
By Cristina

Published on Nov 24, 2000


DISCLAIMER: Insert boring crap you should already know if you've gotten this far. However, by some odd mishap you have gotten this far by mistake and/or you are under 18 and/or are offended by same sex relations please click the box on top of the screen with the little X on it.

Author's notes: Hi I'm back with the second chapter I hope you like it. In any event lemme know what you think. E-mail me at

Chapter 2

After Daniel and his new boy toy had made thier grand entrance. I had decided that it was time for my emotionally exhausting and sexually frustrating day to come to an end. I went to my bed hoping to get some sleep, but found myself contemplating the days events. After about an hour I finally managed to drift off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of the phone ringing.


"Harmony how could you let Daniel do this to me?"

"I take it you heard about Matt?"

"Yes, I heard about Matt!"

"Calm down David! What did you want me to do about it?" I said to my other openly half gay friend.

"I don't know! But you have to admit that was pretty crappy. I mean he knew I've liked Matt for like ever."

"I know but at least you know that it's not platonic."

"Yeah but it still sucks all the same."

"I know life sucks here too."

"Oh God. Don't tell me your sill hung up on Dominique. What'd she do this time?"

"Yes," I said with an exasperated sigh. "The little tease couldn't keep her clothes on while we were on the phone yesterday."

"Now I'm interested."

"Perv it wasn't even like that." I said trying to sound pissed at him.

"I know I just love irritating you it's so easy."

"Anyways I gotta go. Talk to you later."

"Ok, bye."

I hung up the phone and decided to go back to sleep. As I lay back down I was awakened again by an unusual pounding on the ceiling. I looked up to see a small hole emerging itself directly above my head. I decided I didn't like where this was going and removed myself from my current position. Sure enough, about five minutes later, Daniel and another one of the football players fell through the ceiling.

"Daniel, I hope you're getting paid for all of your recent test drives because you get pay to have my ceiling repaired."

Jake jumped up bloodshot red to apologize for the mess which consisted of more than just the ceiling. I told him it was ok and I'd recover after many years of therapy.

"So now that we've tested the duribility of this room wanna go try another?"

"You both know I don't care as long as you've got the money for the repairs."

If it was possible for Jake to get any redder he pulled it off quite nicely. A few moments later I heard low moans coming from the room next to me. I decided to monitor their bedroom behavior from the hidden camera I had secretly installed in the guest room.

Daniel layed back while Jake slowly came up to the bed to position himself in front of Daniel.

"You need some help getting those off." Daniel could only moan in response.

"Ok, not that interested." I thought as I switched the monitor off.

That Weekend

Dominique had called earlier to warn me she was on her way over and I was getting a little antsy in anticipation. I knew I needed to just get over it, but it's a little easier said than done. What I wouldn't give, short of my soul, to just be able to just hold her. It kills me that everytime I see her I fall more in love with the girl and there's nothing I can do about it. Anyways this week had just been a little much for me and I needed someone to keep me in touch with reality. (What are best friends for? Right?)

Just as I was about to slip off into another daydream the door opened. Damn, I guess that reality shit has it's drawbacks, too.

So that's it for Chapter 2 if you wanna contact Dominique, Harmony, Daniel, or David try for Dominique, for Harmony, for Daniel, and for David.

Next: Chapter 3

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