Real Fantasy

By D One

Published on Feb 22, 2012



Tracy's long scraggly hair was blonde. His shoulders were very round jutting out of his usual tank top r wife beater. His jeans seemed to fit but still hang low on his hips revealing skin below the edge of his shirt.

When he moved it was like he moved inside his clothes and they were lucky enough to surround him. Yet when he bent over or crouched, the tightly hugged his skin, legs, buttocks, thighs.

And when he walked toward you, the worn jeans seemed to cup his balls and dick as if holding them outward from his body for everyone to see.

His smile was infectious. His frown just as attractive.

When he peeled the tank top off, as he did often, the revelation attracted eyes of everyone, despite gender and age.

The skin seemed to cover his frame easily revealing the bones and muscle structure underneath. Even his belly button seemed magical delving deep into his body yet featuring a small flesh button in the middle inviting a finger or tongue to press it.

He was friendly to everyone and funny. He'd wrinkle his nose, lift his eyebrows, scrunch up his face and wiggle his ears like some animated character. Sometimes it was reacting to others, other times it just happened.

Morgan was one of the lucky ones who spent summers with a group of classmates that included Tracy. Inhibitions weren't existent as the group wrestled, ran, punched, hugged and walked with arms over each other's shoulders.

It was a summer evening that he wandered back to the park where they hung out. It was private at night and he could smoke the illicit joint without fear of parental discovery. Cops cruised the park but never seemed to stop let alone worry about those individuals who sat on benches or picnic tables smoking.

He wandered past he bathroom building towards the tables that were far from the highway. A figure was sitting there. He was going to turn away but he sounds the figure made encouraged him to get closer.

Tracy was sitting there. His shirt was missing, which was not unusual during the summer nights or days. He seemed to be crying. That was unusual.

Morgan asked what he matter was and got close enough to see the boy was naked. His jeans or shorts or whatever he had been wearing were nowhere to be seen.

"Shit man you ok?" Morgan ignored his desire to see the boys newly revealed body parts and sat next to him draping his arm over the bare shoulders.

Tracy didn't respond but continued to sob.

"Hey man whatever it is, it's ok." He patted the skin and hugged the kid.

"I'm fucking gay" Tracy's words blurted out like computer streamed messages.

"So am I, so why are you crying?" Morgan heard himself out himself. He had never said it out loud.

"Fuck you, you're lying" Tracy looked at Morgan.

"Hell, I am. If you weren't upset, I'd show you right here" Morgan kissed Tracy on the tear stained cheek.



"But you play football and stuff' Tracy said.

"And you play basketball, swim, lift weights" Morgan replied. "How do you know by the way?"

"You just know"


"Why are you uh naked, not that I mind. But the cops may not" Morgan hugged Tracy again.

"Bathroom, uh got into something they took my stuff"

Morgan unbuttoned the jean shirt he wore. "Here wrap this around you so we don't get arrested"

Tracy took the denim shirt and laid it across his lap, tying the sleeves behind him.

"Thanks. You ever???"

"Once or twice. I think about it all the time of course. Hell all guys think about sex all the time"

"With other guys?" Tracy seemed genuinely ignorant, his innocent face like a child discovering something for the first time.

"Hell, yea. My cousin and I jack off together now and then. He admitted he thinks about guys and girls" Morgan lied about the jacking off part, but his cousin did once admit this during an alcohol educed confessional conversation.

"You every you know have sex with him?"

Tracy's hand was on Morgan's back slowly moving up and down as if petting a lapdog.

"Once" Morgan wasn't lying this time. It was a late night touching in the dark occurrence that ended with the two kissing and then finding themselves in the position to 69. They did and kept doing it until they gagged on each other's sperm.

"You? I mean before whatever happened tonight happened."

"Yea, old guy sucked me once" said Tracy. "I liked it"

"Me too" Morgan mentally recalled a certain Uncle that stepped into the shower once upon a time, jacking him then kneeling and educing his body to explode.

"You ever think about guys when you jack off? I mean guys you uh know?" Tracy whispered.

