Reality Checkup

By moc.loa@149alfNyoB

Published on Jun 11, 2023


I knew something awful was going to happen before any person here was going to get to sleep. I knew that all the slaves were going to receive a firm whipping, and whatever else the masters decided upon. I was so scared that Cody would get the pissed off master to administer his whipping. I wanted to scream out in defiance, to yell the loudest of everybody that this was not Cody's fault. I could do nothing to help him. I honestly had enough of my own situation to concentrate on as well.

With all the `boys' getting a special training session at the same time, was

indeed sort of nice. This was the first time that I was around the other ones. I wondered if they had their sight earlier, while I was kept blinded. What do they think of me, and will we all get along better than the slaves get along. Time will tell.

The only male around us now was Trey. All the others had moved off for the time being. Other than a few moans and groans from us boys', there weren't a lot of sounds to be heard. Trey spoke to all of us, telling us to remain calm. He would return in just a couple of minutes. When he returned, he brought with him even more mirrors. These mirrors he secured behind each of us. So now we looked forward into the big mirror and we could see our heads, etc; glancing on to the side of the big mirror we could see our butts reflection from the small mirror. The back mirror was fixed so that all you could see was the butt hole and below. Now I got to see the condition of my butt hole. YIKES. The hole was humungous. The skin around the hole was puffed' out so much that I had to look twice to be sure of what I was seeing. If the mirrors were a little closer I could of seen inside my body. But just seeing the pink of the intestines and muscles, combined with some grease logs thawing out, was enough for me at the moment. My stomach was churning a little anyway so I returned my vision to concentrate on what I could see from the front. The addition of the back mirror, as seen from ahead now block some of the view of the other two slaves on either side of me.

So, I forgot about the other boys' and only concerned my brain with just me. Little ole me. As I knelt there, all silent around us, I began to survey my body with my mind. My brain was working well, going from my toes to my head. I think Trey must have noticed my eyes moving about with an occasional movement of my head. Trey seemed to only be keeping watch over the other three, but he was intent with his attention to me. He moved forward to my face, leaned in and whispered to me. "Be brave, my love, be brave. You can handle this a lot better than these other boys'. Just concentrate on your entire being, allow your mind to set you free from pain and discomfort. And, most importantly, remember that I will never leave you alone, ever again." Treys' words were music to my ears. My mind went into a more restful state within seconds. Trey moved to my midsection, knowing that I was trying to look down my chest to my gonads. He grasped my dick and showed me the tip of it. This was, again, my first look see. I thought I would pass out from seeing the dick split like it was. The two rings dangling from each half. What caught my attention next, was the piss hole. Red and purple in color, from all the sounds being shoved inside. I knew that the catheter I was wearing was the largest one made, so seeing the piss hole even larger than the catheter was another upsetting sight to see. But, I knew all to well; that my Master would not allow anything to be done to me that would cause me grave harm. Trey wiggled the dick head around so that I could get a good look at it, and at the same time sort of let me know that he had control over all of me at the present moment. I could see that the piss was flowing into one of those large vinyl bags that you see in hospitals, and the bag was filling up rapidly. Trey was gently rubbing his hands on my butt cheek at the same time. I bet he was trying to see if his actions would arouse me. Yeah right! I just had to get my eyes away from my once beautiful and proud dick.

I began searching out all my body rings. The snout ring was the only one that

seemed to register disgust in my brain. The bar going through my dick was, truthfully, a beautiful thing to see. I glanced sideways to look at the back mirror and saw the guiche ring, dangling proudly just below the wide asslips. I could tell that my nipples were now stretched quite abit and that nipples are not so easy to return to their `worldly' shape and size. I guess I was destined to have long nipples from here on out. I craned my neck back so that I could get a good look at my mouth. The spreader device wasn't hurting anymore, but was still very uncomfortable.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of the boy' to my right. Something was different about him. Within seconds I realized the difference. He only had his body smoothed. His hair was short, real short; but not shaved off, AND he had eyebrows. HUM! I then glanced to my left to see what the other boy' looked like. He had no hair, like me, but he was able to retain his eyebrows (cut short). Neither of them had a nose ring nor I couldn't see if they had any other decorations.

At least with my mental diversions, I wasn't concentrating on the enlarging scrotum, not yet any way. But the others weren't so lucky. The `boy' on the end was really moaning and Trey told him to be quiet and stop acting like a little baby.

