Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Oct 2, 2009


The disclaimer is on chapter 1.

Chapter 20.

"But if he loves me Then why does he leave?" -Regina Speckor

Olivia was starting to freak out. It had been hours now, and no word from Christian. She paced back and forth as the early morning air grew colder. `Olivia, next time bring a coat even if it doesn't match.' She told herself.

She desperately wanted to leave the area, but was worried for the boys. `And Christian has the car keys!' She remembered. She contemplated calling someone to help her, but couldn't think of a single person that would. Well, there was one person; her Aunt Charlie.

Olivia had recently moved in with her aunt, because of troubles at home. She'll just be mad I stayed out all night.' Olivia shivered and decided she would have to stay put. Unless...' She looked up towards Olli's window. `Ok then.' She decided her best plan of action would be to climb the ladder herself and bravely rescue the boys.

Olivia slipped off her satin high heels and pulled her black stockings down, before stuffing them into her purse. She cautiously made her way up the long ladder. The metal began to sting her bare feet, as it was covered in a new frost. `The things I do for others...' When Olivia reached Olli's window, she gasped at an unbelievable sight.

Olli turned away from the closet and searched his room with expressive eyes; now certain that Christian sneaked of the closet while he had been saying goodnight to Justus. `How did he do that?'

He didn't see Christian in any obvious place, so Olli headed for the bathroom. He decided that Christian might have done some sneaky, ninja stuff and crept behind his back, while he was looking for him in the closet.

Olli inspected the inside of the tall cabinet that usually held the towels and linen, but it contained only towels and linen; no boys. It seemed like Christian had simply vanished. Olli let out a confused and somewhat agitated sigh, as he sat down onto the porcelain toilet lid.

"Christian, are you still here?" Olli's pitiful voice echoed throughout the lavish lavatory. He was worried that Christian had decided to leave. `Is he bored of me? Does he not like me as much as I like him? He could have climbed back out the window.'

Realizing that Christian had probably done just that, Olli decided to give up his search and go to bed. Feeling utterly rejected, he slowly pulled his robe off and let it fall to the floor, before sadly heading toward his bedroom. Olli's disappointment was replaced with fear, when he was startled by a loud, "Boo!"

Olli whirled his body around to see Christian, standing in the tub; water cascading down his soaked body. "Did I scare you?" Christian asked while trying to catch his breath and laughing hysterically. "You idiot!" Olli replied, as rushed toward him. He pushed Christian hard enough for him to fall back sharply, into the water.

The bubbly water spilled onto Olli's feet and he yelped, as it was now cold. Olli frowned at the wetness and put his hands on his hips. "Come on in, the water's fine!" Christian said cheerfully, before taking some into his mouth and then quickly spitting it out in disgust, as it was full of soap.

"You're crazy. It's freezing!" Olli moved away from Christian when he tried to grab him and pull him in. Olli moved away because he didn't want to get wet and because he was still upset at the thought of Christian leaving him.

"What's wrong with you?" Christian was concerned. "Nothing. Why?" Olli's tone told Christian different. "Why are you all the way over there?" "I told you, I don't feel like being a popsicle at the moment." Christian frowned. "I don't think the temperature of the bathwater is what's making you not want to come near me right now."

"What gave you that impression?" Olli was feeling a little foolish, as he eluded telling Christian what was on his mind. Christian pulled himself forward to speak again, causing that bathwater to make a little splashy noise. His soapy arms dangled over the side of the tub.

"I really like you, Olli." Olli smiled a little, but diverted his eyes. "And you like me, right?" Olli nodded. "I know we've spent all of..." Christian mock-counted on his hand. "...three days together, but're important to me." Olli took a small step forward.

Christian grinned and continued. "I mean, sure...we don't know anything about each other, but that takes time, right?" Olli nodded again and took another step forward.

Christian was nervous, but he said what was on his mind. "I want you to stay." Olli took one more step toward Christian and was now at arm's length. Olli spoke quietly. "But I have to leave. My mom has already arranged everything."

"You don't have to go with her." Christian held his breath, waiting for Olli to respond. "She's my mother." Olli said sadly. "I know, but she doesn't treat you right. You're a good person, Olli. You deserve to be treated...sorry...I really don't know anything about it." Christian felt selfish in his assumptions.

"No, you're right. She's really's just..." Olli scratched his hair as if it would help his mind grasp for words that would help him explain what he felt for the woman. Olli's brain only offered the sad truth. "I don't even know why I bother with her..." Christian could see the pain that surrounded Olli. He reached out and ran a finger along the length of Olli's arm.

Olli looked down at his arm; studying the movements of Christian's digit. The little touch Christian offered was an eye-opener for Olli. He felt as though it would be detrimental to his health, to part with Christian again. Olli wasn't used to physical touch, so the littlest sensation would leave him feeling...just feeling. "Where would I live?" Christian's face lit up with joy. "We...we'll figure it out!"

Olli immediately knew what his decision would be. "Ok, I'll stay!" Olli's words hugged Christian's heart and he grabbed the boy by the waist and pulled him into the bath. "Shit!" Olli yelled. "What? Did I hurt you?" Christian immediately began inspecting Olli's body for injuries. Olli was shaking as he spoke. "Nooo, i-it's fucking c-cold!"

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Next: Chapter 21

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