
By Ebon Artist

Published on Oct 2, 2016



Comments and questions are always welcome at Originally appeared in Buttmen 1, 2001, while I was using the name 'robinman'


Redhawk's gloved fist arched up in a powerful uppercut, laying the smuggler out cold with one powerful blow. The masked man then spun and gave the next attacker a right cross to the jaw, followed by a left hook that put the man out for the count. Redhawk looked back over his shoulder as he heard a soft `ugh' from his partner.

Bluejay rocked back a bit, the boy sidekick slightly stunned from the crowbar he'd taken across the back. The youth recovered and his muscular leg snapped out in a powerful side kick, taking the smuggler in the stomach. At the same time the boy's gloved fist smashed into the nose of the man in front of him; blood spattered and the man went down in a heap. The teen whipped around, his cape twirling in the cold night air, his boot arcing around in a whistling circle kick that intersected the man's jaw. The last smuggler collapsed in a heap and Bluejay grinned. Two on one wasn't a problem for the athletic lad. He looked over at Redhawk, the caped man already stepping over towards him.

Redhawk, AKA Marcus Solomon, financier extraordinary, stood a full head taller than his teenaged partner. A hooded mask shaped like a great red hawk's head concealed the man's features, the rest of the skintight full body costume being the color of dried blood. His trunks, gloves, boots and wing-like cape were all a darker red. He was a powerfully-built man, with muscles like thick cables and a deep, strong chest. He glowered at the assembled criminals, all either unconscious or in so much pain there was little chance of anymore fighting These men had been terrorizing the docks of Centropolis for months; they were advance men for a new Chinese syndicate trying to set up a presence in town. Redhawk nodded and put his hand on Bluejay's shoulder and gave his partner a gentle squeeze.

"Good work, son," Redhawk said. "A good eighteenth birthday present."

Bluejay nodded, a slight smile on the boy's full lips. Faint praise from anyone else, but from Redhawk it was amazing. Bluejay had followed all the leads, finally finding out where the new gang was located. It was his own work that allowed the crimefighting pair to nab the criminals tonight. The boy's leather glove creaked as he made a fist. Bluejay, who was secretly freshman college student Ricky Dane, was built more along lithe acrobatic lines than his mentor. His costume was a medium blue bodysuit with dark blue trunks, gloves, boots and cape, though his cape was shorter -- about the length of a poncho. His mask, too, was different: just a simple blue eye-mask that concealed his cornflower-blue eyes. The youth grinned and ran fingers through his short golden hair. "Thanks, partner," he said, then cocked his head. "The cops are on their way. We'd better be going."

"Right, son," the big man said and took a small device from his belt. He shot a line high into the air, the eagle-claw-styled grapple clamping shut on a building ledge and powerful micromotors drawing the large man into the sky. Bluejay did the same and the pair left the scene as they had arrived.


Bluejay undid the cape and let it fall, then took off his gloves. He peeled off the mask, revealing the young pretty features that made Redhawk's heart race. So beautiful! The boy was so beautiful. Eighteen years old, right in the full flower of his youth, Bluejay was poised on the brink of becoming a man. His body had strengthened and firmed, but still retained the suppleness and smoothness of a boy. He pulled off the skin-tight tunic, showing the deep chest and washboard-flat six-pack abdominals. The soft brown circles on the boy's pecs were raised slightly, the cold of the underground lab making the boy's nipples grow slowly erect. Soon they were pointed little brown nubs, hard and sensitive.

Redhawk watched his boy partner turn away, and his dark eyes drifted down Ricky's taunt, sleek body. Excellently muscled, the boy looked like a perfectly proportioned Greek statue come to life. Each muscle flowed smoothly into the other. His arms were hard and his shoulders broad, his back tapered down... there. Redhawk smiled. Ricky's ass... it always amazed him. How perfect it was, how smooth and sexy. Dimpled and firm, the smooth white mounds were like sculpted marble. The boy bent for something and Redhawk bit his lip, watching the smooth muscles flex and spread. The boy stayed in that position, the youth's perfect ass framed and defined by the skin-tight trunks he wore. They separated the hard globes of his ass a bit, following the firm curves deep into Bluejay's secret places.

Redhawk shifted where he stood, feeling the hot hard length of his thick manhood move in his own trunks. Bluejay. Ricky. His partner, friend, confidante... He licked his lips and watched the youth hungrily, imagining how the boy would feel under him, how his smooth sleek body would respond to his touch. The man turned away so the boy would not see his arousal, and Redhawk put his hands palms-flat on a workbench. A man could only take so much.

He felt Bluejay's touch on his shoulder, and shivered. "Is there something wrong, Redhawk? Marcus?" The boy's voice was soft and concerned. He turned around, and his bulging trunks slid over Bluejay's, the soft skintight fabric hiding nothing. His erection, thrust down his leg, pressed into the shorter boy's bare midriff like a red-hot brand.

