Renes Dominant Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 6, 2021


Rene had finished up with college a few years ago. He had been a student athlete, with more emphasis on the athlete part than the student. He had been a hockey player: the goalie for his varsity team, although if they team had needed him to play forward position, he could. Hockey was really the thing he did best. At least that's what he told most people. There was a separate, much smaller group, to whom he said that the best thing he did , was bottom. Or at least, like hockey, he HAD bottomed. Since university, Rene had hit a dry spell. His sex life, about which he used to laugh, was hankies and dildoes.

It was hard to believe that a 24 year old, red headed, freckled, somewhat muscular young man would have trouble finding a sex partner, let alone a top man. AH, but Rene's preferences went beyond being gay. He liked older men: 40-50 was, as he called it, his "sweet spot" A guy as young as 35 "could be hot," he had told someone at a party where he had had a bit too much to drink (and missed out on a menage a trois between a 33 year old and his 49 year old partner), but he was clearly attracted to a specific range. Then, there was the second "kink," if the reader will pardon the pun. Rene liked to be tied up during sex. And there was the third one, the hardest one of all: he loved to be tickled. He could enjoy a sexual encounter without the tickling, but when he filled out his mental wish list, he had a 45 year old guy, preferably with salt and pepper hair and big hands, with a thick cut cock, tying him down and then tickling the crap out of him before he came: IF the Daddy let him (he liked cum control too).

Jobs were scarce in his field, whatever that was. His major was "sports communication" which was very hard to explain to most of the employers with jobs. Essentially, he had trained to be a sportscaster. Being a sportscaster meant that he would have had to have enjoyed an excellent athletic career, or a pretty good professional one. Unfortunately, his team had never been more than mediocre. In their best season they finished 3 games over .500. No one had heard of him. His grades were mediocre too: just about a 3.1, in a far from challenging academic program. His best grades had come in French, the language he had grown up speaking in Canada. He had been urged, by more than one professor, to major in French, and then to bootstrap his sports background to the degree in language. He rejected that advice, feeling that he could get by on his looks and his sports career.

Professional teams had passed him up in the collegiate draft. "Rene WHO?" was the question most asked about him, when scouts saw the list of available players. A typical question when he interviewed for a job was "so , exactly what DOES a class in sports statistics teach? How is it not statistics?" (The answer, which he knew well enough not to give, was that it was "statistics light" or "statistics for poets" as it was called. It was one of his highest grades: a B+, which didn't inspire much enthusiasm in employers).

So he drifted. He had a standing invitation to go back home to Canada, where he could live with his parents. They didn't know he was gay and, while that didn't really seem to matter given the current state of affairs for Rene, if it changed, it would. He would take a temporary job, stick with it, and then move on to the next one. The changes usually meant a change in geography too, and he moved from town to town. As our story begins, Rene was renting a studio apartment in Chicago. And he was horny. VERY horny. So far, he had not had much luck in finding a sex partner in the Windy City, but he decided to give it another try. He had taken his profile down from one of the "dating" sites because it was too expensive, but he decided to try it ONE MORE TIME. He put up a picture of himself smiling, a hockey stick in his hand, with the blade resting on his shoulder.

"25 year old jock looking for Daddy top. Bondage a plus. Available when you are, Sir. "

And then he waited. He checked the responses every night, when he came back from what he called his "9-5 nightmare." Usually, the nightmare continued with the responses. One night though, there was a response that more than intrigued him:

"Bon jour Rene. I hope I'm correct in assuming you speak French (I don't, but tant pis). I have a thing for redheads, and handcuffs, so if you wanted to meet for a drink or something, let's give it a whirl. Monte " He included a photo. The guy was probably closer to 50 than 40, and looked like he did blue collar work: he wasn't wearing a tie or a suit, and he looked like he'd be uncomfortable in either. He had a moustache, and he hadn't shaven when the picture was taken. The picture was from the waist up, and he was wearing a dark red t shirt, which showed biceps, and a big set of hands.

Rene was, as we say, more than intrigued. He wrote back

"Hey Monte. Thanks for the response. I liked your profile, and I like handcuffs. Maybe we could meet? Let me know if something works for you. rene."

(And yes, he used only small letters to respond).

Monte wrote back later that night.

"Apologies for the late reply. My bad. How about we meet at the Excelsior Hotel? There's a bar in the lobby, and it's pretty public. I'll get there early, and when you come in, if you don't like what you see, it's easy to get out without me seeing you. Where we take it is up to you. Monte. "

The exchanges continued, and they agreed to meet two days later, at 6:30.

