
By moc.liamtoh@stats_retirw

Published on Dec 26, 2000



Reflections by Stats

I woke up this morning in the midst of reflections. Here I was 25 years old and my wedding day has finally arrived. How did I, a born male, evolve into this beautiful true feminine bride to be? I mean, I just finished my period three days ago and how more feminine is that? My sister just popped her head around the corner and asked "Roberta, do you intend to become Mrs. Fraser while lying in bed?

"Just a few minutes more, sis, just a few minutes more" while I snuggled under the covers to reflect on the phases of my evolution over the past 11 years."


I was fourteen when the first phase in my evolution took place. We had been in the neighborhood about 4 months. My dad is an army Coronal and we seem to move every three to four years. Patty was a year younger than me and lived across the street. Patty was a tomboy and we had just finished building a fort in the middle of a vacant lot that was covered in blackberry bushes. They made excellent forts as you could pull the bushes past an opening and no one could see you even if they were standing only a few feet away. Patty was sitting across from me on old blankets we had found in our basements. We were talking about how we were in a world of our very own. She was very tall for her age and her breasts mounds were just starting to show. She innocently was sitting in a short dress with her legs open exposing a pair of lime green panties. Out of the blue I suggested that we dress up in each other's clothes and pretend we had changed bodies. She thought that was a good idea because of an inner desire to look like a boy and not wear the silly dress her mother insisted on. We had a long discussion on what we could do and what we could not do. Two things we were agreed on, we would stay in the fort while in each other's clothes and no sex.

We both undressed. To my surprise she was wearing a training bra. It was also lime green. Neither of us had much pubic hair. Nevertheless, seeing her budding breasts, her female crotch and the green underwear lying on the ground was just too much for me, and my member began to swell. Patty was a bit frightened that I was aroused and asked me to make it small again. I was embarrassed to masturbate in front of her. But she did not want to have her panties soiled with boy juices. I finally yielded when she threatened to get dressed in her clothes and go home.

She watched with wide eyes as I brought myself to a climax. This was a first time she had seen a boy ejaculate. Patty's nipples were fully extended and occasionally she would rub them or let her hand wander to her crouch in an attempt to relieve some new itches that were being felt for the very first time.

After it was all over she was feeling somewhat embarrassed. She quickly put on my t-shirt, under pants, jacket, socks, and trousers. Finally she was tying my shoes. By that time, I had her green bra and panties on as well as her white socks with the lace frills and was just fastening the strap on her black shoes. I obediently stood while she lowered her dress over my head. She then tied her kerchief around my head hiding my short hair. I reached into her pocket at the side of the dress and pulled out a handful of Kleenex. She insisted that this be used to fill the training bra and before I knew it she had zipped up her dress again, giving me a female figure. I was physically and mentally locked into the outfit.

Patty now used my cap to hide her shoulder length hair. Finally, she wipes off the pail pink lipstick she was wearing. I stared at this young boy immediately thinking of her as my chum, Patrick.

Patrick instructed me to purse my lips while he put lipstick on me. He then stepped back and with a voice of awe announced, "Shit Bob, you are a lot more beautiful than I am, you really should have been born a girl. I think I shall call you Roberta." The voice was decidedly lower than before and had the unmistakable tones of a teenage boy. There was no hint of femininity about the look and body language of the person who stood before me.

I was speechless. All I could do was stare at the lower part of my anatomy. My feet encased in two shiney black leather patent shoes and white socks with lace on the top. But what really did it for me was seeing two young girl legs emerging from the dress. A giggle escaped me, a very female giggle, and with a shock I exclaimed "Did that come from me?" But it wasn't my voice that said it. It was the beautiful soft tones of a girl.

"Bobbie, what has happened to us?" said Patrick, and instinctively we both felt our crotch to see if the double transformation had been complete. We then both sank to the ground and stared at each other. My legs folded under me in a classic female pose to preserve modesty while Patrick dropped on his butt with both hands on his knees in gesture that was distinctly male. My hands crossed on top of each other in my lap with my fingernails pointing toward him. A position I had unconsciously seen dozens of girls do since I became aware they existed.

We were both very frightened. Patrick handled it by becoming aggressive. "I can't believe I feel" he remarked as he slammed a fist into the palm of his other hand. I, on the other hand, felt like my masculinity had been completely sucked from my body and there was no way I could stop the flow of tears that started to stream down my face. The next thing I knew, Patrick was holding me in his arms telling me that everything was going to be all right. After about 10 minutes I looked up at his face and told him I was O.K. Then to my surprise, I raised my head up and gave him a long lingering kiss. The tenderness seeped back into his body and the kiss was returned. I wilted in his arms.

We parted. "What has happened to us?" I whispered in awe of the situation and the reversal of identities.

"I feel like someone has entered my spirit. I feel so masculine." Patrick added, "how will I ever be able to wear those stupid clothes and carry on as a girl?"

I kissed him again. "You are so strong, so masculine. Let me wear the stupid clothes and carry on as a girl."

The next thing I feel is his hand on my sex and before we know what is happening we are both having an orgasm. There was no way I could keep Patrick out of my panties and my moans only seem to spur him on. Meanwhile his hips are bucking uncontrollably and my fingers are gently caressing his crevice. There is so much wetness in his crotch area that I assumed he had ejaculated although I knew girls didn't do this.

We decide that we better switch back clothes before we have a baby. After the switch I feel totally uncomfortable in my old clothes. I don't like the texture, I don't like their style and I don't like the way they hang on my body. Patricia voices similar concerns.


I am sixteen and a half when the second phase of my conversion took place. At first, we both avoid each other as I think we are frightened of the demons we released and our total lack of control. On the other hand, I think about that fort experience every day since it happened. I also constantly dream all the time about dropping into a rabbit hole and emerging a young girl with long blond hair and a beautiful blue dress. (This no doubt came from my reading of Alice in Wonderland.) I yearn to wear Patricia's clothes and every so often the opportunity presents itself. My older sister is very skinny and petite. Try as I might it is impossible to get into her clothes so it is feast and famine, mostly famine with therapy sessions every couple of weeks at the fort.