"Yes," he breathed. "Something's wrong. I'm sorry, Bluejay."

Ricky stared down at the bulge pressed against his baby-smooth stomach. He could see the length of the shaft and the flare of the man's cockcrown. He'd seen Redhawk naked before but it had never seemed so large. The man had a large cock, much larger than Ricky's member. Now, feeling it against him like this... he moved a bit, and Redhawk gasped as the boy's body slid across the hardness. Ricky moved back and then looked up into his partner's eyes, the boy's own innocent blue eyes wide with amazement and... anticipation?

"Gosh, Redhawk... did I cause that?" the boy whispered, soft full lips barely parting. Redhawk put his hands on the boy's bare shoulders and squeezed firmly. Bluejay closed his eyes and kept his head tilted up, those soft red lips still parted just a bit.

A man could only take so much.

Redhawk bent and kissed the boy who had been like a son to him all these years. The boy's lips were soft and dewy, just like Marcus had always imagined. Ricky didn't resist him, didn't pull back, but instead moved into the kiss, kissing him back with a tender passion that surprised Marcus. His grip on Ricky's bare shoulders grew stronger. Bluejay slid his arms around Redhawk's deep chest and settled against the powerfully-built man.

The golden-blonde boy parted from him, wet lips kissing his cheek and chin. "I like it, Marcus," the boy whispered. The youth moved his firm stomach muscles against Redhawk's erect cock and the man swallowed hard. "I didn't know I caused you to get hard like that. I like the way it feels..." Bluejay dropped his hand to the man's trunks, gentle gloved fingers teasing the shaft and tracing the bulge the crown made. "You're really big, Redhawk. Can...can I see it?" the boy whispered breathlessly.

Redhawk undid his belt and found the secret flap in his trunks. A second later the red erect rod of his mancock pushed out into the open air, springing erect in one swift motion. It surged against Ricky's stomach, the flesh hot and smooth.

"Oooooh!" gasped Bluejay, and the masked boy went to his knees. A gloved hand wrapped around the shaft. The other hand slid over the massive purple crown, stroking it. Redhawk shivered and pulled away from the teenaged boy, stepping back. Ricky got to his feet and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, Marcus, I... I thought..." The boy looked up, tears running down his cheeks, soaking the blue mask he wore. "I thought you wanted..."

"I want you," the masked man said and drew the boy into his arms again, kissing the youth. Ricky relaxed against him again and now Redhawk could feel his boy partner's dick against his leg. He moved his leg against Ricky's erection and laughed softly at the gasp of pleasure and need he wrung from the boy. He moved his leg against the lad's trunks, then slid his hand down to cup the teenager's manhood. He manipulated the boy though his costume then undid the kid's belt.

He knelt and slowly undressed Bluejay, slipping off the boy's boots, then the trunks, leaving the kid in his blue leotards. His hand slid up the youth's legs, feeling the well-turned muscles and then the firm smooth globes of the boy's ass. He ran his hands over the boy's ass gently, making sure he felt everything. He bent forward and hungrily licked and sucked on the trapped teenaged shaft outlined in the skintight material.

"Oh!" Bluejay gasped. The boy swayed, and put his hands on Redhawk's shoulders. The masked man pushed back his hood and gnawed at the boy's trapped penis. "Oh! Red...Marcus! I'm... stop it. I'll...OH! OH! AAAH!" The golden boy moaned and pressed his erection against the man's hot mouth. Redhawk laughed in the back of his throat as he felt the rigid boycock begin to jerk and twitch under his ministrations. A spreading stain in the leotards showed where his kid partner had cum in his tights!

"Oh, Redhawk!" the kid sighed and fell to his knees, spent. His boy cock continued to jerk and jerk even as Redhawk caught Bluejay in his arms and laid the bare-chested boy on the exercise mat. Redhawk straddled the narrow-hipped college boy and gently ran his hands over the hairless chest, caressing the hard muscles of the youth's chest and arms, teasing the little brown nipples to hardness. His thumbs teased the kid's nipples, causing Ricky to toss his head from side to side in mute pleasure. Redhawk ran his hands through the boy's silky sun-bright hair, and then bent to kiss the spent boy.

"Shh, shh, Ricky. I'll take care of you, my sweet boy."

Then Redhawk rolled the boy over on his stomach, and his gloved hand fell on the smooth perfect globes of the boy's ass.

Ricky's ass, his sweet perfect ass, was his at long last.

He pulled the drenched tights from the boy, then pulled off his own gloves. His hand slid up Ricky's bare leg, then gently over the firm full mounds that had fascinated him since the boy had started becoming a man. He felt the firmness, the supple strength, the baby-smooth white skin. He massaged the kid's firm ass, tracing the dimples in it, then his fingers dipped lower, deeper.

