Recruited For the Corps

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 28, 2005


TO MY READERS: As I write this, the fighting continues in Iraq and Afghanistan where our gallant forces, especially members of the United States Marine Corps, are still being killed and wounded on a daily basis. This story is dedicated to all members of the United State Military who are living in harms way.

Copyright (c) 2005 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.


It was about a week later that I went to the bus station after getting off work at the bookstore. I found Wally at a table in the restaurant, as usual, and sat down. Vera came over and brought me a cup of coffee without me even having to ask. Wally told me he had something for me. He reached into his pocket and handed me an envelope.

"This came for you today." he said, smiling at me.

I looked at him quizzically as I took the proffered white envelope. Yes, it was for me. It had my name, Wally's name, and the address of the bus station on it. I looked at the top corner of the envelop and there was Erik's name and the address at Marine Base - Quantico. I immediately got excited! I had been down in the dumps for the past week over missing him. Even old Mr. Holloway had noticed and had remarked that I seemed depressed. I told him it was just stuff that I was going through but didn't elaborate and, luckily, he didn't press the issue. I knew Wally noticed it but he never said anything. After all, he knew what it was about.

I tore open the envelope and pulled out the pages inside. Erik started out by saying how much he enjoyed spending time with me and how much he missed me. That almost started me crying right there! I'd found myself close to tears almost every day since he'd left. The rest of the letter was him telling me what a typical day for him was like, what he'd done with his Marine buddies - going out, getting drunk, stuff like that. He also ended by asking me how I was and what I was doing. He also asked me to say hello to Wally. He explained that he had sent the letter in care of Wally because he didn't know my address. It was a good thing he hadn't as I never looked in the mailbox. Since no one ever wrote me and there were no bills I had to pay but the rent which had the electric included in it, I didn't see any reason to check. Who was there to write me? And what would anyone write me about? Now, that had all changed. There was someone to write to me!

Wally had sat there quietly, drinking coffee, while I read Erik's letter. When I finished the letter I looked up at him and smiled.

"So, what did Erik have to say?" Wally asked.

"He told me to say hello to you and that he misses me." I said quietly.

"Did you doubt that he would?" Wally asked, surprised.

"Well...yeah. I mean, he's got all his Marine buddies and shit. Why would he miss me?" I asked.

"You've got a lot to learn about life, kiddo!" Wally laughed. "Oh, you've seen some of the worst of it, true. But there just so many things you don't understand yet. That Marine has a 'thing' for you, buddy - just like you've got for him! When he came to tell me good-bye, he thanked me for introducing you to him. He almost broke down and cried trying to do it, though."

I looked at Wally in shock! I couldn't believe that Erik was that upset about having to leave! As upset as I was that he was leaving. I cried for hours after he left! I wanted to kick myself for not going to the bus station with him but I knew that I would have just bawled my eyes out there and that wouldn't have been good!

"So what do I do now?" I asked.

"Well, that, I guess, would depend on how you feel about him, wouldn't you say?" Wally asked me.

"Uhh...yeah. I guess it would." I said.

"So how do you feel about him?" Wally asked quietly.

"Uhh...ahh...I...ahh...really like him - a lot!" I said.

"Then why don't you write him and tell him so." Wally said.

"Well...yeah. I guess I could do that." I said.

"And just to help you do that - I've got a little something else for you." Wally said and then yelled out to Vera. "Hey! Vera! Would you bring me that little box I put behind the counter?"

"Sure, Sugar!" Vera said and reached under the counter.

She brought over what looked to be a shoe box tied up with twine and handed it to Wally who, in turn, handed it to me. I opened the twine and pulled off the top of the box. Inside was three pens a stack of stationary paper, a large amount of envelopes and a roll of 100 stamps!

"What's this?" I asked, incredulously.

"That is what you might call a 'correspondence kit'. Everything you need to write letters." Wally smiled. "I thought you might need it."

I looked at him in amazement!

"Yeah! I do! I've never written a letter in my life - except the phony ones we had to write in English class. I've never had anyone to write to before." I said.

"Yeah. I kind of figured that. So, why don't you run along home now and write that young Marine a letter tonight. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you." Wally said.

"Yeah. I think I will." I said smiling. "Wally..."

He looked at me.

"Thank you. For everything." I said quietly.