I felt a rush of air enter my butt hole. I looked in the mirror to see Trey smiling back at me. Not a word was said, but he continued blowing air into me. Something different with each breath he used, but I couldn't see or tell what it was. Then, ding-dong, I got it. With each breath, his face was getting closer and closer to my hole. I couldn't get a stiffy now even if I tried extra hard Talk about torture. Yikes. Trey was on my asslips in no time. He was

kissing them and nibbling them. Every once in a while he had his face buried up to my hole with his tongue inside. When he back away from me, he made it a point to keep his tongue out, so I could see that he had some log grease on it. Now, if he was in training to become a good master, why was he doing this to me. Heck, for that matter why had he even shown me compassion this whole past week at Masters house. Today even, he showed compassion when my head was on his lap and when he fed me. Could it be that he did in fact "love' me, could it be that he wanted to be more than just a master. Did my Master and Cody start this way? Why is Trey doing this to me? I belong to Master and Cody. Trey took his right hand and wiped the grease log off his tongue. He was using his left hand to massage my lower back. The greasy fingers found their way to my hole. Trey was like a robot now. He got his fingers and hand inside my hole. He moved a bit closer to my body as some of his forearm went inside. It was so strange to be watching this in the mirror the same instant it was really going on. My mind was fixed like cement on Trey and what he was doing. I glanced over and up towards the saline bag. I could see that almost half of it had dripped into my sac already, but I didn't feel so bad. But, if Trey were not doing what he was doing, perhaps I would be feeling a hell of a lot worse. I really couldn't see my sac because of Treys' position, which blocked a lot of the view. And looking down the front mirror, my dick and rings were in the way. The other three were wiggling about and their moaning became more noticeable. But, so far, I hadn't uttered a single sound of discomfort or pain. Trey stopped with his hand and arm, still inside me, leaned over to my hole and kissed the swollen lips with every bit of care and concern he could muster up. This sent shock waves of passion and feelings throughout my entire body. My mind went from use/abuse to pleasure and caring. Caring for Trey! I knew I had to get control over my brain and the quicker the better.

I was guessing at this point, that Trey was getting what he wanted. A big piss hole and bull balls on my body. I wondered if the other `boys' had been lucky enough to keep their body in one piece, at least up until now.

"Do we have a winner yet, mister Trey?" The voice brought me back to the moment in a hurry. " Well, let's have a good look and see how they are all progressing. I see that you are enjoying yourself with the new boy'." Trey was startled a bit as well. He still had at least half of his forearm inside my butt hole. He froze momentarily then he withdrew his arm. " It appears that master Leons' boy is really stretching, That might be due to his length of service and the fact that he is only 18 years old, but we have plenty of time to see if the other boys' can catch up to him. Trey, you may continue with what you were doing if you so desire." I looked in the rear mirror and could tell that Trey must have turned towards Master to get His approval. Trey started over again with my hole training. I looked up at my saline bag and it was now about 3/4ths empty. Holy cum bag!

"Well boy' you are taking all this in stride and if I may say so, you are doing fantastic. I'm proud of you, more than I can say at the moment." Master spoke those words to me into my ear. "Prepare to get your scrotum filled to capacity in a hurry" Master continued. " We are all going to squeeze each of the saline bags until they are empty. If none of you have won the contest, we will place the second bag in use and continue the drip process. Your sac is full by all appearance and I think perhaps you won't take any of the second bag, but we shall see. Just be strong, will it to happen and it just may do so. Regardless, the three of us are very pleased with you on this your first outing. You may not know it, or understand it all yet, but you have succeeded where others have failed. You have taken more in two weeks than most would take in six months. I hope I have been able to fulfill some of your wants, needs and desires. None the less, we shall see what happens, take each day as a new day' and all will be just perfect." Gosh, where did this sermon come from? Was I expected to say something, to cry or what. It didn't take but a minute before each master was in front of his own boy' . On cue each took hold of the saline bag and squeezed with all the strength they had. Each boy' including myself screamed out in agony. I thought my nads were going to bust right through the skin. "No winner yet gentlemen" came the voice of authority. "Begin bag number two, with a slow drip and we shall see who wins or who passes out from the pain." The bags were put into place and allowed to begin the drip process. I looked in the mirror and final was able to see my scrotum. It was now hanging below the tip of my dick, which is a first for me. But, the size (circumference) was absolutely outstanding. My nad bag was almost the size of a grapefruit. I prayed that nobody touched it.

