Remains of Being Human

By Dane Javier

Published on Dec 13, 2001


Author's Notes: FYI, Nsync isn't really Nsync in this world because this story is an AU.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any form of slander that maybe come upon any of those mentioned in the story because it's all fiction. None of this is true.

The Remains of Being Human By Dane

Chapter 3:

Lance jumped into my bed at around 3AM and scared the living daylights out of me. "Jesus Lance! You Fucker! You almost gave me a coronary! What time is it?' This 'Dawson's Creek' habit of climbing into each other's window in the dead of night is annoying sometimes.

Lance smirked and pushed me out of my warm, nice bed, the Bastard! 'It's time for you to wake up so we can pick-up the rest of the gang so we can get on with our vacation. Now, where are your bags? I'll place them in my RAV4 while you get dressed and wash up. The tank's all full and, from what I can tell from this window, Chrissy is wide awake and raring to go.'

I sigh in slight despair. 'There in the front hallway. Let me just get a quick shower and say goodbye the parental units. I'll see you at Chrissy's place. Oh, and can you turn on the coffee machine in the kitchen for me. I need coffee.' He gave me one of his innocent-type smiles that makes me want to smack him upside in the head sometimes and bounded out of room.

Trying to shake the persistent cobwebs in my head, I made good time in the shower and decided to wear a bandana instead of actually spending a good hour trying to tame my wild curls into something remotely civilized. I dressed up in a pair of cut-off jeans and a button-down baby blue shirt. Then I crept into my parent's room and silently shook Lynn as I squatted to her face level. 'Mom, I'm gonna go already. I'm just going to grab a cup of coffee downstairs and grab a quick breakfast at Chrissy's place. Now, go back to sleep and I'll be on my way.' She gave me a weak, loving smile and gave me a kiss on my forehead as a sign that she understood what I said.

'Drive carefully, Justin. Remember to call me when you get there and every so often when you get the chance.'

'I will, mom. Just go back to bed, okay. Beautiful women need their beauty sleep.' I kissed her on the cheek before heading towards the door. I left her to snuggle against Paul and heard her mumble before nodding off, 'Such a charmer.' I grinned and closed the door of her room silently. The percolator was steaming with a fresh brew of coffee. Thank you, Lance. I poured a cup full and stirred in enough sugar into it to cause a sugar high in Halloween. All sweet and bitter at the same time. Wonderful! Gulping it down after it reached a reasonable temperature, I made sure that I didn't leave anything and made my way to the Aguilera's house across the street.

Outside, Lance's RAV4 was parked in the driveway and all the lights in the first floor were on. Even from where I was, I could smell breakfast being made. Chrissy's mom is a real trouper when it comes to feeding people; she used to be a cafeteria chef. Sometimes, you would find her cooking or baking at odd hours of the night when everybody has their head on their pillows. Chrissy herself sometimes follows this weird activity, if only to make some of her famous brownies. I got on to her front door and knocked a little, instead of the buzzer as to not wake up the rest of her family. Chrissy opened the door and gleefully pulled me in. Must be eating some of those brownies already, I think. Lance was sitting on the kitchen table, shoveling his face with eggs and hash browns. Mrs. Aguilera was over the stove stirring what looked like some sort of stew for breakfast later for the rest of the family.

'Good morning, Justin. I hope you had a good night's sleep,' greeted Mrs. Aguilera as she sprinkled some oregano into the pot. Even after seven children, she could still pass for Chrissy's older sister.

'I slept well, Mrs. A. I would have slept better if Lancey here didn't wake me up before my alarm.' Lance just smirked, the Shithead.

'Well, at least you don't have any early snags before all of you leaving. Now Christina, get a plate for your friend and dig in. Joey's in the den dozing off a bit. He decided to come here instead of you guys getting him. Poor boy, he didn't get any sleep at all. Tossing and turning. I hope you won't make him drive on your way to Key West, won't you. Let him sleep on the trip there. Poor thing.' Mrs. A is quite the worrier as you can tell, a picture of a doting, worried mother.

Chrissy gave me a plate full of food and sat herself down across from me. The four of us continued with our talk about nothing until Joey stumbled into the kitchen looking like a truck ran over him. Poor guy, what a time for Insomnia to kick in, as he said. Funny, I don't believe him. He wore a plain white t-shirt and well-worn dark blue denims with very scruffy sneakers. He refused the offer for breakfast, which made all of us raise an eyebrow. He never turned down a meal. Something was going on, and I intended to find out later.

Soon, Britney came, along with her mom driving, to the side of the road in front of the house. She quickly ran into the kitchen in her fitted cargo pants and white top. 'Hey Mrs. A! Hey guys! Hey Sugah!' she leaned in and gave me peek on the cheek. All three of our friends' mad kissy noises until I gave them the face, which just made them laugh. 'Chrissy, grab your bags. My mom is waiting outside for us.'

'We'll see you guys off,' said Lance as he and Joey got up to bring Chrissy's bags into the car. Britney looked at Joey and shot up an eyebrow as well. She took Lance's place beside me and whispered to me and Chrissy.

