Raven Hair

By Double A

Published on Mar 18, 2000



After a hiatus of sorts, I am back with another story! Yay! Anyway, due to personal problems, I've been unable/unwilling to write much of anything for a long time. Here is a new story from me to you. For those of you who know my style and enjoy it, you should really like this one. Like I said, though, I haven't written anything for a while, so I may be a bit rusty. For those who don't know my style, I tend to use a lot of build-up and "storyline". So, if you came on to find a story for a quick jack-off, then this probably ain't for you. However, if you want to take the time to read a beautiful tale of young love, then sit back, take a sip from your glass of wine, and enjoy!

And remember...Always stand up for what you think is right, don't listen to bullshit, no matter who is saying it, and always speak with your fists and swear a lot to be heard!

Part 9:

After that day in the park, things became different between David and Aaron. David would wake up in the morning, thinking of Aaron, and would go to sleep at night, dreaming of him. At school, David just wouldn't feel comfortable, unless he'd seen Aaron at least once. They would go to the mall almost every day at lunch time, and when they weren't going to the mall, they were going to the park to talk and, as it would always turn out, suck each other off.

Aaron had slept over at David's house on New Years Eve, 1993, and they'd kissed at midnight, just like all the couples did on TV.

A full year soon passed, and the relationship between Aaron and David grew still more deep and defined. Aaron's dad and David's mother began speaking to each other, due to the constant visits that the two boys made to the other's house, and developed a rudimentary friendship. David's mother and Aaron's father became aware of the kissing that the two boys would sometimes openly exchange with each other, and also suspected some deeper physical things that they would do in private. They were comforted in the knowledge that it was probably just childish experimentation and began to almost find it cute to see the two boys holding hands while watching TV or doing homework together.

The friendship between David and Michael rapidly deteriorated, until they saw each other only about once every three months, and then even less. Matt and David continued to get together occasionally, but David never seemed that friendly when they did.

During the summer of 1994, Aaron and his father had gone back to Los Angeles on vacation and, for the month that they were gone, David had sulked in his room and almost never come out. He realized, during those long, boring days alone, what his feelings for Aaron truly were and, when Aaron had returned, David had gotten together with him the next morning. They'd taken the Metro to Peel, to go to Laser Quest and, just before they arrived at the Atwater station, David had leaned over and whispered in Aaron's ear, "I love you."

Aaron had turned to David and smiled, then kissed him in front of every passenger in the car. It was the proudest moment of David's life, despite the "fag" remarks that were uttered by a few of the people on board. It didn't bother David, though, because he knew that he wasn't gay. He just really loved his friend, Aaron. That's all.

That fall, Aaron and David had returned to Bialik and begun grade 8. David's mother, in her persuasive, annoying way, had convinced Mr. Shaviv, the principal, to put Aaron in as many of David's classes as possible. So, as a result, Aaron was not only in David's homeroom again, but also in his Geography, Jewish Studies, and World History classes. He was also in David's PE class again, which annoyed the heck out of Mr. Sousan. David's life began to gain great meaning and, for the first time in his life, he would wake up on a regular basis and be glad to be alive. He didn't cry over the feelings he felt for Aaron anymore, because he finally knew exactly what they were and what to do about them. Aaron still hadn't cut his hair, and it was now down well past his shoulders, but the envy that David felt for Aaron was not as great as the love he felt, so it was hardly noticeable.

On the twelfth of January, 1995, Aaron sat across from David in the food court of the mall and smiled at him, saying, "I have something I want to tell you."

Aaron had ordered his usual roast beef sandwich, while David had his usual smoked meat sandwich. They had been talking about school and David had mentioned how nice Aaron's hair looked that day.

"What?" David asked, smiling back and taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I'm going to be switching schools for grade 9." Aaron said.

David nearly dropped his sandwich, "What? Why? Where are you going?"

Aaron continued to smile, "I'm going to this cool High School downtown called MIND."

"MIND?" David asked.

Aaron nodded, "It stands for `Moving In New Directions'. I would have gone sooner, but it only starts in grade 9. It's supposed to be this amazing school where the work is easy and everything. It's gotta be fun, eh?"

David shrugged, "I guess."

Aaron reached out and took David's hand, asking, "What's wrong? You look sad."

David shrugged again, "Well...ummm...I kind of like being in school with you. I don't want you to leave me alone."

Aaron laughed, "I'm not leaving you alone! My dad is going to call your mom tonight and tell her about it. I want you to come with me."

"Excuse me?" David remarked, "I don't even know what the school's about. I'm doing really well this year. Well...I'm doing well enough. I don't know if I want to move."

Aaron shrugged and took a sip of his drink then said, "In MIND, there's only 150 students, so it's really small. It's also really friendly and they are supposed to have some amazing outings. Besides, I'm sick of all this Jewish stuff, aren't you?"

"I guess." David shrugged. He had to admit, he was really tired of learning about a religion that he didn't care much for anyway.

"Well, I'm going." Aaron said, then turned back to his food.

The two sat in silence again, as they both began eating. After he'd finished the first half of his sandwich, David looked up and said, matter-of-factly, "If you go, then I go. I wouldn't be able to go to school anymore, if you left."

Aaron smiled, "I thought you'd say that." then, quickly looking around to see if anybody was looking at them, he leaned forward and kissed David on the cheek.

David and Aaron both giggled and blushed as they finished up their meal, then got their jackets back on and began walking back to school.

On the way back, David turned to Aaron and, smiling, said, "You look really cute today."

Aaron smiled and said, "So do you, Dave. Do you think I should put my hair up in a ponytail?"

