
By Jansen Baker

Published on Jan 28, 2010


(Disclaimer: I do not own reba or it's characters)

The christmas feeling was in the air at the Heart household. They had everything decorated to their liking. The railing of the stairs were dressed with garland and lights, the dining room glittered with china dishes and silver platters, and the christmas tree stood a proud seven feet high and glittered like the snow outside. This was the first year in many that it had ever snowed in Houston and no one was more excited then Jake.

Sadly, he could not enjoy his new favorite kind of weather because he had come down with a nasty cold.

"I warned you that playin' out there for too long would put you in bed." Reba scolded as she laid some soup across his lap.

But Jake wasn't paying attention. He was looking out of the window at the falling snow. Across the street he saw his dad having a snowball fight with Kira and Henry and he could help but feel a hint of jealousy, but he let it pass.

His Christmas Break wouldn't be over for two weeks and he thought it was a good idea to catch up on his work. This meant watching television. Once he was done with his soup his mother Reba took it back to the kitchen, and Jake climbed down the stairs to sit on the couch.

The whole family watched television for a while until around 10 o'clock. Van had still not returned home from showing that house down the street so Cheyenne gave up.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to suffer the night alone without him," Cheyenne said a little choked as her eyes watered, "a single mother raising her child by herself,"

"Oh, stop it yah big drama queen. He said he'd be back in a few minutes. Its not like he done gone off and left yah." Reba chimed in.

Cheyenne had an annoyed look on her face and stormed off upstairs. Reba had gotten up and kissed Jake goodnight. "Now don't stay up to late, yah here?" Reba asked Jake. "Well, you have been sleepin' a lot today, so i guess its okay." And she headed off to bed.

An hour passed and Jake became bored. Television was not as entertaining as it usually is, mainly because there is nothing good on t.v. Jake shut it off and just sat in the dark staring at the door. Suddenly, he could here rattling of Keys in the door and Van cursing. Jake took this opportunity to unlock the door for him.

"Hey little buddy. Your up late." Van said. "Mom is letting me stay up late tonight since I slept all day." Jake explained. "Oh, Thats right. your still sick." Van sighed. "Well hey, I'm not tired. What do you say we go do something. Maybe it will help you feel better." Van suggested. "Okay, where do you have in mind?

The boys entered the weight room to find not a soul living in there. They worked out for a while until Jake started getting a little woozy and decided to call it a night. "Alright little buddy. I'll be on here a while, why don't you go rest in the locker room?" Asked Van. "Sure, that sounds like a plan." Jake said looking at the door.

He walked down a narrow hall and took a right at the door by the pool. He entered and took a turn to the right and then a sudden turn to the left to avoid a wall. He saw a door leading to a sauna, one leading to the pool, one to the lockers, and the last to the showers. Jake was currently in a nicely decorated sitting area/waiting room. He laid on the big couch and noticed it was 1 o'clock in the morning. He also noticed he was the only one in the men's locker room.

He took this opportunity to wonder around. He roamed the rooms with curiosity until he decided to take a shower. He knew he was safe, so he stripped off his t-shirt, then his shoes and socks, and finally his shorts. He stood there in just his boxers, picked up his clothes and put them folded into an empty locker. When he knew everything was secure he slipped off his boxers to reveal his 4 inch flaccid boy dick.

He walked calmly toward the showers with nothing on and opened the door. It was a communal shower with a shower head 2 feet apart from one another. It was a rectangular room with a wall in the middle that you would have to walk around to see the other side. The walls, floors, and ceiling, were all a calm dark orange with splashes of colors all around. It wasn't a bad kind of orange, it seemed a dark brownish orange. No lights hung from the ceiling but instead it was little holes in it for light to shine through.

Jake took a spot in the middle, when he heard water running. Curiosity took him and moved his bare feet to see who it was. It was that boy again. The one who shot his load on the wall last time Jake was here in March. "I bet he doesn't even remember me." Thought Jake. So he decided to test that theory and moved over to one near the boy.