Rene got to his studio fairly quickly after work. He wasn't quite sure how he should dress. The Excelsior was a nice hotel, but not a grand one, so he put on a pair of good jeans - the best ones he had - and a sweatshirt from his college days. The school's name was on the back, so he could cover it with a jacket, which he did. Then he headed off to the hotel. He gave himself enough time to get there by 6:30.

The bar was busy, but the after work crowd had just left, and the after dinner crowd hadn't arrived yet. He looked around for Monte. He saw him: he was sitting at the end of the bar, talking with the bartender. He looked like a better version than his picture on the website. Nervously, he walked over. "Excuse me, Monte? I'm Rene." Monte looked up and smiled. "Yes, indeed you are. That red hair would've given you away half a mile from here." He held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. Sit. What're you drinking?" "What are you drinking Monte?" "Well, I'm having a martini, but that might be a little strong if you're not used to them. You can have a sip." He handed Rene the drink and when he saw Rene's expression he laughed. "Yeah, not a drink for a rookie. They got beer, they got all kinds of stuff. It's on me. Take your pick." "Have you got a draft beer you can recommend? " Rene asked the bartender, who smiled. "When Monte drinks a beer, he has this one." He passed a stein to Rene." Monte held up his drink. "A toast? To beginnings?" Rene smiled. "Sounds good to me." They chatted for a bit, and then Monte asked "So, what says you? Still interested in a little play? " Rene had been getting aroused as he sat there. When Monte raised his drink , his bicep contracted, and Rene saw he was in shape. He liked the way his hands were calloused: in his experience, calloused hands drove him wilder than smooth ones. "Yeah, I am. What did you have in mind?" Monte smiled. "Well, first I have a question: does anyone know you're here?" "Uh, no. I didn't tell anyone." "Well, then, get on your cell phone and text someone that you're here, and if they don't here from you in, oh, let's say 3 hours, they should get concerned." As Rene poked in the number of his best friend, he shook his head. He had completely forgotten about the safety net idea, and he was glad that Monte had brought it up. "Ok, done." Monte smiled. "GOOD. Now, I know the desk clerk here, so I told him to hold a room for us. Just for the night. That way, you don't have to bring me home, you don't have to come to my place. It may make you feel more at ease." Rene was liking the way this man operated. "Finally, this is the first time we've met, so I would suggest that we don't take it any further than tickling. We can consider other possibilities if we decide we're right for each other." Rene smiled. "Tickling's where we're heading then." Monte laughed. "No, first we're heading to see Ray at the desk." Fifteen minutes later, they were on their way to room 217. Rene noticed that Monte had something like a doctor's bag with him. He had a feeling he knew what was in it, at least generally. When they got in the room, Rene took off his windbreaker jacket, and began to slip out of his sweatshirt. "STOP. STOP RIGHT THERE." Monte ordered. "I'll be the one undressing you tonight, and I'll decide what goes off when. For now, get on the bed. Put your hands at the corners, your ankles too. I'm sure you know what I mean." Monte's voice was resonant, and deep. It was a turn on. "Yes sir," Rene answered, before he did what Monte had told him to do. He saw Monte pull out four silk neckties from his bag. As he tied Rene to the bed, he explained "silk is my favorite 'rope'. Doesn't leave a mark, stretches a little, but the knots are tight." Rene was getting more and more excited as Monte tied each limb to the bed. Monte noticed that. "Hmmm. We may have to extend tonight to relieving you. " Then he slid his hand under Rene's sweatshirt. The rough texture of Monte's hand got Rene's attention right away. Monte moved delicately, slowly, but as he passed his hand over Rene's belly, Rene began to twitch. Monte saw Rene tighten his lips. He smiled. "Try not to laugh. That's fine. You won't last long." "Don't underestimate me Monte." Then, the rough hand moved to Rene's right side. