Reed 'em and weep - next chapter

By Charley Reed

Published on Sep 25, 2016


4 March 2008

Fact of the Day: Sponges are animals. I feel like I should have known this and I?m not at all sure why I thought they were plants. I'm glad someone else blurted out "plants" in class before I did - so much of condescending laughter; it burns us, Precious!

Another eleven minutes of Trevor to start my day before I faked the need to have a wee and ditched him. Victoria, as only she can, thinks he?s sweet; Kim encourages him, just because she can be a total cow when she has The Lady Troubles. I?m guessing, judging from her complete bovine-ness (is that a word?) that it is PMS-City for Kim at the mo, and in a bitchy way I am kinda glad about that, even if it makes the daily commute less than pleasant.

This is another reason why I should have gone for the inferior education and headed up to Joburg to go to varsity at Wits - living on campus would mean not sitting on the sodding highway for 50 minutes every morning with Ryan singing along to all the crap on the radio, another thing all these foreigners from Up North studying here don't have to do.

Caught the eye of Mystery Man yesterday in between classes when our paths crossed outside before Cell Biology, and gave him a smile and a nod. He did not reciprocate. Either MM couldn't place me, or the smile and nod came across as desperate or maybe psychotic. If the latter, hopefully it was psychotic. I'd rather be thought of as crazy if only because it is probably a bit cooler than sad. He dresses nicely, MM, all preppy-cool. I prefer surfer-cool, if I'm honest, which is how I dress (regardless of Kim's mooing on the subject, the beefy slag), but it suits him. He has lovely tanned skin, which I am both jealous of and would love to suck on for a bit. In my world, there is a tiny, tiny Speedo tan under those linen pants of his but I reckon this is certainly not the case. Mr G_d would have to be smiling on me big time for that to happen, and, well, he generally doesn't. In my world he'd probably also be wearing something colourful and fun for undies, but given the average .za boy's penchant for dull boxerbriefs, cheapish and black/white/grey/navy, I suspect those prevail too. theatrical sigh The thought of him makes me all tingly, you know, down there.

Luckily Trevor is not in the same lab as me for Chem practicals because Kim wants us to move in the prac this afternoon and get done ASAP so we can get home quickly. Apparently she is starting a new waitressing job tonight since cigarettes have become so expensive. I guess Paul has got tired of forking out for them and is making her pay for her own. Hahahahahahahaha bitch. Should I suggest she just put out for him instead?


Next: Chapter 3: 6 March 2008

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