Marcus slid his fingers against Ricky's firm mounds then between them, gently teasingly tracing the boy's asscrack. Lower, down to the place where the boy's balls attached. He slid his hand under Ricky's body, feeling the kid's cock and balls. He squeezed and massaged the boy's cock, which was already growing hard again.

Redhawk had to chuckle. The resilience of youth...

Now the man returned his attentions to the full perfect globes before him, and bent. He kissed each hard mound in turn, his lips sliding over the baby-smooth skin like it was marble. "Oh, my perfect little boy," he sighed, and then he pulled the firm mounds apart, revealing Bluejay's most secret place, the softly quivering star-shaped hole; the object of the man's desire.

Redhawk slid his fingers gently over Bluejay's soft skin, tracing the firm ovals set before him. He felt his own cock grow painfully rigid in his tights, and shifted slightly to relieve the pressure. His fingers slid up, then down again. He caressed Ricky's thigh, then his hand glided back up to skim over the boy's back.

"Marcus, that feels so good," Bluejay whispered. The boy stretched, and spread his long muscular legs. Redhawk grinned and slid his fingers down the boy's spine, then along that perfect pert little ass, then down further; gentle fingertips tickled the boy's crack and Ricky giggled a bit. The teen hero closed his eyes, soft pink lips parting just slightly as he felt Marcus begin to touch him. Thick strong fingers slipped gently over Bluejay's ass, then spread his firm cheeks. The man's other hand came up and a finger probed Ricky's entrance. The boy tensed and his lips parted more in a silent gasp of desire. He knew it would hurt, but... he wanted it. He wanted it more than anything in the world. The pretty college boy swallowed and gasped as Marcus' thick index finger slid slowly up his ass. The man wiggled it, and Ricky gave a soft high gasp of pleasure.

"Did I hurt you, Ricky?"

"No, no... keep doing that," the kid gasped.

Redhawk moved between Ricky's legs and then pulled the boy up a bit by the hips. He bent lower and kissed his kid partner's soft skin, then dropped lower. He kissed the boy's ass once, twice, and then moved lower still.

Bluejay sighed and felt the touching, his mentor's breath where it should never have been. The thrill of the forbidden caused the boy's cock to stiffen at once, and the pretty youth moved his hips up, arching them so that the pert mounds of muscle parted on their own. "Take me, Marcus, please? Do... anything you want with me," the kid breathed, his cornflower-blue eyes closed in the depths of his passion.

Marcus Solomon, wealthy beyond counting, handsome and athletic, able to have anyone he wanted in the world...wanted nothing more than the pretty young college boy spread before him, the laughing acrobatic lad he'd shared a world of dangers with. He bent forward now and kissed the twitching little hole, kissed and licked and kissed again. His tongue pressed the boy's gates open and suddenly he was inside, licking his kid partner's ass! "Ooohh!" Ricky sighed, groaning like a Centropolis Square whoreboy.

Redhawk's powerful hands squeezed the boy's firm ass cheeks, pulling the dimpled mounds apart so he could taste the boy's fruits. His tongue and lips were busy until Ricky gasped and all resistance crumbled. He let the boy down gently, then slid two fingers into the boy's ass. Bluejay writhed on the mat, feeling the thick digits invade his most private place. The golden-haired boy twisted and groaned, his own cock trapped beneath the weight of his lean athletic form.

"Oh, God, Redhawk! Dude, that feels good."

Redhawk slipped his slickened fingers deeper into the golden-haired kid, watching Ricky twist on the mat, watching his golden boy gasp and shiver with pain and delight mixed together. The boy's lips were soft and pink, just like his little hole. The man plunged his fingers into the kid over and over again, working him gently yet firmly, loosening the boy's ass. It clenched his fingers, so tight and new and ready. He stirred his fingers inside Ricky's body, wrenching another gasp from the shivering young man.

Redhawk slipped his fingers out of the boy, and stood. He stripped the rest of his costume off, finally freeing his trapped erection. The denial has almost driven him mad with need but now the man's thick ten inches arched up into the air, finally free. Marcus wrapped his hand around the shaft and felt his cock twitch. A soft pearl of precum slid from the large red head and moved down the shaft before dripping down onto Ricky's buttocks.

Marcus knelt between his golden boy's thighs and caressed the kid's ass again, feeling the taunt perfection. He pulled the globes apart and gently laid his shaft between the firm mounds.

Ricky gasped at the heat. "Is... is that your dick, Redhawk?" the boy asked, his voice a trembling whisper. The youth moved his hips, causing his ass to caress Marcus' cock. "Are you gonna fuck me?"

