Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on May 4, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 33:

The next morning, sunbeams streamed in the window and caressed David's eyelids. As he woke up, his whole body was filled with the deep disappointment that this was all a dream. It had happened many times before, but he still wasn't used to it. A year or so ago, he had experienced an extremely vivid dream involving Zac Hanson. Despite the vulgar, perverted things he sometimes thought, and others suggested, David's dream had comprised nothing more than sitting on a couch, his arm around Zac's body, and watching "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves", his favourite romantic movie. Zac's head had been on his shoulder and, eventually, they had both gotten undressed and David had stroked Zac's rigid little dick, until the young pop star experienced an orgasm. Interestingly enough, nothing had come out. Several months ago, David had experienced another dream, this one involving Bob Moffatt. There had been no sex involved in that one. Just a lot of hugging and kissing. Both dreams, however, had left David with a deep, throbbing void upon his waking, and he had cried for several minutes after them. He was filled with a similar void with this dream, involving a version of Aaron that he didn't know how he'd come up with.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head!"

David's eyes slowly opened and, for several seconds, he thought he was still dreaming, as he stared at Aaron looking down at him, clad only in blue jeans, with his hair still messy.

"Is it morning?" David asked.

Aaron smiled and nodded, "Yup, still morning. I could let you sleep until the afternoon, but I thought you might want to let your mother know where you were last night."

David sat up quickly. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed, "She's going to kill me!"

Aaron bit his lower lip in thought, just like he used to, while he toyed with the hair in his right armpit. After a few seconds, he replied, "Well, we don't have to call. I could just come over with you. I'm not afraid of your mother and maybe you'd feel better if I came with you."

David looked at Aaron affectionately and said, "Aww, you're the best!"

"I know...I know." Aaron replied, smiling. He reached down, picked up David's boxers and handed them to him. David slipped them on, then came out from under the covers.

They leaned in and kissed each other quickly. "Good morning, Aar." David said.

Aaron smiled and replied, "Morning, sweetie. Would you like to have a quick breakfast first, or just go right to your place."

David reached down and picked up his shirt. After slipping it on, he replied, "I think I better go back home now. My mom probably already called the police."

Aaron nodded, "Okay, we'll get dressed and go, then."

The two boys finished putting on the rest of their clothing and, after Aaron told his father where he was headed, they left the house and caught the bus back to Villa Maria, so they could get the 103 bus to go to David's house.

David's mother was as pissed off as David thought she'd be. Even with Aaron there, David stood there, close to tears, as his mother cut into him with words like "ugly", "fat", "insane", and "goof". She had called all her friends and told the police that if they found him, to tell him that he wasn't allowed back. That was it, he was kicked out.

"If you give me one second," Aaron said to her, after she was done with her verbal assault, "just let me explain. David was with me yesterday. If you want to blame somebody, you should blame me. I kept him out and away from any phones. He wanted to call you, Ms. Shatz, but by the time we got to a payphone, it was too late and he was afraid to wake you. I'm truly sorry."

"And who are you?" She asked.

Aaron smiled and said, "It's...um...Aaron, Ms. Shatz. Aaron Sternzus?"

Suddenly, she smiled and took a step back, "No! Geez, really? Wow, you've changed. You lost so much weight and you cut your hair and everything. I didn't recognize you!"

Aaron nodded and smiled bashfully, "Yeah, it's okay."

David's mother shook her head, "No, it isn't! I mean, wow! If David didn't eat so much and sit on his ass and play computer games all day, maybe he would get thin like you."

David covered his face with his hand and shook his head in disbelief.

"It's okay, Ms. Shatz." Aaron replied, putting his hand on David's shoulder, "I didn't lose all that much weight, and if David wanted to, he could look better than me."

"I suppose." She replied, not sounding all that sure, "Well, anyway, I guess I'll give David one last chance, but that's it. Would you like to come in and have something to eat or drink or something?"

Aaron smiled and nodded, "I'd love to."

"Okay," She said, "David will show you to the kitchen, then."

Aaron smiled, "It's okay. I remember where it is."

David and Aaron sat in the kitchen and drank orange juice, while David's mother was up in her room.

"You really have to get out of here, dude." Aaron said, taking a sip of his juice.

David swallowed and nodded, "I know, but where do I go?"

Aaron shrugged, "Why you asking me? Maybe take a short vacation and when you come back, you can figure out what's what."