"Don't mention it. Just doin' my part to help a brother Marine." he said gruffly but I could see the twinkle in his eyes that told me he was pleased.

I did write Erik a letter that night. I told him how much I missed him and told him about working at the bookstore and about Wally giving me the 'correspondence kit'. When I looked at the clock, I realized I'd spent almost two hours writing the letter and it was six pages long! And here I thought I'd have nothing to say to him.

I mailed the letter the next morning on the way to work and when I got to the bookstore, Mr. Holloway remarked that I was looking to be in a much better mood than I'd been in for a while. He asked me what had changed. I blushed and told him I'd gotten a letter from a friend.

"From that young Marine you rescued from the blizzard?" he asked.

"Uhh...well...yeah." I admitted.

He didn't say anything else, he just smiled knowingly at me and went off back to his rooms and made coffee. The rest of the day, I found myself smiling to myself. I must have looked like an idiot but I didn't give a damn! I was really happy that Erik had cared enough to write me and to tell me that he missed me. It was not something that I ever really expected. Yeah, he'd said he would but people said a lot of things - many of them they don't mean. Well, maybe they mean them when they say them, but then they don't follow through with what they say they will. But Erik did, and that meant a lot to me. I mean, I hadn't grown up being able to trust people. Not with a Mom like mine.

I don't mean to speak badly of her, especially with her dead and all, but growing up with her, I learned quickly that you didn't count on anything she ever said. It's not that she didn't try or didn't care about me but she got to the point where she loved being fucked up more. By the time I was about 12 years old, her life was ruled by heroin. If she wasn't getting high, she was nodded out sleeping off the effects of the drugs. Then, she would go out and 'trick' to get the money to buy more. She rarely bought food so I learned to either steal money from her or got good at stealing food from stores. It was also about that time I learned to panhandle. I found that I could spot people who would likely give me money because I was a cute little kid. I especially had luck with older guys. I could tell that some of them wanted something more out of me but I was not interested in having them touching me. I knew about 'queers' and it would be a couple of years before I figured out that I was one of them.

Meeting people like Mr. Holloway and especially Wally had begun to change the way I looked at people. They were nice to me, did nice things for me - like Wally giving me the stationary and Mr. Holloway giving me books to read - without asking for anything in return. Despite all I'd seen in life so far, I still had a belief that most people were okay. Well...except for the 'queer-hating' ones. I could usually spot them as well. I don't know how, maybe some kind of built in sense that I had for who could be trusted and who couldn't. It served me well, most of the time.

Over the next couple of months, I found myself writing Erik every day. Not long letters, just telling him about my day, telling him I missed him, telling him how grateful I was for him being my friend. I wanted to tell him how much I loved what we had done together but I was afraid to. After all, I didn't know who might see the letter and I didn't want to get Erik in trouble. He must have wondered about it, too, because in one of his later letters, he said that he had noticed that I never mentioned what we had done together and he wondered if I was having trouble with it. I wrote back and told him that the only trouble I had with it was wanting to do more and not being able to. I told him it was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me and that I would never forget it - or him. This seemed to set his mind at ease on that score. He wrote back that it was very special for him, too, and that he found himself thinking about me a lot. That made me feel especially good because I thought about him almost all the time.

Looking back, I find it hard to believe now how incredibly dense I was then! Why did I not realize that I was in love with Erik? My only excuse is that, to be honest, I didn't really know what love was. In her own way, my Mom loved me - at least as much as she was able to love anything but heroin. But I'd never been in love. I didn't know what it was supposed to feel like. And there was nobody I really felt comfortable in asking - not even Wally.

In the letters that went back and forth with Erik, we often talked about the realities of being a Marine. Erik knew it was still my intention to enlist when I turned 18 and he did what he could to help me understand the commitment I would be making. I knew it would be tough going through boot-camp and all but Erik encouraged me greatly by telling me that he knew that I could do it. He asked me when my eighteenth birthday was and I told him the date. It was about three weeks away and fell on a Friday.

A couple of days before my birthday, I got a letter from Erik that was very strange. He said for me to go see Wally on my birthday immediately after work. He said that Wally would explain everything to me but that I was not to ask him about it before my birthday. I followed his instructions, but I like to died with curiosity! The night before my birthday, I couldn't sleep for wondering what the hell was going to happen the next day. I had originally intended to go to the Marine Corps recruiting office after work, but now it would have to wait until Monday because I couldn't go to see Wally and go to the recruiter as well.