"Well the hour is late and we all need our sleep, so let's get the boys' all set for the night and the rest of us shall retire to the house until morning." They were going to leave us alone all night like this? How could this be? Then I remembered; Trey said he would never leave me. All of us got our largest plugs shoved up our holes. My piss bag was drained. All of the others got a drink of some sort and I got my mouth sprayed again with cold water. The other three boys' had a bucket placed under their dicks so that they had a ` proper place' to piss, during the night. I had weights put back on each and every body ring that was hanging down. My snout ring was left tied up, thankfully. None of us received anything for pain or for sleeping. How could we, how would we be able to sleep this way. Perhaps the mind would will the body to rest in a peaceful slumber.

Each of us `boys' got a pat on the head from the masters and they all left, except for Trey. He stayed with us, with me the whole night.

The lights were turned off so the entire stable was in total darkness. In just a matter of minutes we heard the screams coming from the masters house. The slaves were getting their punishment for speaking out. The screaming intensified as more slaves got the whip on their body. We could tell that all six of them were being beaten at the same time. The voices of the masters overshadowed the screams. I think the lesson learned here is never speak ill of your master or any master. I prayed that Cody was going to be ok. I didn't want anything to happen to him. I had a strong mental and physical connection with him now, and I silently wept each time I thought I heard his screams. It was the worst pain that I have experienced in my life. The pain of caring and loving someone, and not able to help during their time of need. But, this too is a constant reality, isn't it.

Tomorrow will be here soon enough, so I would have to suffer along with my emotions until then. Good night Cody, I love you.

The night was totally terrible, as in really miserable. All throughout the night all of us were making some sort of sound. I don't think any of us got what you would call a really good sleep. A decent rest maybe, but no sleep. During the night Trey would get up and check on us. I could see the light of a flashlight checking the saline bags and then also could see in the mirror that he was also checking all the scrotums. I know that a master came in at least once during the same time period. I could tell because I heard the whispering of Trey to another male, away from the `boys'.

The sunlight came through the open doors at the end of the barn. The light from which, was very bright. Surely I didn't fall asleep, but I must have. I didn't see the sunrise this day. Voices surrounded all of us. The voices were those of the masters talking amongst themselves. I didn't see nor did I hear any of the slaves this morning. I didn't even get a glimpse of Trey. I looked into the mirror and saw that my scrotum was still growing since the last time I looked at it. I looked up and saw the saline bag about half empty. Once my mind got to thinking of my sac, is when I began to really feel the pain. I hoped that they were not going to squeeze the rest of the liquid into me, into us.

Like soldiers on a mission, the masters of the boys', began to unhook us from our restraints. They slid the needles out from our scrotums and sprayed on a liquid bandage over the sight. The slightest touch to my nads sent waves of pain through my gut. By looking just right, I could see the two boys' next to me with their large sacs. The one on the left had his sac barely touching the platform. Now cool was that, I thought. Truly bull balls! My Master further made me feel comfortable by removing my steel cuffs and my collar. I assumed perhaps it was going to be getting a bath again. Master then removed my leather paw coverings and gently removed my knee covers. He took the weights off of all my rings, which was a blessing in disguise. Relief, welcome relief. I felt almost, ALMOST, normal. Bu t then, being normal' in a worldly sense wasn't right, not proper and most of all was the worst message my brain could be sending me. I began to feel, to think, that Master had second thoughts about owning me. Perhaps He was going to send me packing. I tried to dismiss this thought process and my eyes swelled with tears. After everything was removed or unfastened, Master reached beneath me and removed my catheter and plumbing. "Boy will be dripping his piss from the dick," Master said." I don't believe the piss muscle can no longer control the bladder function. This is only temporary though, as later today boy' will get a new clean plumbing setup." Again my mind wanted to play on my emotions, but this time I fought back with good wholesome thoughts.

