Red Meets Buddy: A That 70's Show Parody

By RedOne5

Published on Aug 1, 2002



DISCLAIMER: This story contains gay erotic material. If this sort of stuff bugs you, then please leave. This is a parody of That 70's Show and if the thought of some of that show's characters engaging in same sex action also bugs you, again please leave.Some of the fictional characters presented here do not belong to me but to CWM Productions and to Fox Television. The characters who are my creation are portrayed by actors over 21 years old (although they appear to look younger on screen), so if Red and Buddy seem somewhat out of character, blame Max, Donny, Jon and Pete for leading them astray. This is my first attempt at writing this type of material, so you decide if it was worth the effort. Finally, this story is to be posted only on FREE Erotic Story Sites, because the main reason I wrote it to begin with was so that I could finally see Red Forman with his pants down.

It was a mild October Saturday afternoon in Point Place Wisconsin, the fourth day into an unusually hot Indian Summer where outside the local Price Mart department store, its doors wide open due to a malfunctioning antiquated AC unit , personnel manager Red Forman stood taking pleasure from the warm breeze while attempting to nonchalantly keep his tight gray polyester slacks from pinching his crotch.

Red, stepping away from the open front doors, passed by a few customers streaming into the store. He growled under his breath to himself, "Damn nutbusters," and stuck his hands deep into his pants pockets in order to do some much needed rearranging of his equipment. Unfortunately, he hadn't said it as quietly as he thought.

"I beg your pardon?" a heavy set woman curtly asked from behind him, her ears picking up something she knew she better not have heard.

Red hunched his shoulders, lifted his hands out of his pockets and slowly turned to face a large woman holding a big handbag whose outraged expression clearly challenged him to: go ahead--I just dare you to say it again, pottymouth!

"Eh...nutclusters," Red answered, regaining his composure. "I said damn good nutclusters--we eh, we have a special going our candy may want to pick some up before they're all gone! They're chocolate you know, and you appear to me like a woman who's scarfed down quite a few tons of chocolate over the years!"

The woman eyed Red coldly and clutched her oversized purse closer to her ample frame. She then gave a derisive snort, turned back towards the store and exclaimed: "Well I've never been more insulted!"

"I seriously doubt that," Red muttered as she stormed away.

He quickly walked towards the employee parking lot on the side of the building, again tugging the front of his pants away from his crotch while thinking to himself, This is what I get for trying to save a lousy buck!

A while ago, for some reason his wife Kitty began to hound him about adding some new slacks to his modest wardrobe. Red put it on the back burner like he always did when it came to his clothes, and Kitty, as always, took care of it herself; and that was just fine with Red because next to accidentally bumping into his inane neighbor Bob, there was nothing he hated more than shopping for clothes. But on the day day Kitty returned home with a few pair of trousers purchased from some trendy new clothes boutique for men was the day he had to put his foot down and decided he would get involved with shopping after all.

"Christ, Kitty--a boutique?" he questioned her in the kitchen, the slacks laying on the counter. "What normal guy in Point Place would even wear something bought at some fruity boutique for pete's sake?"

"Well Red ,when I was there they had quite a few male customers browsing ,for your information," Kitty answered. "Why, even Bob came in--eh, ok...very bad example," she said after seeing the look on Red's face, showing that in his mind, she had just proved his point.

"Anyway,"she continued, "What is so gosh darn awful about a boutique selling men's fashions? If you want real quality, you just have to go to the more exclusive outlets and be willing to pay a few extra dollars. I say for a man in your position that there is certainly no reason why you can't dress for success now."

"At these prices there most certainly is!" Red bellowed, after looking at the sales receipt. "I work too hard to see my money wasted like this. Why, at Price Mart I bet I can get five decent pairs of pants for what you paid for these, with enough left over for underwear and socks!"

"Oh Red--Price Mart?" Kitty questioned him, her hands firmly on her hips, very dubious of the quality of the store's clothes selections.

"And what's the matter with Price Mart?" Red asked, feeling the need to defend the source of his income.

"Well, nothing...their stuff is ok if you want to buy something to knock about the yard in. But face it Red, Price Mart is an overgrown hardware and appliance store with just enough frills to bring in the non-do-it-your-selfers. I mean, it's not exactly in the same league as Goode-Hedd of London."

Red rolled his eyes, barely stifling a laugh.

"Oh, please don't tell me you went into some joint named good head?" he said trying to cover his mouth with the side of his hand.

"Goode-Hedd is a perfectly respectable British name. And one of the salesman made a point of letting the shoppers know that it is a name well known on Carnaby Street."

"More like Sleaze Street if you ask me," Red said, taking Kitty by her shoulders and looking into her eyes closely. "Just try sounding the name out loud slowly dear...believe me, it'll take on an entirely new meaning for you."

And Kitty's slightly puzzled expression gave way to one of slow realization, then one of red-faced embarrassment and finally, shocked amusement.

"Oh Red," she blushed, laughing in that unique, nasal tone that was completely Kitty Forman, "Saying it without the spelling in mind, it's, well, positively naughty! Oh now isn't that just great--thanks to you, I'll never be able to say that name again without getting the giggles!"

"There's probably some pansy-ass little tailor prancing around just dieing to take inseam measurements," Red grumbled, staring at the receipt. He then demanded that Kitty return the slacks immediately and get their money back ,and he promised he would show her that it was not impossible to shop economically.

Kitty had given him a funny look for a few seconds, he recalled. Then without saying another word, she stuffed the receipt and the slacks back into the fancy bag, walked out of the kitchen, jumped into the car and headed back to Goode-Hedd of London.

The very moment she returned, she found Red sitting in the living room in his favorite green chair reading the newspaper. She pushed down the paper, dropped the refund into his lap and locking her eyes with Red's told him, with a touch of frost in her voice: "Here's the money back that you work so hard for. Now you go ahead and show me exactly how shopping should be done, mister."

So the next day he did. He had bought four pairs of pants off the bargain rack in Price Mart's men's department and with his employee discount was also able to pick up a pack of underwear and four pairs of socks(he could have gotten another pair of pants and a tie, but he didn't have the heart to rub his shopping skills in Kitty's face).

"And get this," he bragged to Kitty as they stood in the kitchen, Red pulling the navy blue, brown, gray and green plaid polyester slacks out of the bag, "They're wash and wear--no dry cleaning bill! Just toss `em in with the rest of the laundry and they're ready to wear. So, you see Kitty, sometimes you can find quality at a bargain price, and with the current shape of the economy, at the end of the day, a good bargain is all you need."

Red recalled placing his arm around Kitty and had a big grin on his face while she carefully examined the slacks laying on the counter, reading the labels and feeling the material. And she had looked over at him, smiling back ever so sweetly. At the time, for some reason, Red had found that particular smile a bit unnerving. He had always hated when she smiled like that because it usually would mean that what ever buoyant victory he was enjoying at the end of one of their disagreements would soon be punctured by another one of Kitty's I told you so needles--and the thing Red found so infuriating was more often than not, she would be proven right.

"Well, I guess you showed me, huh Red," she said through her frozen smile. "I want you to wear whatever you feel comfortable in. And you will wear these to work everyday right? I'll just get rid of your three other old pants now that you have these nice new ones because just anything won't go with that spiffy Price Mart sports jacket of yours, aha-ha-ha-ha-ha! And its so nice that I can save money by washing them for you week after week so they'll always feel good as new, just like the first day you bought them."

"Well--that's good," Red said. And dispite the ominous feeling that somehow he was heading for a fall, he knew that he had made the right decision. So he had gathered up the pants and walked towards the door leading into the living room. He turned to Kitty as he backed out of the kitchen and said smugly: "Always remember our motto: Price Mart means high quality at low prices!" Then he winked. God, Red thought, why did I have to wink!?

Over the following weeks Red had learned a few hard lessons--the first one was he should always trust his instincts when it came to Kitty having an opportunity of showing him up whenever he wanted to prove her wrong because most of the time he just helped her to prove that she had been right all along; second, sometimes a bargain was just crap wrapped up in high expectations, and third( and this was the most painful ),was that even for the personnel manager, Price Mart would only allow a five percent credit on any returned marked down merchandise in good condition and if returned within ten days of the purchase. Eleven days after buying the pants, while bending over to pick up a clipboard he dropped in the stockroom, the seat of Red's navy blue pants ripped, which he didn't realize until his son Eric, who worked as a Price Mart stockboy(and had heard his fellow employees making fun of Red's exposed underwear) discreetly pointed out the torn pants to his dad after Red had paraded through the store without his jacket on for well over an hour.

On day thirteen, the zipper of the green plaid pants got stuck, then broke when Red struggled to free it after relieving himself in the employee restroom. He had spent the rest of that day in his office and at the end of the day, carried his jacket in front of himself folded over his forearm.

Meanwhile, Kitty had kept her promise to wash them every week and the warm water had caused them to shrink a little with each washing, so while it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for him to wear them, Red didn't dare complain because Kitty was always there to loudly remark about the durability of those fine Price Mart slacks(dispite the broken zipper and ripped seat which she mended, humming softly to herself all the while). She made sure Red was within earshot whenever she was ready to pay him another compliment on his great shopping skills, and how he had saved so much money by buying off the bargain rack, how now they didn't have to dip into their tight budget to spend money on new clothes for him. Now the money could be used some new clothes for her.

Red remembered that he could only smile, not say a word, but thought to himself often that sarcasm from his wife was becoming really, really annoying. He always swallowed his resentment, determined not to admit to Kitty that she had been on the right track all along and vowed to keep those Price Mart polyesters until the day they were no longer repairable. But whether or not they would be wearable for much longer was the question he faced weekly.

So now, here was Price Mart's personnel manager Red Forman suffering somewhat indignity under a cloudless blue sky Saturday during this hot October Indian Summer afternoon.

The warm breeze outside hadn't cooled him off much, but it was still better than dealing with the oven-like temperatures inside the store. He was still feeling a little sticky and his damn tight pants didn't help the situation any. Sitting in his backyard in a pair of shorts slamming back a few ice cold beers would really feel good right about now, but that would have to wait, because it was only 1:30pm and he had the rest of the day to get through; and for him, that ment breaktime was over and it was time to reenter the second floor sweatbox which was his office.

Red stepped back into the building ,onto the salesfloor and was immediately engulfed by the store's muggy air. At least a breeze from the outside circulated throughout much of the first floor thanks to the open doors and strategically placed fans burrowed from the home improvement department. On the second floor, the fans only blew about even muggier air.

Red wasn't in a rush to return to his office dispite the mound of paperwork waiting there for him, so he decided to kill a few more minutes by strolling over to the hardware department, and quickly ducked down a paint aisle to avoid running into the heavy set woman he had encountered earlier and who was just leaving the candy department holding two bags of chocolate nutclusters.

As he headed towards the back of the paint department, he saw Eric standing by the stockroom doors talking to a dark haired, clean cut teenager holding a can of furniture stain he had just purchased. Red noticed that he was a good looking boy wearing a dark blazer with a beige turtle neck shirt and tan slacks. Eric's friends like Steven and that nitwit Kelso typically went for the I-just-fell-out-of-bed-this-afternoon-and-slapped-on-whatever-was-handy-at-the-time look. You couldn't get them to wear a decent outfit like that, thought Red, unless they were going to one of Pastor Dave's church functions. It appeared to Red that Eric knew the kid well, possibly a fellow student from school, not one of Eric's typical associates, judging him by his attire. Red decided to introduce himself which would allow him to keep his back to the center aisle as the woman strolled pass, no doubt shoveling a fistful of candy into her mouth, he thought to himself.

"So Eric," he said, "Gabbing again, eh? Is this what we pay you to do all day?" Red smiled as he approached the boys, all the while looking at the kid in the blazer.

"We were just catching up sir," the kid said. "I hope I didn't get you into any trouble Eric." And the kid looked into Red's face, then quickly down to gaze at the fully packed crotch of Red's tight pants.

"This is only my dad, Buddy, and he's just jerking my chain. Dad, this is Buddy, one of the guys I know from school."

"Hello there Buddy."

"Hi Mr. Forman. I've heard some interesting things about you, so it's nice to put a face with the stories," Buddy said looking at Red and then stole another glance down at Red's tight polyesters. "Nice pants," he said with a hungry smile. "They really fit you well."

"Eh, thanks," Red answered, a little perplexed by the kid's appraisal of his uncomfortable attire. Given the condition of his slacks, could the boy be putting him on? And why, Red wondered, was he staring at him so hard?

"Hey, Eric," Buddy said, "You never said that you had such a ruggedly handsome father."

"Ok, knock it off Buddy," Eric said through a tight smile, "Just tone it down a little--he's my dad after all."

"Oh, there is absolutely on doubt in my mind that he's a real Daddy all right," Buddy said still smiling at Red, taking in the masculine middle-aged sight presented to his eyes.

Red was starting to feel a bit disoriented by the tone of the conversation. If he didn't know any better, he would swear that the kid was trying to flirt with him! But, naw, it wasn't possible, Red thought, so he tried to steer the conversation away from himself.

"Eh, well, Eric," Red began, scrutinizing Buddy, " How come I haven't seen your friend over at the house with the rest of the guys?"

