Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Sep 19, 2009


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The disclaimer is located on chapter 1.

Chapter 16.

"It's been so lonely without you here Like a bird without a song" -Prince

"Hey, Olli...sorry! It's me. It's Christian..." Christian couldn't look away, when he saw all of Olli. Dumbfounded, Olli stood in the calf-deep water for a short while; bubbles sliding down his moistened skin. Christian wondered if he was supposed to be looking somewhere else; but since the dark-haired boy luckily wasn't protesting, Christian watched Olli as if he were an extremely good movie.

Olli rubbed his soapy eyes, as his mind tried to wrap around what was happening. When his eyes were clear enough to see, Olli gazed upon the boy of his dreams. `Is this really real?' Christian was standing only a few feet away from him, dressed in all black, with a silly grin on his face.

Olli wondered what Christian's expression was all about, until he remembered his lack of clothing. Christian was disappointed when Olli abruptly sat back down into the tub; spilling water onto the floor, after realizing he'd been giving Christian a little show.

"Christian?" Olli's voice was as sweet as can be. " did you?" "I came to rescue you!" Christian announced as he strode gallantly toward the bathtub. "I'm so glad you came!" Olli held out his slick arms for a hug and Christian accepted them warmly. "I couldn't let you down." Christian's voice was filled with blissful relief as he kneeled onto the soapy, tile floor.

Lips found lips and they embraced a moment that neither was sure would ever come. Olli kept his eyes open for a minute; as if tying to make sure Christian was real. Their kissing quickly went from sweet and hesitant, powerfully insatiable. Their mouths and chests were pressed together so tightly, it almost hurt. The back of Christian's hair and his Jacket, were thoroughly soaked; Olli's upper body and saturated arms, made sure of it.

Because Olli was completely naked, Christian was unsure of where to touch him. He carefully placed his hands in a few spots before deciding to let his arms drape over Olli's shoulders. Christian felt good about the placement; his hands being nowhere near the tub. He had to force his eyes to stay shut because just the thought of looking down into the water, was too overwhelming for him.

Olli's knee slid against the slippery inside of the tub and he withdrew his hands from Christian's hair to steady himself; the sudsy water splashed around the boy, like the turbulent waves an ocean. Olli was proud of himself for being able to keep the kiss going through his unsteady movements. Christian didn't notice a thing; his eyes were shut tightly and he was lost in Olli.

The sweetheart's mouths expressed their endearment for awhile, until the boys had the synchronized thought of wanting to look at each other. Their faces parted and Christian was immediately filled with concern, when he saw what the effects that not eating, had on Olli. Olli noticed dark circles around Christian's eyes and worried that he wasn't getting enough sleep.

"You look good." Christian hummed so close to Olli's face, he could feel the vibration. "You look better." Olli answered, as he pulled his dripping hands from the side of the tub and held Christian's face. "Impossible." They looked into each other's eyes for a long and wonderful moment, trying not to spoil it with words and thoughts of the immediate future.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" "You're beeping." Olli told Christian as he nuzzled into his neck. "Oh, so I am!" Christian pulled his phone out of the right front pocket of his dark, almost black jeans. "It's Olivia." He reported, as he pressed the [Ok] button, to read his new text message. Olli leaned in to read it, but couldn't make out what it said as Christian's hand began to shake.

[Get out now! Olli's crazy mom is back!]

"Shit!" Christian didn't know what to do next. "What is it?" Olli had a pretty good idea of what it was. "Your mom just got home!" Christian answered fearfully. The boys immediately turned their heads toward an alarming sound. The soft squeaks, told Olli that someone was climbing the old wooden staircase, leading up to the bedrooms. "Hide!" Olli pleaded urgently.

Olli was in panic mode; he knew his mother would be checking on him, first thing. From the tub, Olli watched Christian scramble to his feet, slipping on the sudsy water that had spilled onto the tile floor, minutes earlier. He tried not to laugh at the cartoon-like movements Christian was making, during the very serious situation. Christian blew Olli a playful kiss, then disappeared into the bedroom.

Christian first checked under Olli's bed, but he wouldn't be able to hide there, as it was stuffed full with suitcases and boxes. `That's where Olli's things are.' He sprang to his feet and turned to open the closet doors. When he saw that it was a walk-in, Christian decided the closet was the best choice.

Olli had managed to hang up a couple of his things; mainly coats and jackets. I forgot he had this.' Christian smiled as he remembered lending Olli his favorite jean jacket. His thumb and forefinger caressed the rough fabric. He looked good in it.'

The rattling of keys broke Christian from his thoughts and he quickly bunched Olli's clothes together and hid behind the makeshift, material shield. His hands reached out blindly and the closet doors were shut silently.

Henriette unlocked the door and entered her son's room, without knocking. Feeling the cold night air waft in from the open window, she shook her head at her son's carelessness and rushed toward it, before shutting it tightly.

She didn't notice the ladder, which at one point, had been inches from her hands. Christian's blue eyes peaked at her through the small slit between the closet doors. He quickly turned his phone off and then held his breath, as if he were under water.

Realizing that Olli was in the bathroom, Henriette started to search through his belongings for anything that she would consider...troubling. Not finding a thing, she began to make her way to the bathroom.

She stopped abruptly when she reached the closet. A panicked Christian, shut his eyes and tried to wish her away with his mind. This is not the closet you're looking for.' Star Wars' references tended to help in any situation. Christian forced his eyes open and waited for his fate to be revealed.

Instead of swinging open the closet doors and catching Christian in her son's bedroom, freaking out and calling the police to report a break-in, quickly making up some unbelievable story and lying about Christian, to make sure that he was locked up for a long time, and sending Olli off to god knows where, never to be seen or heard from again...Henriette simply bent down and felt the carpet with her hand. She then, stood up straight and continued toward the bathroom; unaware of the mini heart attack she'd almost induced.

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Next: Chapter 17

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