We were commanded to back off, down from our individual platforms. This was easier said than done. I had to lift each knee high enough so that my scrotum wouldn't touch, scrape or bounce on the wooden platform. Thank goodness that there are only two steps to back down off of. Once on the ground we all just stayed kneeling in our proper positions. The masters removed the platforms and mirrors, storing them in a stall just opposite one of the boys'. Trey entered my field of vision, carrying the now familiar meal dishes. He looked at me and gave a half hearted smile. He placed two bowls on the floor in front of each boy'. Now then I figured he forgot that I couldn't eat in my normal mode due to my mouth stretcher. He left and soon returned with a big bucket. Bucket! What the fuck! He took a big spoon and scooped out the meal into each bowl, including mine. It looked as bad as it smelt. I knew, though, that the meal was always a healthy one.

The screams started up again, without me even thinking about them during the night. The screams were a lot closer to us than before. I figured that who ever was getting punished was just outside the barn doors. But for now, all I wanted to do was eat, not think.

Master came to my face and said that Trey was going to remove my mouth spreader. What a shock to my system that sentence was. Trey slowly turned the screws so that my mouth would release the spreader. He looked into my eyes the whole time he worked getting the spreader out. He came forward a little more and then, right in front of God and His angels, KISSED ME PASSIONATELY! He held the back of my head and kept me locked to his lips for the longest time. I couldn't think of what this meant. I didn't want to think right now. My scrotum was starting to really hurt and I wanted the pain to just go the fuck away. Trey released his hold on me and I knew right then and there that he had feelings for me and I started churning up those same feelings that I had for him when we both in college together. DAMN!

I leaned over, like the others, and began eating my meal. It tasted really good, despite the smell. My bowl was empty in a flash. My piss collection bag appeared from earlier and it was emptied into my water bowl, as were the buckets of piss from the other `boys'. We lapped and slurped up the cool refreshing liquid in record time.

Trey picked up all the empty bowls and took them away, returning shortly with a long rope. " Ok, right. Now boys', since you all did so well during the night and there is plenty left to do around here; all of you are going to get a little rest period." Master Nathan was the speaker at the moment, and he continued on. "Trey here is going to take you down to the pond for a little break. You can splash about, touch each other if you so desire. BUT NO SEX OF ANY KIND, OF ANY FORM. And since you now have a new boy' added to your group, you will all be allowed to speak to each other if you wish to. But, keep your voices down so that not even a butterfly can hear you. Perhaps if you obey your commands well this morning, speaking just may become a weekly event that all of you will come to enjoy." With that said master Nathan walked away and Trey appeared with his rope.

Trey made loose loops in the rope and placed the loops around the necks of all four of us boys'. We were ordered to form a single file line, which we readily did. He then began leading us out of the barn. Our butt plugs made us all look funny as we crawled along. The sun was extremely bright today and my eyes closed and blinked at high speed as they adjusted. I was second in line, so I got a nice view of the ass in front of me. His plug was no where near as large as mine, but perhaps his master didn't need a normal hole on his boy'.

Soon after we were free of the barn, screams started up again. I looked in the direction of the screams and saw two slaves, tied by their wrists from a large limb of a Russian olive tree. A master was administering a decent whipping on their bodies. As we got closer I could see that the front and back of their bodies were covered with red marks. A little further on, we came to four naked males. They were draped over blue, hard polycarbonate barrels, and they were naked. A master was walking behind each of them, striking their butts with a riding crop. The sounds they were letting escape were nowhere near as frightening as the other two slaves. The smell of piss was getting stronger, the closer we got to them and then I could see wet earth beneath each of their


As I got lead closer to them, I looked over again and the slave that was closest to our line of `boys' was Cody. The look on his face said it all. He was

distraught. I could tell that he was taking his punishment well. I learned that Cody was not among the slaves talking about the `boys', but Cody heard what they were saying and did not tell Master of what he had heard. So, Cody was guilty by association, I guess.

We were led right up to the slaves. "Ok `boys', before we get to the pond, each of you will move one by one to the ass of your Masters slave. You will kiss his ass, lick inside his hole and worship his cock." Since Cody was the first one draped over the barrel, I figured that I would be the first one also to do as commanded by Trey. Now I ask you, is this going to be a lesson in humiliation or what. Doing as commanded in front of three new bodies that I just met last night. Fuck it, I went right to my duties.

