Ravens Hollow

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jun 8, 2021


** RAVEN'S HOLLOW – Part V **


Large windows with a view of the Seine. A marble staircase, flanked by stone nymphs whose togas slid precariously low.

The museum's opulence only increased past the entrance. Fluted columns along the corridors were gold tipped on both ends, veiny marble shone from under sound-absorbent strips of carpet and a different ornament danced across each paneled wall.

All just enough to match the richness of aristocrat portraits and exuberance of still lives.

But the man in a leather vest over a white tee shirt and thin leather pants tucked into heavy boots was not here to admire the fine strokes on fruit bowls, moving with purpose past the tourists and native Parisians in the halls.

Surprisingly quiet for someone of his shoulder width and leg strength, the man from Raven's Hollow made his way past students from the Académie des Beaux-Arts who were sketching on the stairs.

His name was Alec Reyes, but as his mother had been Mordecai's beloved daughter he had a claim to the Raven name.

Alec's features were a contrast of fine lines and rough edges, carrying the sureness of a man used to getting his way. Striking black irises over lush lips tied together by a subtle septum ring.

His skin was brown, evenly emphasizing the striation of his impressive musculature. His wiry hair was shaved, safe for a short mohawk, dyed ash blond – still his most prominent feature despite the stand-out attire.

A museum's archives, Alec had learned, were usually in the basement. The documents he was looking for, however, had recently been taken to an office upstairs. Who else could have a sudden interest in a four century old painting?

With his hand already pressing down on the door handle, Alec knocked on a high wooden door to Professor DeRose's room.

"Entrez!" said a young voice.

Alec entered into a space underneath a mansard roof. The office was cluttered and austere compared to the luxurious décor below. At its center was a desk that looked too heavy to move with anything less than a crane.

At the desk's edge sat a cute Frenchman, late twenties or early thirties, wearing round glasses and a hideous sweater vest.

"Puis-je vous aider?"

"Hello," Alec said. "I'm looking for DeRose. I'm here about the painting of Orion."

"Monsieur DeRose isn't here but I'm his assistant, Pierre," the Frenchman said with nearly no accent and uncrossed his legs to rise from the edge. "And you are?"

"Alec Reyes. On behalf of the Raven family."

"Raven," Pierre the assistant said, looking off to the side. "That portrait, I know about it. Strange thing."

Alec subtly brought his right hand to his left wrist. Threaded into a brown leather armband, underneath a wood-pearl wristlet, was a single string from a musical instrument.

He plucked the string as if it were a nervous habit, producing no audible sound. "Could you tell me about it? Strange how?"

Pierre froze for a split second, his eyes dashing over Alec's body before he averted his gaze as if he had seen something he shouldn't.

"The portrait was here. I handled it personally with DeRose's intern. Neither of us liked it. Funny thing, we compared notes and..." Again, the Frenchman's eyes were drawn to Alec. This time he blushed. "I- I even brought the file back up to check if there are some... hallucinogenic properties to the paint. I know it sounds crazy."

Alec stepped closer, lightly plucking the string. In some sense, it was a nervous habit. He probably wouldn't even have needed the aid to his voice's power.

"Je l'ai, Pierre," said a voice from behind.

A baby-faced guy in a casual suit entered with a carton box and closed the door behind him before noticing Alec.

"Ah," Pierre made. "Alec, this is the intern, Louie. Louie..." He introduced the guest and the situation I rapid French.

As soon as it was Alec's turn to speak, he gave the armband's string a tug, making Louie blink and straighten his back.

"Pierre was just about to tell me what was so strange about the painting. He mentioned hallucinations."

"Uh," Louie made. He swallowed hard, eyes jumping to Alec's legs in their tight leather cover with every string-tug. "I had vivid dreams, the night after packaging the portrait. Dreams about the man in it, Orion."

Pierre kept rubbing his collar as if overheating. "Yes, we dreamed the same thing. Stepping into the painting and... encountering the guy."

"Encountering?" Alec asked, making both men jolt a tiny bit as if his voice had carried a static charge.

Louie was first to speak. "He spoke to me, but I cannot recall what he said. Something about freedom and understanding and some place he returned to... or would returned to."

Alec kept making sounds of affirmation. Every little `hm' had an imperceptible effect on the two men but it added up to blushed faces and dry lips.

Pierre downed water from a flask while Louie put down the box he had brought and threw his suit jacket over it.

"Excusez-Moi!" Pierre said and slipped out of his sweatervest, now only in a button up. He busied himself at the desk, rifling through files.

"He only spoke?" Alec asked.

"No, he..." Louie looked at his shoes. "He undressed. As did I, in the dream."

Alec stepped too close to the intern, his voice nearly a whisper. "He fucked you, didn't he? Fucked your dream virginity out of you."

Pierre gasped. "Mon Dieu! How did you know?"

Alec looked over at Pierre, still leaning farther toward Louie. "Lucky guess."

He grabbed Louie's face and the intern eagerly sank into the kiss, grabbing Alec's body lightly with both hands under the leather vest.

The American let the vest fall and took a step back. "On your knees, bitch."