However, it is not until that Saturday morning on Easter weekend that we have the opportunity to spend more than just a couple of hours in private and in comfort.

Patty phones me that morning and asks that I come over to her house. It seems her parents have left her alone for the weekend while they attend a bowling tournament in another state. She says that she thought constantly about our afternoons in the fort and would I be willing to play dress up at her house. She offers that not only could she dress me up in her most feminine clothes, she would make me beautiful. I said yes as a voice in my head kept repeating; do not go there, do not go there, do not go there... I am powerless to say no, the expectation has me so sexually aroused that it is impossible to keep from jacking off before I leave the house. For a brief moment reason returns to me but the lure is too much.

Patty answers the door wearing the most delicate pink dress and looking very beautiful. Her shoulder length blond curls have been freshly styled and her makeup is unblemished. At the bottom of her nylon clad legs were a pair of open toe three-inch heels. With a coy smile she says. "I thought you would never get here, I had to practice on myself. Do you like it?" And she twirls around a few times letting her crinoline fan out. When our eyes meet, we are instantly transformed in such a charged state that I think we are going to climax on her front porch. In only a matter of minutes we are both naked and squirming all over the living room carpet. As I am concentrating on how I am going to get her to have sex with me, she had already mounted my erect member and is in the middle of a horrendous orgasm. I would object but my mouth is full of her tongue and I am preoccupied groping toward her newly developed breasts. I don't know how else to describe that encounter except that Patty raped me. I enjoyed every lingering second of it.

It was far beyond either of us to control ourselves. After our encounter, I lay with my legs spread apart and gently caress Patty's back, butt and the sides of our breasts. She in the mean time is gently kissing my neck and nibbling my ear lobe while our member was shrinking in our vagina. Our relations had reached a new plateau in the last 10 minutes and I don't think anything could have changed our behavior.

Shortly after our first fort experience she convinced her mother to put her on birth control pills. Although we had intercourse several times we had never reached in the intensity that we both just experienced.

As I gaze into her blue eyes, she smiles and gives me a kiss, and says. "I'm in love with you my darling girlfriend. Ever since that first afternoon in the fort I can only think of you as my girlfriend and me as your boyfriend. I can't explain it ..."

I put my hand to her lips. "There is no need to go any further because I feel the same way. I want to be a woman, to wear pretty things, and look beautiful for you."

"Well we better get started, lets pick up our clothes. We have as long as we need to make you beautiful." With that she scoops up our clothes and leads me up to her parent's master bathroom and draws a bath. As the bath is running she sits me down in front of the vanity and with some tweezers she trims my eyebrows. She then seats me in the tub and proceeds to remove all the hair on my legs and arms. I sit up on my knees while she shapes a female pussy from my newly grown crotch and in a dreamy world I soon lean back into the hot water.. I have never had a bubble bath in my life. I am totally absorbed in the smells and silky feel of the hot water on my smooth body.

What could have been a few moments or a few hours later I am jolted into the world "I have something for you. A few months ago I bought this jar of bust development crme from one of my school friends. I thought maybe I would feel better about myself if I had bigger breasts. I have never used it and have saved it for you." With that she takes an ample amount in her hands and rubs my nipples. She then reaches for her birth control pills that are sitting on the bathroom vanity. Taking out a pill, she puts it in her mouth and kneeling over me drops it into my mouth. We play hockey with the pill and our two tongues but it doesn't take long before the pill is down my throat. I normally would have thought twice about doing this, but I was distracted by her rubbing crme into my breasts and the silkiness of my smooth thighs rubbing together.

I am then pulled from the bath and patted dry with one of the big towels by the side of the tub. The next thing I am in a cloud of dusting powder. Soon, we are sitting naked across from each other on her parent's bed and she is putting her red lipstick on me.

She looks down at her legs and blushes. (She gave up shaving her body more than two months ago.) I told her it was O.K. because I said I removed enough body hair for the both of us. Before we know what was happening I have brought her to a shuddering climax with tell-tale girl juices everywhere while she is desperately trying to point my pulsating manhood in a non lethal direction.

We then go back to Patty's room where I dress him. By the time Patrick had all my clothes on you would really have to long hard look to figure out he was a girl. When he gets a good look at his reflection in his bedroom mirror his mouth drops open in amazement. There can be no dispute; a young startled man was looking back at him. When he puts on my sunglasses he looks positively macho.

We then proceed to get me dressed. He starts by painting all my nails a very soft pink. He then puts the garter belt on me and rolls the stockings up my smooth legs so that he can clasp them at the front and back of each thigh. We manage to get my balls and penis up into my body and they are held in place by a sanitary pad that in turn is held tightly by pink lace panties. I next put on Patricia's crinoline and the pink pumps. From the waist down I look totally feminine. I do a couple of pirouettes in front of the mirror for effect.

He then fastens the lacy bra in the back. "Your nipples are inflated. I can't wait to see your breasts once the crme does its work." Each bra cup is lined with two silken pads that have given Patricia that young girl look. I now have that look. Finally, the beautiful frilly pink dress is lowered over my head and zipped up the back as I swoon in a moment of ecstasy.

I look in the mirror and a small shudder goes through my body. Patrick then goes to his bedside table. He pulls out a shoulder length blond wig. "My mother had to wear this wig several years ago when she was receiving medical treatment. Her hair was much longer then, the wig will probably come down to the middle of your back. It has sat in our attic trunk for years. She probably doesn't even remember keeping it. Let's see you in it."

It takes Patrick only a few minutes to reapply my makeup. My skin being naturally smooth only needs blush and eye shadow. Patrick shapes my eyebrows a little more as I plead to be careful and not get carried away. Finally, the light pink lipstick is applied and I stand back while Patrick looks at me.