He was about 4 feet away from Jake, and Jake saw his dick. It wasn't hard but it looked to be about 5 inches soft with a lot of hair. Jake looked away before the kid noticed his stare or that he was there. The boy turned around and jumped, almost hitting his head on the wall.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you standing there." The boy said trying to hide his nudity.

"Thats okay. I'm Jake." Holding out his hand for the boy to take it.

"I'm Devon." The kid said.

Both boys showered trying to be modest and show as little parts as they had too. After a while they began talking and getting to know each other. Jake learned that he was 15 and just moved here from california a few months back. Then the conversation started to turn to more sexual things like girls and their dicks.

"Do you ever jack off?" Jake asked bluntly. "Um... yeah. Yeah, i do. What about you?" He asked. Jake responded with a quick answer and both became good friends.

Not five minutes later, Jake noticed Devon getting hard. He didn't want the kid running out embarrassed so he tried getting hard first. He massaged his dick until it stood to its proud 6 inches. Devon definitely noticed and blushed. He figured, why not? So he stroked his pole with Jake. The boys began to thrust more fully and Jake had to take it farther. He knelt down and took the 7 inch cock's head in his mouth. His tongue swirled around the tip of the head and lightly flicked it over and over. The boy groaned in ecstasy and grabbed onto Jake's head. He tangled his fingers in his hair and pushed him farther and farther down inch by inch. Jake knew how to suck a good cock but he was gagging on this thick thing.

"Oh, fuck Jake. Yeah, eat my cock! You know you want it. You need it! Oh... fuck!" The two boy's began to moan in unison and Jake had to breath. He pulled off of Devon and laid him down. The brown headed boy made jake continue his work and face fucked him. Jake's cock was about to explode with all this pressure so he slowly made the angle to Devon's face and both boys went to work on each other.

Van got off of the weights and wanted to see how Jake was doing. He might've needed help. He looked at his watch that now said 1:30am and thought, "Wow, we better get home before Ms. H wakes up and finds jake gone." He walked in and checked the showers first and saw something he did not expect. Jake and some unknown boy were going at it. He sat down and turned a shower on and took off all of his clothes and threw them in a pile on the floor. He sat there cleaning himself and jacking off to this hot sight. Jake had noticed van and decided to have some fun. He motioned him to him and said, "Fuck me Van. I need you. Please!" "

"Whatever you want lil' brother in law" and Van shoved his dick so far up Jake's ass it made him shout. Devon saw this sight and thought this might be a good opportunity to test his sexuality. So he got on all fours and led Jake's dick to his ass and started pounding. This went on as the two boys moaned in unison and Van just grunted. Devon was loving his new way of life. He knew he'd cum soon. This fuck session went on for another 20 minutes and devon was the first to cum. Shot after shot he kept going for what seemed like days, leaving a puddle on the floor. He turned and showered Jake's face in his cum and jake loved it. He was coming by the bucket loads and when he finally stopped he was coated in it. Then Jake came all over him and shot four delicious loads of his teen boy spunk. Van was last as he shot in jakes bottom and licked it out like it was candy.

Jake had a feast and licked every inch of Devon's body to get the sperm off. Devon dried off and left for his house across the street and Van and Jake washed the cum off each other.

While Van showered Jake took his clothes and chunked them in the garbage. Then he walked out into the lobby where he saw a very hot receptionist. She winked and asked if he needed to borrow some clothes. "Let me see what you've got." Jake asked. Van returned to find jake loosing his straight virginity to the 18 year old at the counter. He had pushed his dick all the way in and cummed what he had left in her ass. Both boys left for home with no clothes on.

Jake had maneuvered himself under Van while he was driving and fucked him senseless all the way home.

(I hoped you liked it. Im sorry to all the fans who were waiting, I've just been really busy. Comment me:

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