Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Apr 29, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 32:

David lay in bed with Aaron and, over the next two hours, told him everything that had been going on with him. About his psychotic episode in British Columbia, how he couldn't go to school, about the ACRP...and Sean, about how he came out and got beat up and made fun of on a daily basis, and about how his father tricked him into coming back to Montreal. He also told Aaron about how cruel his mother was and how horrible his life was. He started off being really careful not to become too depressed, because that's what, he figured, got him in trouble with Aaron the first time, but eventually it all just came pouring out in a wave of sobbing confession and anxiety.

The more David worried, the more Aaron touched him, until the last half-hour of sobbing about his miserable life was done with Aaron hugging him tightly and stroking his back. He was comforted in Aaron's arms, feeling the warmth of his naked body cuddling him firmly and, every so often, planting gentle kisses on his cheeks, drinking away the salty tears from his face. When David was done, Aaron slowly let him go back over to his side of the double bed, but continued to hold his hand.

"Do you feel better now?" Aaron asked, a look of concern on his face.

David sniffled and shrugged, "Yeah. But...but, Aaron...I have a question, but I don't want you to get mad."

Aaron shook his head, "I swear I won't get mad. Ask away."

David shrugged, "Why are you doing this? Why are you being so sweet and nice and wonderful? I don't remember you ever acting this way."

Aaron sighed, "You still don't trust me, do you, David?"

David frowned, "You swore you wouldn't get mad."

Aaron smiled, "I'm not mad, sweetie. I just don't quite understand why you find it so difficult to grasp that I've grown up and people change as they mature."

"I dunno." David said, lying back and closing his eyes.

Aaron lay back too and squeezed David's hand, "David, you told me that you wrote a whole book, right? And, just now, you told me a whole story of your past, like you were reciting it from this long monologue of a speech."

David nodded, "Mmm hmm."

"Well," Aaron continued, "things don't always happen as straight-forward and stream-lined as a novel or play. There's not always an opening act, a conflict, and a resolution, or however it is that stories are written. Sometimes, there's just a conflict and it goes on for a long time, and then it ends eventually, but it would be wrong to call it a straight-out resolution."

"Mmm hmm." David said again, sleepily.

Aaron smiled, "My point, sweetie, is that our conflict is over, but for you, it seems that you're waiting for something to happen. You're waiting for some sort of fantasy scenario to take place, in order to calm your poor, troubled mind."

"I guess." David mumbled.

"Well, I know this is the way it is!" Aaron said, propping himself up on his elbow and raising the tone of his voice, "I know you too well, David. You were always so good at reading and English and everything in which you could lose yourself in the body of some other person. You're waiting for some long-haired kid to throw his pack of cigarettes in the garbage and swear that I'll never touch them again, before descending to my knees and sucking your dick. You want to go back to that fight that you had with Mike, so you can win again and, this time, I'll run into your arms like some medieval wench and call you my hero or something. David, I love you now and everything, but you seriously need to grow up and open your eyes to the real world. What I did today, with all the apologizing...Well, that was this Aaron's way of setting things right with you. That other Aaron is gone and he isn't coming back. I'm who you're left with. Mike is a jazz musician now. He couldn't harm anybody. He's really calmed down. Everybody has grown up around you, David. Why can't you? No, I'll tell you why. It's because you spent two years waiting for the wrong Aaron to show up. Geez, what is with you, Dave? Sometimes you can be so...I dunno...so immature!"

David opened his eyes and looked over at Aaron. "So, you hate me again, right?"

Aaron shook his head and lay back down, "David, David, David....You are way too cute to have self-esteem this low. Just to reiterate, I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you and I'm not letting you leave this bed until you understand this whole scenario right here. Geez, you'd usually have to pay someone big bucks to have this much patience with you. Okay, David, I'm going to explain this one last time and if you still don't understand, then I'm going to slap you and I'm going to turn over and go to bed."

David sat up, "No, I'm sorry, Aaron. I understand what you're saying."

Aaron sat up too, "First of all, stop apologizing so much. You have no reason to be sorry. So, if you understand this, I want you to explain it to me."

David shrugged, "It's just that you're my first boyfriend and I want to be totally sure that you're serious, that's all."

Aaron nodded, "It's okay. So, go on and tell me."

David nodded, "You've matured and, because of that, you've acquired certain behaviours that I'm not used to, because I'm so used to you being either a total asshole or a horny boy who once made me bleed from my ass."

