
By Cristina

Published on Sep 25, 2002


"Rebecca? Hi, it's me."

"Hey! Do you have any idea how hard you are to get ahold of?"

"Me? What are you talking about? I've been trying to get in touch with you for almost 3 weeks."

"Well, anyways, you said you had something important to tell me?"

"Yeah, but it's not that important. I don't even remember what it is." I lied, I wasn't ready to tell her.

We talked for about an hour, just catching up, when the conversation took an interesting turn. I mentioned something about my friends and she outed herself to me just like that.

"Yeah, I have a few gay friends."

"Really? Well, you know I'm bi. Right?"

"No, I can't say that I did, but you know that important thing I had to tell you?"


"I was going to tell you I was bi, but I didn't know how you'd react."

We both cracked up at the irony of the situation and went on discussing people we'd been with and/or wanted to be with. I told her about the situation with Dominique and she said that I was probably better off not talking to her right now. It helped to finally have someone new to talk to. We made plans to hang out with Crystal and Amy to go see a movie or something. We just had to find a way to pry Crystal away from her new job. Sonic worker by day, lesbian stripper by night...jouvenile deliquent on her off days. Amy was all for it. She looks forward to any excuse to see Crystal more. I guess it's been almost 2 months now they've been together. Which is about how long it took them to convince me they actually were together. We all joked around about it so long I didn't know how to react when they said they were serious. A strange thought occurred to me... Rebecca reminds me alot of the girl in my dreams.

3 Months Later:

So now it's been 3 months and Rebecca and I are now together. (Don't ask, I don't know how it happened either.) It's the 4th of July and supposed to be our 2 month anniversary, but where am I? In my room crying with Crystal and Amy. Why? I just found out Rebecca cheated on me with some guy. The only eye witness I have is some 2-faced lying whore who's name I don't feel is worth mentioning. Anyways, she says they just kissed and I believed her until the eye witness said they did more. Now, should be the point where I leave her ass and find someone else, but no. I decided to give her another chance half out of the fear that I would fall for Dominique again. I start my Junior year next month and I don't want to have that to deal with right now. Especially now that I'm actually looking forward to school starting. (Only 2 years left and I have a car, hell yeah.)

1st day of school:

So, I've already been to 1st block (physics) and it seems okay. (I have a few friends in there blah, blah, blah, more boring shit...I think I'll skip ahead to the important stuff.) On to Speech. I walk in and I remember thinking, "Great, I don't see anyone in here that I feel like talking to on a daily basis. This is shit.". I remember sitting with a few people I knew and some girl I hate. (She will also remain nameless.) Anyways, I also remember singling this one preppy looking chick out and thinking, "She looks like a stuck up bitch and someone that would never talk to me.". (Funny the ironic twist that thought later came to take.) I really hate when I judge people like that and I would definitely say that's my worst character trait. Our teacher went on to have us fill out cards with some stupid stuff about our favorite things. She then split the tables up and had each of us go and introduce ourselves to a new table. I got stuck with the preppy chick's table. So, we introduce ourselves and I get the shock of my life...not only is the preppy chick nice, she's hilarious, too. By the way, she's super cute, she was a Senior, and her name is Jennifer. Still, I had my girlfriend and she looked extremely straight, so I decided to keep my distance and stick to my table for the first few months. I figured, I'd probably just end up falling for another straight girl and making the rest of my time here, hell. On down the line, the girl I hate (we'll call her PW) ended up becoming friends with Dominique and found out my sexual preference. (A special thanx to my good friend Dominique. But, we do still talk and I did forgive her since she hasn't done anything like that since. She just got used to all of our close friends knowing about me and ended up saying something like PW knew about me.) I ended up moving to what I called my "Desk of Solitude". So-named, because it was the only desk in a room full of tables. Jennifer had started joking with me one day and PW felt the need to inform her, "I wouldn't mess with that girl. You know she's really like that?" Her response: As we were watching My Fair Lady she walked over and sat next to my desk on the floor and watched the rest of the movie with her head on my shoulder. It was the coolest thing anyone had ever done for me. The next day, we all moved tables and I ended up sitting with her and two other girls we both knew. We joked around all the time and really clicked, (I even talked to Rebecca about her) but she started getting suspicious and finally asked me if I was gay. (The other two girls, Kristy and Jacqui, already knew because I told them last year when I first started dating Rebecca.) Her exact words were, "You're not really like that are you? Cause I would hate to think this whole time I've been messing with you and you really are gay." I was kinda pissed and a little hurt, but I just said no I wasn't and she dropped it. I mean, I would hate for her to think she'd been messing around with a real lesbian. A few weeks later though, she asked again. This time I figured if she was going to be pissed at me, let her be. Because I don't need people like that in my life. So I told her,

"No, that's the wrong word to use."

"So, you're bi?"


"Oh my God. So, have you ever been with a girl before?"

"Well, I'm with one now. Does that count?" I couldn't believe we were having this conversation.

"Well, that's cool beans as long as I don't have to hear about it." Then, not even 5 minutes later..."I'm curious though. What do 2 girls do?"

"You're joking right?"

"No, I'm being for real."

"I am not having this conversation with you. You don't want to hear about it, remember?"

"No, I'm sorry. But, for real, just tell me."

"Well, you have 3 options, tongue, fingers, or dildos." She looked disappointed.

"That's it? Hell, I could do that myself." I had to raise an eyebrow at that. "Well, not that, but you know what I mean."

