Real Love

By Alicia Taylor

Published on Aug 28, 2009


The disclaimer is on chapter 1.

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Chapter 8.

"People are just people They shouldn't make you nervous The world is everlasting It's coming and it's going If you don't toss your plastic The streets won't be so plastic And if you kiss somebody Then both of you'll get practice" -Regina Spektor

Their lips pressed together softly as they fell into their first kiss. They parted only for two brief seconds, to witness each other's reactions. Satisfied they were on the same page; their mouths came together more urgently this time, as they explored the taste of one another.

A rush of electrifying heat, surged from one boy to the other, and then back again. Olli pulled Christian closer and let out a small moan of pleasure. Christian smiled against Olli's mouth at the sound and ran a hand under his soaked shirt and over his chest, feeling Olli's heart beat wildly.

The stick shift between them started to piss Christian off; he couldn't get close enough to Olli. He maneuvered his body around the annoyance until he was on top of Olli, face to face as he startled him. Olli loved the feeling of the welcomed weight against his thighs and he verbalized his thoughts with a low, "Mmm," which vibrated throughout Christian's body.

Christian broke from the kiss, looking at Olli's flushed face and into his desire-filled eyes. Christian then, breathlessly whispered into Olli's ear. "You're so hot." Olli grabbed Christian by the hair and took possession of his mouth, once again.

The rain had subsided and the misty hint of a rainbow decorated the sun-drenched sky. The now, de-fogged windows of Gregor's car, let the golden light shine in on the boys. Olli opened one eye, when he heard someone knocking on the windshield.

"Christian! I thought we were supposed to meet you at your house!" Constantin said, through the glass. His eyes widened as he took in the scene in the car. "Oh! Sorry I...I didn't see. Sorry!" Constantin stammered as he backed away from the car, with pink cheeks.

The boys unattached their mouths. Christian smiled through numb lips at his friend's awkward exit and pulled Olli's arm into view, to study his watch. "We've been making out for hours." He said proudly. "Well then get off of me! We have somewhere to be!" Olli teased as he playfully pushed Christian away. They shared another kiss, then popped open the passenger door and dreamily exited the vehicle.

"Wait, Constantin!" Christian jogged after his friend that was slowly walking away. "We're ready! Did you come looking for me?" Constantin turned toward Christian and laughed as he pointed out his buddy's unbuttoned shirt.

"Yeah. We were waiting outside your house in the rain for forever and you weren't answering your phone, so the group sent me to fetch you." He gestured as if he were sent to literally pick Christian up and bring him home. "Sorry, I completely lost track of time." Christian looked anything but sorry, as he smiled confidently while buttoning up his shirt.

"Hi, I'm Olli." He said, as he made his way toward the two friends. Constantin smiled with his eyes when he saw that Olli was wearing Christian's favorite jean jacket. Olli grinned and held his hand out for a shake and Constantin happily accepted, before giving his own name. Christian couldn't help but grab Olli by the waist, when he stood beside him. Olli felt lightheaded.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting any longer. Shall we?" Christian asked, as he motioned for them to return to their cars. Once back in the car that held some very steamy recent memories, Olli and Christian settled into their seats with ease. It was hard for Christian not to blush when Olli looked deeply into his eyes. Olli smiled at Christian's visible shyness and ran a hand through Christian's soft, brown hair. Christian exhaled, full of contentment.

"Are you ready for some fun?" Christian asked with a hint of sarcasm. He wasn't too excited about hanging out with his friends, now that he knew what it felt like to be alone with...and to kiss, Olli. "I can't wait." Olli said softly, as he rested his head onto Christian's strong, cherished shoulder.

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Next: Chapter 9

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