He pressed the shaft against Ricky, his weight pressing the eighteen-year-old boy into the mat. Ricky groaned a bit. His rock-hard kid-dick was still trapped, and it was painful. Pleasure and pain. The boy wanted nothing else. He moved has ass again, clenching it so the firm mounds grabbed and held the hard shaft between them. The masked boy grinned when he heard the hiss of desire from his mentor, the man who had been like a father to him for so many years.

"I'm going to make love to you, yes. You are so pretty, Ricky, so very pretty. My beautiful little boy. Your ass is so perfect... I want it, Ricky, do you understand, son? I need you."

"Please, Redhawk, please take me. Marcus, take me," the kid moaned, and Marcus brought up his thick shaft. He pressed the hard plum-sized crown against Ricky's twitching anus and then just pushed.

"AAAGGHH!" Bluejay cried in a soft, high voice as the thick member invaded his tender virgin anus. "AAGGH! Take it out! AAAAHHH!" the boy screamed.

Redhawk pushed the boy to the mat and slipped his cock in another inch. The boy was tight. God, was he tight! But now he was opening up. Redhawk plunged his thick member all the way into the struggling kid's ass, and Ricky's moans and protests quieted, then died down. The boy's screams became moans of pleasure as Redhawk found his partner's prostate and began his slow gentle teasing of it. He moved inside Ricky, his strong body pressed the handsome teen into the exercise mat. The costumed man drove his cock into the tight ass, deeper and deeper until he could go no further. He plunged in and out of the young man's ass, gasping at the heat and tightness, until he felt a gentle squirt of precum into the pretty lad's depths. Time to slow down.

Redhawk pulled away, his thick penis standing straight upright. It glistened with the spit he'd licked into Ricky's ass. The boy beneath him moaned and spread his muscled legs. Redhawk chuckled and slid his hand over the hard mounds, then slipped a finger into the boy's hole. Bluejay pushed back, eager to take the teasing digit.

"Gosh, Marcus, that was great!" the kid said.

"I'm not done yet, son," Redhawk answered. He turned the smiling boy over and slid his hand up Bluejay's bare leg. The masked boy closed his eyes even as his young cock filled out to complete fullness. Redhawk bent and took the boy's member into his mouth, sucking and licking on his young partner's plum-like cockhead. Bluejay put his hands on Redhawk's shoulders, squeezing even as he bit his lip in pure pleasure. He'd dreamed of this for so long!

"Oh, Marcus!" the teenaged boy gasped. Ricky pulled away from his mentor's mouth and stroked his wet cock. Marcus laughed and licked the boy's balls, then lower and lower until he was again licking at the boy's quivering rosebud. He used two fingers to spread the boy's hole open, and plunged his tongue inside.

Ricky gasped at the gentle invasion and forgot all about his cock. He fell back on the mat and raised his legs up. Redhawk held the masked boy's legs and then placed his penis against the boy's little hole once more. Another quick thrust and he was inside his pretty teen partner again, growling in his need even as Bluejay moaned once more.

Marcus fucked the writhing, moaning boy underneath him until at last there was nothing left to do but cry out himself and let his cum fill the boy. The blond youth underneath also shouted as his cock began to spurt, covering his deep muscled chest with white stripes of jism.

Marcus groaned as the boy's ass-clenching orgasm clutched his marble-hard mancock and refused to let go. He held himself inside Ricky until the boy was done, then managed to pull his own cock free and looked down at Bluejay. Hair lank with sweat, the golden boy lay beneath him, gasping from the fuck and his own orgasm. Marcus bent and licked the sweet boycum from Ricky's chest, teasing the teen's nipples to hardness in the process. He bit them gently, then moved to the boy's long neck and throat.

Ricky embraced him and Marcus settled his weight on the youth. He felt Ricky's still-twitching cock slide against his stomach even as he drew Ricky up and kissed the beautiful young man. The boy returned the kiss eagerly, the heretofore virgin youth's enthusiasm more than making up for what he lacked in restraint or technique. The youth's hands glided over Marcus' magnificent body until they cupped over the man's ass, long slender fingers probing him and testing him.

Marcus grinned and pulled the boy's hands away, parting from his pretty partner, then helping the boy to his feet. Ricky embraced him and leaned against him, exhausted from his first fuck. He held the college kid against his deep chest, smoothing the boy's hair back down. He tilted Ricky's pretty face up and kissed the kid again.

"Not now, my beautiful boy. Let's get you cleaned up. It's time for our night patrol."

"Awww, Redhawk!"

Redhawk grinned at the kid. "Afterwards. I promise."

With that, the masked boy smiled, gave the man a quick kiss and headed for the showers. Marcus followed after, looking forward to boy dropping the soap as he always did


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