Buddy and Eric exchanged nervous glances, Buddy still smiling, Eric quickly looking away, facing Red.

"Well, we don'," Eric began to mutter, but was interrupted by Buddy.

"We tend to move in different social circles, Mr. Forman--although I've done my best to get Eric to open up and try something new and liberating."

Eric shot Buddy a sharp look. Red put his hands on his hips, pushing back his jacket and Buddy gazed longingly at the display.

"A chance to take a break from hanging around with those layabout friends of yours?" he asked Eric. "Now what's wrong with associating with someone like Buddy for a change? After all, he does seem like a pretty straight, clean-cut kid to me."

Both Buddy and Eric suddenly burst out laughing, much to Red's annoyance.

"What, did I say something funny boys?" he asked with just a little bit of an edge to his voice. "I get the feeling that I'm missing out on some big joke and it's at my expense."

"Oh no, Mr. Forman," Buddy said, "It's just old history between Eric and I. We found that our philosophies on lifestyles kind of differ; I suppose we are destined to stroll through life down slightly different paths."

"Well. if that path doesn't include hanging out in your frustrated parents' basement all day, doing Lord knows what with a bunch of under achievers whose life goal is to goof off for the next few years until they take up residence in minimum wage-ville, then grab my boy by his arm and pull him down that path with you!" Red said, gently grabbing Eric by his skinny shoulders, who just as gently shrugged him off while Buddy fixed him with an amused, questioning look.

"Believe me sir," Buddy said, "I gave it my best shot. Whenever Eric is ready to open up the door, my friends and I will be more than willing to introduce him to an alternative way of life."

"I kinda like life on my side of the door," Eric said crossing his arms over his chest. "You of all people know I don't swing that way Buddy, so again, thanks but nooo thanks!"

Red glanced at Buddy, then at Eric. "What do you mean, you don't swing that way? Excuse me, but am I missing something?" he questioned, a nasty realization starting to dawn on him.

Buddy leaned in towards Eric. "Well, can't fault a guy for giving it one more try, eh?" he asked Eric through his smile. He then faced Red who was now eyeing him suspiciously. Buddy reached out to shake Red's hand.

"Again, nice to meet you Mr. Forman. I better be going; some friends are stopping over today for a little celebration," Buddy said, firmly shaking Red's hand. "Ohh, nice strong grip you've got there Sir!"

"Eh, yeah...likewise," Red answered, looking at Buddy through narrow eyes. And as he walked away, Buddy turned around and eyed Red up and down once more.

"Man, I just love those pants!" he gushed, giving Red a quick wink before turning and heading towards the exit, swinging the can of stain while he whistled to himself.

Eric, grinning at Buddy going into his fag-gag act for Red, something he's seen him do before when he purposely wanted to make some straight feel uncomfortable, started to head through the stockroom doors, but Red grabbed him by the arm, still staring at Buddy as he passed from view.

"Now, what the hell was THAT?" he asked Eric.

Eric tried not to grin while he answered him. "What? Oh. Buddy can sometimes be a bit--eccentric dad, that's all."

Red grunted, looking at his hand. "Eccentric my ass...if I didn't know better, I'd say that boy was just a little too close to tutti fruiti boulevard."

"Eccentric, clean cut, tutti fruiti, queer...what do labels really say about a person anyway, huh dad?" Eric said, slipping through the stockroom doors.

Red followed him into the stockroom, grabbed him again, forcing Eric to face him.

"You tell me the truth. Is that kid eh, you know--" and Red put out his hand, flipping it over in a wishy-washy motion. Eric looked at his dad, barely concealing his amusement at Red's discomfort, pretending not to understand the gesture.

"You know what I mean," Red said, "Is he a little light in the loafers--a swishy wishy?"

Eric squinted his eyes in mock puzzlement, shaking his head as if he didn't understand Red's inquiries. "Uh, a swishywishy--what?" he asked.

"Jesus Eric!" Red exclaimed, exacerbated. "Is the boy a flippin' Homo?"

Eric pretended that he finally understood what Red was getting at by smiling and nodding his head as he answered: "Ohhhh, you want to know if Buddy is gay...well, eh--yep!"And with that, Eric turned on his heels and headed towards the back service elevators.

But Red's tight grip on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks. Eric, his shoulder pinched hard by his dad, turned to face Red's glower.

"Now son, for your own sake and a good chance of living to see Sunday, I want you to think carefully before answering me," Red asked through tight lips. "Just how do know for sure that kid's a rear end admiral?"

Eric let puzzlement play across his face again. "Dad--rear end admiral?"

"Goddammit, don't play games with me boy," Red said grabbing Eric by both his shoulders, looking hard at his son's face. "What did he do? What did you do? What did the two of you do!?"

Inside, Eric was howling with laughter over Red's fear and concern regarding his sexual orientation. Even though he knew there was no way he and Buddy would ever become butt buddies, it was obvious that Red had his doubts. He thought maybe he should let Red off the hook by telling him what he wanted to hear, that nothing actually happened, that he was only repeating rumors that he heard in school. But hell, where would the fun be in that?

"Oh, a while ago he was assigned to be my chemistry partner; we got a chance to know each other better," Eric said slipping out of Red's grasp, putting some space between them while he continued. "His family's kind of well off, and he has a really cool sports car, I think that's why a lot of kids at school like him, that and the fact that he's a good dude, really smart, especially in chemistry and math, has a good sense of humor, knows how to dress well, and--andheoncemadeapassatmeinhiscar--"

Red's eyes bulged and he snatched Eric back between two stockroom shelves.

"Christ, not so LOUD!" he cried, looking aound to make sure no one was within ear shot. "Now, what the hell do you mean he made a pass at you?"

"Well, he did," Eric said, grooving on Red's near nuclear meltdown. "But really, it was nothing major, dad."

Red attempted to calm himself, only succeeding slightly as he fought to reel in his imagination as it splashed images in his head of what may have went on between his son and that boy.

"Ok, ok," he said, spinning a scene that was more palpable to his mind's eye. "What was it: he tried to pat your leg, right? He tried to ask you out for a date, and after you punched his lights out, you--you told him to get lost, right?"

Eric acted as if he was searching his memories before answering Red. "Well, I didn't exactly hit him dad," he said remembering the incident with amusement. "After he kissed me I just--"

"He WHAT!?" Red roared.

"Calm down dad!" Eric said as the last of the echoes died out in the large stockroom. "It was just a misunderstanding on his part, no harm, no foul. I mean, come on, face it--with this bod, how could he not be tempted by the ol' Forman charm?"

Red just stared at Eric, who was only now discovering that stringing his dad along maybe wouldn't be so funny after all.

"Gosh dad, that vein on the side of your forehead--it's grown so big--I've never seen it throb so--man it looks positively alien--"

Red glared, slowly backing away from Eric. "He kissed you," he hissed. "On the lips?"

Eric realized he had foolishly crossed over into extremely dangerous territory and he may have inadvertently pulled Buddy along for a short savage ride on the Hothead Red Express.

"Eh, look dad, it just wasn't a big deal! Buddy thought I might be gay because we clicked so well, right from the start," Eric said as he watched a strange expression creep across Red's face, one he didn't think bode too well for him or Buddy. "But I'm not gay; Buddy respected that and backed off."

Red seemed to be in a daze as he stood in the middle of the stockroom aisle. "That freak touched my son--" he muttered, his worst fears confirmed; well, almost confirmed. As his imagination spun a scene worse than a mere kiss, one where the two boys rolled around in sinful abandonment in the back of the Vista Cruiser station wagon, disgust racked his face--disgust, and something else...was it puzzlement, excitement, curiosity? Whatever it was, it was something he chose not to examine too closely for fear it that it might take up residency in his head.

"He can't get away with this," Red said. "What kind of parents does he have anyway? I'm just glad that your mother's out of town taking care of your Aunt Claire. How can I tell her about this? It'll break her heart!"

"Oh, I don't know; Mom's kind of cool with ga--eh, I mean, there is nothing to tell her; you'll just have her worrying for no reason..." Eric said , grabbing Red's arm. "Come on dad, Buddy's one of the good guys--well, so he's a gay guy, but he's still one of the good guys just the same."

Red scowled at Eric, wanting to say something, but his voice had temporarily booked south on him as his mind took him back to the rear seat of the Vita Cruiser. Inward he was shrieking--and he hoped it was from disgust and not from that other creepy feeling he had scurrying around in the back of his brain.

"Ok dad, now look-- Buddy didn't convert me or anything, because NOTHING HAPPENED," Eric said, trying to calm Red's fears. "Believe me, I like girls, always have, always will! Come on, say something...geez, that vein--oh man, you're beginning to really freak me out! What do you plan to do?"

Red turned to look at Eric, visibly trying to get a grip on himself. "Do? DO? First, I'm going to tell you to get back to work. Second--"

"Come on dad, don't--"

"And SECOND," Red said, cutting Eric off in mid sentence, "Somebody's gotta set that kid straight!"

"Well, it's a little too late for that now," Eric started, then stopped himself after seeing Red's pulsating vein again. "Gee, why are you blowing this all out of whack? It's no big deal!"

"Not a big deal? My son gets kissed by a boy and not only does he not kick the kid's ass, he's defending his character!? I suggest you get your butt going and finish whatever it was you were doing before I decide to give you a special preview of what I have in store for that kid and his parents!"

Eric started to protest, but Red held up his finger and gave him a look that had Eric saying without hesitation: "Going away now dad!" After a moment, he said: "You know, I think me and the guys will just head over to the drive-in tonight, see a double feature--if I'm lucky maybe a, don't wait up!" And Eric dashed towards the back elevators, thinking to himself: poor Buddy--I hope he has an active insurance policy, or at least a bullet-proof vest!

Red was steamed as he pushed open the stockroom doors leading back to the paint department. He knew he hadn't raised a fruit, but Jesus, sometimes Eric could be such a dumbass and far too trustful of people as well as too forgiving of their foibles. Twitchy and too forgiving, Red thought as he headed towards the cash register. Yeah, twitchy, too forgiving, too soft and soooo goddamn sensitive, oh no, let's not forget how so overly sensitive Eric could be to the slightest criticism directed towards him!

He approached the salesclerk and asked to see the last few sales receipts. Now, what was that kid's name again? There it was, on the yellow carbon copy: Buddy's full name, address and telephone number which Red promptly copied on a piece of scratch paper, stuffed it into his pants pocket and headed up to his office.

A few moments later, sitting behind his desk, sweating through his clothes while the fan in the corner blew warm air around the stuffy windowless room, Red found that he wasn't bothered by the heat as much as by the weird images of Eric and Buddy swirling about in his head. First, thoughts of Eric, of how Kitty just plain cottled the boy too much and how he had been such a wreck after breaking up with his girlfriend Donna. And Eric had been the one who called it quits in the first place; and now, after acting like he could never go on without her, now he's ok with them just being friends? When did that change happen? Was it because this Buddy person was somehow back in the picture? Then thoughts about Buddy crept into his head, which Red tried to force out by concentrating on paperwork, but found that the more he tried to focus on the reports, the more Buddy's cute, smiling face began to occupy space in his head.

Damn, a good looking boy like that--attracted to guys? With those cool dark eyes and that impish grin, he could have most girls swooning at his feet if he wanted. That intelligent face, his disarming smile--what a complete waste Red mussed as the moments passed by. Then Red found himself fixated on the number of times Buddy had turned that sweet smile on him downstairs. He leaned back, pushing the chair away from his desk to stretch out his legs and get more comfortable. He wondered why the kid kept looking at him, and why he was so captivated by his pants, which, come to think of it, were suddenly a tad bit more binding now. He looked down at himself and for the first time was aware of what Buddy saw, what anyone with an eye for such things could plainly see outlined behind his light gray pants.

"Crap!" Red exclaimed, quickly sitting up and pushing himself back under the desk. No wonder the kid kept staring at his crotch--the goddamn slacks did not leave much to the imagination(there was a good reason Kitty had privately nick-named him Big Red... and it wasn't because he was fond of cinnamon gum). Could this explain why Janet from the credit department at least two or three times a week seemed to accidentally bump into his front or rear while in the lunch line( truth be told, he kinda liked the flirtation and now knew she wasn't near-sighted)? And Anderson from appliances, who Red suspected of being a fruit, seemed to turn up in the john an awful lot whenever Red had to relieve himself. With the slacks getting tighter on him, Red found it easy to just unbuckle his belt, open his pants to completely haul himself out. He never understood why the guy was so impolite as to talk to him before, during and after he took a leak, but now he knew--the cock-hound was just trying to sneak a peek at his goods!

And he had been wearing these things in the store for weeks now? How come he wasn't aware of the display his package made until now, only after Buddy's appraisal of his pants? Red had been more concerned with how tight they felt on him than what the tightness revealed. And, he thought to himself, neither Kitty nor Eric noticed? But then, maybe they had, and just didn't say anything. It would be just like Eric to have a laugh over his ill fitting clothes with the guys, just like the time he couldn't wait to tell them about his pants splitting at work. And Kitty--she was always washing the damn things for him; to keep them looking as good as new my ass! As tight as they were now, they probably showed his ass.