I got to work as usual and I guess my mind was still preoccupied with seeing Wally after work because Mr. Holloway noticed that I was mentally not there most of the day because he brought it up as we were closing up the store.

"Boy, what's the matter with you? You seem like you're all 'spaced out' today!" he asked.

"Sorry, Mr. Holloway. I didn't get much sleep last night. It's my birthday today and I have to go somewhere after work and I guess I was thinking about that." I said sheepishly.

"So today's the big day, huh?" he asked.

"Yes, I finally turned 18 today." I announced proudly.

"Finally legal, huh? Well, congratulations! I guess that's why you wanted Monday off, so you can go visit that Marine recruiter you've been talking about for a month now?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Yes, sir! I'm finally old enough to join up." I said proudly.

"Well, I tell you what. Why don't you take tomorrow off as well so you can really celebrate tonight. Take it as my birthday present. Now, go on and get out of here and go do what you've had your mind on all day!" he laughed.

"Gee! Thanks, Mr. Holloway!" I said as I grabbed my coat and headed out the door.

I made it to the bus station in record time, practically running the whole way. When I got there, Wally was waiting for me at 'his' table in the restaurant with a small box sitting on the table, wrapped in light blue paper and darker blue ribbon on it with a bow. Vera came over with a cup of coffee for me, wished me a happy birthday and kissed me on the cheek. I was embarrassed by the attention and blushed. Wally just laughed.

"Sit down, kiddo, and open your first present." he said.

I sat down and tore open the box. Nestled inside of more paper to cushion it was a red ceramic mug with the seal of the Marine Corps on it! I tried to thank Wally for it but he stopped me.

"That isn't from me, kiddo. That's from that young Marine of yours. This is from me." he said, handing me a smaller box.

I opened it and inside was a beautiful pocket watch with a chain. The cover of the watch had a spread-wing eagle on it. Wally showed me how to open it and when I did, I could see that on the face of the watch was the Marine Corps emblem as well! I thanked Wally effusively. Never had I ever had anything so nice! I had a watch, it had cost me $5 at a pawn shop and you had to wind it. This, Wally told me, was electronic and would only have to have the battery changed once every two years. He showed me how to hook the chain to my belt and also showed me the watch- pocket in my jeans. I'd seen that little pocket there but had no idea, until Wally showed me, what it was for!

"Wally, this is the best birthday I've ever had!" I enthused. "I've never gotten any presents for my birthday before."

"Well, kiddo, there's still one more present coming. Should be here any minute now." he said smiling.

"What is it?!" I asked all excited.

"Can't tell you, kiddo. It's a surprise." he said and then his face lit up with a huge grin. "There you go, kiddo. Why don't you turn around and I think you'll see your other present."

I turned around and looked and there, coming across the station from the entrance where passengers arrived, was...ERIK!!!

I flew out of my seat and ran to him. He stopped, threw his duffle bag to the floor and held out his arms. I didn't even think about all the people in the station seeing this, I just flew right into his embrace! Once again, his scent surrounded me and I knew that it was a scent that I would always remember and recognize. A scent that stirred feelings deep inside of me - and not just in my groin. We continued to hug each other tightly as Erik whispered in my ear.

"Happy Birthday, Tim."

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" I asked, looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I wanted it to be a surprise!" he grinned.

"Well, it certainly is!" I grinned back. "How long can you stay?"

"I have to go back on Tuesday. I wanted to go with you to the recruitment office on Monday." he smiled.

"They ought to give you credit for recruiting me!" I grinned.

"Actually, they will." he laughed.

We were still standing there in the middle of the bus station holding onto each other like we didn't want to ever let each other go. Finally, however, I think we both noticed what we were doing at the same time and reluctantly let go of each other. We grinned sheepishly at each other and then Erik picked up his duffle and threw it over his shoulder. His other arm he put across my shoulders and we walked over to where Wally was.

"So, welcome back, Marine! Come to drag this one off to the Corps as well, huh?" Wally grinned.

"Yep! The Corps always needs good men, you know that! And Tim is going to be one of the best! I just know it!" Erik said.