Louie dropped down while Alec stripped off his shirt. His hobby bodybuilder physique would have been impressive to anyone, but the entranced Frenchmen looked borderline terrified by the strength of their attraction.

Pierre said something like `don't tell Marie and I won't tell your girl either' to Louie in French, as he dropped his pants and rubbed his boner inside his boxers.

Alec pulled something from his pocket and slid it underneath the armband. Then he dropped his pants, too, letting the underwear go down with the leather.

His dick tended to grow to its seven inches before it truly hardened, so his meat still hung low at full length.

Louie struggled to strip while kneeling but forgot all about it as he saw the dickhead before him.

The intern's eyes were firmly meeting the hunk's gaze as he took as much into his mouth as he could. The hot wetness made Alec sigh.

Pierre was fully naked and masturbating.

Alec pulled the shoes off as he got his dick licked, slipped out of Louie's mouth and walked over to the desk, gesturing the intern to follow. How did he want to do this?

"You bitchboy," pointing at Louie, "come here and keep sucking. You twink," pointing at Pierre, "suck him off."

Alec stood naked on DeRose's side of the desk with Louie draped over it on his stomach. The intern's dick was pressed against the desk, licked by Pierre whose face was barely visible behind the mounds of Louie's ass.

Facefucking much rougher now, Alec reveled in Louie's eager gagging. He pulled a lube pack from where he had stored it under his wristlet and tossed it at Pierre. "Open the little bitch up for me."

"Mon Dieu, are we really doing this?"

Alec grinned and put all his charm into his words. "Yes, slut. Yes, you are."

An erotic shiver surged through Pierre's body and made him whimper.

Even though the American wasn't fully confident in all aspects of his Raven-heritage, nobody resisted a siren's call for long.

With the assistant fingering Louie even while licking his dick, Alec grabbed Louie's hair to keep the facefuck consistent as he looked around.

The painting's file was on the desk, just where Pierre had dropped it. Alec opened the folder and fought his way thought the partly-French documentation.

A minute later Louie was on his back and Alec's dickhead rubbed on his lubed hole. "Did you like the dream fuck, bitchboy? Gonna pop your real life cherry now, ma chéri."

Louie arched his chest upward as Alec entered him, legs trembling on the sides. His grunts were muffled by Pierre's dick in his face.

The assistant humped the intern's face for friction, one hand keeping his own dick down, the other edging Louie.

The dark skinned hunk set the tempo for the twinks and turned it from slow to fast within a minute, ramming himself into Louie hard enough to make the desk jerk a little. He went as hard as he figured the bottom could bare, possibly harder.

As he fucked, he casually read on. There were no mentions of dreams or visions in the file, let alone spooky sex, but nearly every handler recommended not to exhibit the painting. And there had been a lot of handlers lately – almost as if the portrait had picked up speed.

Pierre leaned forward, one knee on the desk, his crotch in Louie's face. He graced Alec's torso with the hand that had masturbated Louie. Alec pulled Pierre in, grabbed his hair and pressed him down, making the twinks sixty-nine.

The American noticed the lube pack, not quite depleted. He pulled Pierre up again and pushed the pack into the Frenchman's hand. "Now lube yourself up, bitchboy number two."

While the assistant opened his hole with both hands, sucking Louie's dick all the while, Alec paged to the last transaction report. The current owner lived in Louisiana. Orion had jumped continents.

Alec committed the address to memory, then slid out of Louie's hole with a wet slurp.

Letting the coworkers suck each other off, he walked around the desk and rammed his dick into Pierre's now glistening hole with a smack on either cheek.

Fast forwarding through the slow-to-rough spiel, Alec soon had Pierre cry-moaning into Louie's dick as his body shook under the assault.

With a deep grunt, the hunk shot his load into Pierre's ass and granted himself ten seconds to bask in the glow.

As he slipped out, his load came running down Pierre's taint and balls onto Louie's face who was unstoppably slurping the coworker-dick above.

"Good bitches, keep sucking each other like the cum whores you are."

Alec took his time getting dressed, always enjoying the sensation of leather sliding over his smooth legs.

He collected both Frenchmen's underwear. Souvenirs, or, if he was honest, trophies. He'd discard the panties in some street trashcan, not interested in dragging them back to the US, but a predator's habits died hard.

Speaking of trophies, Alec had to take a picture to make his cousin envious. Just a little teasing among friends.

When his phone camera clicked, the bottoms were finishing their mutual suck, mouths overflowing with spit and cum.

The American art collector left the office door open on the way out.


Jasper hadn't bothered putting on clothes again. His dick hung swollen and wet as he stood at the desk of the White Room.

Kamron was picking up speed again, slamming his hips into Leo Hall's ass hard enough to make the blond boy whine. As soon as Kamron had been assured Virgin's Bane was no love potion and fucking Leo was simply an act of kindness, the coworker had volunteered to help.

"Keep it steady," Jasper said.

"Ugh, fuck you," Kamron said. He sounded naturally out of breath. "Longest I've ever edged was a little under three hours. We're closing in on four. Just be glad I haven't gone soft by now. My dick is a miracle."