"If I looked as beautiful as you, I would never dress up like a boy no matter how much I hated being a girl." His voice is filled both with awe and sadness.

I stare into the mirror for a very long time. I cannot believe that I am this person. I am, by far, as glamorous as any girl in my school, and I am only in grade 10. No one would ever be able to recognize me as a male let alone as my mother's son. After I put on fresh lipstick we look at each other. We are now lovers and know that we would continue our bizarre game for the rest of the weekend, if not our lives.

Finally, we spend a long time gluing long fingernails on me and after several coats of polish my hands look definitely feminine. The one weak point in Patrick's image is his fingernails. They are quite short but still looked feminine. We agree I will do all the paying; the shaping of my nails and the expert nail polish job has transformed my fingernails into feminine masterpieces.

The next two hours are spent playing at dress up. I am coaxed to go to the mailbox by the sidewalk and my heart pounds furiously as I slowly edge down the steps and walk down the walkway. I fully expect my mother to emerge from the house across the street and pull me home by my ear. Patrick has to go out as well. He goes to the back of the garage to put some trash in the garbage can.

The day goes quickly. He tries different dresses on me and does my hair in different styles. After it gets dark, we go for a walk around the block. We have to avoid several people by crossing the street a few times but we finally make it back to his house without meeting anyone.

As my curfew approaches, 10 pm, I reluctantly get out of the dress and shoes. Patty takes off my outer clothes. She removes my makeup and starts to take the nail polish off of my long artificial nails. I am so sad. Suddenly she jumps up. "Why don't you wear my underclothes and the long nails home, and then sneak out very early leaving a note that you have gone on a bike ride. Can you get to your room without anyone seeing you? Would you like to take my nighty?"

I am so excited by the prospect that I throw all caution aside and eagerly nod yes.

When I get home, my dad is sitting in the living room watching some dumb football game. My sister and mom have already gone to bed. So I walk past the back of his chair with my hands folded across my chest hiding both my long nails and my padded breasts. "Goodnight dad. I am going to go on a bike ride tomorrow so I may be gone by the time anyone gets up."

He turns around to look at me and I swivel to face him. "Hey son, are you cold? I can see you shaking from here."

"Nah, just a chill from being outside. It will go away once I get to bed." I yawn and tell him I will see him tomorrow.

I start to shudder as he gets up. "I'm going to get you an aspirin, don't want your mother on my case that I neglect her children." He says and walks into the kitchen. I am totally panic stricken, if I take anything from him he can't help but notice my fingernails. Also in the well-lit kitchen he probably would spot the outline of my bra straps under my t-shirt.

I am ready to make a fast retreat to my bedroom when my sister, the nurse, clears her throat right behind me in the dark hall. I am dead in the water. Her hand goes up to my forehead that is wet with perspiration. "Well, you are certainly wet but I don't detect any fever. Did you run home?"

I would have given my sister a hug for saving the day but she would have felt my bra for sure through her silk nighty. Before I can respond she carries on down the dark hall, "Take two aspirins and see me in the morning if you don't feel well."

My dad, in the meantime, whisks by me with a sandwich on a plate as he becomes absorbed in a two down and goal to go situation. "The aspirins and a glass of juice is on the counter, take them before retiring." He says in his best military voice.

I managed to dart into the kitchen, down two aspirins and the juice with my fingernails dangerously exposed. But the thrill of the moment gives me a raging erection. I put the glass in the sink like I have been trained and make it to my bedroom before my sister emerges from the bathroom.

I take off my outer clothes, put on the nighty and crawl under the covers and masturbate with my long nails. It is a good half an hour before I hear my dad stumble down the hall. "Five dollars down the drain. They should give those players to me for two weeks. I would toughen them up. All they needed was five lousy points..."

I am just relaxing my head on one side when I sit up with my eyes wide open. I had forgot to take my earrings off. Luckily, my hair was long enough to cover them but if my dad or sister had of seen me in the kitchen it would have been game over. My hands go up to cover my face and the long nails dance across my forehead. I start to feel tears in my eyes. How I yearn to be able to wear female underclothes and earrings and lipstick as well as have long elegant nails as normal things. I should go right into my sister's room now and tell her how I feel. I start to get up and have my nails on the door handle when I hear my mother move through the kitchen. I dive into bed, taking off my earrings and have the blankets all wrapped tight to hide my nighty. I make like I am fast asleep when my door opens and she creeps in. She feels my forehead and satisfied I do not have a fever, heads back out and quietly closes the door.

Will the close calls never end? My body has a shudder and the next thing I know dawn is breaking outside and there is a pair of robins squabbling outside my window. Probably talking about their teenager who is a cross dresser.

I quickly slip my outer clothes and shoes on --carefully choosing an outfit befitting Patrick as we go on our bike ride.

No one is up as I cautiously glance around the corner of the kitchen. I get to the outer door when I realize the earrings are still in my bed. So I once more cautiously cross the kitchen and am in my room. I put the earrings in my pocket and carelessly open the door and look directly into my sister's eyes as she turns to see me. I am treated with a rare sight of her hard nipples jutting out from her silk pajamas. My hands form into clenches instinctively to hide the long nails.

"Morning sis. All better. Going on a bike ride. Want to come?"

I catch her completely unawares. She self-consciously puts her hands over her chest and disappears into the bathroom.

An hour later Patrick and I are winding our way along the bike path out of the city. This is the last time I see Patrick with long hair, as he gets it cut the very next day. We manage to arrange it under my cap so it looks like he has a boyish cut. He has on the macho sunglasses and wearing my clothes while he is engaged in all types of boyish juvenile behavior on my bike.