Cody started to moan with pleasure as I serviced his hole. I wanted him to know that I cared so much for him. I wanted him to know that I was sorry that he has to go through with this punishment. I suppose I was spending to much time with his hole, when Trey yanked on my ears and told me to get to work pleasing Codys' cock. My tongue left that wonderful cavern of love and went to his cock. It was kind of difficult to get all his cock into my mouth, due to Codys' position over the barrel. It took only a minute for Cody to raise himself up enough so that I could take him completely into my mouth. Trey kept up sort of a banter of chat with me as I worshiped the cock and body in front of me. I sensed, as did Trey, that Cody was close to giving me his eternal juices. Trey again pulled me off of Cody by my ears. I was led to Codys' face and told to show my appreciation to Cody. Appreciation? Hum. I wanted to show him more than that. I kissed Cody square on his mouth. His tongue pressed against my lips and I opened up for him. He worked inside my mouth like a scarred little snake. He didn't want to stop. I wanted to hold him but understood my place in life, so I kept my hands planted on the ground. I didn't care who was watching, who was thinking what or who thought what. I just wanted to tell Cody best I could that I cared so much for him. I prayed he got my message, as Trey commands me to retreat from Codys' face. I backed up and waited, watched and meditated as the others did likewise.

Time to move on. Trey got all of us back in step' as we went hopefully towards the pond; the screaming from the slaves started back up. As the screams became less and less frequent they also became less high pitched. I was hoping that their punishment was now over. The grass beneath my knees and hands felt so clean and cool. I could smell the fresh air and the scent of the pond. Looking beyond the boy' in front of me, I could see the pond just ahead. Oh yes, how do you spell relief! Once at the pond, Trey removed the rope from each of us, reminded us of the rules of pond; then he turned and left. Being left alone with three other naked `boys' is like being in a house of prostitution while wearing a chastity belt. My dick started to erect, as did the others. The piss dribble stopped as well. I glanced back in the direction from which Trey had left. There he was, sitting about two hundred feet away, in the shade of a beautiful pine tree. I knew then that he was a man of his word. "I' ll never leave you alone, ever again."

In an instant all three of them began to speak at the same time. I didn't know what to do, what to say. I crawled down to the waters edge and looked back at the others. I slowly crawled into the water until the water was just under my chin. We hadn't been told not to stand, so I stood up. Falling back into the water was easy, since I hadn't stood since last Thursday. The others laughed at me, stood up, and came to my aid. They grabbed my arms and got me back standing up. They each, like myself, had to stand with legs wide, due to the enormous size of our scrotums. The nads hurt some, but not as bad as I had thought they would. I stared at the other bodies with great interest. All of them, different sizes and shapes. Some with bigger dicks than mine and some even had cute little patches of pubic hair just above their willy.

The talking between us all was almost at a whisper, as ordered. The touching and feeling of bodies started, but I kept my hands to myself; for fear of reprisal from some one. They each played with the others butt plug. When somebody grabbed the base of my plug, he spoke louder than normal and everybody moved behind me to take a closer look. They couldn't believe the size of the base and they could easily see the puffed out, puckered skin that surrounded my pleasure hole. They asked me if it hurts to be carrying such a big plug and I meekly said no. To hear my voice again, was strange and didn't seem right at all. They all made remarks, some nasty, about my body rings and my split dick head. Their loss my gain. They asked me if I knew about this weekend and I just shook my head in the negative. They jostled me about not speaking but I paid them no mind. They were nice enough for sure, but after two weeks of intense training I still had to mentally concentrate on my lifes' position, therefore I chose not to speak much or do the touchy thing with them. I knew that each one of them had been in my place so that they understood things, and didn't make comments or think that I was being snobbish or stand-offish.

With the heat of the sun and the warm water, both combined to take every last

bit of energy from us boys'. We walked out of the pond, some then walked, but I chose to crawl (normal mode) to a soft grassy area. I found a nice clear spot and laid down to rest. You could hear the cars going by in the distance, but out of eyesight. The others lay close by, but not so close as to be able to touch one another. A slight tremor' was felt by all of us and we raised our heads, to see four strangers riding close by on horses. I started to get nervous, but was assured by one of the boys' that everything was ok and lay back and get my needed rest. Before closing my eyes, I took one last look to see Trey still leaning against the tree, but now he too looked like he was sound asleep. I heard the distant voices come closer as I lay there with my eyes closed. Soon the voices were high above our heads as they stayed up on their trusty steed. A couple of the horses made the horse sound' and one of them even nudged my body. They talked about this afternoon and tonight. It was as if they were picking out who and what they were planning on doing. I didn't really care at this point, and; like the others fell fast asleep. *********************

I was gently being stroked on my dick and body, which began to bring me out of a wonderful deep sleep. I had gotten into a good position for sleeping and didn't want to wake up. I didn't hear voices. The massage felt fantastic and I was hoping I was dreaming. My dick started to rise to the occasion and I could feel my seed stirring inside my orbs. My scrotum ached but not anywhere as bad as when I arrived at the pond. I was honestly feeling very refreshed. The rest had done me a world of good.