David shook his head, "I like it the way it is, sweetie."

Aaron stopped and, giggling, said, "You called me sweetie."

David nodded, "Why? Should I call you something else?"

Aaron smiled and shook his head, "Just don't tell anybody...sweetie."

The two boys giggled all the way back to school.

That evening, David stood outside the kitchen, listening to his mother talk on the phone to Aaron's dad. David hadn't told her that he'd decided that he wanted to switch schools with Aaron, so he was hoping that she didn't dismiss what Aaron's dad was saying, as crazy talk.

When she finally said her goodbyes and hung up the phone, she called Aaron into the kitchen.

"Sit down." She said, "There's something I want to ask you."

David sat down, pretending to be oblivious to everything, and said, "Yes, mom? What?"

"Well," she began, "that was Aaron's dad on the phone. He was telling me that he is sending Aaron to this new high school for grade 9. MIND, he said it was called. Aaron was telling him that he wants you to go too."

Without hesitation, David replied, "Well, where Aaron goes, I go."

David's mother smiled, "You really like Aaron, don't you?"

David smiled and nodded, "I love him, mom."

She laughed, "Suuuure, you do! Just wait until you grow up and meet a girl. You'll see how much you love him."

David shrugged and stood up, saying, "Well, I do. I don't know about girls, but I love him and I'm going to go to MIND with him."

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, okay, if you really want to go to this new school with him, then that's fine. There's an info session next Friday. Aaron and his dad are going and I think we should go too."

David nodded, "I think so too."

The following Friday came rather quickly, but maybe it was just that school was so fun these days, what with David being in almost all his classes with Aaron. His mother drove them downtown. They drove all the way down St-Catherine, until they hit University. Right near the Royal Victoria Hospital, where David was born, there was a huge building.

"I think this is it." David's mother said.

The two of them slowly walked up the stairs and into the courtyard. Luckily, there was a sign there that indicated that to get to MIND, it was a simple matter of just going up the stairs to the third floor. They'd have to go up past FACE(Fine Arts Core Education) and the High School of Montreal. When they reached the third floor, David's face lit up in a smile as he saw Aaron waiting by the locker with his dad.

"Welcome to MIND!" Aaron said, looking quite pleased.

David walked over to Aaron and smirked, "Thanks. Is this it?"

Aaron looked around, "Yup. One floor, twelve classrooms. Offices are down at the end of the west end, and the assembly room is at the end of the east end."

David looked around. The entire MIND High School was one long hallway lined with lockers and the occasional classroom door.

"How many teachers are in this place? And who's the principal?"

Aaron's smile got bigger, "That's the best part. There's only 6 teachers and there is no principal. The school is run by the students, with the Head Teacher as a moderator and liason to the government."

"What's a liason?" David asked.

"I dunno." Aaron shrugged, "But I think it means that we own the school!"

"Cool!" was David's response.

With that, the four of them made their way down the hallway and into the assembly room. Many other children and parents were there already, and bunch of adults sat at the front of the room, and David guessed they were the teachers.

The assembly got started a few minutes afterwards, and a friendly looking black lady stood up from her chair and walked up to the front. Looking at the assembled crowd, she began, "I'd like to welcome you all to MIND. My name is Sharon and I'm the Head Teacher here. What that means, basically, is that I'm like the principal, but I don't have absolute power like most other schools. MIND is run by myself, of course, but the students and parents of the students have quite a lot of say in what goes on here. The teachers are very hands-on, due to the smallness of the school and classes, and, while their lessons are dictated by the government, the students have a lot of say in the method of their teaching. MIND consists of grades 9 thru 11. Our days run from 9 in the morning, until 2:45 in the afternoon. Because of the small size of our school and the vastness of the people who apply every year, we must interview each student to determine if they are right for the school. Finally, we don't have a lot of money, so our resources are limited. As a result, there will be several fund-raising activities conducted throughout the year. The students should feel free to arrange field trips, if they desire any, but remember that it is you who has to pay for them."

Sharon then went on to introduce all seven teachers, which included herself.

By the end of the evening, Aaron and David stood in the student lounge, a perk that they had been quite happy about, and talked about it.

"Well, what do you think?" Aaron asked.

David smiled, "I like it. It seems so...different than what I'm used to."

"Think you can pass the interview?"

David nodded, "I think so. I just have to bullshit for a while and I should be just fine."

Aaron smiled, "I got it aced, I think. This place is fucking amazing, man! I mean, students having a say in things is so cool. We got our own lounge, with our own mailbox and a fridge and a microwave and TV and Fooz-ball table. This is such a kickass school, it's not even funny."

David stepped closer to Aaron and smiled, "Thanks for telling me about this place."

Aaron nodded and whispered, "Can I kiss you?"

David shook his head, "There's too many people here. Maybe you can sleep over tonight, though. There's something I want to try with you."

Aaron swallowed hard, "What?"

David leaned forward and whispered it in his ear. When he was done, Aaron smiled and ran across the room to where his father and David's mother stood.

"Dad," He asked, "Can I sleep at David's house tonight?"

Aaron's dad turned to David's mom, who simply shrugged and nodded.

"I don't see why not."

"Okay." Aaron said, "But can we go home now?"

By this time, David had walked up to the three of them.

"You done with this place, then?" David's mother asked.

"I think so." David replied, "It's a really cool place and we both so want to go here."

"Yeah." Aaron concurred, "But can we go home now?"

David's mother smiled and said, "Okay, you two, come on then."

David and Aaron followed her out of the student lounge and down the hallway toward the stairs. On the way down, Aaron turned to David and winked. It was time to take their relationship to the next step.

Next: Chapter 10

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