
By Minor Saint

Published on Feb 23, 2008



She suggested the Towne Center for their first encounter; close to both of them, but not too close. Neither was likely to bump into any neighbors. Lots of shops arranged in an old fashioned faux-village square. Not the enclosed mall, more like the shops along the old-fashioned town square.

"Buy you a coffee? I want you to get to know me and be comfortable, Stacey." Nick wrote to her on the instant messaging chat.

Stacey IM'd him back, "Sounds good, Nick. The Starbucks would be fine. With all the winter coats I won't have to dress too fancy for you." They exchanged cell numbers and worked out a time on Friday evening to rendezvous at Starbucks. She had texted him she was coming. Nick texted back he'd be there.

It was midwinter, and the hard biting cold made Stacey's prediction too true. Coats were essential. And hats. And gloves, mufflers, the whole nine winter yards. Nick hoped it would snow and take some edge off the cold. Colonel Nick Saint's tough guy retort was always "There is no cold weather, just badly dressed people," but Nick felt the old frost bite from the mountains in Germany nipping through the layers at his fingertips and toes as he walked towards the Starbucks.

Nick Saint never went to a first meeting without checking out the scene. He showed up an hour early and walked the perimeter. Years in uniform gave him an infantryman's eye for terrain, and years out of uniform gave him an operative's eye for the street. One entrance, one exit in the alley, locked. Corner location, easy access to parking from two sides, foot traffic in and out, lamp lights all around.

Wandering back and forth in his puffy black down coat, baggy black jeans, and charcoal knit cap, Nick looked like a middle-aged white guy, trying to be "ghetto kewl," but cluelessly lost, shopping impaired, waiting for wifey to take him in hand and lead him home. Searching the lots like he had lost his car, Nick worked out where Stacey would probably park, moved his car, and settled back to watch his observation lanes. He thought about this woman he was there to meet.

Nick thought about Stacey's photos, some she sent him on the Internet, some he found of her. Her cool blue eyes and her calm expression. Such deep oceanic blue eyes. Eyes for respect, maybe affection, eyes to reward strength and honor, eyes to distain weakness and deceit. Classic eyes for a classic face. She never seems to be smiling. Her straight strong features reminded Nick of Greta Garbo, or Kate Hepburn when she wasn't being giddy and foolish. Not a pretty face. A classic face of iconic beauty. Delicate delicious lips. Lips you ask permission to kiss.

In the warm car Nick raised his watch so he could continue his vigil. A quarter of an hour. She'll be just about exactly on time. She was curt about lateness once in their IM correspondence, about having little patience for men who make appointments and fail to keep them. Nick considered the effort she would make to be there with him and agreed with her impatience. He already appreciated the effort Stacey was making.

Her photos were phenomenal. She was most erotic in her restrained elegant dresses, posed naturally and regally. Stacey dressed up was a beauty from the famous days of the Houses of Chanel or Balenciaga. She just flowed seamlessly in those cool classic clothes, a man's dream of a mistress. Nick imagined liaisons with such an elegant vision of a woman. Of amusing her, charming her, warming her, seducing each other, until she asks to be undressed and taken and loved.

The water photos were so surprising. Stacey had a swimmer's body and figure and Nick could sense from her posture she was at ease, that she liked the water. She wrote him about winning the swimsuit contest. Indeed. Nick's long line of sea-faring blood made recognizing a naiad easy, he knew a water-nymph when he saw one. Her outfits all complemented the blue of the water and the blue of her eyes. Nick wondered what would make that cool oceanic blue come to a simmer, to a boil, turn to a hot blue flame. He smiled just a bit at the thought.

The photos she sent Nick to arouse him did that, but less than the others. Stacey was no slut and even near naked her elegance made her exceptional. She was arousing in her kinky outfits, exciting in her lingerie, adorable in the frilly dresses and petticoats, even endearing in her baby clothes. The elfish Santa's helper cap and short babydoll outfit, sweet clitty peeking out, and her little red wagon, they were all delightful.