Well, that settled it--pride be damned! Kitty was right, he had been wrong and those Price Mart cheepies were going straight to Goodwill and she could buy his clothes from Goode-Hedd of London or even Pants Are Us for all he cared, just as long as they didn't shrink when washed.

The kid really didn't like girls...he was looking at his bulging pecker, would have looked even if his pants hadn't looked like they had been sprayed on. He had to do something about the kid!

Red looked at his watch; it was now three PM. He looked over the paperwork covering his desk, realized that he wouldn't get much more work done today; in fact he didn't accomplish a damn thing this afternoon, being much too distracted by The Kiss.

Red pulled out the piece of paper with Buddy's info and stared at it for a time. He knew that section of town--ritzy neighborhoods, loaded with doctors, lawyers and even some of the upper management muckity mucks who got to keep their jobs at the plant after laying loyal long time employees like Red off their payroll; neighborhoods with houses surrounded by high brick walls, and wrought-iron fences, hidden cul de sacs and streets without sidewalks because non residences were not encouraged to stroll down those precious avenues and boulevards: if you didn't live there, you didn't belong wandering around there. And out of that pampered, protected environment came someone like this Buddy kid who would never get dirt beneath his manicured fingernails, who couldn't help but be attracted to real men who worked hard for a living like him and Eric.

Well, maybe not so much Eric. But he was still a Forman, even though in Buddy's eyes, Eric had to be fried balcony next to Red's grilled prime serloin, but he'd be damned if he let some love struck little swish try to turn his wimp of a son into an even wimpier nelle belle!

So Red picked up the phone, planning to call Buddy's home to speak to his father, but then had a better idea. A matter like this should be discussed mano amano. He put down the receiver, put away his work, grabbed his jacket and decided to leave early and drive over to the kid's house to meet his parents face to face.

And as he pulled his car out of the Price Mart parking lot, he wondered just how much Buddy would flash that smile of his once he had his little talk with the boy's parents about their kid's sick behavior. Although he took no pleasure in shooting a lightning bolt into the kid's little world, he checked his face in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but notice the little smile there. The smile faltered a bit when a tiny voice inside asked him if he was happy about putting Buddy in his place, or maybe it was because he was going to see Buddy again, this time at his place?

When Red pulled up into the circular driveway of Buddy's secluded home, he noticed a few cars and a beat up van parked off to the side and remembered that the kid did say he was having people over. Red hesitated, wondering if it was a good idea to confront the boy's parents at what was obviously a social gathering. Then he thought about what Buddy had done; perhaps Eric wasn't the only the kid approached. But what about the parents? To be fair, did they even suspect their child had homosexual tendencies? How would they react to him, someone they've never seen before, telling them that their kid was a fruit if they didn't have a clue?

He knew how he would react if some stranger came to his house and told him and Kitty that Eric was queer--popping the guy in the mouth would be the first thing on a long list of variations on a theme, that being the infliction of as much pain to the human body as possible.

"Dammit," Red muttered to himself. Maybe it wasn't his place to butt in, at least not without bringing his proof with him and his reluctant proof was either pushing a broom back at the store, or avoiding Red's wrath by hiding out at the movies. Red eyed the large house's elegant facade and put his car back into gear.

"You've got a temporary reprieve kid," Red said as his car slowly continued around the driveway. It was when he saw a small figure in a swimsuit run from around the side of the house that he stopped the car and stared. Another figure, also in a skimpy swimsuit ran from the side of the house. Faintly, Red heard music coming from the house and sensed that the party was rocking . And he nearly lost it as he observed the two boys kissing each other as they disappeared around the back of the large house.

"Well, son-of-a-bitch!" Red exclaimed, as he hopped out of the car and stormed back towards the house. He pounded hard on the door face after banging on it with the lion head knocker resulted in no answer. He could hear muffled music coming from the other side, possibly drowning out the knocking.

He walked around the side of the house, following the hedge-lined stone walkway the two boys had used. The walkway brought him to a back patio, where bizarre rock music blared from the other side of the house's open patio doors, and the raucous laughter of the two boys could be heard by a fair sized swimming pool. It was a party and Red watched in morbid fascination as the two boys he saw kissing leapt arm and arm into the pool, making a huge splash, some of which fell upon a third teenager lounging in a deck chair.

"Oh my God," Red muttered as he wandered into the boys' view, "It's a friggin' Homo hoe-down!"

The teen on the side of the pool who got splashed bolted up out of the chair as Red approached.

"Hey old dude," he yelled. "Who are you? This is a private party you know!" He walked towards Red as the two in the pool swam over and climbed out.

Red looked over the three slender boys as they stood in a row facing him. The two swimmers stood slightly behind and off to the side behind the teen who had challenged Red. They appeared to be between twelve and fourteen years of age, their lithe, wet bodies glistening in the late afternoon sun. The other boy appeared to be older, maybe seventeen or eighteen, with long dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. He had a surly, defiant look on his thin face. He had attitude with a capital A, much like Steven once had before Kitty invited him to live with them. Whatever rebellious, bad ass scowl he may now wear when around Eric, Kelso and the Foreign Kid, the only lip he gave him and Kitty espoused only words of respect and courtesy. That was obviously not going to be the case with this young hippie wannabe.

"Do--do you boys live here?" Red asked and gawked as the two younger boys slipped their arms around each others' shoulders and they stared hard at Red, who recognized that stare and was sorry he had left his jacket in the car. He moved his hands down to clasp them in front of himself, blocking his crotch from the boys' view, who both let loose with a loud, disappointed "Awwwwwwwwww!!!"

"You first Dad," the long haired teenager said.

Red frowned at the kid who obviously wasn't intimidated by the presence of an adult stranger. This one was a real smartass, Red could just feel it and took an instant dislike to him.

"Look, I'm here to see Buddy's parents," Red stated, trying not to stare at the two young teenage boys, who slowly approached him still hugging each other loosely. "Preferably his father."

"Why?" the blonde asked snidely, defiantly folding his arms.

"Max, don't be so rude to this mmmmmman!" cooed one of the boys.

"Shut up Pete," Max said.

"Why don't you listen to the kid," Red said eyeing the young tough. "My business with Buddy's parents is just that--mine. Why don't you go tell Buddy I'm here--he knows me."

"Hey, what's going on?" came a voice from behind them.

Red turned to face a short teenager, this one was wearing yellow shorts and a white shirt buttoned at the collar, standing at the patio doors. He had on large thick black rimmed glasses and his reddish hair was parted down the middle. To Red, the kid looked like a Casper, a Percy or a Poindexter; Steven or Kelso would have called the boy a dork.

"This dude wants to see Buddy's parents Donny," Max answered.

"Well then, show the gentleman in," Donny said, moving aside, ushering Red into the house with an exaggerated wave of his arm.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Max asked, stepping forward while the other two boys grabbed some towels and followed them into the house. "We got--things going on here--"

As Red stepped pass Donny, Donny moved by him to reach Max, his hand brushing lightly across Red's butt. Red flinched and turned to confront the boy but by then he and Max were whispering intensely. The two boys squeezed quickly pass Red, one behind him, the other in front and Red was felt up across his crotch and his butt.

"Dammit, stop touch--" Red began, standing stiffly in the doorway.

"Sorry Mister," the boy named Pete said, "But you're blocking the doorway--"

"He says he knows Bud," Donny said as he and Max both squeezed by Red and accidentally on purpose rubbed the flustered man's soft crotch as he leaned against the glass sliding door.

"We'll let Bud decide if he wants to see him," Donny continued. Both he and Max acted as if they hadn't just openly grouped a stranger in the kitchen of their friend's home, pretending that the rubs were accidental and confusing Red, who wasn't sure if he was being hit on or not.

"Well," Max said, as he, Donny and the other two watched Red still standing in the patio doorway trying to figure out what was going on, "Are you coming in or not?"

"This way--Sir," Donny said as the group moved towards the living room.

Red focused on the reason why he had come to the house in the first place and pulled himself together. He also noticed how the kid mockingly called him sir. So dispite looking like a bookworm refugee from Camp Please Kick My Wimpy Butt, this punk was just another smart ass.

Red found himself in a spacious living area, loud music blasting from a large stereo console set against one wall. A big fireplace was built into the opposite wall and the room itself was sparsely dotted with modern-designed furniture.

Max walked over and turned off the stereo while the two boys plopped themselves on the black leather couch. Across from the couch, separated by a low dark glass coffee table was a plush black leather chair. Donny looked at Red and pointed to the chair.

"Have a seat," he said. "I'll let Bud know you're here, mister--"

"Red Forman. I really rather speak to one of his parents. I'll try not to take up too much of their time."

Donny just nodded and left the room, Max quickly on his heels. They stopped before a large doorless opening at the far end of the room. They stood there talking quietly, but intently, throwing glances back towards Red for a few moments before walking down the stairs leading to the lower rec. room.

Red found that the overly soft chair almost swallowed him up. It was angled so that he was forced to sit further back in the seat, forcing him to spread his legs wide, preventing him from crossing them, which is what he would have preferred. The two boys sat on the couch across from him, smiling broadly, enjoying the view Red's crotch presented to them.

"I'm Pete," the brown haired kid said. "He's Jon, no h," he said indicating the slightly taller boy whose hair was cut close to his scalp.

Red didn't reply, but just scowled. No one talked after that. Red just looked at the two boys staring at his crotch.

"Don't you boys know that it's impolite to stare?" Red finally asked them, anger coloring his voice. The boys just continued to gawk at the impressive bulge. Red forced himself to sit quickly forward and spat out: "Beat it Tinker Bells, before I take my belt to the two of you!"

Pete and Jon leapt up and ran off towards the rec. room, giggling as they ran and Red thought he heard one of them say: "Oh, I wish we could play with him! I bet he won't be as boring as that handyman!"

For a time Red sat alone in the room as the minutes ticked away. While he sat, he impatiently tapped the arms of the chair with his fingers while unconsciously opening and closing his legs. By doing this, he caught a mild whiff from his crotch. He then sniffed his left arm pit and noticed that he was giving off a slight sweaty scent. He was glad he wouldn't be taking off his shoes anytime soon. He began to think about the image he would be presenting to Buddy's parents, with his sleeves folded back on his forearms, his tie hanging loose, wearing pants that were both too short and too tight, obviously in need of a bath, and he would be telling them that their son had a major problem. Red started to believe once again that the timing was bad, that maybe he should cool off, take a long shower, change his clothes, and have something to eat. Maybe if he saw them tomorrow, he would be in a better frame of mind and not be so fired up. The meeting might be of a less dramatic tone, and with Eric by his side, they'll understand that he didn't plan to bring turmoil to their family. Oh, who was he kidding...finding out your child was homosexual would bring nothing but turmoil. But the mood he was currently in would be like throwing a match onto a pool of gasoline. Besides, he was really tired of waiting. He looked at his watch again, and grumbled. Finally, Red lost his patience.

"Aww, nuts to this," he said and stood up to leave. Just then, from the far end of the room, he heard someone coming up the stairs. It was Buddy, wearing nothing but a pair of jean cut offs. Next to him stood Max, surly as ever.

"Well, twice in one day," Buddy said, crossing crossing the room and flashing that smile of his.Red notice that he wasn't wearing any shoes or socks, and was quite lean and muscular for his age, something that had been well hidden beneath the blazer and turtle neck combo he'd worn earlier at the store. "What brings you to my home Mr. Forman?"

Red looked over at Max standing by the open doorway smirking at him, then he returned his attention to Buddy. Suddenly, his emotions began to surge beneath his skin, knowing now what he knew about this kid and what he had tried to do to Eric. His confusion about the nature of teen homosexuality and anger that he had to deal with it at all, not to mention being a witness to those two boys getting touchy feely with each other, revived his commitment to confront the boy's parents.

"I need to speak to your parents," Red said, folding his arms across his chest. "Maybe just your father if he is available."

Buddy sat down upon the couch, looking up at the man.

"My father?" he asked. "Why do you need to talk to him? I don't believe the two of you have ever met before."

"We haven't," Red stated, glaring at the boy and suddenly in a series of flashes saw him kissing Eric over and over again. Red's vein began to throb as he shook the images from his mind. "Have you no shame?" he hissed.

Buddy suddenly stood up, clasping his hands behind his back. He shot a quick glance at Max, who nodded and went down the stairs. He turned back to Red.

"Pardon me?' he asked.

" Pardon me?" Red mimicked. He looked him up and down, shaking his head. "Do your parents even suspect what the hell you are?"

"Just what, exactly, do you think I am Mr. Forman?"

"You want to make me say the word? Look, just get your father in here; I'll say what I have to say, then I'll leave you and your friends to your little org--your little party. Jeez, I'm surprised you have the nerve to do it under their noses! I'm pretty sure though that once I've said my piece, they'll put a stop to it right quick."

"Put a stop to what? I'm throwing a little party, to celebrate the completion of a science project my friend Donny and I completed--well almost; there's some more testing ahead, but it looks good, so far. We're just having a good time, that's all."

Red lowered his arms to his side and frowned at Buddy, who just returned Red's stare. Then his eyes dropped to gaze a Red's crotch and he let out a deep breath.

"Look you little--just go tell your dad I want to speak with him."

Buddy moved away from Red, looking down at the carpet, smiling to himself.

