Reed 'em and weep - next chapter

By Charley Reed

Published on Jun 9, 2017


Tuesday 8 April 2008

Things I like: killing time doing nothing except chilling on the beach. Except when I get too much sun

Just finished my session with Ian. It was a bitch – I might have got a touch too much sun over the weekend and be very slightly burned to a crisp; getting it massaged certainly was all pain and no pleasure at all. You couldn't tell where my red tanline stopped and my red boxerbriefs started, is how cooked I got; thank G0d for pubes, otherwise I wouldn't know where to pull my pants up to. Can't really complain, though – pretty much lived at the beach the last couple of days; went with my old mates Al, Ben and Gareth for a spot of sun, surf and sand and it was brilliant.

I've neglected them a bit of late, which is stupid since I've known them all since I was like five and they're my best friends in the whole world, and even more stupid when you consider that we all live in the same neighbourhood. And although Al and Ben have opted to study at Maties up in Stellenbosch instead of the mighty UCT, they commute daily from here and are thus around and available most nights and weekends. Also, Gareth is on campus with me every day although he spends his time on the Commerce side of things at the other end of University Avenue and across The Plaza. So I need to put in the hours with my oldest mates for a bit – seven weeks of class and I think Gareth has only met Trevor out of all the guys from class I hang with, and only once at that for about three minutes in the first week of the quarter. He'll meet a few more at Kim's bash tomorrow night, of course, and she's suggested it's an open enough guestlist to drag Al and Ben along too, so that'll be a good start. Everyone can meet everyone and hopefully they all get along.

I'll admit that six months ago I never thought I'd be seeing Paul's dodgy crew in social circles, so that will be a bit weird. I'll admit that Paul and Francois were guys I reckoned I'd never have to see (read: fear) again. Also, Kim has invited the others in our lift club; I think she was hoping most of them would decline, but nope. Not sure Victoria's very austere level of Jesus and appreciation of Him is going to show her a good time at what will basically just be a loud and raucous piss-up, and I know Kim can't stand Ryan but has invited him anyway since she doesn't want to upset him because we all drive in together and that would make things a bit weird if only half of us cracked the nod to her party. Not to mention she might find herself stranded at the university one night if he is pissed off enough by not getting invited to leave without her. So we're all invited, even though it will be rather weird.

Completely unrelated segue, though – things with Colin have got a bit strange. I saw a couple of the guys at a house party on Saturday night and Colin and I spent a little time having a quiet chat outside when he went for a smoke break and I went along to keep him company. I like him a lot. He's extremely well read, he knows a bit about every subject in the world, and he makes me laugh. I pegged him as one of us homos right from the start, you'll recall. And to back up that observation he's kinda flirty, which is weird for me since I am so not used to it, but provided he doesn't out me it's flattering and thus fine. To further back up my suspicion I'm also sure I overheard him talking about going to Wings, and although it's not my bag and I've obviously never been there, because that would out me big time, I do know of Wings. It's a gay club in the Pink Quarter, and from what I can see off their website it's the mother of all gay clubs, full on, not subtle, in-your-face, doof-doof house music, shirtless DJs, rainbows-all-over-the-show, Underwear Nights, Gogo Boys, and guys-fucking-in-the-toilets-while-snorting-coke-off-the-cisterns gay club #stereotypes. PS: I'm inferring this last bit; they don't actually advertise the cocaine part on their website, although judging by the pictures of all those manic revellers in their galleries... not judging, just saying.

Sounds like fun, I hear you say. Anyway, this is not at all mysterious in terms of what I think I know about Colin. But the other day he alluded to a mysterious One Who Got Away, called Hannah. Pretty sure Hannah is not traditionally a name given to guys.

I'm not going to claim any level of skill in body language, but as soon as he mentioned it he changed the subject and wouldn't go back to it, and I can tell from that it was a pretty serious thing which ended and that the guy is fucked up after it all settled down. I do wonder, though, how the rest of it fits in. Bisexual, perhaps? I'm just not sure it's as simple as that, in that I didn't think bi guys came off as quite that gay. But I'm also sure he's not just trying to feel me out and flirting, and then mentioning Hannah to cover it up if I take offence. Seriously, seems like the guy got burned, big time.

I'm no psychologist, so I have no idea if trying to draw it out of him is likely to be a good thing or a bad thing, but I think he should spit it out. Okay okay, so primarily I just want all the details – I hate not knowing stuff, or only knowing half the stuff, so I really do want the full story. So sue me.

No other real news to report, though. At least, not from home. The folks have been even more weird the last day or two than previously; a united front, from what I can gather, but something is definitely up. Is it Great Uncle Joe? I bounced the idea off my old mates since they were around when we had him last, giving my reason for thinking this. Al, being an Olympic-class shit-stirrer, reckons my folks are simply getting divorced; the more I deny this allegation the louder he gets about it. Someone wants kicking in the nuts. Still, I'm sure that's not it – they don't fight; they don't play no-speaks. Nothing like that. They're just... I don't know, sorta tense. And sorta intense, maybe, but they're certainly not unhappy, I don't think. Al reckons they're obviously not unhappy, because they'll never have to see each other again. He also reminds us that married men tend to die before their wives, and then suggests that it's because they want to. Twat.

It may be a surprise to find out I'm still single, but it shouldn't be to find that out about Al.


Next: Chapter 18: 14 April 2008

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