I dared myself to open my eyes to see if I was still in dreamland. When I opened my eyes, I discovered my feelings were real, in real time. My dick was semi-hard and the hands were still working their magic on my body. I craned my

head a bit, out of contact with the hot sun, to see Trey beside me. Lying next to me. I know for a fact that this was not `normal'. It couldn't be. It shouldn't be. Or could it? I cherished the feeling and contact, with a human, to be the best of the weekend so far. Moving my head I came eye to eye with Trey. He gave me a loving smile, eyes flooded with understanding and caring. I knew right then and there, that something was going on that I didn't understand, but that I should be understanding, and fast!

Trey removed his hands, and moved his body so that his penis was at my mouth. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know he wanted in. I opened up my mouth and he placed his cock on my tongue. He slowly moved his hips toward me so that he could get all of his dick in my mouth. After he accomplished that part, I started sucking on his manhood. He quickly put his hands on my head and whispered to me to stop sucking. I did as he commanded. He told me to just lay

there and close my eyes and rest. He just wanted us to be `one'. With my slow breathing in control, I did just that; I almost fell back asleep. This was

really nice, a cock in my mouth, warm sun, naked and having the feeling now that I belong somewhere, to someone. Being `normal' finally, owned and used to bring pleasure and pride to my Master. Just one more bit of proof that I needed to know; that this is reality, my reality.

Laughter and voices woke myself and the other boys' along with Trey. The voices belonged to ALL the masters. Yikes! Trey scrambled to his feet, slipping his shorts and tank top back on. My Master seemed pleased that we all had gotten some rest, and told Trey of being pleased. Master asked Trey if all of us had been obedient and Trey replied that we had. Trey just had to open his big mouth and tell Master that I didn't touch anyone during the whole period and that he didn't hear me utter but the one word. Master looked puzzled. He spoke to me, in a questionable sort of way that the question didn't require an answer. "What happened? Didn't you want to speak to the others? Didn't you want to touch the others?" By now I was in my normal position, with my head and neck straining to look up at Master. I just gave him a look that sort of told Him that I didn't have a need, want or desire to speak or to touch the others. My Master got the message quite clearly. "Good boy' Master praised. "

I think you deserve something for being so good. Trey, why don't you give ` boy' your nectar, if you can. Trey came up, as Master stepped aside and then Trey presented his dick to me and I took it all. The little vibrations along the shaft told me that piss was on the way. He pissed what he could, be it only a small amount.

"Ok troops, let's get back to the barn. There is a lot to do in preparation for this evening. Line up so I can get you roped properly. We are going back the same way we came, so I shouldn't have to direct any of you." Trey connected us, as before. The command was given and all of us moved in unison towards the barn. I was the lead `boy' so at least now I didn't have to stare at another's butt hole. As we went back, I could see the four males on the horses. They were at a fast gallop and seemed to be enjoying each other's company. Real time city cowboys, they were.

Back at the barn, we were taken off the rope and each one of us `boys' was taken to his own "private" stall. When I got to mine, I almost jumped up. There in full size, full of life was Cody. He held out his arms towards me as he knelt down to hold me and kiss my lips. I cried rivers of tears, as too did Cody. I tried to be in control of myself but that just wasn't in the cards. I made a mistake. I placed my body weight back onto my heels so that I could take my arms and wrap Cody with love. My error did NOT go unnoticed.