"Yea, you, Clemon, Coach, Mr. Milton"

"Milton? The history teacher yuk" Tracy began to laugh, apparently distracted from the cause of his tears.

"He wears those slacks that show off his dick. I man have you seen it, down his left leg. It's huge"

Tracy laughed harder.

"Shit I think your cock is huge" Tracy said.

Morgan wasn't sure when Tracy had seen his dick. Gym class maybe, or one of the times in years past when it hardened in his jeans without notice.

"Yea well you have a nice ass"

"You look at my ass?"

"Hell man everybody looks at your ass." Morgan felt somehow good at being able to say that. "Your face, shoulders and chest ain't bad either"

Tracy nudged him so the shirt fell off his waist.

Morgan saw the cock that dangled between his legs. It seemed either enticingly long or half hard.

"Not a bad cock either" Morgan added reaching for the shirt.

"Better put this back on"

"Cops yea I know" Tracy repositioned the shirt.

"The hell with cops, I might attack that dick of yours" Morgan again felt good being able to say out loud what was on his mind.

"Shit I wish I knew before...before tonight" Tracy said.

"You ok? We can look for your clothes" Morgan said.

"Yea, sore asshole but ok" Tracy revealed his earlier activities "two of em, started out hot, you know dick to suck dick to fuck but they got rough"

Morgan knew Tracy needed to lift whatever guilt or shame he felt from his shoulders.

"Sounds hot" he said "at least until they uh ..."

"raped me" Tracy said "or was it rape. It started out ok, I wanted it but shit why did they have to ruin it?"

"Dunno, who were they?"

"Guys" Tracy said.

The bathroom smelled of urine and other smells like it always did. They found the torn shirt and soaking wet jeans.

Tracy stood naked holding Morgan's shirt.

"Wear that and you'll have to wear the wet jeans. We can go to my place and put them in the dryer" Morgan said.

Tracy didn't move. Despite his condition, he looked hot enough to touch, pet, kiss and suck. Morgan was tempted.

"Shit" he said


"Sorry I uh was looking" Morgan admitted.

"Yea, I know" Tracy said "let's go"

Wearing the denim shirt and wet jeans Tracy walked beside Morgan. They talked about the school year approaching in a month. They talked about soccer. They talked about their own sexual realization.

Tracy stood naked in is bedroom. "You can put stuff on from the closet, anything you want." Morgan said as he took the wet clothes to the dryer.

He returned finding Tracy still naked, squatting and playing video games.

"You warm enough?" he asked

"Yea always naked in my room" Tracy said "You?"

"Usually" Morgan lied realizing he rarely hung out bareass in his bedroom. He stripped down now revealing himself to Tracy.

"Nice cock" Tracy said without looking over.

"You too" they both laughed.

Hours of video games later the dry jeans lay on the bed folded up.

"So, want to eat something?" Morgan asked.

"Yes" Tracy said and put the controller down. He reached across and tongued Morgan's dick.

"You sure about this?" Morgan gasped at the pleasure.

"After tonight I want to be with someone I trust" Tracy said "Can I stay?"

Morgan awoke and tried to remember the dream. Tracy was naked. Clemmons was too. Even Mr. Miller was there letting his cock wave as he walked.

Morgan's usual morning erection tented the blanket as usual. He heard his mother singing downstairs in the kitchen. The summer air flowed through the window dispelling sweetly across his naked body.

Stretching, he knew his hand would satisfy his needs encouraged by the usual fantasy images of men and boys, memories of his Uncle's lips long ago and his cousin's constant sex talk.

He'd visit the cousins in another week. And this summer would be different. There would be sex.

He saw Tracy's scraggly hair dangling over his bare shoulders and back. Sex with Tracy had been in his mind for many masturbation sessions.

Morgan leaned over and kissed the bare skin.

Tracy moved and turned on his side.

"You ok?" Tracy asked.

"Morning wood" Morgan flipped the blanket off.

Tracy moved and slid his lips down the fleshy stalk.

Fantasies are not as good as reality. Morgan knew that reality had begun and he gasped his enjoyment.

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