"Oh, I get it," he said. "Eric told you what happened, didn't he?"

Red stood there stiffly, rapidly clutching and unclutching his left hand. Buddy looked up and turned to face him.

"I'm sure Eric explained it all to you," Buddy continued. "There really was nothing to the incident. I misread some signals, made an unwelcome advance. I apologized, Eric accepted, we moved on. Granted, he was shocked at first, but after we sorted things out, he was cool about it. If he really had been so upset by my little display of affection, he never confronted or shunned me. In fact, I still consider Eric to be a friend, and he's never acted awkward around me. So, I don't understand why he suddenly felt the need to tell you about an innocent kiss between friends that happened so long ago."

"My God," Red fumed, "Innocent kiss between friends? You're both guys for cring out loud-- I don't care if it happened a hundred years ago! What the hell is wrong with you kids today? I had to practically drag the story out of Eric--"

"So, you basically made him tell you," Buddy stated, confirming what he had suspected was the truth.

"Damn right," Red said vigorously shaking his head. "But he argrees with you, that it was nothing, no big deal! Hell, in my day--"

"But this is a new day Mr. Forman," Buddy interrupted. "I like guys, always have, always will. And I'm not ashamed of it, that's why I took a chance at Eric. If he had reacted like a macho homophobe asshole, like you are now, I just would had to deal with the repercussions from kissing him--"

"Hey, did you just call me an ass--"

"My radar usually works pretty good, so I thought Eric was gay. But he's not, and he's secure enough to not be threaten by a kiss. Don't you know that about your son?"

"I know he's a little wimpy sometimes; that's probably the reason why you tried to hit on him in the first place, thought he was one of your kind."

"Naw, Eric is just a good soul. I will tell you a little secret though--truth be told, I'm really attracted to older men. Strong, confident mature like yourself, Sir."

"W-What!?" Red stuttered as an uneasy mixture of shock, disgust and--yes, flattery rose to do battle inside his head.

"God yes," Buddy sighed. "Max thinks I'm warped, but I just can't help it. Do you even realize how attractive you are, in that dangerous Angry Daddy sort of way? I know guys who would give anything to worship the feet of a man like you whether the praise was wanted or not."

"Praise my feet? What kind of sick crap is that--what kind of person do you think I am?"

"Well, I don't know," Buddy said, flashing his smile while he again looked at Red's crotch. "There are Daddy-Lovers and the Daddies they love. You have latent curiosity tendencies maybe? Wearing those tight pants, I thought maybe you didn't quite know how to make contact, that you were maybe still in the closet, but sort of advertising your availability by show-casing, not very subtly I might add, the eh, gifts the good Lord gave to you."

Red moved his hands in front of himself and actually blushed. The hell with Good-Will...he was going to personally burn every last pair of the goddamn Price Mart nutbusters tonight!

"I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever cruised you Mr. Forman if this is what you wear all the time, so you better get used to it or change your attire."

"This is Point Place, not friggin' San Francisco," Red said, feeling strange listening to the kid's appraisal. He wasn't Frankenstein, but he never thought of himself as handsome, not in the Hollywood Leading Man sense and he was proud of that. He was just an average guy with average looks and now he's being told that his appearance is a turn-on--but the ones being turned-on are guys!

"I really think you should try to understand what gays feel," Buddy continued. "Maybe some of your tension could be--"

"I don't want to understand it! And if there's any tension here, I bet it's all yours because dispite all this gay-pride crap, I bet you haven't told your parents about your--inclinations have you?"

Red watched Buddy try to hide his reaction and saw apprehension cross the kid's face before he had a chance to hide it behind his usual casual expression.

"Ahhh," Red said, "So I'm right--they don't know you're queer."

"Mr. Forman, I've never pretended to have girlfriends, although some of my friends are girls. To my parents, it's not an issue whether I'm dating or not. I believe they are like a lot of parents out there...they may suspect their children of behavior they may disapprove of, but for piece of mind, prefer to just look the other way, rather then confront them with their suspicions; sort of out of sight, out of mind? But you wouldn't know anything about that now, would you Mr. Forman?"

Red coughed uncomfortably, remembering how he and Kitty sometimes avoided going down into their own basement when Eric, Steven, Kelso and the Foreign Kid hung out behind the closed door of the utility room to engage in guy-talk, and lit incense--to clear their thoughts Eric had told them. And Red and Kitty accepted the silly explanation, because it was just that--an explanation.

Smart ass kid, Red thought to himself. Tossing aside his self examination, he clasped his hands behind his back and regained his composure.

"This isn't about me," he began, only to have Buddy cut him off.

"But I think it is about you. You're the one who's upset, you came fling over here, not Eric, because he gets it. Did you even talk to him? I bet you did but he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. I bet you told him that he should have beat me up or something like that--"

"Hey! I don't have time for this crap! My wife's out of town, Eric and his pals are going to the drive-in, I'm going to have a well deserved night alone for myself to enjoy and I've already wasted way too much time here as it is, so let me speak to your father now and I`ll leave you to style."

Buddy stared at Red for a moment or two, then sighed loudly.

"So you want to tell them about what I did to Eric, even though he wasn't bothered by it?"

"Eric's my son, but he's naive. People with your, eh...tendencies....self control is the issue here...I mean, just look at your friends, hugging and kissing--those two young boys should be playing football, not even thinking about girls yet, let alone boys! Maybe all of your parents should be told too; nip this in the bud right now...maybe they can find doctors, some drug or I don't know, shock therapy, what ever it'll take to cure your affliction. Anyway, I'm not leaving until I talk to your father--so, get him NOW."

Buddy gave Red a cold stare. Then his face went neutral and he walked over to the doorway, still looking at Red.

"Hey guys!" he shouted downstairs. "Tell dad to get off the phone. We have a quest who would like to speak with him."

"He said to bring him down," came a voice from below. "He's hanging up now."

Buddy nodded for Red to cross the room while he went down the first two steps and waited for Red to follow.

Red frowned and hesitated for a moment. He looked at his watch, then followed Buddy downstairs walking a few steps behind.

"Mom's not here at the moment," Buddy said over his shoulder. "Dad sometimes like to use the rec. room instead of his den when he has calls to make."

At the bottom of the stairs, Buddy turned to his right and led Red into a larger room full of free weights, benches, and excersise equipment. There was a door off to the side leading into another room, and towards the center, a dumpy old couch stood with a TV and VCR on a stand in front of it. Next to the TV was a video recording camera facing the couch, and a few paces away was a large table scattered with video cassette tapes, cans of beer empty and full, ashtrays, a plastic mask and tubing, liqueur bottles and a few baggies full of green stuff. There was also a small metal container whose label was partially hidden, but C-H-L-O-R could be seen.

Red took in what appeared to be the boys' party room, and he also noticed a pungent plant like aroma. The smell permitted the windowless fluorescent lit room and Red found it incredible that the boy's father didn't know what was going on down in the rec. room if he was really down here on the phone.

There were a couple of foam mats on the floor and Red stood on a blue one. He put his hands on his hips, turning away from Buddy as Buddy suddenly moved away from him.

"All right, where is he?" Red asked. Suddenly the door flung open and Max, Jon and Pete rushed out, knocking Red face down upon the mat. The boys flipped him over and straddled his body, Jon and Pete holding down each leg, Max sitting on his stomach, holding down his arms, his face inches away from Red and his long hair falling around the man's head.

"What the--you punks get the hell off me!" Red yelled, struggling helplessly against the combined strength of the boys.

Max stuck out his tongue so Red could see a tiny black pill sitting on the tip, then moved his face in closer to Red. Showing him an evil, sexy smile, he quickly grabbed Red's head with his hands and roughly kissed him. Red's eyes widen in shock as he felt the boy's tongue duel with his own, then felt the pill pushed down his throat. He grabbed Max's head, trying to stop the boy from frenching him. Max reached over with his hands and stuck them hard into Red's sweaty arm pits and began to tickle him. Red dropped his hands from Max's head, drew in his arms and began laughing hysterically and bucking his body.

"Oh, ticklish are we?" Max said, alternating his fingers between the man's armpits and his ribs.

Red was laughing so hard that he wasn't aware that Buddy had kneeled down by his head and had a long rubber tube attached to a large funnel. He grabbed Red's head with his knees and clamped down tight to stop him from thrashing his head about as Max continued tickling him. Buddy then gently slid the tube into Red's open, laughing mouth and down his throat while the man gagged and laughed.

At that moment, Donny stepped over holding a large bottle of clear brown liquid in one hand and dropped a small black pill down the funnel. He then poured the liquid down the funnel and Red felt a hot rush in his throat as the fluid washed the pill into his system. It was whiskey! They were trying to get him drunk, he thought.

"Stop tickling him," Donny said. "The guy might choke."

Buddy pulled the funnel and tube out of Red's mouth and after about ten minutes or so, the boys finally got off of him as Red lay gasping on the mat.

"How long this time before the stuff kicks in?" Jon asked. "It won't take as long as the handyman will it?"

"This is sort of an unexpected gift," Donny said. "I gave him a stonger dose to hurry things along. So mixed with the booze and the tabs of California Black Shine, the HRX compound should have him soaring above the stratosphere anytime now."

"I'll start the VCR." Max said. "Say, how's our first guinea pig doing, by the way?"

Pete went into the room they had used to hide in waiting to ambush Red. He came out giggling.

"Donny, that stuff's amazing! Even with his hands tied, he had a boner and as soon as he saw me he shot jism all over himself!"

"You mean, he shot off without touching himself?" Jon asked in amazement.

"Yeah!" Pete answered. "And you better believe I ain't cleaning him up!"

"Too bad your dad and his research team at Chemitech don't know about our little experiment, eh Donny?" Max said. He was watching with amusement as Red tried, with some difficulty, to sit up. "They'll spend years testing this stuff on animals while we got the results right here that their little experimental aphrodisiac works on humans!"

"Oh, dad knows," Donny said quietly to himself as Buddy squatted down before Red who had finally managed to sit up, supporting himself with his arms.

"Now we have two test subjects," Buddy said. "Now we'll see just how potent HRX is, even if the subject is full of acid and JD! Hey, Forman--you still with us?"

Buddy snapped his fingers in front of Red's face. Red's mind was swirling with strange, confusing sensations and it was difficult to concentrate. His eyes crossed, and it was so hard to keep them focused and his head up. He opened his mouth to speak and it felt like someone had stuffed cotton in it.

"Wha--whadid ja kissss doo too meeee...." he muttered, and shook his head hard, trying to clear his vision and loosen his tongue.

"Let's get him on the couch," Buddy said, grabbing one of Red's arms. The boys helped plop him down in the middle of the sofa where Red slumped, staring straight ahead. When his vision had cleared a bit, Red noticed that a TV was on and what was on the screen was like nothing he'd ever seen on TV before. He was watching two young men talking in what appeared to be a public restroom, when one of the men kneeled down in front of the other and--

Red's eyes bulged as he saw the guy on his knees reach into the other guy's pants, pulled out his hard cock and began to suck him off! Red sluggishly started to turn his head away, when suddenly a plastic mask was placed over the lower part of his face held in place by elastic straps. Connected to the mask was a long, thick rubber hose held by Donny, who had been sucking in the smoke from a fat joint. He exhaled the smoke into the tube which flowed directly into Red's face who, dispite coughing at first, began to breath in the sweet smoke. Donny quickly passed the joint to Max, who inhaled and the exhaled the smoke into the tube. He then passed it down the line, to Pete, Jon and Buddy who then passed it back to Donny who then repeated the process which was repeated over and over again until the joint was nothing more than a tiny roach which was then tossed into an ashtray with other cold, discarded butts.

"Should I light another one?" Pete asked, ready to continue doing his bit for the Great Sex Experiment.

"Let's have a look at the test subject first," Donny said, removing Red's mask. "We don't want to completely knock him out."

Red's eyes were glazed and half closed. He had the most peaceful, serene grin on his face and was even more relaxed than before: his head was leaning against the back of the couch, his legs spread wide open while his arms lay limply next to his thighs. He was adrift in a sea of bliss and he wasn't returning anytime soon to shore.

"No, I don't think we need the mask again," Donny said, placing it back upon the table next to the stack of tapes.

Buddy approached Red, squatting down in front of him, kneeling on the floor between Red's legs, sitting back on his heels.

"Well!" he said. "I won't say I'm sorry we had to do this to you Red, but we just couldn't have you shooting off your self-righteous mouth, not just yet. Donny and I worked too hard to have you spoil our little drug enterprise before we can even get it off the ground. The product will be the HRX compound, if the trials are successful and we plan to have you play a key role in the test. Sorry I couldn't get dad for you, both mom and dad are out of town, and won't be back until next Thursday, so that little talk will have to wait until then, that is if you'll still want to talk to them then."

Red looked down at Buddy, his eyes slowly going in and out of focus as they crossed and uncrossed while he tried to make sense out of what the boy was saying. One thing he did realize was that the urgency to speak to his parents didn't seem that important anymore. Now, how that guy on the TV was able to take into his mouth what looked like an oversized flesh colored cucumber without choking was a puzzle Red wanted to figure out.