David smiled, "Yeah, that'd be nice, I guess, but I have no money."

"So, use a credit card or something! Geez, Dave, you need a break from all this!"

David nodded and sipped at his drink pensively. After almost a minute, he looked up and said, "Well, I know this guy on the Internet, Gavin, who I always said that I'd go visit. Maybe I could go see him."

Aaron laughed, "I meant go by yourself or something. You seriously can't be thinking of going to visit some guy you met on the Internet. For all you know, he could be this ninety year old pedophile."

David shook his head, "But he's not! I mean, he sounds like his age and I heard his voice and all that. He's not ninety. I'm sure of it!"

"Still," Aaron said, "You don't know him. Why not just take a trip to Miami or The Bahamas or something. Sit on the beach, you know. Soak up some sun, get a tan, then come back fresh and ready to decide where you're going with your life."

"And with a huge credit card bill." David remarked, "Besides, if I'm going to spend money on going away, I want to go someplace where I know somebody. I could go visit Gavin, in Sacramento."

Aaron laughed, "He lives in Sacramento?! Jeez, what the hell is he doing there?"

"Why?" David asked, "What's wrong with Sacramento?"

"Nothing." Aaron said, shaking his head, "It's...no, it's nothing. Forget it. I mean, if you want to go to California, why not just talk to my dad. He has a few friends in Los Angeles who you could stay with."

David shook his head, "No, it's okay. I mean, I've been to Los Angeles and I already knew someone there, but I don't really want to go to Los Angeles. I...I dunno. I don't really want to go anywhere, Aaron, except maybe back to BC."

"Okay." Aaron said, "Forget this conversation ever took place. Heck, I'm in Montreal and I love you and I'd miss you if you went anywhere, anyway."

Under the table, they took each others hands. Closing their eyes, they leaned in and rubbed their lips together. Their hands slowly broke the other's grasp and moved up their bodies, until one was on the other's shoulder and the other was gently touching the other's cheek. David could taste the sweetness of orange juice mingling with the bitterness of morning breath, as he gently nipped Aaron's tongue as it entered his mouth. Their bodies came closer together and David pulled himself tighter against Aaron's body. Aaron understood and supported David weight, as he slowly lay down on the vinyl kitchen bench, with David on top of him.

Breaking their lip lock, Aaron smiled up at David and panted, "I don't think we should do this here. Your mother could come in at any second."

David nodded, "You're right. Wanna go swimming at my grandma's pool? I still got the black and purple swimsuit for you."

A huge smile came across Aaron's face, "That's one of the best ideas I ever heard from your sweet mouth."

Almost sadly, the two slipped under the kitchen table and out the other side.

"Mom!" David called, "Can we go swimming at grandma's?"

"I'm not bringing you!" She called back.

"It's okay, we'll go ourselves!" He called back.

"Okay," she yelled back, "The key to the pool in on top of the kitchen cabinet! Aaron's invited for supper, so be back before then."

"Okay!" Aaron yelled, "We will."

As the two walked to David's room to get their stuff, Aaron giggled and said to David, "You people like yelling a lot here, don't you?"

David laughed and shrugged, but he felt slightly embarrassed by that comment.

So, back to the 103 stop, to Villa Maria, and from Villa Maria, they just walked up the hill to David's grandmother's apartment, hoping there wouldn't be many old folks swimming today.

When they got to the pool changing room, David pressed his head against the door and listened. He couldn't hear anything, but the somewhat distant sound of the pool filter. It was early Saturday afternoon, David reasoned, so most of the people were out, or so he hoped.

"Sounds empty." He said, turning to Aaron.

Aaron smiled and said, "Goodie."

David unlocked the door and they both headed inside.

"Want me to turn around while you change?" David asked, smiling.

Aaron giggled, "For some weird reason, don't ask me why, I really don't give a damn about you seeing me naked. I might have some trouble getting my pants off, though. Want to help?"

David smiled and licked his lips as he watched Aaron stroking the large bulge at the front of his jeans. "You drive me crazy, Aaron. You know that?" David said, smiling.

Aaron nodded, biting his lower lip and smiling. Shrugging, he said, "I'd ask you to fuck me, but I know you're not into that too much."

David shrugged, "I wish I could, but I don't really want to."

Aaron nodded, "It's okay. I don't like it much either."

David smiled, "But I'd do anything else with you."