I, on the other hand, have on a bright red blouse that has more than a hint of my black bra showing through. I don't know how we got them done up but I am wearing a pair of really tight gray shorts over matching black panties. My crotch is smooth as my male member and balls are squished up into body cavities. On my feet are pink bobby socks and her sneakers (red and gray of course.) My eyebrows have been shaped with black mascara and my eyelashes extended. My eyebrows show a touch of pink and my lips are Chinese red. And of course, I am wearing the long blond wig. My mother would not recognize me if I bumped into her. The highlight of the ride is when one nice young couple took a picture of us standing by our bikes, holding hands. They have a Polaroid and let us keep the picture. The wind is gently blowing through my hair and bare legs. My radiant feeling comes out in the picture. Patrick's macho looks do as well.

The ride is fun. I get plenty of practice speaking to strangers and we stop several times for something to eat or drink and shop. Day's end finds me looking in the mirror in Patricia's parent's bedroom. My long red nails point to the mirror as my hands circle my waist. I know I have to become a woman. Patrick sneaks up behind me and gives me a peck on the neck. This is the best he has ever felt in his life. He never wants it to end.

Evolving The next phase occurs exactly eight weeks later. I have been on birth control pills now for two complete cycles and have faithfully apply the breast cream each day. I can no longer wear a t-shirt as my nipples are quite prominent, especially when I face into a breeze. If I squeeze my breast together I can get a good handful of flesh in each hand. My waist has shrunk from a natural 30 inches to 27 inches. My hips are 34 inches even though I am positively skinny elsewhere. Patrick can't keep his hands off of me. We had gone to movies occasionally. We play `who can bring the other to a climax first' when there are no other people around us. As one of us was having an orgasm the other will have a finger up to his mouth and whisper. Shh! Shh!"

It is Memorial Day weekend. With the usual phone call from Patricia, I rushed across the street. As usual, we embrace on her porch and start our day with a long sensuous kiss. By three that afternoon we are both bored. We are dressed to go out. We had only appeared in public once cross-dressed and I am a basket case.

This time, I was wearing a simple peach colored dress that hugs my waist and flares at the hips. I have on white pumps with an elegant three and a half-inch heel. But the one single outstanding feature of the entire outfit is the bust line. I am wearing one of Patricia's mom's special bras. This is a thrill as she is a very good-looking woman. It has a low cut in the front that shows a lot of my breasts. We have to pad the sides to fill in the bra but the results are erotic. I decide to wear Patricia's simple pearl necklace to contrast my exposed breasts with a symbol of innocence. The dress is a bit tight around the waist and so we borrow her mother's corset and managed to get my waist down to 24 inches. We scrutinize each other at length and can't find a single thing that will give our identities away.

By three o'clock we have talked ourselves into taking a bus to the mall. The problem is that we could not go to the bus stop down at the end of our block as my mother might recognize my clothes on Patrick and mistakenly call him over. We decide, as my house is a good hundred and fifty feet up the street from Patty's house that we will walk in the opposite direction. The bus stop is a quarter of a mile away in this direction but there is little danger we'll be found out. Of course, we will have to walk past my chum's house in that direction. Patrick has me walk in the very high heels around the living room and after a few pointers I am able to perform the graceful sway of my hips as that I had achieved with the lower heeled shoes. I am told to smile a lot and throw my shoulders back to maximize my cleavage. We take one last look at ourselves in the mirror and hand in hand walk into the world.

But it still takes us a good while to move at ease. You never saw two people move with such stealth as we approach the front gate. We then walk very rapidly the first hundred feet or so of sidewalk. I finally stop and turn to Patrick. We are both so up tight that we are shaking. I take his hand, tell him I love him, and give him a passionate kiss. He settles down enough to figure out that we need to talk about something as we stroll along. We decide we will talk about movies and that does the trick, we look like any other young couple out on a date.

When we reach my chum, John busy at the front of his garage fixing his bike. We will pass within ten feet of him. I glance in his direction and see that he is mesmerized with my breasts. Patrick then mentioned a particularly funny part of a movie, and I start to laugh, bringing my hand shyly up to my face so that John has a good look at my pretty pink nails. I look directly at John but he is not looking at my eyes. "Hi", I say in the most feminine voice I can muster. He looks up at me, blushes and sheepishly returns the greeting. There can be doubt in our minds what John was thinking and I felt my nipples become so erect, they hurt. He shows no sign of recognition, just lust. The rest of the walk is much more enjoyable.

Fear hit us again when the bus stops to pick us up. I smile as my eyes meet the bus driver's eyes and I can see he is completely taking in my breasts. The several occupants ignore us as we take our seat. A couple of stops later two of Patty's girl friends, Veronica and Carol, get on the bus. They were two very pretty girls in our school. As they got on I told Patrick to talk to me about what kind of car he would want and look at me so that they did not see the full view of his face. "Also, don't even think of removing your sun glasses."

I had a perpetual smile on my face as my eyes focused on the two girls. We made eye contact and although we knew each other from school there is only the sign of envy in their eyes, no recognition. They take a seat right behind us and immediately started to talk about various boys we all know, including me. We listen as they compare various features and imagined features of the boys.

Finally, Carol says "But none can compare to Bobby Wagner, can they Veronica."

Veronica cuts the conversation off. "I don't want to talk about it." Before Patrick and I can digest this we are at the mall. Patrick turned around to head to the back of the bus and makes eye contact briefly with Veronica. I am on his other side and quickly ask him if brought the receipt, the only thing that occurs to me to say. He turns to me and says "I have it in my wallet, Roberta" with enough male gusto that the she dismisses some nagging thought that she knows this young man.

We decide to go shopping before checking out the movie. The hope was to calm our nerves about the encounter on the bus and try to avoid running across Veronica and Carol. About an hour later we are feeling quite confident and as we pass a jewelry store, I drag Patrick in to browse. He immediately teases me by making a big fuss about some pierced earrings. I looked at the selection and saw the most beautiful set of drop zircon earrings. She hands me one and I raised it up to my ear to compare it. As I looked in the mirror, I spotted Veronica looking at me from behind. I quickly averted my eyes to the clerk and enquired how much they are. Veronica said, "Oh, you should buy them. They suit you perfectly." The clerk tells me I can have my ear's pierced right there.