Buddy leaned forward, placing both his hands on Red's thighs, slowly rubbing them, and Red's smile got broader as he leaned back his head against the couch again, closing his eyes, forgetting the video.

"We plan to educate you Red, have you experience first hand what you want to condemn," Buddy said. "And maybe we will cure you of your close-mindedness. And make you smile a little!"

"And if we can't reason with you," Max said, popping a blank cassette into the video camera."There's always blackmail."

"Oh, it won't come to that," Buddy said softly, moving his face closer towards Red's full crotch. "He just needs a little lovin', that's all." He lowered his face into Red's fully packed gray polyester basket and deeply inhaled, moving his nose and mouth all over Red's balls and his cock, which was expanding to an even larger size inside his pants. Buddy reeled from Red's strong, musky crotch aroma as Red opened his eyes and was staring at the TV after one of the characters yelled: "Suck me man, now!" Watching one guy's big cock being fiercely jacked-off by the other who then stuck it into his mouth, Red started to feel a tingle in his crotch--whether it was from the movie or Buddy's manipulation of his package, he couldn't be sure, nor did he care. He just knew that he didn't want the sensations to stop.

"God, I just love the way a man smells after a long, hard day of work sitting behind his desk on a hot day," Buddy said, lifting up his head, clutching Red's upper thighs and letting his thumbs slowly continue to rub Red's big balls. He then stood up and bringing his face within a couple of inches of Red's, he let his left hand start to gently squeeze Red's hard cock through his tight pants while the man continued watching the TV.

"Doesn't this feel good Red?" Buddy said, moving his lips closer to Red, whose eyes left the TV screen and gazed at Buddy in anticipation.

"Oh my god," Pete said from the side, "I think he's gonna--"

Buddy kissed Red, who felt a powerful surge of energy rip through his body and moaned with pleasure, closing his eyes and giving in to the incredible sensation racing over his lips and radiating up from his crotch. A small voice was trying to scream out from the back of his mind that he should stop, that this was wrong. But Red had never felt like this before; every one of his senses seemed to be amplified. The room was alive with vivid colors, the exotic smell of marijuana smoke, sweat and sex mixed together, flowed through his nostrils. Buddy's voice felt like satin flowing across his ears while the TV filled his mind with the images from the disgusting porno which nevertheless caused his body to have a reaction that he once thought he could only have for Kitty or some good looking eye candy on two legs. Even his own clothes rubbing across his skin was making him ecstatic--the tight pants encased his cock like a glove even before Buddy had begun massaging it, and now with the boy's hand milking him, and his lips touching his own, in his entire life Red and never felt more....horny!

Damn, Red thought, he hadn't used that word since he'd gotten out of the military and married Kitty, but randy or frisky just didn't cut it when he tried to put into words what he was currently experiencing. Yes, godammit, he was fucking horny...all his inhibitions and restraint was like some animal in heat that had been caged up and found itself suddenly set loose. He could feel a rush of desire rising up in his body like a raging river gathering itself behind a dam about to burst from the pent up pressure. Red had never felt such intense sexual hunger before, and all he wanted to do at this moment was to screw somebody, anybody, do anything to release the savage energy his body was about to overflow with.

Buddy broke the kiss and pulled back. Red opened his eyes, began to move forward with him, not wanting the kiss to end. Buddy held Red's face with both hands and looked deep into his sex-crazed eyes.

"Oooooh, Buddy has a boyfriend!" Pete said, then stuck his finger in his mouth to make a gagging motion.

Buddy ignored him, and said to Red, "Today when I first met you, I never dreamt that I would really have a chance with a man like you. From all the things I'd heard about the big bad ass Red Forman, I would have had a better chance of skiing in hell then ever getting into your pants...funny how fate, along with a helping hand from a chemical research department, can suddenly open up a window of opportunity in one's life. Well, I promise you that we're going to throw open much more than a closed window. We're going to crush the foundation of your narrow, close-minded, opinionated little world. Believe me Red, I'm going to really enjoy straightening you out, big fellow!"

Buddy made a motion towards Max, who started the camera rolling once he made sure Red and the couch were both in view.

"Come on guys," Buddy said. "The hot and very horny Mr. Red Forman is ready for his video debut!"

"Ok guys," Buddy said, lifting Red's arms so that they would lay on the back of the couch. And as the boys gathered around Red, he said: "Give him the top to bottom sniff n' rub, slow and rough!"

Red began to moan and grind his body into the couch as he was suddenly flooded with erotic sensations as the boys' hands and mouths roamed all over his body. Jon sat to Red's left where he sniffed him, taking in the aroma from Red's sweat stained arm pit and kissed and licked Red's ear and the side of his face, rough from Red's five o'clock shadow. Pete, sitting to Red's right was pretty much copying Jon, while moving his hands across Red's white dress shirt and striped tie, rubbing the hard nipples of the man's chest, pinching them gently. Donny stood behind the couch and was leaning over kissing and licking Red's bald head while his hands rubbed his shoulders and chest, caressing Red's neck and after loosing the tie a bit more, and opening a few more shirt buttons, began sliding his fingers down beneath his shirt, gently tugging on the chest hairs and smoothing them down. Buddy remained kneeling between Red's legs, rubbing his hands all over his thighs, his crotch, his belt buckle, his stomach, slipping his fingers between the shirt buttons to play with Red's fuzzy naval. He was glad that the man hadn't worn a tee shirt today as he continued to rub the hair on Red's stomach.

For about an hour or so, the boys continued exploring Red's hot body. Then Buddy reached down and started tugging open Red's zipper.

"Hey, whatja doing?" Max shouted, lifting his head from the video camera, pausing the recording.

"He can't possibly take much more of this," Buddy said. "The guy's hard as a rock and he's leaking all over himself--just look at the stain on his pants! He's going to pop any minute."

"That's right," Max said. "And that's the way I want it. We got time to get littl red` out into the open. This guy needs a lesson in humiliation; let's keep his dressed...let him cum in his fuckn' pants dude! The other guy was naked, so let's keep Forman clothed, at least for a while!"

Buddy left Red's fly open by about an inch or two and pictured Red soiling his clothes over and over again from the many orgasms they planned to force him to have. By this time Red's moans of pleasure were getting louder and his body was humping and rolling in sync with the boys' roaming hands, mouths and tongues.

"You are mean Max," Buddy said with a smile.

"Think about how well the cum shots will show up on those gray pants of his--eh, and speaking of which--" Max said, starting the recorder again just as Red began bucking wildly like a rodeo bronc.

The boys quickly backed away as Red made two or three more humps off of the couch, then suddenly went rigid, pushing his pelvis high into the air.

"Whoa!" Jon and Pete exclaimed in unison as Buddy and Donny moved away from the man.

There Red was, arms suddenly stiff down at his side, while his head was thrown back on the couch, eyes squeezed tightly shut, his mouth uttering a series of "Ohh! Ohh! OHHHH!", his legs closed and stretched straight out before him with his heels on the floor and his feet pointing straight up. Red's partially unzipped gray polyesters, which even when he was in an unaroused state, had left nothing to the imagination, now seemed to accentuate the evidence of his sexual condition even more, as his large, hard cock was clearly outline and made a huge, thick mound in his tight pants.

Buddy could swear he saw it throb underneath the thin material when all of a sudden Red's ohhhhs turned into a low growl, then became shouts of: "Goodgod, ohhhhhhhh!!!" and a large, dark stain began spreading across the left side of Red's crotch and thigh as he punched the air once, twice, three times in short, quick thrusts with his hips before falling back down onto the couch, muttering: "Damn, damn, goddamn, good godamn," over and over again. His eyes still closed, Red let out a deep sigh, then went silent, but a wide smile was on his flushed, sweaty face.

The room went quit except for the sounds from the TV. Max turned off the camera and it seemed like everyone basked in the after glow of Red's orgasm. Then, as if on cue, the boys let out a series of whoops and cheers.

"Oh, MAN! Did you see that?" Jon yelled, grabbing Pete by his shoulders. "The other guy was nothing compared to this guy!"

"Oh yeah! We're going to have a real show with the Red Man!" Pete answered, flopping down on the couch next to Red, whose head was still thrown back. "I'm all for not letting the dude get totally naked, but did you see that bulge? We gotta get his dick out in the open--we gotta see that thing in all its glory, man!" He unbuckled Red's belt, then unsnapped his pants and pulled the zipper all the way down.

"Hey Pete, boxers or briefs?" Max asked.

Pete made a face as his hands fished around Red's pants, pulling out his damp, soft cock through the fly of his underwear.

"Boxers. Yuck! Must be a gallon of cum here," he said, laying Red's dripping cock back against his stomach, leaving his balls still inside his clothes. He then stood up shaking his hands.

"Get me a towel Jon," he asked.

"Get it yourself," Jon answered, sitting down next to Red as Pete got up. Jon marveled at the man's thick cock.

"Man, he's like a horse, ain't he?"

"Eh, big dick, small brain, I always say," Max said, walking over to eject the porno movie out of the VCR.

"No you don't," Jon said. "You're just jealous because the jerk is hung. I knew he looked pretty big upstairs, but you know, sometimes clothes can be deceiving, but--damn! Even soft, he's--hey Buddy, you ever get a chance to see if Eric inherited his ol' man's legacy?"

"No, unfortunately," Buddy said softly. "It just wasn't ment to be, I suppose."

"Slip him some HRX and then see what happens," Donny suggested.

"No, Eric's--Eric," Buddy said, crossing behind the couch and gently touching Red's sparse red hair, then his cheeks. Red slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to look up at Buddy.

"But him," Buddy said, looking at Red, "He's the sort I've always wanted for so long and never thought I could be with--but now..."

Donny shot a nervous glance over towards Max, who was frowning at Buddy.

"Eh, you know," Donny said moving over to stand next to Buddy, who was now tracing Red's lips with his finger, "A scientist should never become emotionally attached to his lab rat."

"Yeah," Max said. He hunted down another video from the small stack on the table, picked one up, read the title and smiled. "This is pay back time dude. You said that the guy needed to be taken down a step and this homophobe needs a lesson in humiliation."

Buddy looked up. "I know what I said. That doesn't mean I can't groove on helping this straight daddy discover his...wilder side. Besides, when the compound wears off, who knows how he's going to feel about what we did for him?"

"Oh, you know," Max answered, popping in the video. "He'll still be a pissed off, loud mouth , opinionated homophobe. But only now, he's also going to have hazy memories of what it actually feels like to have sex with another guy, one on one!"

"More like five on one," Pete said, stepping back into the room, wiping his hands on a towel. A muffled shout came from the other room and he looked back inside.

"Maybe six on one," he said, leaving the door slightly ajar. "Mr. Handy Man just shot another load."

"And it looks like someone else is ready for another round," Jon said as he watched Red's cock start to twitch. He went into the room and came out with a large jar of petroleum jelly and sat the open jar on the couch next to Red's thigh. "This should move things along nicely," he said with a grin.

Max stood up from the VCR and approached Red, gingerly tucking his shirt back in, snapping close his pants and buckling his belt again. He rebuttoned Red's shirt and pulled up his tie a little while Red sat and watched in amusement as Max straightened out his clothes.

"You knooow," Red said, with a goofy grin on his face, "You're kinnalriigtkid...foradumassss..."

Max frowned at him. He gave Red's cock a tug, a little harder than he should, leaving it sticking out of his open fly. It surged up in a matter of seconds, pointing straight up from his lap, throbbing as if matching Red's quickening heartbeat.

"All right, nobody touch him this time," Max said. "Enjoy the movie Forman. This one's up your alley...well it's got chicks in it anyway."

The sounds of girls laughing caught Red's attention and he tilted his head down to see on the TV screen a group of woman who were supposed to be high school students, but looked closer to over the hill college grads, prance around in a gym locker room. They were in various stages of undress, playfully throwing towels and clothes around at each other, just making a loud ruckus, when suddenly, an older looking woman with very short cropped hair, wearing a loose, white sweatshirt, black shorts and a whistle around her neck burst in and began yelling at the girls to stop making all the noise and stop the horseplay. Then one of the girls brazenly walked up to her and dropped her towel, revealing her large, firm breasts, threw back her long, wet brunette hair and accused the gym coach of secretly sneaking peeks at them while they showered and dressed, and demanded that she just admit that she likes girls, give in to her urges and get with it, because, after all, the entire class knew all about what she really lusted after. The rest of the girls then dropped their towels and clothes and joined the first girl, making a slow advance upon the stunned coach. They then grabbed her, stripped off her clothes and proceeded to gently caress her smallish breasts and finger her shaved pussy.

The locker room became the scene of seething, naked female flesh and Red, taking in the orgy, was swept away on another wave of sexual pleasure. He had never seen such a thing in all his life--woman kissing each other, rubbing their breasts together, sucking huge, hard nipples and sticking their fingers and tongues between each other's legs, and in some shots, using their own hands on themselves!

"Holy crap..." Red muttered, his eyes devouring the pure sexual images playing before him. He didn't understand it, but the more he watched the women pleasuring themselves, the more he felt his own body experiencing their sensations: he felt his mouth sucking on nipples hard as bullets, felt his tongue jammed deep between pussy lips, sawing in and out of the moist, fleshy folds, felt his face sliding across large, supple breasts, gently rubbing over their lucious asses and kissing their full, wet lips. And all the while Red's red cock was throbbing and twitching, demanding attention.