'Is Joey okay?'

'I don't know. He was fine earlier when he joined me at the café. I don't think he went to sleep after I dropped him home afterwards. Chrissy, can you fill me and Brit as to what happened to Joey when he arrived here?'

Chrissy mused for a second. 'Joey arrived here with Lance about 30 minutes ago. Lance said that Joey came over about hour before that. He couldn't sleep and he knew that Lance was awake already at that time so he came over to his place. He said the Joey was fine until they left his house and came here. Joey just asked if he could lie down for a while in the den. He looked worse for wear when he came out to join us.'

I grimaced and rubbed my fingers on my temples. Luckily Mrs. A went out with Joey and Lance to talk to Mrs. Spears outside. 'We talked a bit yesterday night about his moping lately. He told me that he was trying to sort things out. When he finally places everything into something that makes sense, I'll be the first person he'll tell.'

Britney grasped my hand. 'Juju, I think its wise for you to watch over him. I hear from Jessie that she saw Joey come out of the boys' bathroom in school with red eyes. She thinks Joey was crying. I hope he will get to open up soon though. I smiled at her. She can have her human moments when one is looking. 'Chrissy, let's go out now before my mom has a conniption. Coming, Justin?'

I stood and followed them outside. My mind started to race again, only this time it's for my friend who seems to be on the verge of isolating himself. In fact, I'm really worried, even more so now that Joey's like this.

I want to give some background on my Italian friend who lives just down the street from me. As you know, he's popularly known as 'the player' in our school because of his tendency to flirt and charm his way around people. I know better because that's he's defense mechanism. His school life is a complete contradiction from his home life. At home, he's the youngest Fatone who happens to be also the black sheep of the family. Both his older siblings are geniuses while he's just above average. His siblings are into science and technology, while Joey is into theater. Steve, Joey's brother, is a physicist and Janine, his sister, is a micro-biologist. You can only imagine the disappointment that his parent's feel whenever Joey comes home with a report card full of B+'s instead of A+'s. It's because of his limitations that make Joey seem like an outsider in his house. That's why he spends most of his time sleeping over either at my place or Lance's whenever the atmosphere in that house becomes too thick. And his brother and sister aren't that helpful either. I can only picture how much resentment he holds for being his dad's junior.

Yet despite all of his troubles, he's still seems to be the happiest bastard on earth. Sometimes, I wonder if he's capable of feeling over than happiness outside of that house. This morning just proved that thought. He's human after all. Only Barney can be that happy all the time.

We all gathered outside the Aguilera house to bid our goodbyes until the weekend before classes would start again. The girls gave each of us a big hug each with Britney staying as long as possible on me. 'Take care of yourself, Sweet B. Don't let those strange Big City men corrupt you into their wild and deviant ways,' I said with as much loving, teasing care that I could muster. Britney smiled and gave me a sweet lingering kiss. As soon as we came up for air, she kissed me again before getting into the passenger side of the car. Both of the girls waved through the windows as the car moved away. I sighed and turned to say thanks to Chrissy's mom for the early breakfast. She stood on the porch of the house and waved as we settled into the Lance's car. Since Joey was going to crash any minute now, I took shotgun. We all waved back as Lance drove in the opposite direction from the girls' destination. I didn't notice a shadowy figure looming just down the street from where we were. We passed the figure and a sense of foreboding flooded my sense. Something was going to happen. I just know it. Well, best not think about it now. Key West! Here we come!

'Shit!' exclaimed Lance as he turned into the highway, eyes all pupil with realization. 'Chrissy forgot to give us brownies for the trip.' We cried out frustration, but not let it get to us too much.

Chapter 4:

The trip going to the Keys was, in one word, boring. Nothing was on the radio, except country, which delighted Lance. I tried to talk to him for some part of the trip but gave up after awhile. I could only take so much of Lance giving me shrugs, monosyllabic words, lines from a song, and 'I don't knows' for answers. Joey slept most of the way until we encountered the early morning traffic that was going to Key West. By that time, all of us were starting to get hyped up about the upcoming vacation time. Joey reached for the radio, which until now was only playing soft traveling music for Joey's benefit, and cranked it up to SR-71's 'Right Now'.

Joey slipped his hands over the front seats and placed them over our shoulders. I moved my eyes on his left hand and saw that he was stroking Lance's shoulder with unconscious action. How oblivious can Lance get, I wonder sometimes. Lance somehow gotten out of his 'simian grunt' reflex and we all started to talk more like human beings who are excited over this trip.

After an hour and a half, we reached the southern most point of the USA and, since it was still early, we take a drive around the island to see what the sights were. After finding all the party spots, beaches, and bars, we all decided to grab a quick lunch then head on out to our guesthouse for the week. What's cool about the place where we were staying was that it faces the ocean. The waves were big enough so that I could go surfing sometime later in the week. Knowing Joey, he would be distracting himself with some 'booty call' hunting when we aren't together. Lance, God knows what he'll be doing but I hope that it will be constructive. That and I'm hoping that he will drop that Good Boy cover of his and finally get laid.

