panties....

Next: Chapter 26

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