With a groan, Red wrapped his fist around his rock hard prick and began to slowly stroke it up and down as he gazed at the orgy taking place in the locker room. He understood how the coach was feeling, having just experienced a multitude of hands and mouths assaulting his body and senses without mercy. And as the girls and their coach moaned aloud, Red groaned to himself softly as waves of raw sexual intensity flowed over his body again and again. His rhythm was steady, at first. Then, he slowly increased his speed. Pete rushed over from the side where the others stood watching and dipped his fingers into the jar beside Red, gathered a big glob of the lubricant and wiped it in the palm of Red's idle hand.

"Hey, dude," Max yelled, "I said no touching!"

"Oh, I didn't touch him that way doofus," Pete said, again standing by the others. "He's so caught up in the chicks, he doesn't even notice the lube. I was just giving him a reminder of what it's for, so relax jack and watch the show!"

"Well, ok...just stay out of the shot--I want this to be a solo ride for the big guy."

Red sat riveted to the screen as the coach climbed between the widely spread thighs of the long haired brunette and began to ravish the girl's pussy with her tongue. He brought up his petroleum jelly smeared hand and applied it vigorously to his big cock, then used both of his hands to lubricate it. The room was filled with the girlish moans and cheesy music from the porn tape as well as the steady squish-squish sound coming from Red's frantic manipulation.

Pete started to chant: "Go Red Go! Go Red Go!" which the others quickly took up. Red started jacking off in rhythm to the boys' chant, a goofy lopsided grin on his face and he looked around the room at the boys as they spurred him on, eager to please them and himself, happy to be the center of their attention.

It had been years since he remembered being able to jack-off with such uninhibited, careless abandon. And it had never felt this good before, not even while he was a virgin teenager and wanked himself off to his first orgasm, discovering that his prick had other uses than pissing. And several times throughout Kitty's pregnancies, when he had been in the mood for a little loving release while she was more in a mood to bite it off if he came within five feet of her, and he found solace alone with the latest issue of Playboy in the garage, the basement or the bathroom, rediscovering the fine but brief pleasures of jerking his johnson, not one of those past moments could compare to what he was feeling at this moment! No, this was incredibly different, this was--was--

Red's musings abruptly fell away in his mind and he closed his eyes tightly, forgetting the past and the lesbian video, concentrating entirely on continuing the pleasure received from his pumping fists and the boys' chant of Go Red Go! which seemed to carry him towards another climax. His strong hands pumped, then squeezed, then pulled on the cock harder and faster and the boys found they were now forced to keep up with him! He dipped into the jar for more lubricant, slapped it on his cock and began to lift his hips up off the couch, now humping into his fists as if he was screwing a portable pussy.

This action went on for quite some time before Red suddenly went rigid, the only thing moving were his hands, which were almost a blur. Long, thick ropes of cum exploded up into the air from his cockhead, falling back upon his shirt and tie.

"Ahhhhh!GODDAMN!!!!!!!!!!" Red roared, fiercely sqeezing and jerking his cock as a volley of cum shot out to fall upon his chest, his face, his pants; a few globs landed on the back of the couch and where the boys were standing and even landed on top of Red's bald head. He then went limp, muttering "so good, so good," softly to himself as his second massive orgasm of the day sudsided, and that goofy smile of contentment played across his face as he once again leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes with a sigh. He still kept a grip on his spent cock which even though it had just released a huge volume of cum, softened only slightly as fluid slowly trickled from the head, then stopped. Red's cock jerked a couple of times as if it had a mind of its own and wanted to be played with all over again.

"Well, ALRIGHT!" Max shouted, stopping the camera. The other boys began clapping and Jon pierced the room with a loud whistle.

"Now that," Pete said, "Is what I call a money-shot! Jeez, he just kinda--exploded! How can he have so much stuff left in him so soon after that first nut buster?"

"He's a big, pissed off prick," Max said, going to the VCR and ejecting the porno tape. "What didja expect to come out of a prick except piss and cum?"

Buddy sat next to Red and placed his hand on Red's cockhead, gently sqeezing it and watched a pearl of fluid seep out to dribble onto his fingers.

"Why you gotta slam the man Max?" Jon said. "He's putting on one hell of a show, so ease up."

Max snorted."You just get off on the fact that he's been reduced to a sex puppet whose big dick doesn't have a conscience. If he wasn't tripping on the compound and all the other stuff we forced down his throat, I bet you wouldn't find his company so pleasurable then."

Buddy began slowly jerking Red's cock, and Red's hand fell away. He opened his eyes which were slightly unfocused, turned his head towards Buddy and smiled.

"Gee, that feels good kid," he muttered. "Real good..."

"I did say we would straighten you out about some things Red, once we were able to, eh, show you our point of view," Buddy said staring into Red's crossed eyes who blinked them slowly, tring to bring them into focus.

"And Jon's right," he said quickly glancing over at Max. "He may be a control freak, but you've got to admit that he's one hell of a porno star. No wonder he's such a sourball, keeping all that passion bottled up inside for all these years, needing a release that even his wife couldn't provide for him...who else could put on a show like this?"

Buddy began fisting Red's cock faster as the organ began to get stiff as steel. Fluid flowed from the tip mixing with what was left of the lubricant. Buddy's hand moved up and down Red's cock like a well greased piston.

Red, coasting on the rising tide of pleasure again washing over his body, watched the teen jack him off, his eyes now focused and full of a fierce, intense hunger. His eyes startled Buddy, who was slightly taken aback by the bright, greedy light glowing there.

The kid really did have a sweet smile, and a clever hand to boot Red thought to himself. And what a sensation it was to feel someone else's hand clutching and squeezing his member. He began to realize that he could get quite used to this remarkable feeling. And what the hell was so awful about something that felt this goddamn good anyway? As much as he hated admitting it, he knew he had to be honest with himself--he had never felt such levels of pleasure with Kitty. Nothing came close to what he'd been through the past few hours with Buddy and the other boys--hell, even that sullen punk Max was beginning to look good to Red.

He didn't quite understand any of this--it was totally insane, these bizarre thoughts racing through his head. He had never been the least bit sexually attracted to guys before, well aside from that one time during basic training which he buried deep inside and didn't like to think about, and then there was that time back in highschool behind the gym. But if sexual contact between males could always provide this much ecstasy, tutti fruti boulevard was starting to look like a very nice street to pitch a tent on. And to think, all it took was for the kids to get him really drunk--and that weed wasn't bad either. Maybe it was that hash-stuff he'd heard about that's gotten him so horny, or something in that drink--his brain was so rattled now, it was a struggle to keep his thoughts orderly. But one thing was perfectly clear though--he wanted more sex and he wanted it now!

Red looked at Buddy through slitted eyes and reached out to stop the teen's hand from jerking him.

"That's enough...enough of that," he said through a tight smile, his voice a bit stronger than before, as if he was getting more command of his voice. Suddenly, he turned and reached out to grab Buddy by his shoulders, leaning over towards the startled boy. The heavy odor of sweat and cum coming off the man assaulted Buddy's nose as Red moved in close to him. Red was looking Buddy over as if he was a piece of meat, and his eyes blazed with pure sexual hunger. He held Buddy tight and the tip of his tongue slowly ran across his lips and he decided right there what he was going to do, and he was going to start with the person who was responsible for unleashing the animal from within.

He licked Buddy's ear, then whispered gently into it: "Hey, kid, let's fuck."

"Oh oh," Buddy muttered, realizing that, given Red's highly drugged condition, if the man really wanted to get aggressive, he could be dangerous. They had caught him by suprise before and quickly subdued him with the drugs, but now, surfing the crest of a sexual wave and seemingly coming out of the mist that had fogged his brain, the man may prove too strong for even all five of them to handle. If the grip on his shoulder was any indication, Red was determined to get what he wanted now that he was tripping on the HRX compound and being controlled by his awakened desires. Buddy didn't want to cut their little experiment off just yet, but dispite his attraction for Red, he wasn't ready to be his butt-buddy just either, not now knowing what the stud had throbbing between his legs.

"Hey, eh guys," Buddy nervously said tring to pull away from Red, who was now fiddling with Buddy's cut-offs.

"What's the old guy tring to do?" Max asked as he and the other boys surrounded the couch.

"I think he's kinda interested in some back-door action now." Buddy said, finally succeeding in slipping out of Red's grip just as the man had started to unsnap the boy's pants button.

"Well he ain't sticking that thing in me," Pete said.

"It seems the compound can bring out different things in different people," Donny said, and shrank back as Red flashed a predatory stare at him. "Eh, maybe it was a mistake drugging him so heavily with the other stuff...instead of keeping him docile, his old aggressive, domineering self is making a nasty comeback."

"I thought he was going to stay docile, like a drunken ol' lamb," Pete said. "The handyman guy, he was like putty. Ok, so we slipped the stuff in a beer instead of whisky--"

"And he only smoked two joints with us," Jon continued. "So why is Red--"

"Hey, bring that guy in here!" Max said. "If Red wants to corn-hole someone, let him pork that guy--his ass should be big enough, he's a big adult."

"I don't think there's an ass big enough to take that thing, without a lot of effort," Buddy said, as Donny, Jon and Pete rushed into the other room while Red tried, with some difficulty, to push himself up off of the couch. He stood up, swayed a bit and his wide eyes fixed upon Buddy and Max. He then locked his gaze upon Max and gave the teenager a wide, chilling smile.

"Spare the rod, spoil the brat," Red said slowly, still showing some difficulty with his words, but getting better at it the more he struggled speaking. "Well, I got a rod," he continued, flexing his huge cock, "And I'm gonna give it to you kid...see if I can stop some of the spoilage!"

"Shit, what the hell is he talking about?" Max nervously asked, stepping behind Buddy as he stared at the swaying Red, the man's face full of naked desire, standing on unsteady legs, his tie askew, shirt sleeves rolled up his forearms, his clothes stained by sweat and cum, and his huge, rampant cock jutting out of his open fly, pointing upwards at an angle, throbbing and jerking. It was a mean shade of crimson, engorged by blood and lust where a strand of liquid dripped from the slit of the thick cockhead.

As Red moved towards the two teens, Max and Buddy backed away a few steps.

"I think we created a fucking Frankenstein monster!" Max exclaimed. "Shit, I'm going to get the chlori--"

"Hey Red!" Jon shouted from behind them. "We got a guy here who's just dieing to meet you!"

It was almost comical the way Red turned to face the boy, because he dipped his hips as he swiveled around to steady himself because he turned too quickly, but the way he pushed out his pelvis, it looked like he had been turned about by his huge cock, like it was the one who had heard Jon's voice.

He gazed at the man being held up by Jon and the other two boys. Something about him looked familiar, something about that dumbass face...then, recognition came to him in a flash. He stood up straighter and put his hands on his hips and said: "Damn, I'll be a one legged monkey's petard--what the hell are you doing here?"

Jon, Pete and Donny supported a man wearing only a stained tee shirt and sprouting a small but fierce hard-on. His head was covered with short, coarse stubble as if his hair was gallantly but futility making a final stand against impending baldness. He had a big nose, drooping eyes, a set of large ears, a weak chin and a small mouth which grinned like an imbecile as he recognized Red.

"Ohh, hi there Red," he said sluggishly, reaching down to grope his hard-on. "I see they invited you to the party too!"

"I see...things haven't changed a bit...for you...have they Earl? Still getting...people to support you, eh?" Red said, watching the guy pulling hard on his joint, which, Red thought, wasn't such a bad idea at all, and slowly began to mimic him.

"Oh, wow, these guys know each other?" Max cried. "Well, that's just great!"

"What are the odds?" Buddy asked. "My dad hired this guy before he went on his business trip to do some yard work. How was I to know he and Red knew each other?"

"Hey," Pete said, "This dude's getting heavy."

"Come on," Donny said, leading the group towards the couch where he directed them to lay Earl over the back of the couch, his butt sticking up in the air.

"Ok, ok--look, it's not a problem," he said. "Just bring the camera over here. I think we may have our finale."

Donny observed Red position himself behind Earl and saw how the man hungrily stared at Earl's rump, who slowly fisted his hard cock as he lay over the back of the couch. The magnitude of HRX's potency was really beginning to hit home. It was more than just a substance to increase a person's libido, judging by the reactions of the two men, especially that of Red Forman. Acid and booze aside, Donny thought, Red and presumably Earl too, were obviously two heterosexual men who now were about to definitely perform a most homosexual act without any hesitation or question. All the boys did was create the environment, and the way they expressed themselves sexually followed suit, which means if the room had been full of girls, the men would no doubt have their backs clawed as thighs clamped around their humping bodies. The added drugs seemed to have broken down Red's resistance, but the compound allowed the man to indulge in the act of pure, sexual gratification, no matter who was on the receiving end of the guy's rampant cock.

Red meanwhile was rubbing Earl's left butt cheek, then smacked it lightly with his hand. What would it be like, feel like, he wondered. He moved behind Earl, letting his cock play over the crack of Earl's ass, sliding it around the pink flesh.