She never smiles at the camera, Nick thought, but Stacey has a wicked sense of humor. Her charms in front are delicious, especially the sweet clit when she was aroused, and her young girl breasts. Stacey's charms in back were fabulous; "and her legs go from there to forever," Nick thought. Nick wanted to satisfy all Stacey's desires and fantasies and whatever else would make Stacey lose herself with him. But most of all he wanted that cool perfect classic woman to surrender herself to him. The rest would be the cherry and sugar on the rim of that perfect Manhattan cocktail of a woman he wanted to take, and make, and slake.

He expected her to arrive a minute or two before their rendezvous. He made himself relax. She would park and walk to the coffee shop, expecting him to be waiting inside. He would see her short trim figure and the flash of blond hair in the lights at the corner. He would catch up to her easily. Two more minutes and he would see her. She surprised him. She was early. He almost forgot her package, and grabbed it as he unfolded his tall frame from the bucket seat.

Nick tensed as the frigid air hit him. The key fob quietly locked the car behind him as he moved quickly towards the slight woman crossing the lot towards the coffee shop. He couldn't see her face, but her size was right, her walk had the direct purposefulness of a woman on her way somewhere, and her gait showed the muscles and grace of a swimmer. It would be Stacey. Silently, Nick fell in a step behind her on her left, and said quietly, "Hello, Stacey."

She took another step and swung around. The classically beautiful face and cool blue eyes looked up into Nick's. "Hello, handsome." She recognized him despite the stocking cap pulled down to the eyebrows and the down collar up around the ears. "Buy me a coffee?" Nick watched her as he reached out a gloved hand and took her left arm. Her arm was slim and relaxed. She watched Nick back. As he led her into the lamplight, he saw her smile for the first time, and she was smiling at him. It felt as warm as July as Nick walked his date to the Starbucks.

Their coffees steamed as they sat and stared at each other. The routines of picking a table and decloaking, ordering and sitting had all been perfectly casual and relaxed. They seemed to fit together like naturals, leading and following, chatting and listening, laughing at sillinesses like they had been a pair forever. They put each other at ease. But the silence as they sat and stared reminded them of their nervousness, of wondering if they could possibly be as good together as they had intimated to each other. Would they really start sparks and flames and ignite each other? And the nerves tightened because it looked as if they just might. Her cool blue eyes were warm when she smiled. Her voice was a husky seductive clarinet and laughed warmly. Her body was starting to show Nick the signs he had learned to see when a woman wants a man to want her. Nick needed the steaming coffee to cool him off a bit.

"Thank you, Stacey for being with me. I know the effort isn't easy. I have to say, you're better than I expected." Nick's deep voice had that "now let's get to business" directness, with a casual overtone of "and I think you are going to like it."

"I was afraid you'd be cool or icy, but you're not. You warmed me up a lot more that this coffee, just smiling at me. It's a good smile, Stacey, a really good smile." His little speech was rewarded with another exquisite smile and even a touch of a blush. He pressed on. "I brought that silly present for you. Nothing special." He handed her the little shopping bag and box from Victoria's Secret. "Go ahead and peek. It's been kind of fun carrying it around all this time. Seemed to sort of guarantee we would meet."

Stacey left the little bag on the table and put her warm hand over Nick's. "Thank you, Nick. I really appreciate it...them. I was surprised you actually bothered. I'm really pleased. Thank you."

Nick took her hand in his and turned it over. His were hot from being wrapped around the coffee. Nick felt his heat warming her skin. His long index finger drew figure eights around her palm and the mount at the base of her thumb.

"It was my pleasure, Stacey. I loved pawing through the piles of pink panties looking for something lacey; imagining them on you; imagining them off you..."

His finger began stroking the lifeline of her palm, her hand cradled in his.

