Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Nov 17, 2009


Danke for the comments! :D

Chapter 26.

"I do not struggle in your web Because it is my aim to get caught But daddy longlegs, I feel that I'm finally growing weary Of waiting to be consumed by you" -Fiona Apple

"Hey, little brother. Just wanted to warn you that I'm gonna be coming home for a visit! So hide your porn and clean up the house. See you sometime before Christmas! Oh, and Christian? You better have taken good care of my baby."

Christian smiled delightfully against his phone at the familiar voice and then swiftly entered Olli's new bedroom. "This is Great!" Olli said in amazement, as he took in the sights of his colorful room. "I'm glad you like it. We can change the color or get you ano..." "It's perfect!" Olli interrupted his aunt with another hug.

"Well, I've got to go to work, but I'll see you tonight?" Olli nodded and then spoke sincerely. "Thank you so much, Auntie; for everything." "Oliver, we're family; no thanks necessary, but it's nice to hear. Especially when I'm used to Olivia." Charlie smiled cheekily. "It was nice to meet you, Christian." She told the blue-eyed boy.

"You too, Ms. Schneider. Bye!" He called out to her, as she left the room with a dazzling smile on her face; a smile that Charlie would take with her to work. "She's great!" Christian told Olli. "Isn't she?" Olli said as he sat down on his new, comfortable bed. He patted the comforter with his hand, so that Christian knew to join him. "So...what do you want to do now?" Christian asked as they heard the front door close, signifying Charlie's absence. Olli answered not with words, but with a deep kiss.

Olli was the first to wake up and he let his eyes perform a few confused blinks as he looked around the unfamiliar room. He was bewildered momentarily, before realizing that he was in his new home. As the memories of recent events refilled his head, he felt mixed emotions. He was upset about Henriette, but the warmth and love that his Aunt Charlie had given him, almost trumped an entire childhood of stolen happy moments with his mother. "Humph."

Olli was startled to hear a low exhale coming from the mound of blankets, to his right. Christian's hair was sticking up every which way, as he instinctively reached out for Olli and cuddled up to him, completely asleep. Olli's memories of the even more recent events that had unfolded in his bed, rushed through him and he was overcome with too many wonderful feelings to count.

Olli put a hand on Christian's arm, feeling the electric warmth that emanated from his lover. He lifted up the covers and saw that they were both still naked. He paused a little longer, when checking for clothing on the other boy though. Christian wiggled a little and scooted even closer to Olli. When Olli finally convinced himself that he'd have to put the blankets back down sometime, he reluctantly did so.

Christian's eyes had opened when he felt a chill covering the lower half of his body. He watched Olli closely and it was obvious what he was thinking, by the look on his face, and the glow in his green eyes. When Olli covered Christian back up, after a long while, he was surprised to see that Christian was suddenly completely awake.

Christian gave him an, `I caught you' look and Olli froze. Instead of making a silly joke and teasing Olli, Christian simply pulled his face in for a reassuring kiss. Olli was embarrassed momentarily, but he soon realized he had no reason to be, and he melted into the perfect moment.

"What time is it?" Christian asked, as he slowly opened his eyes. Olli pulled away from him to grab his watch off of a black lacquered nightstand. "It's almost 2." He had to look at the watch again to see if it was am or pm. "Pm." Olli added. "I have practice at 3." Christian said sleepily.

`We should've gotten a little more sleep.' Olli thought. He worried that Christian wouldn't be able to run, let alone excel at it. It was about 6am when they sat down on Olli's new bed for the first time and they hadn't fallen asleep until sometime after 9am. That sleep was soon interrupted, of course, by the Olli peeping under the covers incident, and then they didn't fall asleep again until noon.

Christian's soft snores alerted Olli that he had drifted off again. Olli shook him with love, until Christian opened his piercing eyes. "Maybe you should call him and say you're sick or something." Olli advised. "Who?" Christian replied as he nuzzled into Olli's neck.

"Your coach. You have practice." Olli saw that Christian wasn't hearing him. "Christian, you have to call your coach if you're not going to show up." Olli said this a little louder and with assertiveness. Christian opened his eyes as best he could, grabbed his cell phone and hit one of his speed dial buttons. His heavy eyes closed again, as he waited for someone to answer.

"It's Christian. I'm sick." He mumbled, before ending the call and resting his sleepy head on Olli's chest. Olli started to laugh, imagining that whoever was on the other end of the line, was probably a little confused. He stroked Christian's hair and whispered, "Poor baby".

Just as predicted, Christian's phone immediately rang and Olli quickly took it out of his still clasped hand. "Hello?" He felt a little strange about answering Christian's phone. "Christian?" A man's booming voice sounded. "Christian isn't feeling well. He won't be able to make it today." Olli touched Christian's cheek; poking at the hidden dimple, as he waited for a reply.

"Oh, ok. I wasn't sure what he said. I was just checking to see if he was alright." "He's fine. Thanks." Christian's coach wondered who he was speaking to, but decided it wasn't too important and he started to end the conversation. "Well, tell him to rest up and drink lots of water. He doesn't have practice tomorrow, but I expect to see him bright and early, Monday morning."

"Will do! Thanks. Bye." Olli said as he looked down at Christian's innocent face. He felt so incredibly lucky to have found him. He made sure to memorize the moment, knowing that it was an important one. The luring sound of Christian's breathing, quickly threatened to pull Olli into a deep sleep, as well. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for dreams, though even the sweetest ones could never compare to his new reality.

Thanks for reading! :)

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