I thrilled at the compliment that Erik paid me. I only hoped and prayed that he was right. I wanted so badly to make him proud of me. I didn't exactly know why at that point that I cared so much about Erik being proud of me, but I finally figured it all out - eventually.

"Well, you boys run along now. I know you've got a lot of 'catching up' to do!" Wally laughed.

Erik and I both blushed at this but we almost ran out of the depot heading for my apartment. We didn't speak as we sped along the street and climbed the stairs to my door. I could hardly get the key in the door, I was so excited! Finally I got it open and we got inside. Erik put his duffle down, turned and locked the front door and grabbed me in his arms. He kissed me passionately for a long time - until we both were almost gasping for air! Finally he broke the kiss and looked down at me.

"I've been wanting to do that again since I left here." he murmured.

"And I've been wanting you to do that since then as well. I just didn't think I'd ever see you again." I replied softly.

"Why? How could you think that?" he asked.

I hesitated. How could I make him understand?

"Because nobody in my entire life ever cared all that much about me. You know about my Mom. She loved heroin more than me. There was nobody else. Mr. Holloway and Wally have been real nice to me but...well...I don't have any friends, not real friends. Never did have. I was shocked when you wrote me!" I tried to explain.

"I told you I would." Erik said.

"People say lots of things they mean at the time." I said quietly.

"Yeah. I guess that is true. But I want you to know something about me - and it's true for most Marines. If I say I'm going to do something, I do it or I damned well die trying. I don't make promises that I can't keep and I don't say things that I don't mean - and not just mean at the moment. Most important, if somebody is my friend, then they're my friend forever. I don't run out on them and I don't cut them out of my life. If I care about somebody, then they are important to me. And I think I care about you more than anybody I know." he said.

During this whole speech, Erik held me in his arms and I looked up into his deep, blue eyes. I could tell, without a doubt, that he meant every word that he was saying. When he got to the part about caring about me more than anybody, I looked at him in shock! Me?! He cared more about me than anybody?! How could that be?! Sure we'd spent those two days together and I gave him my 'cherry' - all of them - but did it mean as much to him as it did to me? I knew I cared more about him than anyone I'd ever known but, then again, I didn't have that many people in my life to care about.

"Don't look so shocked." he smiled, evidently noting the look on my face. "Did you think that what happened between us was just sex? Something I just enjoyed and then would just forget about? Did you really think I could just walk away and forget about you?! Couldn't you tell that something more than just being horny was happening between us? Or maybe you don't feel the same way?"

"Oh, Fuck! NO! I do feel the same way! I swear I do! Yes, I could feel something different but I was afraid! I didn't know what was going on and I didn't want to read more into it than was there. I promise you, what happened between us meant more to me than anything that ever happened to me in my whole life!" I swore to him.

"I kinda figured that when you wrote me a letter every day." he grinned. "I kinda got the feeling that maybe I was important to you. It sure got a lot of guys in the barracks jealous of me! Nobody got a letter a day from anybody! Not even the guys who were engaged."

"Oh, God! Did anybody say anything? I mean, did they know that I was a guy?" I asked, worried that someone might stumble onto the fact that Erik was Gay and ruin his career in the Corps.

He smiled gently at me.

"No, Tim. Nobody said anything. And they know you're a guy. I just told them you were a friend from back home and that you were going to enlist in the Corps and had a lot of questions. The best lie is one that has the most truth in it." he grinned.

I could see his point. Almost everything he told them was the truth. There was just a lot of 'truth' he wasn't telling. And that was okay with me! I wouldn't do anything that could hurt him - I'd rather have my nuts cut off first!

"Now, there are two things wrong here." Erik said.

"What?!" I asked. I couldn't imagine what was wrong.

"You've got too fucking many clothes on and we're not in bed!" he grinned.

And with that, he let go of me, stooped down, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom! I was so shocked, I didn't know what to do or say! First of all, that he could pick me up like I was a sack of feathers blew me completely away! I'm not small! I'm 5'10" and I weigh somewhere around 180! Since my Mom died, and I got a job so I could start eating regularly, I'd filled out a lot. I'd also been working out in the weight room at the High School. The coaches all knew me and they knew my situation so they never said anything. Even after I graduated, I continued to go there several times a week - usually after work when I wasn't visiting Wally - and would pump iron. Since I decided to go into the Marine Corps, I'd stepped up my workouts, making them longer and more intense. So the fact that Erik could just pick me up and throw me over his shoulder was not something I was expecting!