"Yes sir," Leo said between grunts. "Your miracle dick is saving my life. Fuck, I'm gonna marry you after this. No, I'll be your slave. I'll-"

The top hit the bottom on the back of the head. "Shut up with that. Ugh, Jasper, you're sure he's not permanently damaged?"

"Mostly." Jasper grumbled and shrugged at the fellow concierge. "He can form coherent sentences again so that's good. Pretty sure we should get Viagra or something. There's no way I can go for a round three and your miracle cock won't last forever."

"Antidote still not done?" the Asian top asked once again.

Jasper glanced at his concoction. "Takes as long as it takes. And stop calling it an antidote."

Leo arched. "Harder. Ugh, fuck, it won't stop burning. The second you slow down I'm craving so much again, I'd die for cock."

Kamron picked up the pace with a worried glance at the alchemist by the desk. He grabbed Leo's hair for support and humped from a different angle. "Don't know... how much longer..."

"K-keep going," Leo mumbled. "Fuck, I keep thinking I need to be fucked right now and then I realize I am getting fucked and it's just not enough."

"Man," Jasper said. "We could find other guys in the area. But it would be a little hard to explain how sex crazed you are. I mean, you did sort of get drugged but..."

A timer sounded.

Jasper scooped a watery, black substance from his bubbling pot into a tea bowl. "I have a good feeling about this attempt. Okay... Here you go. Should basically taste like oranges."

Kamron held still just long enough for Leo to down the drink like a shot and kept fucking. After a tense minute, Leo's face rose from the pillow with an expression of ecstasy.

"I'm cured!" Leo shouted. "My brain's back to normal. Holy shit, I'm not high on sex cravings anymore."

"I get to cum?" Kamron said with equal part surprise and fear.

"Sure," Jasper said and started to bottle the rest of his brew through a funnel.

The top held Leo by the neck and hair, ramming into the now yelping boy's ass with brutal, unsteady thrusts. "Fff-fuuu-uuuughhh."

The sex couple froze, Kamron spasming blissfully, Leo looking close to tears, biting his lip. They broke apart, load after load of cum shooting from the blond boy's hole.

"I'm never topping again," Kamron said and curled up on the other side of the bed. "Gonna take a nap now. Wake me up with food."

"Same," Leo said and waved at Jasper as if expecting the still naked concierge to leave the room with his equipment. "I'm so glad it's over."

"It isn't," Jasper said, rolling his eyes. He shouldn't be mad the boy hadn't been listening while suffering from an entire bottle of Virgin's Bane but he couldn't quite help it.

"The VB is still doing its work, I have just suppressed it as best I could. But that's going to wear off long before the VB does." He plugged the bottled mixture. "I'm leaving you this `black tea' and I'll make more just in case. Don't leave the room without it."

"Oh fuck," Leo said. "I'm not going to crave cock forever now, right?"

Jasper chuckled. "We'll see. It's got to wear off eventually but the one time I found a willing subject to try a shot of pure VB, taken orally, it took about a month to wear off, though the effect was weaker to begin with. He wasn't much younger than you but had more body mass so I'm not sure how much the observations transfer."


"Honestly though, part of me still thinks it didn't take that long to stop and Alec just loved being a slut with an excuse."

Kamron stirred. "Get me a pizza, J. You owe me. And by the way, not to be an asshole but you're doing my job for the rest of the day, right?"

"Sure," Jasper said and feigned a deep sigh. He did owe his colleague. "Although... I was going to head out with Sammy."

"Yeah?" Kamron said, teasingly. "Your totally-not-boy-toy?"

Jasper grunted. "That one, yeah. I think he's straight anyway. He's taking me to some straight night club."

"Well, get Thomas or Melanie to cover for both of us and you're good to go. But not before my pizza is here."

Jasper was done packing up his equipment and dressed in his staff uniform again. "They'll love hearing they get to run the show for an afternoon."

"Uh," Leo made. "Are you done blabbering? I was already asleep. I don't want to be awake to think right now."

"Fine, I can tell when I'm unwelcome. Bye, you two lovebirds."

"Wait," Leo said and sat up on his elbows. "How long's the substance going to suppress my... appetite? I don't want to wake up as a sex addict."

"No idea," Jasper said. "You're basically a were-bottom now. Boy one minute, cocksucker-beast the next."

"Fuck. How do I... I'm still working on that indecency conviction and now this? I can't talk to dad about any of this."

"Stay here," Jasper said, suddenly grinning with a spark in his eyes.

"Why do you look so happy?" Leo said, sulking.

The Raven heir stepped up to the bed and crouched down. "Leo Hall, what do you think about working at the resort?"

"I'm not a maid. I've studied business and my dad's got a company waiting for me."

"You wouldn't be a concierge. How about estate management, financial, backoffice. The spread sheet stuff."

The blond boy sank into the mattress. "I'll sleep on it."

Jasper left, closing the door quietly. With any luck he had just recruited a man who could handle the part of heir-ship he hated the most. And although it was a mean thought, Leo being a were-bottom dependent on him made the recruitment chance look great.

He'd really turned that one around.

Next: Chapter 6

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