I had to look at her. I turned, looked her in the eye, and smiled. "Do you really think they suit me?" I enquired to which she responds, "Like they were made for you. Your name is Roberta, isn't it? We were on the same bus. My name is Veronica."

Not being aware of the pending disaster, Patrick says that I should get them and asks if they have the set in clip on style knowing that I definitely do not want my ears to be pierced at this time.

The clerk replied that that style would not work as a clip on.

Found Out

Patrick whispers in my ear, "Bobbie, I am feeling uncomfortable with Carol and Veronica so close, we should go."

I tell the clerk no and we all go outside. We talk with Veronica and Carol for a few minutes and find we are going to go to the same movie so we walk in that direction. We desperately want to leave them but they just seem to be getting closer and closer.

Finally we are all sitting together and I let out a sigh of frustration. On one side of me is Patrick and the other side of me is Veronica. Carol is sitting on the other side of Veronica. Without even thinking about it Patrick removes his sunglasses, turns to me to say something. What he sees instead is Veronica looking at him not more than fifteen inches away.

Time stopped as I heard Veronica gasps. "Patricia! Patrick, oh my god." Then, after an indeterminably long time, she looks at me and says. "But who are you? It can't be-you must be Bob Wagner." I can't help but look at her. My mouth has goon dry and my heart is beating so fast that I fear it will jump out of my body.

Meanwhile Carol has jumps up from her seat and is staring at the two of us. "It is true, but Roberta is definitely a female. She must be masqueraded as a male at school. Oh Veronica, You are in love with a female after all. You shun my advances because you prefer boys to girls and here you are head over heels for a girl. This is a classic."

"You are in love with me!!" I say in my Robert voice while looking at Veronica.

Veronica is sheepish. "Yes. I have a crush on you. Carol and I will wander past your house from time to time although I have never had the courage to knock on your door. Well, this morning we were about to walk past your house when you burst out the door and run across the street. We dove for cover behind your neighbor's bushes. But we were close enough to see Patricia answer the door and give you one very passionate kiss. I was devastated. Patricia is your girlfriend. I cried all the way to Carol's house."

"We try to do several things but Veronica is really upset," Carol continues," So we decide to go to the mall and maybe take in an early movie."

"It all didn't come together for me until I just saw Patty. I had just recognized the jacket you wore this morning Bob, Roberta, and concluded you had to be Robert even though it was impossible with that cleavage, figure, makeup and hair. I would never in a million years recognize you."

The movie is about to start and we are forced to continue in whispers. After about 10 minutes we agree that none of us are watching the movie.

Twenty minutes later we are all sitting at a table having cherry colas. Carol looks at Veronica and I, and says, "I hate to say this Veronica, but Bobbie is the best looking girl at the table. What is more, Patrick is a real hunk. This is unbelievable. How did you guys do this?" On queue Patrick put on his sunglasses and takes on a macho male expression. Carol and Veronica are full of questions and in short order are convinced that I really am more female than male. I, of course, am desperately afraid that they will let my identity slip. Patrick finally comes up with the solution. "We should all return to his place and have a slumber party. During that time we will all have some fun and pictures will be taken. If any of us steps out of line, the pictures of the offending girlfriend will be spread over the school." It is quite obvious that both Carol and Veronica are hot fantasizing Patrick and I undressing. Me, because they still can't believe I am a male, and Patrick because he is such a hunk. As for me, the thought of seeing the three girls nude is arousing. As I look at Patrick, he is flushed with the same thought. As for Carol and Veronica, for some reason they are all for it.

Both Veronica and Carol phone home to tell their folks that they are going to stay over at Patricia's house, as she is home alone.

Finally, I phone home and tell mom I want was going to stay over at a friend's house, but I am not sure which one. She ends with telling me to be sure to behave himself, more concerned that I will be making a pest of myself than where I will be staying.


It is a little after seven when we arrived at the house. The four of us are getting very excited about the planned sleepover and Carol and Veronica are unmistakably aroused. Patrick retrieves her camera from her room. "Flash!" Three startled girls look Patrick's way. They decide a lesbian pose is in order. Veronica puts her arm around Roberta's waist and is French kissing her while they are both tottering on their heels. Carol is to the side squeezing Veronica's nipple. "Flash!" Roberta is behind Carol and finds herself being turned on by her perfume as she kisses her behind the ear. They end in a long lingering kiss after Carol unexpectedly turns to face her. "Flash!" Roberta takes the camera while Patrick cups Carol's rather substantial breasts. He immediately finds two erect nipples to play with. He continues to plant small kisses on Carol's neckline and Carol responds with heavy breathing and moans. Carol's long blond hair is released from its hairclips and it tumbles down to her waist. Patrick is totally immersed in it before long, its fresh lavender scent sending spasms down his torso. "Flash!" In the midst of everything Carol's dress falls on the floor and her slip is being pulled over her head. Patrick is now kissing her on the mouth while she is pumping her bare hips into him fully absorbed in his masculinity. "Flash!" Moments later, Carol's last piece of clothing, her bra, drops to the floor and Patrick is using every female awareness she can muster to drive Carol over the brink. Carol is now pawing Patrick and the jacket, t-shirt, pants, and shorts are stripped off his body. "Flash!" He falls to the floor and removes his shoes and socks. He comes up between Carol's thighs. "Flash!" Patricia has now gone over the edge and pulls Carol down onto the carpet where they can do work on each other's pussy. "Flash!"

The sequence has been so erotic that Veronica has been masturbating and a high wail fills the room as she approaches her climax. "Flash!" Now all inhibitions disappear and loosing control, sheds her clothes. She lies beside Patricia who is in an erotic frenzy. "Flash!" She gently glides her hands over Carol's body bringing her to a climax. "Flash!" Patricia immediately follows with a high whine that ends in a series of convulsions. "Flash!" Veronica will not let up though and she starts again with a very passionate kiss on Patricia's neck and works her way down her body. Patricia and Veronica are now hugging and gently kissing each other while Carol concentrates on their pussies. "Flash!" She teases them for several minutes and they both hovered at the edge. Finally she bring them both to an orgasm simultaneously and they spasm in unison while kissing and caressing each other's breasts. "Flash!" After about five minutes they stop quivering and know they are finished for the moment.