I broke my hold on Cody, just as Trey and Master entered my stall. I just fucking knew that I was in deep shit now! Neither of them said one word about my

transgression. Master spoke about my preparations. " Get boy' clean inside and out. Make sure he had ample grease sticks in his hole. No stubble, so shave him again too. Be most careful and tend to his body rings. We don't want them to become infected from pond water. I want his spiked cinch ring put on today, as boy' hasn't had to wear that for over a week now. I want the weighted sac ring re-installed also, and I don't care if that causes pain or not, I want it done. Make sure boys' cuffs are clean and dry before you put them on him. You will find a new collar in boys' travel kit, so make sure you put that on instead of the older, smaller one. DO NOT try to tie the orbs separate, JUST YET. Since the orbs are stretched nicely, the ringmaster is due in today to add a ring to each orb, along with other rings and bars. Make sure, that before you start preparing `boy', that you both get his new plumbing in place and draining into a bag, for now. When you do his bathing, I want you to use the scrub brushes, which likewise are in his kit. NOW get to it! You have a little less than two hours to get it all done and done perfectly." Gosh, Master sounded like a fucking drill sergeant!

I kind of wished I had asked the other `boys' what was going to happen tonight. Now, the way Master had spoken I was a bit nervous. Anyhow, there was nothing I could do about. Cody went over to the corner of my stall and brought back the same platform I was on last night. He ordered me onto it, on my back. He then took two pieces of rope, tied them to my ankles and then he and Trey pulled my legs apart and tied them to large rings in the wall of the stall. Trey went to my kit and retrieved the plumbing tray with all the needed items. Trey exclaimed, " What kind of plumbing is this?" Cody looked at my wrapped up catheter and commented that it was the style that allows for urine to flow out and the other opening was so that a cleansing fluid could be pushed into my bladder. How sweet. A separate way to push something else into my already used/abused body. Trey took the antiseptic and cleaned my dick off and paid special attention to the two halves of the dickhead. Cody took another cleaning agent and cleaned the two dick rings. The cleaning done, Trey put his latex gloves on and used the syringe to pump lube down my dick shaft. Next came the plumbing, as it slid in pretty easy, now that my piss tube was stretched beyond human.

I took a good look at Cody while Trey was doing his catheter work. Cody had a

few welts on his chest and legs from a whipping but his back and butt were the worst. No skin had been broken but his body sure did look painful. I later found out that Master had given Cody a mild painkiller after he had been punished. Cody and Trey talked amongst themselves almost the entire time they were getting me ready for tonight. Trey told Cody about the pond and me taking his nectar. Cody told Trey of the punishment he and the others had gotten. I think some of the other slaves got far worse punishments than Cody did, just by listening to Cody speak. For that, I was so thankful.

Next came my enema. They both worked hand in hand performing this task. Each time I was ordered to hold the liquid as long as I could, without the aid of a plug. Then they held a pan underneath me as I expelled the used grease and waste.

Following that came the bath. This proved to be painful. They each obtained a

bucket of cold water and a bar of rank smelling soap, or was it soap. They took one bucket of water and splashed it over separate parts of me, while the other took the soap and brush and really scrubbed. Hell, I ain't know kitchen floor here! Now they both scrubbed away. From head to toe, from asshole to appetite the scrubbed and cleaned. Satisfied that I was properly clean they took more water and rinsed me off, but allowed me to air dry.

More water, shaving cream (of sorts) and of all things straight razors. Now I

don't know about you, but a straight razor coming at me, sure does conjure up thoughts of blood and missing skin. Fear not, I told myself. Sure enough, they got through this part of the preparations without me losing a drop of blood. They both took their hands, soft as they were, and glided them over every inch of my body; more than once they did this. I suppose they were proud of their work, and I don't blame them one bit.

Trey went about cleaning my body rings as Cody prepare to place the cinch ring on my body. Cody leaned in and said that he was sorry for having to put this back on, because he knew how much it could hurt, with all the sharp spikes and all. Carefully he slid the ring in place, lifting my dick and sac ever so carefully. Once he had it firmly in place, he took the hex wrench and tightened it down. The hex wrench was placed in my kit, not his pocket. Next he took the scrotum weight ring and gently put it around my skin. He looked into my eyes with sadness. He knew all to well this had to be hurting me. I held firm and showed little emotion. Once the ends came together, Cody took two eye screws and fastened the weight secure. I am guessing that from the time the saline flow had stopped until now, that my body had absorbed a lot of it. My nads were only half the size they were when we left for the pond. Still my body sensed the pain of the cinch ring and the sac band.

Cody finished up about the same time Trey was done with cleaning the rings. Well, all except the snout ring. He took hold of the ring and twisted it around and around until the bead was at my nose, then he went the other way with it, in like fashion. "I think this is going to change once the ringmaster arrives" Trey stated with a mild bit of assurance.