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "You're not such a tough guy after all, are you Maple Leaf?" Monte grinned. "How are you going to react with two sides at once." A second hand went under the sweatshirt, and now Monte was tickling both sides "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FUCK. HAHAHAHAHAHA. DAMN SIR. You're good at this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Monte said nothing. He did stand up and take off Rene's shoes. "Thick white socks. Too thick for really good play." He slowly peeled off the socks, and then he grinned. "I know what you need." He bent down and took one of Rene's big toes in his mouth. "NO NO. DON'T DO THAT. NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA." "Good thing you're not a secret agent, Rene. You'd have given away the information already. " He switched toes, and Rene continued to laugh harder and harder. He knew Monte was right. There was no way he could put up with this, and when Monte switched to running his fingers up and down Rene's soles, he begged for mercy. "STOP! NO REALLY, STOP. I'M GONNA PEE MYSELF IF YOU DON'T." "Well, that may be fun, but yeah, don't want that. Tell ya what? I think it's time for you to get undressed. Go pee, and then we'll start again." He untied Rene's bonds. "Unless you'd like to call it quits," he smirked as Rene gave him a dirty look. Rene came back, naked, and hard. Monte had stripped when Rene was in the bedroom, and he was hard too. "Ok. Now...." He signaled for Rene to lay on his belly. He used the neckties to do a quick hogtie on the red head. "Let's get into those pits. " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOT THOSE. NO PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. Rene tried to squirm away and Monte yanked him back. "Where ya going good looking? Where ya goin? This party just started." He reached between Rene's legs and began tickling his balls. "OH SHIT NO. PLEASE. THAT'S ONE OF . MY. MOST. SENSITIVE . SPOTS. HAHAHAHA . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP STOP PLEASE. I CAN'T BREATHE." Monte took a look at Rene, and stopped. "You want a five minute break stud?" "Yes sir. Please. I haven't been tickled like this in a while." "Are you enjoying yourself." "OH yes! YES!. " Monte laughed. "That was a trick question. I can tell. " He paused for a minute. "Look Rene. This is up to you. You're as hard as a frozen tree branch, so I can bring you off. But if you'd rather I kept on tickling you..." Rene thought HE was gonna have to bring himself off, after the tickling was over. He looked at Monte. "You won't be disappointed?" "NAH. It's a first meet. You'll be back." "You sure about that? " Rene teased, which got his foot pulled up and tickled. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YEAH , I WILL. I WILL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Monte got very quiet. He rolled Rene onto his back and began slowly, very slowly stroking the young man's cock with one hand, and his own with his other hand. "You're such a pretty boy rene. Such a pretty boy. OH and you've got such a sweet, soft cock."' The irregularities on Monte's hand were driving Rene crazy, as he jerked him. Rene began to buck his hips. "OH GOD SIR. YES SIR PLEASE . GOD. THIS IS SO GREAT. SO GREAT. SO............AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A huge wad of cum came out of Rene. Monte smiled. "THAT was impressive Rene. Didn't know you had that in ya." "Oh shit, neither did I Sir. You did that. YOU. " He saw that Monte had stopped masturbating. "Aren't you gonna finish, Sir?" "Later. Tonight was really about you. Now.... I'm being forward but..." He leaned down and kissed rene on the cheek. "First step to being my boy. You wanna catch a lift to your house." "Not tonight Sir. I drove. I have my car outside. " He was hoping to get invited home to Monte's. He didn't get that invitation. "Ok, then you take off now, sweet stuff. You send me a message for when you want to meet up again. IF you do." He looked at the untied rene. "I'm afraid I can't really offer you the shower, so you're gonna be a little grubby until you get home. If we met up at my place, of course, that's a different story. rene finished getting dressed. "Please Sir, can I have another kiss?" Monte came up to him, and before he kissed him, pulled rene's wrists behind his back. "THERE WE GO. This is how my boy stands when Daddy kisses him." He looked into rene's eyes. "You good?" "Yes sir. I wish I were going home with you, though." Monte smiled. "Not tonight, rene. Next time. Listen.. I want that text, but some friends of mine - Clay and frank - they're a couple who live not far from here - they have a monthly tickle get together at their place. If you wanna go, I'll get your name on the list . You can go as my date, or by yourself, or not go at all. I'm gonna go." "Ok Sir. Thank you. You'll send me the deets?" "Yeah, when I hear from you . Now, kiss number 3, and then you're off."

As he drove, rene thought through the night. All the nerves, and then the meeting. Monte seemed so cool , and so much in control. rene got the feeling that he was like a hooked fish being played. He liked it. When he got home, before he showered, he sent Monte a note. "Hey Sir. Thanks for tonight .I'd love to see you again. If not before the party, at the party. Can I go with you? xoxoxoxoxxoxxoxo. Your boy to be, rene." After he sent the message, rene jerked off a second time. When he read the message, Monte smiled, and said out loud "Got him."

Next: Chapter 2

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