Aaron smiled, "In a nutshell, yeah. So, are we clear now, or am I going to be playing the rational one throughout our whole relationship, because frankly, I have some things I want to talk about with you, and I want us to be equal, before I go on."

David lay back down, "I'm totally clear, angel. So, go ahead and tell me what's up."

Aaron lay back down as well. Without looking at David, Aaron said, "Dave, did you love Sean? Honestly, did you love him?"

David looked over at Aaron face as his forest-green eyes stared up at the ceiling.

"I honestly don't know." David answered, "There were times when I felt miserable when he wasn't beside me, and other times when I was so glad that he wasn't around. I could feel the soft, sweet person beneath his tough exterior, but sometimes I felt as if he was just using me to get his rocks off. I needed to know whether he was going to be totally sincere, before I out and out decided that I loved him, and since I never felt secure with him, I never totally knew."

Aaron nodded, "Was the sex any good?"

David nodded, "That's the one thing I never failed to have with Sean. Love or no love, we really did have great cums together. I don't know what it was about him, but it's the one thing I really miss."

Aaron finally turned to look at Dave. Trying to smile, Aaron said, "I haven't had any sort of sex with anybody in about two years. I mean, I sucked you off this afternoon, but nobody has ever gotten me off."

David smirked, "Geez, what about you and Mike?"

Aaron giggled, "You serious? The kid had a crush on me and I only went with him to piss you off. He couldn't give good sex to a twelve-year-old virgin. The truth is, as much as you sound like you missed sex with Sean, I missed it with you. Maybe it was just because you were the first person I ever had sex with, or maybe I just always loved you all along, but I couldn't bear the thought of touching another guy's dick, after yours."

David smiled and shook his head, feeling Aaron's dick hardening against his leg, "How did you manage?"

Aaron laughed, "Well, I jacked off a lot, Dave. What the heck do you think? It was never the same, though."

David's smile went away slowly and, looking up at the ceiling, he said, "You want to have sex with me, don't you?"

Aaron nodded, "Yeah, I do, but I don't want to, if you're going to be uncomfortable."

David turned to Aaron and smiled, "Well, I really don't want to do anything...You know...with my ass and all that. I'll go down on you, if you want, though.

Aaron smiled, "I know how you don't like anal stuff. I was going to ask you to suck me off, anyway."

David smiled and slinked under the covers. He didn't have to go far to find Aaron's penis. It stuck up stiff and straight, creating a tent up in the underside of the comforter. David reached over and grabbed it around the base, eliciting a low groan from Aaron, muffled slightly by David being under the covers. Seeing no need for hesitation, David lifted his head up and sunk his mouth down on top of it. Truthfully, Aaron's penis hadn't changed too much. Maybe more pubic hair and it was slightly thicker, but it was still great to suck on and David really got into the whole slurping thing, working his tongue around the circumcised head. He smiled slightly, as he heard Aaron trying to muffle his gasps of pleasure, but not doing a good job of it so far.

David was in heaven, as far as he was concerned. It was a perfect scenario for him, and it was made even better, when Aaron began whispering down encouragement at him.

"Aww, fuck." He groaned as softly as he could, "I fucking missed this so much!"

"AahMmphaphoo..." David mumbled back.

Aaron giggled, but his giggles soon turned to soft gasps, as he whispered down, "I'm gonna cum!"

In response, David reached up with his other hand and gently stroked Aaron's balls. In reply, he heard him grit his teeth and his mouth was filled with the thick spurts of his semen. Despite being somewhat bitter, it was the best taste David had ever had in his mouth and all reservations he had about Aaron were vanquished. This is the way it should be, as far as David was concerned. Aaron's sperm belonged in his mouth and Aaron's body belong pressed against his.

Almost sadly, he swallowed the mouthful and licked his lips, before coming up again. Aaron was there, waiting for him.

"I love you, Aar." David said, wrapping his arms around Aaron slick body and hugging him.

Aaron hugged him back and, their faces turning toward each other, they kissed lovingly. When they separated several seconds later, Aaron had tears in his eyes.

"What?" David asked.

Aaron sniffled and shrugged, "I...I...I'm still so miserable that I ever let you go."

David smiled and said, "Tell you what, I'll keep an eye on you and if you ever seem like you're letting me go again, I'll tell you or slap you or something."

Aaron sniffled and wiped his eyes, "It's a deal."

And they hugged again. It wasn't that late or anything, but the exertion of their talk, plus the sex, plus just everything else, sapped their energy and, without intending to, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 33

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