But Veronica turns to me with a look of pure lust. Patrick takes the camera back. I can't believe that I had never had a clue what Veronica feels for me. Now I am about to have sex with her and I am the total focus of this very sexy chick. She smiles and tells me that she has dreamed of this moment since the first time she saw me. She slides down on top of me with our breasts touching and gently kisses me. "Flash!" My member comes to life as she wiggles it between her thighs and immediately inserts it into her sex. I am getting very excited as she loosens and tightens her muscles. This excites me more. I am starting to breath heavy but my corset is making me take short quick breaths. She leans forward so I can't pump my lower body and begins to rub her clitoris on my torso. "Flash!" She is really turned on and her long hair falls in a tent around my head. Her muscles keep clenching my member and I just get hotter and hotter with no way to relieve myself. My hands are gently rubbing her back, her bum and the backs of her thighs and any other portion of her anatomy that I can reach. Now I feel more hands on my arms and legs and am reminded that I am still wearing a garter belt and nylons. Fingers caress the backs of my legs at the tops of my nylons and the stimulation is too much. They go up my inner thighs and are gently messaging my balls. I can't take it. "Please, please let me climax" I plead. I then feel fingers gently rub Veronicas clitoris and she lifts her body sufficient for me to pump two or three inches while the messaging continues. "Flash!" Veronica then moves over to my ear and between gasps whispers "Oh, Bobbie, please don't make me a baby" and I helplessly ejaculate on queue. It is made all the more intense by my futile efforts to stop and the realization of why she was trying to stop me from moving my member in the last twenty minutes. Also, Carol is trying desperately to separate us having just heard Veronica's remark. "Flash!" The realization that this is recorded on film sends her into a series of spasms and primal grunts. The muscles in her stomach tighten as she sucks my juices into her womb and my spurts finally come to an end as my member is about to leaves her pussy. "Flash!" We all watch helplessly as the moment of conception is at hand.

Patricia who has been manning the camera is most sober. "Are you serious, Veronica? You are not on the pill?"

Veronica is ashen. "I am so sorry. I so wanted to fuck you Bobbie. I thought I could keep you from climaxing by not moving my body. I hadn't counted on Carol fingering me until I became uncontrollable." And she starts to cry.

We are all very sober now. Carol and Veronica disappear into the bathroom while Patricia and I stare at each other. We slowly get dressed and realize it is as Roberta and Patrick we dress. From this day forward there will be no Robert and Patricia. I am convinced that I really do not want to be the male -- it only gets me into trouble and Patrick realized that he is really turned on making love to a female.

I don't know what Carol says to Veronica but it is quite obvious that Carol is very much in love. So for the rest of the evening the four of us pair up as we first met. I think Carol had convinced Veronica she is not pregnant because she is quite happy the rest of the evening. We make dinner, play monopoly and watch videos like four girls. The orgy that has taken place early in the evening is treated as if it never happened. Soon it is really late and Carol asks Patricia if she and Veronica can sleep together in the master bedroom. They are not there 10 minutes when the unmistakable sounds of female orgasms are heard from the room.

Patrick and I stare at each other. "Patrick, please fuck me. I am so turned on by all this. All I can think of is to have an orgasm."

Patrick doesn't even blink. Within thirty seconds we are in Patricia's bed both thrusting our hips together while exploring each other in every possible way. There is absolutely no control in either of us. All too soon we both erupt into a high pitch squeal as our bodies spasm in unison. For the next five minutes we remain in each other's arms. I am slowly shrinking and Patrick uncontrollably jerks with each touch to his clitoris. We both drift off to sleep before I can completely withdraw.

A few days later we are all huddled at the mall looking over the developed pictures. Both Patricia and I are dressed in our own clothes and are quite aroused by the pictures of us in each other's clothes. Each of the four of us is given a set of pictures and we all watch as the negatives are destroyed. I am only in two of the pictures - no way could anyone tell that it was Robert, or for that matter a male, was involved. The best ones are of Carol having an orgasm while a quite identifiable Veronica is head in crotch. The one with Veronica on top of a girl with long blond hair in her corset are quite erotic. Both have wide-open mouths and while screwing each other with is obviously a double dildo. Patricia also has some compromising shots with two girls bringing her off.

Fall Out

The next phase of evolution, occurs at the end of July just over 10 weeks from our Memorial Day orgy. Up to that time no incidents occurred. However, my dad has received orders to report to Germany on the 1st of August.

Veronica is definitely pregnant; she just missed her third period. She hasn't made up her mind what she is going to do with the baby. She told her mother (her father would have killed her) that she passed out at a Memorial Day party she attended and vaguely having sex. She had no idea who the father could be and it is not all that sure that she hadn't given her consent. As a matter of fact she wants very little to do with me ever since that day. I continue to try to make friends with her but she is just not interested. Patricia tells me if she can't have me as a boyfriend, then she wants nothing to do with me.

Carol, on the other hand, has become a good friend. We got her into Veronica's pants and she had reached a conclusion. On the July 4th weekend she told us that she knows for certain now she is a lesbian. But just to be sure, she asks Patricia and I if we could have sex. She tells me she has is wearing a diaphragm so she will not get pregnant. Patricia arranged for the three of us to be alone one evening and Carol has the distinction of bringing me to my last full ejaculation in my life. In retaliation Patricia and I do a series of numbers on her to give her a night to remember.