I wouldn't dwell on what happened on that trip with a blow-by-blow scenario. If you want that, then rent 'American Pie 2'. It was basically just beach-time, partying and getting drunk. Although, there were a few moments that I would call memorable, life-changing even for the three of us.

I guess the first of these life-changing events happened on the third day. Lance and I decided to go to the beach just so we can get a decent tan. Even if we do live in Florida, both of us were white as white boys can be. With a Frisbee, a cooler full of drinks, a big ass beach towel, and two pairs of really funky shades, we were set of an afternoon of rip-rollicking fun.

I dug into the cooler and brought out a grape soda while Lance started to rub some sun tan lotion on himself. After he was done, he passed the bottle to me and I squirted some. I just hope that Joey didn't make an Ass of himself on the 'lunch date' that he had today.

'I love this place. I want to move here and never leave. I could surf all day and live my life as a beach bum,' I mumbled loud enough just so Lance can hear me. The beach where we were was about a mile and a half of sand with beach houses for rent facing it. The ocean was the first time you see outside and the sunsets are unbelievable. Another thing good about this beach was it wasn't that well used by the public. It was only in peak season that would truly fill up. And peaked it was! Beautiful people everywhere.

'Have you noticed Joey lately? Anything wrong with him?' asked Lance while I was ogling at one sexy couple that happen to just pass by.

I placed my focus to him. 'You know something. I think you are the last person in the group, other than Joey, to ask me that question. And the answer is yes.' I sipped some of my soda. 'He's having a tough time right now. More so than his family.'

'I don't know. When I saw his face at Chrissy's place that morning, I knew something was up. I just didn't know what it was.' He got a Heineken from the cooler. Damn, he really must be worried if he voluntarily got alcohol. 'I'm really worried, dude.' Was it me, or did he just read my mind?

I shrugged. 'He's just trying to figure things out. Don't give yourself an apoplexy about Joey. You know how happy go lucky he is. He'll survive. He's Italian. They got Mob connections or something like that. He was probably trained as a kid to kill with a butter knife.'

Lance scoffed. 'I don't think Joey is that talented, man. Sure, he's a great actor. He can charm himself out of a firing squad if he tried. He's cute, dependable and loyal. He can probably use those, but Mob connections? Get serious!'

Something inside of me felt like smirking. 'So, you think Joey is cute?'

A blush! Maybe there's hope after all. 'Yeah, I do.'

'And how long have you been thinking of these thoughts about young Mr. Fatone?'

'Not long. Maybe about a year or so. Its just I don't really know if its something to really give attention to.'

Now it was me who's confused. 'Say what? Care to explain. I didn't quite understand that.'

He took a big swig that left about 3/4's of the bottle empty. 'Its just complicated, that's all. I mean, you know how I am. I never showed any interest in dating, even that time that Joey wanted to go on a triple date with all of us and he's date of the week. It's just that I don't really want to do anything until I'm sure. Honestly, I don't really know if I'm gay or straight. Never in my life have I felt attraction to anyone. Maybe this whole thing with Joey is making me see things in a whole new light.'


'Hey dude, close your trap. Some flies might move there or something.' I did as he said. 'Don't be so shocked, Just. It's only a possibility. I'm not sure of anything yet.'

Somehow my mind managed to get itself functioning. 'What do you mean that you aren't sure?'

'That's just it. I'm not really sure about anything. I never felt anything towards anyone at all. This thing with Joey just makes me want to gather him up in a blanket and make sure that he's back to his old self again. Not that fake 'Barney' happy act that he pulls just to fool people. No, I want to see for myself if I'm okay with everything.'

'Then kiss him.'

Lance spitted out the last of his beer and blushed in my direction. 'Why?' he sputtered.

'Because that's the only way for you to know whether you are or you aren't. Trust me on this one. I really thought it was impossible for me and Brit to get together. I mean, the self-esteem issues I was thinking about at the time were at an all-time low. Remember, even if we were the new royalty of the school, I still thought that I didn't deserve Brit. It took me weeks until I got up the nerve to tell her and kiss her. Soon enough, we became a couple and the rest is history.'

'What you are doing, Lance, is natural. Just don't take too much time thinking.'

Lance gazed off to the water, letting what I said sink in. We stayed in relative silent until the cute couple and some of their friends approached us.

'Say? We saw that you have a Frisbee with you when we passed by earlier and I was wondering if you are willing to play with us?' asked the girl in a dark blue two piece. The guy with bright orange surfer shorts just politely smiled.

I looked to Lance and he nodded. We rose up and I grabbed the yellow circular piece of plastic. 'Sure. I'm Justin and this is Lance.' We got introduced to Meghan and Shane and their friends. I tossed it into the air and the impromptu game commenced. As I started to run in the direction of the Frisbee, I hear Shane whisper into Lance's ear, 'You're cute!' Oh, how he blushed at that!


(Other stories by Dane: Mad Season<my baby!>; Love, Words, and Intentions; and Eventually) All these can be found in Nifty. :P

Next: Chapter 3: Remains of Being Human 5 7

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