
By Jansen Baker

Published on Sep 6, 2009


Disclaimer: Reba and all characters are copyright and trademarks of Lifetime. If you are not legally an adult, please leave.

Reba chapter 2

The two boys just stood there shocked and naked as the day in front of Brock. Both boys stood up and just stared at the man who had a dissapointed look on his face. "Van, I need to speak to Jake..." Brock said with a flat tone.

"Mr. H..." Van started to say but he was cut off by Brock, "Alone!" Van gathered his clothes and put them on while headed to his room.

"Jake, have a seat buddy." Brock said. Jake was hesitant but soon had a seat on the floor at the foot of his bed. Brock sat next to him and started to speak. "Bud, you're a man now. Your 14 years old. What I saw was a complete shock and... well, it was pretty damn cool." Jake had a look of surprise as he thought he was in trouble.

"W-what?" Jake asked. His tight little body was covered with sweat and he wrecked of a stench of sex. His limp 4 inch cock was hanging in his hand with cum all over it.

"Yea!" Brock said. "I thought it was cool. You know, when I was a kid me and this guy Johnny use to do that all the time. It always felt amazing. The point is son, that you are a good kid. And by the look on Van's face a pretty good fucker." Brock laughed. Jake's mouth was wide open just stunned as to what his dad said. As Brock stood up he put his finger to his son's dick and scooped up a drop of his cum and put it to his mouth. "Mmmm... you taste pretty good." Brock said as he started walking out of Jake's room.

"Wait..." Brock said. He turned around to face Jake. "Since I know you jack off, I have some porn and lube at my house you could borrow if you want. And hey, maybe ill even join ya sometime." Jake noticed a bulge in the front of his dad's pants decided to take advantage of the situation. "How about now?" Jake said as his cock rose to the occasion. Still completely nude Brock saw everything his son owned. "Woah, nice package son. Guess you take after your old man." Brock laughed. "Oh yea? Prove it." Jake said. With that Brock took off his shirt and hollered to Van. He then removed his socks and shoes followed by his pants. Van came running into the room in just his shorts. Seeing that Brock had stripped down and jake was at full attention he immidiantly stripped his clothes off and onto the floor. Brock quickly added his clothes to the pile.

"Well..." Brock said, "What are we waiting for?" And with those simple words Brock began to jack himself off. He grew to his full 7 ¾ inches. "Woah dad! That's a biggy!" Jake said. So Jake went up to Brock and licked his torso and treasure trail while Brock let go of his cock to latch onto his son's 6 inch erect cut beauty. Brock slowly jacked his son while his finger played with his pubes. Van had begun to passionatly kiss his old coach and was rolling his tounge into his mouth. "How does that feel?" Jake asked his father while still getting jacked off. "See for yourself." Van said as he slipped his tongue into Jake's mouth. Jake began to moan as all three couldn't take the sexual tension any longer and moved to the bed. Jake sat back while his father took his son's dick into his mouth and moved up and down. Van kneeled on the bed over Brock's head and lined up his dick with Jake's mouth and slid it in. This continued for a while as both Jake and his father were sucking away. The men moaned in unison. "Ohh! Oh yea eat my dick little fucker!" Van screamed. Jake did nothing but moan as his dad sat in heaven devouring his little boys cock for the first time.

All three got up and got in position. They decided that since Jake had such a small bed that they'd take turns. Van got up on all fours while Jake aligned his cock up with Van's hole and pushed making Van muffle his scream. Jake wasn't that large or thick but Van was a boy virgin so the pain was as real as any. In and out Jake pushed as all Van could think about was how much it hurt. After a minute or two, he began to feel pleasure. Sweat formed all on his back and he wanted nothing more than to cool off. Jake's hair was sweaty and his body wasn't any drier. Sweat poured down his face but he just breathed heavy out of his mouth until he felt the familiar feel of warmth wash over him and he shot 8 ropes of teen boy cum into Van. All the meanwhile Brock was patiently waiting and jacking off in a nearby chair.

They both got up but Brock pushed his little boy down on all fours and whispered to him, "Now daddy is gonna feel you with the same cum that made you." With that he lubed up his cock and jakes ass with his spit and went to work. Jake had felt the pain and then the wonder and he loved it. Minute after minute Brock became sweatier and he clung to Jake like never before. He played with Jake's underarm hair and licked his neck until he came and shot 12 volleys of cum inside of his boy. The men got on all fours in a row as brock ate his sons cum out of Van and Van ate Brocks cum out of Jake.

Once over jake felt closer to the guys and loved them even more. So they put on their clothes and Brock headed to his house and Van headed to the garage and Jake was left to ponder how great his life had become over 24 hours.

Write and tell me what you think and what should happen next

Next: Chapter 3

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