He walked into the bedroom with me and plopped me on the bed. Then he stood there and started to unbutton his BDU's. I quickly sat up.

"Stop! Please don't!" I said.

He looked at me strangely.

"You don't want me to undress?" he asked.

"No." I pleaded. "I want to do it! Please? You don't know how many nights I've fantasized about this!"

He smiled then and dropped his hands to his side.

"Okay, then. Have it your way. I'm all yours." he grinned.

I moved to the edge of the bed and stood up. I started unbuttoning his BDU shirt and when I had undone all the buttons, I slowly spread it open and slid it down his arms. His muscular chest and arms were revealed and I was again overwhelmed with the masculine beauty of his body. I couldn't help myself. My hands began to gently stroke the skin of his chest and arms, feeling the strength of the muscles but the softness of the skin. Such an incredible and erotic contrast! He groaned at my touch, letting me know that I should move on before he came without me even getting him naked!

I pulled the top off him and was about to go to the pants, when I looked down and saw the combat boots which his pants were 'bloused' into. I got down on my knees and began to untie the boots, pulling them off his feet one at a time. His feet, clothed in white athletic socks gave off a not unpleasant scent of sweat and leather. Actually, I found the scent rather erotic and promised myself to explore it later. Once his boots were off, I stayed on my knees, this time unbuckling his webbed belt and opening the buttons on his pants. I slowly slid them down his thighs, only to encounter something that I hadn't seen the last time I'd seen him undress - underwear. White briefs - my favorite kind! His cock was making an obscene bulge in them and there was already a wet spot by the head of his cock. It hit me at that moment that it was me that was causing him to leak like this! He wanted me! I was grateful because I surely wanted him!

I let his pants drop to around his ankles and he stepped out of them. I reached up then to take off his briefs but instead, pushed my face into the crotch of them and took a deep breath of his strong male scent. It was intoxicating! I got high on his scent! I then opened my mouth and pressed it against the white cotton fabric where his cock bulged and blew my warm breath onto him. He groaned and I felt his hand come up and press on the back of my head, pressing my mouth harder onto his cock. I moved over to where the wet spot of pre-cum was and began to suck it out of his briefs. He groaned again.

"If you don't quit that, I'm gonna cum really fast!" he groaned.

I quickly pulled my mouth away and, grabbing the waistband of his briefs, pulled them down until they, too, were around his ankles and he went to kick them away. Instead, I grabbed them and brought them up to my nose, taking deep breaths of the pouch where his cock had rested. I looked up into his eyes as I did so.

"Oh, fuck!" he groaned softly, watching me smelling his briefs.

His cock, now free, was standing at rigid attention, heavily leaking pre-cum. I pulled the briefs from my nose and leaned forward, flicking out my tongue to taste the crystal liquid that poured from his cockhead. It was every bit as sweet as I remembered it being.

But things were moving too fast for Erik. He hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me to my feet. Without a word, he began to rapidly strip me of my clothes. When I was naked he pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me, grinding our erect cocks together.

"I need you, Tim! I need to fuck you! I need to be inside of you really bad!" he moaned, looking deep into my eyes.

"It's where I need you to be." I said softly and he smiled at this.

He hopped off me and ran out of the bedroom. I couldn't imagine what he was up to until he came back, carrying his duffle bag. He unzipped it and pulled out the bottle of lube like he had last time. I lay back and pulled my legs back until my knees were on my chest, my ass open for him. When he saw me spread and ready for him, he stopped short.

"Oh fuck!" was all he said, his eyes filled with a deep hunger.

He climbed onto the bed and got his face down into my ass and began to lick my trench and to press his tongue into my hole. Of course, having only had those two days with him and that being several months ago, my hole was a tight as the first time he fucked it. That didn't seem to matter to him, however, he ate my ass for the longest time until my hole relaxed and allowed his tongue to slide in and out at will.

Once he'd loosened me as much as he could with his tongue, he then began applying lube to my hole and slowly slid one finger in. It was a little tight at first but I remembered what he'd taught me and pressed down with my muscles while breathing slowly and deeply to relax. It worked because his finger soon was sliding easily in and out of me. He kept working on me until he had three of his fingers working easily in and out of my ass.

