Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Oct 13, 2009


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Disclaimer is on chapter 1.

Chapter 23.

"And like a boat out on the ocean I'm rocking you to sleep The water's dark and deep Inside this ancient heart You'll always be a part of me" -Billy Joel

"Are you sure you can carry this much?" Olli giggled as he added another box to the large stack, Christian already had in his arms. "Just keep on giving them to me!" Christian's demeanor was purposely light and fun; he wanted Olli to feel better. Olli smiled wide and added a small case to the very top of his belongings tower, obstructing Christian's view.

Without fear or hesitance, Christian blindly made his way for the staircase. "Umph!" Olli giggled when Christian bumped into the doorframe; hard enough to leave a bruise, as he exited Olli's bedroom. "Are you alright?" "Couldn't be better." Christian pretended that he didn't just embarrass himself, by ramming his shoulder and hip into a surprisingly hard wall. Having fewer things to carry, Olli cut in front of his work borrow, as if they were racing. They bounded down the stairs, arms full and grins on their faces.

"Watch your step!" Olli warned, when he realized they were now catching speed. But it was Olli himself, who ended up almost tripping. "What you're doing here, gentlemen, is definitely the servant's job." Justus spoke with a sharp tone. "The door please." Christian said with a smile. He never liked the idea of servants and felt weird accepting any help. "It pains me to do that, gentlemen, but I will." Justus opened the door and reluctantly watched the guys carry Olli's stuff into the frosty outdoors.

It took the boys...and Justus, (he couldn't stop himself from lending a hand) a few trips, until they had all of Olli's stuff into a big pile on the lush lawn. "It's cold out here!" Christian realized, when the impromptu exercise had stopped and he finally let his body assess the chilled atmosphere. Olli agreed with a shiver-filled nod and ruffled Christian's hair. "I'll be back in a little while." Olli stated; his voice soaked with dread.

Olli ran his hand along the smooth, and still unfamiliar railing. Each step up the squeaky staircase, was a heavy chore. Olli entered the large, abandoned room that he'd once called his own and sat down next to his mother, who was now sitting on his former bed. He followed her gaze when he saw that she was looking out the window. A colorful bird flit past the pane and he smiled at its beauty.

Reality of the situation, seeped into Olli's mind and his smile faded. Olli turned back toward his mother, who couldn't return the favor. "I love you." He said simply and truthfully as he hugged her for the last time. Olli tried to squeeze his mother hard enough for her to except him. She didn't hug him back. She couldn't tell him that she loved him. She just stared out the window, lost in her own mind.

It took Henriette a while to even realize Olli had left. She studied the now empty room. It was colorless and lonely. She looked down at the mattress that was making her body uncomfortable again. `I should really replace this mattress.' She told herself. Her mind wandered to the day her son was born and she'd held him in her arms for the first time. "I will never let you go." She'd promised the newborn, before softly kissing his tiny forehead.

Olli wiped the tears from his eyes, before putting on a brave face and jumping into his rightful place next to Christian. He looked around, silently wondering where Olivia had gone to. "She's probably in the car." Christian assured him, as if he'd read his mind.

"Should I call you a moving van?" Justus asked thoughtfully. "No, thank you. I'm sure most of it will fit in the trunk. I'll just go get my car and we can load it up!" Christian sounded extremely cheerful and was beaming, as he played with his keychain.

Olli got lost in the jangling of keys and the beauty of Christian for a moment, before shaking his daydream away and saying, "Thank you so much for the help!" He wanted to hug Justus, but decided against it. "Good day, Gentlemen." Justus smiled knowingly and headed back to his other duties.

When the couple reached the little blue car, they were surprised to find no impatient Olivia, in the backseat. "Well, I guess we should go look for her then?" Olli was slightly annoyed, but more tired than anything. He just wanted to sleep off his emotional night. Christian put his arm around Olli and lead them both back toward the house.

It was early morning now and the sky had a light blue tint to it; though the sun would probably not show its face. The boys were so drained and distracted, they didn't even think to call Olivia on Christian's cell phone. Oliver and Christian strolled though the gardens that surrounded the huge house; calling out Olivia's name and stopping every couple of minutes to kiss.

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Next: Chapter 24

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