"Shittt Reddd..." Earl slurred without turning around, "Either fishhh...orcutbait..."

Red got a wicked smile on his face, and stepped back from Earl. He unbuckled his belt, opened his pants and pulled them down so that they rested along with his shorts around his ankles. His cock soared above his large, fat balls, poking out from between his shirt tails. Red grabbed himself and resumed jacking off.

Buddy picked up the jar of petroleum jelly and held it before Red, who stopped jerking himself to look at the teenager.

"A little dip'll do ya!" Buddy said, while Max grabbed the camera, then decided it would be better if he held it with his hands to get the full effect from all angles of Red getting reacquainted with his ol' pal.

Red smiled at Buddy, sticking his fingers into the jar. "Thanks kid--you're alright!"

Red covered his cock with the lube, reached in again with two fingers for an even bigger glob and began roughly shoving his greasy fingers up Earl's butthole.

"Ugggg!!Ohhhhh!!!" Earl exclaimed, lifting up his head slightly. He reached down with his right hand to fondle his hard cock, pointing it towards the floor while resting his head in the crook of his arm, laying it across the back of the couch.

Pete lit up another joint and started passing it around as the boys stood back to watch Red position himself behind Earl, placing his hands on the man's hips to steady the twitching handyman. He eased the head of his cock into Earl's ass, who gasped loudly, let go of his hard-on and tried to shift away from Red.

"No you...don't," Red muttered, grasping Earl's hips tightly. "After all...all the times you screwedmee...when I tried tooo've gotthis comin'..."

And with that, Red slammed his cock deep into Earl's butt, and held it there while Earl sucked in his breath, then let out a loud, long groan.

"Hope you'll enjoy much as I will," Red said.Tilting back his head and closing his eyes, Red began to slowly ease himself in and out of Earl's hairy ass.

"Oh man, this is too good to be true!" Max yelled as he circled around the two humping men while Red established a rock steady rhythm of pushing in, holding still, pulling out.

Earl let out low moans each time Red slammed into him, rolling his head on his folded arm. Then as he got accustomed to the thick pole being pushed up his ass, Earl began pushing himself back to Red's thrusts faster and groped for his hard little dick, then began fisting it like he was in a race to see who would cum first.

"Oh,MAN, this is sooo hot!" Pete cried, rubbing the bulge in his swim suit.

Jon, marijuana smoke swirling around his head as he passed the joint to Donny, coughed and agreed with Pete.

"Yeah, it's given me a woody," he said, also rubbing himself, watching the two adults screwing.

Buddy was silent, but he also had sprouted an erection and had unconsciously massaged himself, becoming only aware of his actions after hearing Jon and Pete's admission to feeling horny. Buddy watched the fuck scene intently: Red, his face flushed, his bald head shiny with sweat, had spread his hairy legs as wide as his bunched up pants would allow for better support while he humped Earl. It was so erotic watching the man with his pants and shorts around his ankles, his black socks stark against his white calves, sensually grinding himself against Earl, his butt peaking out from beneath his shirt tails as he pounded away. Buddy didn't know how much he would be turned on by watching Red half-clothed, especially since keeping Red in his clothes was supposed to be a joke and a way to humiliate the guy. Pete was right--watching Red in his shirt and tie humping the tee shirt wearing Earl was just plain hot--so hot that Buddy found himself unzipping his jeans to haul out his own piece so he could give it the attention it was demanding.

Pete and Jon, seeing Buddy give in to his urges, pulled down their swim suits and began jerking themselves off, leaving the joint to smolder in the ashtray on the table. Donny also found himself enthralled, pulled out his dick and joined in with the others, unsure which was more sexy: watching the two men fuck, or seeing his friends playing with themselves.

Max, still recording Red who was starting to hump even faster now was feeling a reaction too, and pushed his growing erection against his jeans, wishing he could put his hands on himself, to relieve the tension building down between his legs.

Max said, "This is way hotter than any old porno, eh guys? Guys?" When he pulled his eye from the camera eye-piece, he was stunned to see his four friends, peckers in hand, jerking as wildly as Forman was fucking.

After a quick moment, Max paused the recorder, rushed over to get the tripod, reconnected the camera to it after making sure both Red and Earl were in the frame, then started the recording again. He then unzipped, pulled it out and started fisting himself , standing next to the other teens, all five of them now watching Red pound away like a well oiled machine in and out of Earl's butt.

For Red, it was like everything he had been through was preparing him for this moment: the purchasing of cheap polyester pants, meeting Eric's friend, finding out about the kiss, his own reaction to it which led him to this basement where some smart ass kids incredibly showed him how to achieve a level of pleasure he didn't believe was possible as well as alter his perception of what he once believed was abnormal behavior for a man. Now, here he was, screwing another man's rump, something he knew only queers did. He was no queer, but he sure as shit was enjoying plowing Earl's sweet, sweet butt; and it was apparent that Earl enjoyed the plowing as well, judging by the loud moans and grunts he filled the room with.

"Ohhhh, Red," Earl sighed. "Oh, that...ugh...that feels sooo good--fuck me with that bull...ugh...bull dick of yours--fuck me ugh, fuck me Red! Ughhhh fuuuck me..."

"Oh, sweat Jesus," Red sighed, feeling himself nearing his climax, his damp thighs slapping the back of Earl's legs as Earl continued to jerk his cock.

The teens also were feeling their impending release as they quickly fisted their hard dicks. Buddy found himself drawn closer to Red and moved himself behind the man, watching him drill Earl harder and faster yet. Buddy stared at the broad back of Red's sweat soaked shirt, observed the man's muscles flexing beneath his shirt as he tightened his grip on Earl's hips. He took in the sight of Red's clutching butt checks, quickly jacking himself faster as the shirt tails swayed and danced, wishing he had the nerve to slip his own joint into Red's thrusting hole, but not knowing how the man would react in his drugged state, decided that Red's personal virgin territory could possibly be explored at a later date, that is if he was lucky enough and Red was up to tring something completely different. The guy was now definitely a changed man, not that he had much of a choice with so many stimulants and HRX coursing through his system. Just how long the change would last was anybody's guess, although it seemed like Red was slowly gaining control of his faculties, and the effects from the compound which had disoriented his senses were maybe wearing off. But judging by the way Red was ramming Earl's butt, it was pretty obviously that a threshold had been crossed which he wasn't easily going to retreat from. And Buddy realized he and his friends all had crossed over into a undiscovered country when they decided to slip Earl and Red an officially unproved aphrodisiac plus other drugs, to reduce two straight adults to raging walking hard-ons for their own gratification...two hard-ons who were apparently about to exploded any minute now. In fact, it was less than a minute, because while Buddy juggled in his mind the consequences of what they had done, with his own need to push his sexual rush beyond its limit, Earl reached his climax, yelling: "Ooooooohhhh, that's it, THAT'S IT!!!" while shooting his load upon the floor and on the back of the couch. He pushed himself back into Red's forward thrust, squeezing Red's cock hard with the inner muscles of his ass.

Red, feeling his cock squeezed really hard held himself inside Earl, throwing his head back, his mouth wide open uttering a silent outcry of pleasure while he shuddered for a few moments before leaning heavily into Earl, his orgasm shaking him from head to toe, his cock embedded deep in the guy's backside.

"Shittt!" Jon yelled, and shot his load into the air.

"Fuckk!" Pete yelled, and followed suit.

Donny had turned to face Max and they both fisted themselves furiously, looking deep into each other's eyes until finally they shot ropes of cum towards each other. Then, as their orgasms subsided, they both grinned at each other.

"Filthy pig," said Max, smiling at Donny.

"Dirty swine," Donny answered sheepishly.

Buddy meanwhile had moved closer still to Red, staring at his butt peeking out from his shirt tails as he laid on top of Earl. Suddenly, Buddy erupted, shooting his load onto the lower half of Red's shirt, his butt and the back of his upper thighs. It was a huge discharge, catching the teen off guard by the intensity of the orgasm and the amount of cum he had let loose.

Buddy knew that it was all because of Red and being close to him after watching the man's sexcapades over the past few hours. To see this strongly masculine, very well endowed pillar of heterosexuality and self control who was extremely, according to Eric, uptight and limited in his ability to show deep affection, especially towards his own son, suddenly have all inhibitions stripped away from him so that all self-imposed restraints and restrictions vanished with each subsequent orgasm, and to know that he had played a key role in Red's sexual awakening was more stimulating to Buddy then he realized.

He understood that if it hadn't been for the drugs, Red would have made his life hell today--he may still try to, when he recovers. But dispite all of this, Buddy was attracted to him more than ever. It wasn't exactly true love, but in his eyes, Red Forman was one of the most sexiest, fascinating men he had ever met, even more so than Coach Reams, who sort of resembled a younger version of Red with slightly more hair, who had secretly been the object of Buddy's unrequited high school crush for over two years. And dispite how Max or the others felt, he knew he had to be with Red again somehow, under more private and less drug fueled circumstances. He just didn't know how that could happen without overcoming some major obstacles, like the fact the Red was happily married, with a family and was old enough to be his father--all which made the man so irresistible!

While Buddy's thoughts were otherwise occupied, Red, feeling the cum dripping on his thighs, looked over his shoulder at Buddy. Red's eyes were half-closed and full of unsatiated hunger. He had just felt the most intense orgasm of his life, even stonger than anything he'd previously experienced in the basement today. He had believed everything had lead to the Big Bang, that once he creamed in Earl's tight little dirt chute, the strong pull to achieve nothing but sexual gratification would subside. But, dammit, it didn't! It DIDN'T!!

Red turned back towards Earl and slowly pulled himself out, his cock covered with fluid and lubricant which also slowly dribbled out of Earl's ravished asshole.

"OhhhgoodgoddamnI'llneverwalkagain..." Earl mumbled as he slid to the floor behind the couch and passed out.

Red shuffled away from Earl, facing Buddy. His cock had only subsided slightly, and looking at Buddy through dark, slitted eyes, he smiled coolly.

Buddy, looking at Red's face found himself both sexually excited and damn fearful of the man's blatant, naked hunger. He watched as Red's semi-erect cock suddenly become hard yet again, sticking straight out from between his shirt tails, pointing right at him. Buddy stuffed himself back into his jeans and tensed up, tring to figure out what Red would do next.

"It's not enough kid," Red growled, as if reading Buddy's mind. "I still want more!"

He lunged forward suddenly as Buddy just as quickly stepped back. Red fell to the floor, tangled up in his pants and shorts which he had forgotten were still bunched up around his ankles.

"Ohhh, that's gotta hurt!" Pete said as he watched Red appear to fall forward onto his organ when actually he managed to break his fall with his hands and forearms, which nevertheless left him dazed and he found it difficult to stand up.

"Oh no, he aint't getting another chance," Max said racing over to the table, his cock bouncing as he ran and grabbed the small metal container. He unscrewed the cap, held it away from his face as he poured a small amount into a towel and rushed over to Red, who was now sitting on his rump tring to pull up his pants and shorts while his raging hard-on poked at his stomach.

Max came up behind Red and pressed the towel over the man's nose and mouth. Surprised registered in Red's eyes for a moment. His eyes crossed, blinked three times, then fluttered shut.

"Sweet dreams, Sex Machine," Max muttered as Red slumped against the kneeling teenager, uttering a loud sigh before slipping into unconsciousness. Max, standing up while Red lay on his back, his hard-on slowly softening, yet still quite large sticking up from his body, his pants just above his knees, faced Donny.

"And you thought I was an idiot for demanding you bring the chloroform down here just in case!" he said to the teenager as he pointed at Red. "Well, doofus, what do you have to say now?"

"Jeezz," Pete said in wonder. "The old guy's an animal!"

"Just how long does that HRX last?" Jon asked, putting his cock back into his swimsuit while he stared nervously at the two unconscious adults.

"Well, that's what we were suppose to find out today, wasn't it Mr. Wizard?" Max asked Donny, who seemed to be shell shocked by Red's rabid display of aggressiveness and the means Max had to take to subdue him.

"Eh, well, when dad first brought a sample of the prototype formula home and I peeked in on him and mom," Donny began, readjusting his clothes, "I got the impression that they had enjoyed the effects from the compound for atleast a few hours--"

"Christ, you watched your folks doing it all that time?" Pete exclaimed. "Ohh, gross!"

Donny reached over to punch Pete's arm, but missed as Pete danced out of his reach.

"I didn't take a ring side seat outside their bedroom door, Brain Wreck," he answered Pete. "Dad didn't know I knew about the compound and his research or that he had snuck home a sample of the drug along with a bunch of research papers because he planned to try it on himself and mom. They believe their Little Donny had no interest in the birds and the bees, so they were not very descreet. The night they decided to experiment I made sure they thought I was in bed asleep in my room which is next to theirs. Once they began to, you know, go at it, I slipped out and listened at their door, even snuck a peek or two inside, so yeah, I watched, for a moment--saw them humping like, I even heard them after I went back to my own bedroom, making noises and groaning... I got real curious about the strength of the compound, so I began to time them, and like I told Bud, they went at it off and on for about two hours or so--"

"Was the house still standing the next day?" Jon joked.