Stacey looked down at his finger stroking her palm and then up into his eyes. "Nick. You know that's making me excited. And wet. Let's finish our coffee and go see if these fit." She stood up and let Nick help her with her coat. Then she picked up his present of pink lacey panties and, looking over her shoulder, walked slowly until he took her arm and opened the door for her.

He followed her car through the cold dark streets and parked next to her in the lot. He followed her inside and let her open the door and turn on the foyer lights. He closed the door and made sure it was locked. He stepped behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. Nick pulled himself into her back, tight enough for her to feel the hard budge in his pants though her thick winter coat. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"I want to kiss you." His breathe was warm and he brushed his cold lips against her cold ear, "Let me kiss you, Stacey."

She turned into his arms and her open mouth waited for his to seal on hers. Nick's tongue slid deep along Stacey's warm tongue and he tasted the traces of her lip gloss and even the coffee she finished in her car. She sucked his tongue gently, then more insistently until he was at the back of her mouth. She flipped his tongue aside and now she was stabbing hers into Nick's mouth and his hard cock was raging against her thigh, pulsing and throbbing at her passion. Stacey dropped her present and grasped Nick's erection.

"Are you happy to see me, Nick?" Her voice was throaty and sexy and teasing and her eyes were twinkling, the shiniest and sexiest blue he had ever seen. Her hand went slowly up and down him, firm fingers really feeling the whole length of Nick's erection. Her knowing fingers made him feel twice as big and four times as hard. "Your friend is glad to see me." God she knew how to drive a man crazy.

Nick's voice was deep almost hoarse. "Oh yes, baby. We are very happy to see you. And I hope my friend is going to be even happier in a few minutes." She kissed him again, deeply, firmly, and very eagerly. His cock wanted her hand, and now it wanted her lips and her warm suctioning mouth. "God I want to suck her while she sucks me," he thought as she feasted on his tongue. Nick wanted every inch of this beautiful woman, as much of her, as quickly, as deeply, as much as he ever wanted anything, he wanted her in that foyer. God she was electrifying. And he had only asked her for a kiss.

Stacey stepped back and turned and let Nick take her coat. She took his and picked up her present. She gestured towards the sitting room with her chin. "Make yourself a drink. I'll have bourbon on the rocks. Relax while I make myself comfortable. Don't drink too much. I want your friend to stay sober." She disappeared while Nick wandered over to the bottles on the bar.

He was only on the third sip when she reappeared. Nick's comments in their IM chats about bride fantasies had made their impression. White see-thru peignoir, white bustier, white suspenders and stockings, white ankle strap fuck-me pumps. Her boi-girl breasts were pushed up and her nipples rouged and visible through the filmy peignoir, her boi-clit hard and jutting from her smooth shaved pudendum.

She had the three pink thongs Nick bought her in her left hand. She waved them at Nick as she walked up and stood in front of him. "Shall I try them on?"

Nick looked into her laughing eyes as he parted the peignoir, and kept looking into those laughing eyes as her leaned into her and took her sissy clit into his mouth. Her eyes widened as the ice cube in his mouth shocked her. Nick looked into her eyes and saw her cool blue laughing eyes melt into hot blue flame passion as he suckled her erect clitty. His cold mouth turned to a hot oven as her blood throbbed from heart to clitty tip, responding to his gentle urgent suction. Stacey's eyes rolled up and her head went back and she let out a long, low, deep moan. "Oh god, suck me...mmmmmmm suck me; oh my god, suck me."

Nick pulled her down onto his lap and his fingers encircled her wet sissy clit. His other hand pulled her head into him. Nick kissed her, sucked her tongue into his mouth, let her taste the heat and the lingering sweetness of her precum on his tongue. He inhaled the breath out of her lungs, then breathed his into hers. Nick could swear his erection was almost lifting her off his lap.

"Do you want to try them on?" Nick's deep teasing voice was cut off and stilled as Stacey kissed him back. When she finally broke their kiss Stacey stood up. Firmly holding his wrist in one hand and the pink thongs in the other, Stacey silently and purposefully led Nick to her bedroom.

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