Trey went to the wall and brought back a cooler. Opening it up he was amazed at the amount of grease logs underneath the ice. He made a question to Cody, asking if Master thought all these logs would fit. Cody replied, that fit or not, Master expects all the logs inside of `boys' pleasure hole. Cody slid a paper towel under my hole and Trey began sliding in the logs. One after the other they went in. I began to feel uncomfortable and knew right then and there, that the amount of logs going in was far more than I had ever had. I began to moan loudly as the logs were shoved in. I never bothered to count them. Trey told Cody that he didn't think he could get anymore in and that would leave four in the cooler. Cody barked at Trey telling him that Master has to have all the logs in. Cody took hold of the rope attached to my right ankle, untied it from the wall hook. He tossed the loose end up overhead, looping it over a beam. Trey followed suit. They both simultaneously pulled on the ropes. My legs flew up and my hole went vertical. My body weight was now resting on my shoulders. Cody told Trey that perhaps gravity from Mother Nature would help with getting the logs inside me. Finally, after more pushing and help from Mother Nature all the logs were inside me. It felt as if the logs were stuck in my throat, but as soon as they release my legs the feeling wasn't so bad.

Trey commented that they were "ahead of schedule" and both should feel good about what they have done so far. Cody only nodded in response. Cody went over to my kit and brought out my cuffs. They wiped and dried the cuffs before they put them onto my body. My mind was telling me that all is well now; I'm getting back to normal. Trey went and brought back my new collar. He made no comment about it, as he held it in front of me. The new collar was twice as thick, about a half inch higher and had six rings on it, compared to only four on the old collar. Trey handed the collar to Cody and Cody took it none to fast. Looking me in the eyes Cody told me to raise my head so he could do what he had to do. I say a tear in his eyes. I didn't know it, but the collar was super heavy. Cody placed the collar around my neck. It was a much tighter fit compared to the first one. Trey came up and to my surprise handed Cody a padlock. Again Cody took the lock, staring at me with puppy dog eyes. He put the lock on my collar and clicked it shut. This was a first for me, that being a padlock. Cody took the key to the lock and handed it back to Trey. Trey put the key in his pocket.

They covered my hands and feet with my mitts and put my knee leather back in place. Both of the males looked me over from top to bottom and seemed pleased

with their work. Until, that is, Cody noticed something missing. Cody told Trey he would be right back and bolted out of my stall. Cody looked at me, just as surprised as I was when I heard that. Cody returned, out of breath from his running, and had a box in his hands. "We forgot, I forgot, boys' new plug. Cody took off the lid of the box and tossed it into the corner. He grabbed the plug and brought it out of the box. "Master got this just the other day, from California, just for boy', just so he could wear it from today on, every day, when his hole is not being used." Now I know, Master had gone a bit over the edge. This was the largest plug in the whole world. Cody even commented on the size and said that he estimated the weight of it to be between 7 to 10 pounds. Cody hesitated a moment, then handed the plug to Trey. Trey lifted and felt the heaviness of the damn thing. Trey was shocked that Master would want, desire and need this plug in boys' hole. Both of them stared at each other for the longest time. Trey tried to hand the plug back to Cody, but Cody took a giant step backwards. Not only was the plug wider than six inches, it was about ten inches long. Trey moved between my legs, looked me right in the eye and asked if I was ready. I didn't indicate either a yes or no. Trey bent forward and kissed me quickly on my belly button, as he placed the plug at the entrance. "I'm sorry, so sorryboy' I don't wish nor want to hurt you anymore today." That said, Trey pressed the plug steadily and slowly into my body. I screamed out like a scalded cat until finally it came to rest firmly implanted in my hole. Trey and Cody, both, wiped the tears from my face with their fingers; after which they licked the fingers of each other clean. With the addition of the plug, the grease logs were somewhere close to my stomach by now, worming their way deeper into my body, melting constantly.

I looked over their shoulders, as a movement behind them caught my attention.

Standing tall and proud was my Master and behind Him was the ringmaster.

End of Part Eighteen

if you would like to read other stories by the SanibelBoys go to Just be sure that your profile shows your 'adult' age thanks, marcus, trey and billy

Next: Chapter 19

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