"The next morning, they acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary," Donny recalled. "Except that they were more lovey dovey at breakfast then usual, smiling at each other, blushing, acting like little kids with a big secret. That's when I got the idea about making the stuff myself to sell, along with the grass and acid, on the street, you know-- put out a aphrodisiac that really works. So I copied dad's notes, even managed to get a tiny sample to analyze--"

"Ol' Mr. Straub would have had a shit fit if he'd known what we were really doing in the lab all those weeks after school," Buddy said, listening to the conversation, but still gazing longingly at Red laying on the floor, peaceful for now, his soft cock huge and thick laying on his thigh.

"We reproduced the formula perfectly," Donny said, almost to himself. "We couldn't have made an error..."

"But if the stuff causes different reactions in people, making some people violent, selling it as it is may not be the smart thing to do until the bugs are worked out, huh guys?" Pete asked.

"When my parents took it," Donny said, leaning against a wall while the boys cleaned themselves up as Buddy continued mooning over Red."They were all over each other, but they didn't use any drugs to enhance the effects of the compound, they just used each other for their pleasure; they didn't roam through the house like sex-crazed maniacs searching for something to screw. And they were ok when the stuff wore off--refreshed even."

"While our handyman here, Earl," Jon said, squatting down next to the man, who was still sleeping like a big baby, " Smoked a joint, chucked some beer laced with the stuff, watched a lesbo porno and got so horny that he popped a boner and hauled it out, right here in front of us as if we were invisible."

"Yeah," Pete chimed in. "The ol' pervert didn't even care if he pulled his pud in front of a bunch of innocent little kids. In fact, he seemed quite happy to just jerk off like a sex-starved fiend! Man, I really got tired of watching the guy jack--"

"Why'd you think I tied and gagged him and moved him out of the way?" Max asked, rolling another joint.

"It's funny," Buddy said, reaching out towards Red's cock and wiped it with a towel. "Earl was only concerned with getting himself off, him and his palm pal. I mean, he busted his nut, even when he couldn't touch himself! He was, you know, happy to just lazily enjoy the rush he got from the HRX. But Big Boy here," he continued while he gently squeezed Red's cock a few times and watched as a grin lazily crept across his face, "Hand jobs just wasn't enough for him. He was going to stick this big pole into something any way he could. This could have turned real ugly guys."

"So get your goddamn hands off him!" Max cried. "You might bring him around--and then the only thing that'll stop his rampaging ass from porking all of us will be a baseball bat upside his head!"

Buddy tossed aside the towel and began pulling up Red's pants.

"Now what are you doing?" Max asked, lighting the joint and passing it over to Pete.

"The party's over," Buddy said, "Atleast for our two guests here. Somebody get the guy's duds, will ya?"

Buddy went through Red's pockets and pulled out his car keys, pulled out the scrap of paper with his number and address on it, read it and placed it back. He then proceeded to dress him, tucking in his damp cum and sweat-stained shirt, but leaving his thick cock hanging out of the fly of his boxer shorts before, with some difficulty, zipping up Red's sticky, tight pants and rebuckling his belt.Red's cock, even in a semi-erect state made an impressive bulge in Red's polyesters, and Buddy couldn't stop himself from rubbing his hand over the cloth-covered lump a few times.

"So guys," Pete said after exhaling the smoke from the joint and passing it to Jon, "What have we learned from our Grand Experiment--that for some people the compound will bring out their cuddly, sexy side--"

"Like Donny's parents," Max interjected.

"While in others," Jon said, " The compound'll make them want to get in touch with themselves, kinda get a grip on things, take a situation in hand and--"

"We get the picture, ass wipe," Max said, taking the joint out of Jon's hand and taking a huge toke.

"And then some people," he coughed out as Jon snatched the joint back, "Can become sexual psychos and'll fuck anything walking. That's the side effect that concerns me if we sell this stuff on the street. There's nothing like a few raging sex fiends raping any hole available to bring in the cops, not to mention involving your dad and possibly Chemitech in the matter," Max said, directing the last part at Donny. "I mean, the company Suits will want to know how their proto-type got loose on the streets, right?"

"Maybe we gave Red too much of the compound," Pete suggested. "Or we force fed him too much booze and dope. Maybe that's what really brought out his aggressive nature."

"This is RED FORMAN we're talking about," Buddy said." The man doesn't need drugs to bring out his aggressive nature. He's a natural born bad-ass and will be until the day he kicks Death in the nuts and sez: Now you wanna make me get into that grave?"

Max watched Buddy straighten Red's tie and touch the man's cheek. Rolling his eyes, he thought to himself, Shit, Buddy's done found himself a Cock-Daddy! And on that note, he went into the other room to get Earl's khaki pants and shirt, his shoes and socks. Then, he went through the pockets to retrieve the man's wallet and car keys, sticking them into his own pockets after reading Earl's address and helping himself to twenty bucks.

Jon, after helping Max dress Earl said, "Anyway, if we do deal this stuff, you know the guys buying it are going to party hardy, mixing it with booze and dope, so we might as well have an idea how someone fling high's gonna react."

"Which means since it is unpredictable, we better test it some more, get the right dosage before taking a chance someone might get hurt," Donny said reluctantly, watching in his mind, all the huge fast profits he had planned to make quickly dissipate like the smoke from the rapidly shrinking joint he now held in is fingers.

"Then, we'll just have to do a lot more private experimenting, with willing and unwilling test subjects now, won't we?" Buddy said, standing up, jiggling Red's car keys.

"Someone like, oh I don't know, like the bald red-haired guy passed out on the floor over there, with the big bulge in his pants?" Max asked as he and Jon dumped Earl, now sloppily dressed in his khaki work clothes onto the couch.

"Well, you never know..." Buddy mussed, squatting down to lift Red up by his shoulders, their cheeks rubbing together . Buddy prolonged the contact as long as possible.

Max snorted derisively and went over to grab Red's legs, and helped Buddy carry the man over to the couch and dumped him down next to Earl. The men both slumped towards each other, their shoulders and heads touching, making it seem like the two were best buds who had passed out together after a long night of boozing.

"Don't they make a lovely couple," Pete asked, laughing at the two men.

Max went over to the camera and checked the amount of tape he had left. He brought it over and placed it back in its original position behind the TV and started to record.

"This just has to be the final shot guys," he said. "Come on, stand by the couch!" The final recorded scene before the video tape ran out showed Earl and Red sitting side by side passed out on the couch, both with slight smiles on their faces surrounded by the boys: Buddy and Donny sat on the floor, Buddy between Red's legs, Donny between Earl's. The other three were behind the couch where Max stood with his arms folded, looking away, rolling his eyes as Jon and Pete held the men's heads so that they faced the camera and Jon bent over to kiss the top of Earl's bald head while Pete also gave Red's pate a little smooch.

Later, it wasn't easy getting the heavy, unconscience men out of the rec. room and into their vehicles, but the boys were determined and finally succeeded in getting the adults on the road. Max and Jon drove Earl in his beat up old utility van, while Buddy drove Red in Red's car and Donny, driving Buddy's car followed them bringing Pete along with him, so after dumping off the adults they all would return home in Buddy's car.

Max chose to leave Earl passed out in the front seat of his van in a secluded area of the motel's parking lot, with his pants down around his ankles, his wallet along with a few empty beer cans and a half smoked joint scattered about on the floor of the van, already littered with old fast food wrappings and cups.

"Let him try and figure out what happened!" Max said as he and Jon hopped into Buddy's car, knowing Buddy wanted to be alone with Red for one last time. Donny then followed behind Buddy as he drove to the Forman place.

After making sure that the coast was clear and there were no signs of neighbors, Eric or his friends, Donny and Buddy carried Red into the house through the kitchen's sliding glass doors and left Red slumped in a olive green easy chair in the living room.

As the two boys began to sneak out of the kitchen, Buddy paused at the door.

"You go ahead," he said to Donny. "There's something I have to do first."

While Donny slipped outside, Buddy looked around the kitchen and noticed a notepad hanging on a wall next to a calendar. He scribbled down a message and tore off the paper. He then walked back into the living room to stand infront of Red.

Buddy looked down at Red slumped in the easy chair, his clothes stained, his crotch still bulging. Smiling, he threw caution to the wind as he made up his mind to do one final act.

"Buddy," he said outloud to himself as he unbuckled Red's belt, opened the man's pants, pulled them down midthigh to release his cock, rolling it in his hands like a column of putty, "You're just addicted to the man!"

Buddy grabbed the base of Red's fat cock as it hardened, and jerking up and down on it while taking the big cockhead into his mouth, sucked hard on it like a vacuum cleaner on turbo- suck, all the while running his tongue all over its surface paying special attention to the piss slit.

Realizing that there was a chance this action could pull Red out of his chloroform-induced sleep, Buddy worked the man's cock over furiously, moaning like a starving man diving into a seven course meal, drooling spit from his mouth like a salivating madman. He knew he couldn't take the time he would have liked to with Red, so he made the most of the time available to him.

Red began to slowly squirm in his chair, rolling his head from side to side, widening and stretching his long legs about while Buddy kneeled between them.

After a time, Buddy heard a garbled sound slip from Red's mouth. He also heard: "For Christ sake, are you insane or something!?"

Buddy came up for air to see a furious Max standing in the doorway separating the living room from the kitchen, glaring at him.

"We gotta get out of here before someone shows up!" he cried. "If you wanted to blow the old dude, you should have done it back at your place! Let's go--NOW!"

Buddy just smiled at him as he placed both of his hands around Red's cock and moved them in opposite strokes to quickly force Red to climax.

"I will always have time for this Max," he said with a quick smile. "For him...always."

"We'll deal with your daddy-fixation later," Max answered him. "One minute Buddy, or I swear you'll walk home, if Red or his family don't kill you first! One--MINUTE!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooohhhh!" Red groaned loudly, thrusting up his hips and forcing his cock between Buddy's fists like a jack hammer. And with that, Red's final orgasm of the evening at the hands of a teenager racked his body as sticky ropes of cum exploded from the fat cock.

Buddy released Red's organ, slapped the note he wrote onto Red's shirt where a glob of cum acted as an adhesive, and raced pass Max as Red's cock continued spewing cum onto his clothes, the chair and the living room carpet. He slumped back into the chair, and shook every now and then as his well worked over cock finally seemed like it was down for the count, softening slowly in his lap.

"What's with the note?" Max asked Buddy as the boys quickly slipped out of the kitchen, leaving the door open.

Jumping behind the wheel of his car, the tires squealing as he slammed out of the driveway in reverse and raced down the street until they were out of the neighborhood, Buddy finally turned towards Max to answer his question.

"About the note?" he said, "Oh, just an offer I made to Red that I don't think he will refuse. I wrote: If you don't remember what happened today, call me. If you remember anything about what happened today, call me. And if you want more of what happened today, call me. Then, I signed it!"

And then he laughed while Max shook his head disapprovingly. But Buddy didn't care; he felt good--extremely good as he contemplated upon what unusual and potentially exciting events lay ahead for him and Red in their not too distant future.

It began as a dull ache in his head, followed by even more painful throbs from between his legs. Red Forman was slowly rising up out of a crazy fog of sensations, images and vague memories.

Red tried to lean forward but stopped the moment a sharp pain shot up from his crotch, forcing him to sit still. His eyes were squeezed shut because even they seemed to hurt the more he tried to open them.

The first things Red noticed were the aches and the strange disorientation. He searched his fragmented memory, going over what he could recall from todays events: he remembered going to work, complaining about the unusual heat, he met some kid, a swish who kissed...who had kissed Eric!

Red then sat up a little more in his chair dispite his protesting body. That kid, he thought, what was his name?--he remembered something about going over to the kid's house to confront his parents, and then something happened with some kids--something not all that unpleasant, but also disconcerting as well--

That's when Red noticed the second thing--the odor. When he forced his eyes to open, they confirmed what his flaring nostrils had already told him. Red looked down at himself and saw his heavily stained clothes; the heavy stench of sweat and sex was coming from him! He was a filthy mess, with dried sweat and what had to be semen stains all over him and his clothes, especially around his pants, which were open--

"M-my GOD!" Red exclaimed as he saw his semen crusted penis hanging out of his open pants. He grabbed it to place it back inside, but quickly released it when he discovered how tender and sore it was.

Red, dazed and confused, slowly stood up from his easy chair, and as his pants fell down around his ankles, cried up towards the ceiling: "Who was that kid and what the devil happened to me!?"

"You know Red," a familiar voice suddenly said from behind his chair, "After I saw that car race out of your driveway and I run over here to find you looking like the target from a cum-shooting gallery, that's just what I would like to know myself."

Red slowly half turned, hindered somewhat by his fallen pants, but more by the aches, the pain and the confusion he was feeling, saw standing behind him the one man who had always secretly made him want to hide just to avoid his irritating presence. But now, he wanted nothing more than to just simply shrink away to nothing and disappear rather than have this nitwit be the one to find him in this state. Hanging his head, his shoulders drooping from embarrassment, Red now knew that he was completely, sincerely screwed.

Red's neighbor and irritant extraordinare Bob Pinciotti came around from behind Red, holding a stained piece of paper.

"And, by the way," he asked, holding the paper at the corners with the tips of his fingers, disgusted that he had to touch the thing at all.

"Who's Buddy?"


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