He then began lubing his cock and applied more lube to my hole. I got up over me, resting on his stiff arms and his cockhead pressed against my hole.

"Just relax and push out." he said, looking into my eyes.

I smiled at him and nodded, slipping my arms around his neck. He pushed and the head of his cock pressed against my opening. There was some resistance for a moment. I pushed down and the head of his cock slid into my butt. There was a moment of pain and then his cock slid in deeper and all I could feel was the ecstasy of being joined to him again! Being filled with him again!

When he was all the way inside me, he stopped. He leaned down and kissed me passionately as I let go of my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Pulling his mouth from mine finally, he rested there, letting me get used to being filled with him again.

"Are you okay?" he asked as my body began to relax around his cock.

"I'm better than 'okay'! I'm wonderful!" I smiled.

"I don't know how long I can last. I haven't even jacked off in a week thinking about you! My hand just couldn't substitute anymore." he grinned.

"It doesn't matter. Just fuck me. I want you to get off. I want you to fill me up with your cum." I groaned. "I don't think I'll last long either!"

He grinned and began to slowly slide his cock in and out of my ass. As it did, his thickness rubbed up against my prostate - something I'd learned about in a book that I found in the store called "THE JOY OF GAY SEX". It sent thrills through me and made my cock tingle with an electric energy. I didn't have any worries about getting off. My problem, from the moment that he started fucking me, was trying to hold back and not cum too soon!

Within a very short time, Erik is pounding my hole and working up a sweat. The scent of him, the feel of his warm, sweaty skin against me, the feeling of the warm droplets of sweat that fell from him onto my skin drove me higher and higher into realms of ecstasy! The power of his thrusts, the strain I could see in his bulging muscles, the look of determination on his face as he fucked me were driving me closer and closer to my own crisis.

We were both too horny for each other, too far gone in the intense feelings that our bodies were causing each other to hold back for long. Soon, Erik's rhythm was lost and he was slamming his cock into me harder and harder, faster and faster, until he suddenly froze and screamed out.


Then, for a moment, I could feel the tremors as his cock poured his seed deep inside me. But only for a moment because then my own orgasm caused my cock to begin showering both of us with my cum, spraying all over us and dripping from his chest and abs onto me as I, too, screamed out.

"AHH!!! FUCK!!!"

It took a while for both of us to stop cumming, so intense was the orgasm that we seemed almost to share. Erik dropped down onto his elbows, putting his face close to mine. When I'd gotten my breath back, I pulled him closer and kissed him deeply. He groaned into my mouth and I could feel his cock - still hard - jerk in my ass.

"Feels like you haven't had enough yet." I smiled at him.

"Told you I was horny." he smiled sheepishly.

"Feel like fucking me again?" I asked quietly.

"Could you take it if I did?" he asked, looking at me questioningly.

"I can take anything you care to do." I smiled.

"You sure?" he asked, making every effort to give me a way out.

"Yep! Very sure!" I said, pushing my still hard cock up against his abs as proof.

"Mmm....yeah....I see!" he grinned.

He began to move his hips slowly in and out. As intense and furious as the first fuck had been, that was how gentle and prolonged this second one was. Again, I had the feeling that this was more than just sex between us. Something was happening deep down inside of me. Feelings that I couldn't put names to were welling up and seemed to be answered by feelings from Erik. This time, he kissed me long and passionately as he fucked me. When his mouth wasn't on mine, it was someplace else on my body - my neck, my cheeks, my ears. My hands were touching and stroking every part of him that I could reach. It was almost unbelievable how gently this huge, muscular Marine made love to me.

Slowly, over a long period of time, Erik's strokes finally became faster and stronger. My own cock had remained hard the whole time, leaking pre-cum onto my abs and lubricating the skin between us. Suddenly, I felt his hips shift slightly and his cock began to batter my prostate. What had been comfortable and comforting before now became quite intense and acutely stimulating! Within moments, I had reached the point of no return! I hardly had time to cry out, giving voice to nothing but sound without words, as my cock began to again unload the contents of my balls all over both of us! I was shocked that there was anything left in my nuts after the last orgasm but, evidently, it didn't take that long to recharge!

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed as I once again as I shot my load.