Aaron smiled and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. The impression of his obviously stiff penis was evident through his boxers. He removed his jeans and gingerly pulled down his boxers. His erect prick sprung up and slapped against his flat stomach, as soon as it was released from its confines.

Aaron reached over and wrapped his arms around David's neck. Looking into his eyes, he gently rubbed his stiff dick against David's pant leg and extended his tongue and ran the wet flesh over David's lips and fulcrum. As it passed over his lips a second time, David opened his mouth and playfully caught the tip between his teeth.

Letting it go after a few seconds, David smiled and said, "You're really horny, aren't you?"

Aaron nodded, "Uh huh. What are you going to do about it, fuck dog?"

David was never very good at talking dirty, so he avoided the obvious invitation and simply said, "Why don't we wait until we get into the pool?"

Aaron slowly broke his grasp on David and playfully pouted, "Awww, you're no fun!"

David felt sort of bad, so he replied, "Well, I didn't want you to cum all over my leg. Your jizz tastes too good to waste like that."

That was enough to cause David to blush furiously, but it seemed to satisfy Aaron, as he remarked, "So, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation written in my juices?! Get on with it, buddy!"

David laughed and, unzipping the bag, handed Aaron the black and purple swimsuit, which he quickly pulled on. David took off his own jeans, much to the enjoyment of Aaron, and pulled on his swimsuit.

After that, they pulled off their shirts and grabbed the towels, then headed through the shower and into the pool area. It was sort of strange thing to be at his grandmother's pool with Aaron again, considering it was here that he first defined his feelings for Aaron. Now, they were no longer kids and, instead of being jealous of long hair, David was now filled with envy, about how Aaron had gotten so slim, while he had gained weight. He wasn't so miserable, though, because, for the first time in his life, he fully realized that Aaron, the adorable boy who, by the looks of him, could have anybody he wanted, only wanted him. If that was the case, David wasn't just lucky to have him. He was...well...one step higher than lucky, which he couldn't think of at that point, because he was too busy staring at how sexy Aaron looked.

The pool area was, much to their pleasure, totally empty. The only sounds in the room, were the pool filter and their breathing. David turned to Aaron and smiled, "Well, looks like we got the pool all to ourselves."

Aaron nodded and giggled, "Yeah. Whatever will we do, I wonder?"

David shrugged innocently and, after winking at Aaron, dove into the pool. He heard a splash right behind him and, smiling, swam under water toward the shallow end. Before he could reach it, though, he felt something grab his foot and pull him back. He spun around and was quickly met with Aaron's lips pressing against his. He'd never kissed under water before and it was a weird feeling.

They both soon began to run out of air, though, and had to surface.

"Come to the shallow end." Aaron sputtered, before taking off.

David swam after him, following him to the steps that led from the shallow end, out of the pool. Once they reached the steps, Aaron surfaced and grabbed David's shoulders. He appeared to want to say something, but David didn't give him the chance and quickly lunged at him, pressing his lips against Aaron's.

They both sat on the steps and kissed, only taking breaks to press their lips against another piece of skin that was above water, before returning to their lip lock. Their hands groped all over each other's body for a couple of minutes, before David reached into the leg hole of Aaron's bathing suit and found the very stiff penis encased within.

"Oh baby, stroke me off, please!" Aaron moaned, breaking their embrace and gazing frantically into David's eyes.

To punctuate his point, dipped his hand beneath the waistband of David's swimsuit and took hold of David's own dick. David smiled and him and licked some droplets of water from his lips.

The two boys giggled, then resumed orally attacking each other, their hands firmly stroking penises, while their mouths did their work. It was a very strange, though not at all bad, feeling for David, to be masturbated under water. He had tried jerking off in the bath before, but it never felt as good as what Aaron was doing to him right now.

It was only a couple of minutes later, when Aaron's hands gripped David's shoulder tightly as he thrust his hips hard against David's hand. David could feel Aaron's dick throb against his fingers, and the stickiness of Aaron's semi-solid cum stream across the back of his palm. The erotic touch of his slimy juice pushed David over the edge and he groaned as he sprayed his semen through the water.

Spent, they broke apart and leaned back against the steps in the pool. David turned to Aaron and said, "Aaron, baby, can we talk some more?"

Aaron turned to David and smiled, "Of course, love, but can we get away from these floating globs first? It may have felt good to get them out of us, but now it just looks icky."

Next: Chapter 34

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