"I was about to say you're quite talented if you can do that." We talked some more before class was over discussing Rebecca (I told Rebecca about her and she did get a little jealous. I believe her exact words were, 'Why don't you just leave me and go for Jennifer?' Which, if I ever thought I had a chance with her I probably would have. Rebecca has never been there for me when I needed someone and even after I gave her a second chance, she still takes me for granted.) and her boyfriend James. (Turns out they've been together almost two years now.) We still talked and joked around, so obviously she didn't take it quite as badly as I thought she would. We didn't talk outside of school though and I was still kind of curious to see that side of her as well. (By the way, I know I still have two more periods, but all the interesting stuff happens in the 1st two blocks of my day. Besides, what could possibly happen in Band and English 3 that would have any relevance?) She said she couldn't wait to go home and tell James and her best friend Torrence that I was gay as well as funny. She said she talked to them about me all the time. (She talks about me outside of school to the two most important people in her life and thinks I'm funny?) I told her that I talked to Rebecca about her, too. Jen asked if she got jealous of me talking to other girls.

And I told her, not in great detail, that not usually, but she did feel threatened by her. She laughed and thought it was funny that she could make someone jealous she's never even met. A few weeks later we started this band fund raiser and she was the only one that bought candy from me everytime I had the stuff. So, when it came time for her Ag fund raiser (Yes, she was in Ag, we have to have so many elective credits to graduate, so back off.) I bought fruit from her. (The relevance of this will come later.) This one day we were joking around and she took my pen. Normally, I wouldn't have cared, but today this was my only pen and I still had English 3. So, after trying unsuccesfully for a good 15 minutes, (Not just physically trying to get the pen back. I was trying everything, including embarassment, to get the damn thing back. She's not the easiest person to embarass.

At one point, I grabbed the pen with her still holding it and yelled, "Jennifer! Stop trying to hold my hand." Which got a few people's attention, but she couldn't care less.) I gave up. Then, out of nowhere she asks,

"Do you trust me?"

"No." I really did, I just didn't want to admit that.

"Just close your eyes. I wanna try something." Now she had my curiosity. And as they say, curiosity did kill the cat.

"What the hell? No way."

"Just do it. Please." That was all it took. She had me and she knew it.

"Alright, alright." And I did. Anything for her to never say please like that again.

"Okay, now I'm going to move the pen next to your face and I want you to tell me if you can feel where it's at." I felt her put the pen next to my nose.

"Yeah, what's your point." Now, I was frightened. I knew she was up to something I just didn't know what.

"Okay, what about here?" I felt her move the pen again.

"Yeah, and?" Just as I realized what she was up to I felt the pen being shoved up my nose. Oh, she was almost crying because she was laughing so hard. I on the other hand, now had a slight stinging sensation where the pen scraped the inside of my nose.

"You still want your pen back?" She asked, still laughing.

"Yeah, you whore. That would be nice."

"Then say it."

"Say what?" I really had no clue what she was talking about.

"Jennifer is the master of the universe and my world."

"Oh come on. No way. Just give me my pen back."

"If you really want your pen back you'll say it."

"Alright, alright. Jennifer is the master of the universe and my world." I muttered, hoping no one would hear.

"What? What was that? I didn't quite hear you."

"I said, "JENNIFER IS THE MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE AND MY WORLD!" Woah buddy, did that do the trick. The 3 people left in the room who weren't paying attention to what we were doing were all ears now.

"Oh yeah, baby. You know it. Are you guys hearing this shit?" Excuse me? Did she just say baby?

"You really get off on this shit, don't you?" She was still cheesing bad with her cheschire cat grin. "Happy now?"

"Quite." She said as she tossed me my pen.

A FEW WEEKS LATER (somewhere near the end of October):

I was in Physics when Crystal leaned over to tell me she was feeling sick. Knowing she's diabetic, I asked if she took any insulin this morning. She said no, she didn't have time. She asked if I could take her home to get some. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to help my friend and get out of class to see Rebecca, we both walked up to the teachers desk and got permission to go sign out at the front office.

(Rebecca is Crystal's cousin and they live close together. There's only a little bridge that seperates the two houses.) I didn't really want to miss 2nd block, but I did want to see Rebecca. I decided to call first to make sure she was there. She picked up on the third ring.


"Hey, honey. I'm over at Crystal's. We had to get her some insulin and I thought I'd swing by your house before we go back. I was thinking we could both skip 2nd block and come back after lunch." I could hearsome guy in the background laughing.

"Well, my friend here thinks you guys should just go back to school. you don't need to miss any classes anyways."

"Rebecca, I have Speech next block. I was going to miss my favoriteclass for you. You know what? Nevermind. Just go fuck your little friend over there and we'll talk later." I didn't even wait for an answer. I just hung up the phone and we left. I was so pissed when we got back to class. We still had 15 minutes left in Physics. It did give me a chance to cool down before Speech, but Jennifer still picked up that something was wrong. I walked in and layed my head down on the table, since I was one of the first ones in and a few minutes later I felt someone run their hand through my hair.I looked up to see Jennifer with a look of genuine concern.

"Aww, is Harmony pissy? Do you wanna talk about it?"

How does she always know when I'm upset. Sometimes, I think she knows what I'm feeling before I do. I could've cried, she was being so sweet. I just layed my head back down and eventually told her what happened with Rebecca. That night I went home, called Rebecca and broke up with her.

A/N: Two chapters in less than a month. You guys should be happy for me, but don't get too used to it. I just happened to have some extra time on my hands the last few weeks.

Next: Chapter 8

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