The clutching of my chute around his cock evidently set Erik off because within seconds he was echoing my screams and unloading yet another load of USMC cum in my butt.

"I'M CUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!!!" he screamed out, as if there was any doubt about what was happening.

I could once again feel his cock twitching in my ass, filling me with his seed and thrilling me deep inside as I could feel him emptying himself into me. It was like it was not only his cum but himself that was pouring into me - all his feelings, all his caring, all his love. I knew I had no right to think that but I couldn't help myself! The feelings I had for him were beginning to become overwhelming and I didn't know what to do about it.

Erik collapsed on me and I put my arms around him as he lay there, his mouth licking and sucking at my neck as his warmth and scent surrounded me. My legs wrapped around his hips and I was suddenly found myself with tears running down my face. It wasn't sadness. It was the sheer, incredible happiness of being alive! Of being close to him! Of having him buried within my body and feeling a part of him! It was the happiness of feeling him holding me and knowing that I had given him pleasure. But, above all, it was the incredible joy - and pain - of being in love for the first time in my life and finally knowing it!

Erik finally recovered from the physical exertion of making love to me when he rose up and saw the tears streaming down my face.

"Tim! What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No." was all I could get out, turning my face away from him and trying not to look at him or have him see me crying.

"Tim, look at me. Please." his voice came softly, but there was a hint of 'command' in it.

I slowly turned my head back.

"What's wrong." he asked quietly.

"Nothing." I said, unconvincingly - even to myself!

"Don't give me that. Something's wrong. Now, what is it?" he demanded.

"It's not's wrong because I don't have any right...but it's not your fault...I just...nothing!"

My mouth couldn't form the words because my thoughts were so jumbled. I wanted to tell him but I didn't want to tell him! I was afraid that I would lose him if I told him and afraid that if I didn't, I'd lose him anyway. Most of all, I knew if I didn't tell him, I'd explode!

"Tim, you're not making any sense here. Slow down. Tell me what's bothering you." Erik said patiently.

I took a deep breath which, of course, filled me with his scent - which didn't help at all! I exerted all the strength I had, which wasn't much after that fucking, and slowly began.

"I know I don't have any right to say this...but I can't find any other way to tell you because it's the truth." I said.

"What's the truth?" he asked, confused.

"I...I...I love you." I finally burst out.

He looked at me for several moments, a stunned look on his face and then his features changed into a soft smile.

"Was it that hard to tell me that?" he asked softly.

I looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"Yes. I figure that I'm just a kid to you and the last thing you need is some kid with a crush on you." I said.

"Is that all it is? A crush?" he asked.

"No. It's more than that. I really do love you. It took me a while to figure it out because I've never really loved anyone before. I'm sorry." I said and the tears started leaking from my eyes again.

Erik took his hand and put his fingers under my chin, lifting my face until my eyes were again gazing into his.

"And just exactly what are you sorry for? Are you sorry you're in love with me?" He asked, a gentle smile on his face.

"No! I'm sorry to do this to you! To fuck up everything like this!" I insisted.

"Wait! Hold on here a minute! What do you mean, 'fuck everything up like this'? How does loving me fuck anything up?" he asked.

"You're a Marine, for God's sake!" I insisted. "You don't need some kid being in love with you!"

"I don't see a kid in love with me anywhere around here. I see a young man, a young man who is going to be one of my brother Marines - and a damned good one! - telling me he loves me. I don't know about you, but that makes me pretty proud and very happy." he said, softly.

"It does? You don't hate me for it?" I asked.

"Why in the fuck would I hate you for loving me? Do you hate me for loving you?" he asked.

I was just about to answer when what he said hit me! Did I hate him for loving me? Loving ME?! Erik loves me?! I looked up into his eyes, searching for laughter that would tell me he was joking, but I could find none! His eyes were looking into mine, dead-on serious!

" love me?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yes. I love you. I have since the first time we were alone together, I think. At least since the first time I made love to you. I've tried to tell you that you were special to me - that it wasn't just sex between us. I guess you didn't quite understand. I guess that makes sense though. I should have been more clear. Yes, Tim. I love you. And the fact that you love me doesn't make me angry or unhappy. In fact, quite the opposite. It makes me about the happiest Marine in the fucking Corps!" he grinned.


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Next: Chapter 5

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