Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Aug 6, 2009


The disclaimer for the 1st chapter applies to this one too. :)

Chapter 2.

"I've just seen a face I can't forget the time or place where we just met" -the Beatles

"Christian Mann?" The teacher scanned the room as she called roll. "I'm sure he'll be here any second!" Judith piped up, before looking at the immobile door and then back up toward the teacher; offering her an apologetic face. She was returned with a look of inquisitive disappointment.

"He's never late." Constantin whispered into Judith's ear. She froze as she felt a chill spread down her cheek and throughout her entire body. She halfway turned to catch his gaze and his eyes seemed to pierce her. It took Judith a while to realize that Constantin had spoken actual words. "Uhh...yeah, he's in the bathroom." An awkward smile stretched the length of her face, as she tried to hide the fact that she was in love.

When Olli reached door #11, he made a sharp left. He could visualize the doorknob to his new classroom at arms length, as he barreled around the corner. Olli was met not with the door, but with an intense blow as a body slammed into his, knocking him off of his feet.

As he lay on the floor trying to catch his breath, he looked down at his legs in confusion, wondering how they could betray him. His heavy breathing blended with that of the guy's that was crumpled on the floor next to him. Olli looked up in annoyance when he heard a muffled giggle coming from the person he considered to be halfway responsible for the collision.

The smiling face looking at back Olli left him in awe. He felt an overwhelming sense of déjà vu', as he felt his green eyes lock into a staring match with the blue ones, belonging to the boy lying across from him.

Christian could see his classroom coming into view, as he swiftly made his way down the hall. He felt himself become slightly nervous when he imagined the faces of his fellow classmates staring the late guy down, as he sheepishly tried to hide his embarrassment and find a seat. "Here goes nothing." He breathed, as he turned to the door.

Out of the corner of his eye, Christian noticed a blur of color racing toward him at an alarming speed. He was unable to avoid the hit. Before he knew it, he was on the floor; the cold linoleum touching the skin of his lower back where his shirt had slid up. `This is ridiculous.'

Christian's soft giggle shook his shoulders as he gasped for air, trying to suck back in some of the wind that had been knocked out of him. His laughter filled eyes grew serious and his body suddenly became very still, when he caught his first glimpse of the guy next to him.

Christian and Oliver just sat there for minute, taking each other in. Neither could look away nor speak, as time seemed to stand still. Olli was the first to come back to reality when his bag started to vibrate. He apprehensively broke his gaze as he rummaged through his book bag, tying to locate his phone that he had no intention of answering.

He could feel Christian's eyes on him as he shakily opened his cell. Olli quickly pressed the [Ignore] button, when he saw Olivia's name flashing on the screen. He slowly lifted his head back up and was surprised by the new expression on the blue-eyed boy's face. Christian was biting his bottom lip, while smiling mischievously and his eyes were following Olli's body up and down.

`Is he checking me out?' A confused Olli decided that the only way to get out of this unnerving situation was to stand up. He slowly and self-consciously, shifted his body into a more un-pretzel-like position.

Christian followed his lead, unfolding his legs and pushing his back up against the ivory colored wall behind him. With a jolt, Christian shot up to his feet astonishingly fast and offered his hand, accompanied with a breathtaking smile.

Olli hesitated before taking Christian's hand, but when he did, it was soft and warm and he didn't want to let go. He returned his gaze to Christian's face when he was completely upright. Christian looked back at Olli questionably and then down at their still clasped hands. Olli's hand was smaller than his, but not by much.

Fear and embarrassment filled Olli's jumbled mind, as he realized he was still holding onto Christian's hand. He tried to quickly let go, but Christian wouldn't let him.

Now it was Olli's turn to look questionably at Christian. Christian mistook Olli's questioning look, for one of horror and let go as if he had done something illegal. He then self-consciously rubbed his palms against his jeans, before slipping them into his pockets. His hands seemed to have a mind of their own and this way, they were trapped.

Christian looked anywhere but at Olli, while Olli stared at Christian's shoes. Bright blue running shoes to be exact. The boys then simultaneously let out incomprehensible sentences to break the silence. Some of the building tension was broken, as they laughed uncontrollably at themselves.

Without saying a thing, they slowly made their way to their intended classroom. They were now incredibly late, but neither boy cared much at the moment. When Christian built up enough courage, he anxiously turned to his left and spoke with gusto. "Hey! I'm Christian by the way!" It came out a little louder than he had intended.

Olli took the screaming introduction as an invitation to tease him. "Olli!" He yelled back at the top of his lungs, with a huge smile on his face. Christian was amused, but tried to hide his smile by faking an annoyed look. Olli wasn't convinced when he saw a dimple peeking through Christian's cheek.

As Christian pushed the door open, Olli took a deep breath to prepare himself. As he exhaled, he realized that the preparation hadn't been necessary. As uncomfortable and awkward as it had been, meeting Christian had calmed him down and he felt relaxed and ready for anything, as he followed this new person into the classroom.

That's all for chapter 2!

On a really ridiculous side note; I had to stop myself from writing: The adorable boys ran toward their classroom. Olli was holding a yummy jar of smushed peanuts and Christian, a small rectangle shaped confection of chocolaty delight. The boys rammed into each other as if they were two speeding trains, whose tracks got crossed. Christian: "You got peanut butter on my chocolate!" Olli: "You got chocolate in my peanut butter!"

...Wouldn't that be a good commercial for `Reese's Peanut Butter Cups'? ...I'd eat those...yummy! XD

Please email me with comments: :D

Next: Chapter 3

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