At this point I am about to finished my fourth cycle of estrogen tablets. Patty was able to get a duplicate supply of them by claiming she lost her six-month supply when she left her purse in the school locker. I had faithfully been applying the breast crme every day. My nipples now look completely female. When stimulated, they are about half an inch long and a quarter of an inch wide. I am now a full B-cup and bandage my chest when not wearing a bra. Even so I have to wear a shirt or jacket to avoid detection. Thoughts were starting to appear from time to time of how I was going to undo all this in time for school.

I wear my hair in a fashion that can be made to look masculine or feminine. This was easy; I went to Patricia's beauty saloon and told them I wanted the identical cut to her.

My nails are on the long side for a boy but don't seem to draw any attention from my folks or friends.

My complexion continues to be flawless. I have not allowed my eyebrows to be reshaped since my mother asked if I was plucking my eyebrows. I told her it was a nervous habit that I developed and immediately gave her a demonstration of how I did it. I managed to remove one eyebrow hair but it wasn't elegant. She told me to stop it or someone was going to think I was a girl. I gave her my best female expression complete with a fluttering of eyes. As her back was to me I thought I was safe, but she was looking at my reflection in the toaster and spun around mid flutter. "Robert!! Where did you learn to do that? For a moment I thought I was looking at a girl."

The seed had been planted in my mother's mind. I was particularly attentive to making sure I did not appear feminine in front of my family.

I was at the crisis point. I needed to reverse some of the feminine things that were going on in my body. My measurements were now a natural 35-25-35. There were so many things I could not do without risking detection that I spent most of my time watching TV. If I accidentally bent over, someone would see my female butt. If I wore only a t-shirt, my breasts would be prominent. If wore swimming trunks or shorts my smooth legs and small waist would reveal my sexy body. I had started to cry at nights as I was torn in two about what everyone was expecting of me and what I really wanted to do.

Two days before leaving, Patricia and I met at my house. It was obvious to us both that the end had come. She would have to return to being a normal girl and I would need to become a normal boy. I returned all the clothes she had lent me -- that was really hard. I told her she could keep the ones I lent her and gave her my favorite jacket and cap. The breast cream had run out a couple of days before and I decided I would finish out the pill cycle on August 3rd. I just couldn't part with my magnificent breasts yet.

My sister was home while we were there so we couldn't have sex. What the hell, I couldn't even get a partial erection since the July 4th fling with Carol. We were both in tears and after telling me she would never forget me rushed out of our house sobbing uncontrollably. My sister came into the room with tears streaming down my face. She pulled me into her. I was very lucky I did not have female clothes on because she was rubbing my back and telling me that we should try to remain friends over the miles. It was not fair for Patty to wait till I was able to come back. It just didn't make sense. The best thing would be to go our separate ways.


Punctually, on August 1st we were sitting in the parlor of our new home just outside Berlin. When I boarded the plane, I threw the rest of the pills into the trash. There was to be a fresh start and I was mentally up to the task. I knew I had to gain weight so I went on an eating spree. As with all our moves, Dad was immediately preoccupied with his new job while mom was devoting all her time to making a new home. My sister had gone down to the local American military hospital and was immediately offered a position.

We had only been in Berlin three days when my world fell apart. When I woke up I was not feeling very good. I had a stomachache and my chest was hurting something awful. My sister was home and in spite of my objections this time took my temperature. It registered 102, not very high but when it didn't go down after she gave me some medication she became concerned.

Over my loud protests she corals me into her car and is on the way to the hospital she just joined. I try to fight as we go up the steps to the clinic but in my weaken condition am no match for my feisty sister.

After a lot of paperwork, the doctor, who is female, takes my temperature. It is now 103. She listens to my heart and lungs with her stethoscope, somehow miraculously missing my breasts, and can find nothing out of order. Finally she has me lie down on the examination bench and feels around my stomach.

There are a few spots on my lower stomach that I involuntarily gasp when she touches. She then puts the stethoscope directly on my breast and I see her eyebrows move up as she finds something unexpected there.

I can't help it but I start to cry. The doctor asks my sister to leave as she would like to do some further examination on me and I will have to strip. She said Bobby would be too embarrassed to strip in front of me. My sister leaves and the doctor comes back and sits next to me.

"You have breasts and you have a womb she announces. In spite of everything to the contrary, you are a woman. Tell me about when you first noticed your breasts."

The doctor is really nice. I give her the full story between crying spells while she is examining me.

"Did the crme and birth control pills turn me into a girl?" I finally blurt out.

"Not entirely." She answers. "If you had not taken them your male organ's may have dominated and your female organs atrophied. But the opposite has occurred. Who knows."

By this time I am fully crying and she holds my hand. Finally she says. "It is nothing you should feel scared about, there is still a possibility you can be whatever sex you want." I am trapped but also relieved that my secret is finally out. Soon I am fully naked. She holds my shorts up to me and I see a small blood smear. "Is this your first period?" She asks and I blank out.

When I come to, I am lying in a hospital bed and my sister is looking at me. My feet are in stirrups and the doctor is probing something between my balls and my bum. I feel liquid draining out of me as my sister is saying "Take it easy, Bob, the doctor is removing the blood you discharged from your period. You are going to be alright." I look down toward my feet and realize that there can be no question but there are breasts under the bed sheet. The doctor is now squirting something into me and I feel it within my body. It feels wonderful. I look up at my sister and say. "I prefer Roberta."

She smiles and gives me a kiss on the forehead, "Of course you do, Roberta."

Seven Years Later.

"Hello, is Carol at home?"

"Yes." Says the lady on the other end of the line. "Who may I say is calling?"

"Tell her it is Roberta."

After a few minutes, Carol is on the line, obviously excited. "Roberta is this really you? You are still a female? I bet you are gorgeous."

"Yes, Carol, and Yes. As for being gorgeous, I guess it was good enough to have me crowned Miss North Carolina."

"Oh my God!"

"Carol, I am going to be in your neck of the woods the week after next, and I desperately want to spend some time with you and Patricia and Veronica. I want to catch up on you all and tell you everything that has happened to me since I left for Germany."

"Oh Roberta, you have to come. You are the father of a six-year-old called Roberta. She looks just like the Roberta I knew. Veronica has married too your old chum, John, who is a wonderful man. John just adores the two of them. And "Patricia" will definitely want to see you; you are her constant topic of conversation-even now. As for me, you talked to the love of my life, Pam who also is very anxious to meet the legendary Roberta. I am not going to say more, you are going to half to come and see for yourself."

When she hangs up the phone she begins to weep. She had not had the courage to ask about Patricia. She had to admit, she was still head over heals in love with Patrick. Each boy she had dated since she left the hospital had been subconsciously compared to her Patrick and rejected as inadequate. But it sounds like Patricia is still Patricia.

Meeting My hands were shaking as I pressed the doorbell. After a few minutes a beautiful petite oriental girl answered the door wearing a green silk dress with a dragon design on the lower half. "Roberta, I am Pam. Carol was ready to answer the door and decided if she did so she would pee her panties. She will be here shortly. Good lord, you can't tell me you are the father of little Roberta-you are absolutely stunning"

I would hope so. I had spent most of the day preparing for this meeting. I had my hair and nails done. And I wore what I termed my seduction dress showing off one of my best features, perfect cleavage from substantial breasts.

When Carol comes into the room both our mouths drop open. Carol has developed a very classy executive image. She still has her long blond hair but it now is tucked in a most becoming style, diamond stud earrings and flawless face.

"Close your mouth, Roberta, it cost me close to $40,000 to have this look. But I am just green with envy at your natural beauty. There is no way you could ever have been a man."

The two girls run to each other and embrace as only old school friends can. After a few minutes they are settled down and having a wine cooler.

"To respond to your statement, I was born both a genetic male and genetic female. I later found out the pills and crme that Patricia gave me made my choice academic. Four days after I left here I was receiving my first douche in a military hospital. But I have never regretted the choice I made. In fact, I tremble when I think that I may have been stuck in a male body for my entire life. My dad's last assignment was in Fort Bening North Carolina. I attended Duke University and last spring graduated with a law degree. In between time my sorority sisters asked me to enter the university beauty pageant. Before I knew what was happening I was named Miss North Carolina."

It was Carol's chance to bring Roberta up to date. "It became obvious after that memorable July 4th weekend that I was a lesbian. I thought I could persuade Veronica to be my lover but although she would go through the motions, even enjoy it, she was really a straight arrow. I think I have Patricia to thank for letting me know that I could be attractive to other women. And I have you to thank that men were not my cup of tea, even though we had great sex. I decided that I would forget about my sexual orientation and concentrate on developing a career. So after I graduated from college in journalism two years ago my father offered to underwrite a company. It should come as no surprise that I am now the editor of `Female Attraction.' It has made me rich. But I would give it all away, gladly, if Pam asked me to. I met Pam while in college and fell madly in love."

Pam interjects "and I have to say Roberta, I feel exactly the same about Carol. I was in my next to last year of my MBA when I was stricken with Carol. It turns out we are not only lovers but compliment each other perfectly in business."

The doorbell interrupted Pam as if by plan. I suggested that I answer it and the two girls giggled like teenagers and position themselves to get a good view.

There facing me is Veronica and a beautiful 6 year old. Instinctively Veronica and I fall into each other's arms and tears well up in both our eyes. Veronica's warmth just envelops me and I know she will become very close girlfriends. Roberta separates and says "I have waited a long time for this moment. I have wanted desperately to see you and our daughter." With that she kneels down and says to the young Roberta "I am very pleased to meet you Roberta. You are very beautiful. I want you to call me Roberta too."

The two Roberta's hug and young Roberta says. "My mommy tells me that she and you made me but you are too pretty to be a daddy."

"John is your daddy. But by magic you are my daughter too. But I would like you to think of me as your big sister."

Roberta goes to her handbag and pulls out the most beautiful doll. She hands it to Roberta and asks her what the dolls name should be. The little Roberta smiles, takes the doll and turns to her mommy. "Can I call my dolly, Roberta, mommy."

After a few minutes little Roberta asks Auntie Pam if she can take her doll up to their bedroom to watch the little TV.

Veronica starts the conversation. "Roberta, I can't tell you how sorry I am for treating you so miserably before you left for Germany. It played on my conscious for several years. First, I had no business seducing you and try to make you mine. Second, it was entirely my fault that I became pregnant. Third, I am sorry for any guilt I may have given you."

"Seeing how you turned out, I can think of no one I would rather have as the other parent of my daughter. Boy, would I be worried now if the union had of produced a Robert. I have a gift I have wanted to give you since she was born"

With that she pulls out a small package. In the package are four zircon drop earrings. "My first words to you, Roberta, were that these earrings were made for you and I wanted a pair as well." With that she sits beside Roberta and removes her earrings and puts the zircon drop earrings in place. She hands the other two to Roberta to put on her ears.

When this is finally done, Carol says. "I have a confession to make, Veronica. When you left them here for me to wrap, Patricia and I had the zircons replaced with real diamonds. I hope you don't mind but we were part of that scene too and felt we had a stake in the outcome."

All three ladies are in a huddle blubbering over what has just transpired. The doorbell rings again and Pam says "I guess I better answer that, it will take a while for you three to unwind yourselves from the looks of it. But before they can do that they hear a melodious male voice say "Ladies, is there room for another school chum in that huddle."

Roberta swings around and yells "Patrick!" He removes his symbolic sunglasses, and says with a smile "Is there any chance Miss North Carolina, the beauty queen, would consider marrying Mr. Goodwrench, the mechanic." Roberta is already in his arms, smothering his face with kisses and saying repeatedly. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes...!

A cheer goes up from the four ladies that brings little Roberta down the stairs. "Why is my sister kissing my boyfriend? " She demands.

Pam is the one to respond. "Because Mr. Fraser is going to be your step-father, or step-mother, or step brother, or step sister. I'm not sure which. You explain it auntie Carol"

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