Renes Dominant Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 26, 2021


As he slept in Monte's arms, rene dreamed about his prior tickle experiences. He had had a few at school, but they hadn't gone very well. Playing hockey left him tired most of the time, and he had gone on more than one date where he had fallen asleep at an inappropriate time. There hadn't been second dates. Or, the guys he dated were very interested in sex with a young ginger, but not very interested in tickling. rene left those dates disappointed, and he didn't come back. Then of course there was the time he showed up for a blind date, and the guy had been the coach of the team they had played the night before. Since rene' was keeping this part of his life as private as possible, he sweated for about a week about what would happen, before nothing did, and he moved on. He didn't "date" for a while, though.

No one had really prepared him for the world after college either. He was confident that he would be able to get a truly excellent job in sports broadcasting or some related field. THAT didn't happen, and there were times when he was working two jobs, or even three, to try to make enough money to pay his rent and to pay for necessities. He had to budget for nights out, make sure he didn't drink "top shelf" stuff, or too much (because while he could handle paying for two drinks, three would wreck his budget), so he stayed in a lot, watching hockey, videos on free sites, and generally being miserable. As he curled into Monte, he thought about how lucky he had been to get that email.

He heard a sleepy voice mutter "That's right gingerbread boy. Get closer so the big bad wolf can nibble at you," before he felt Monte's mouth on his ear. "MMMMM." Monte knew what he was doing. rene was so turned on he didn't even realize that Monte had a hand on his cock. "I should milk that jock rod. Need something to go with a gingerbread man... " "MMMMM. Yes sir. OH YES." Truth was, rene was very, very sleepy, and he was conflicted over whether to go along with Monte's advances, or to ask for more sleep. Then he heard Monte snoring again, and he didn't have to worry. Monte's hand stayed on his cock though, and rene stayed hard, the rest of the night.

He woke up to a warm, but empty bed. Monte had gotten up, and let him sleep. He could hear noise in the kitchen. "HEY. Good morning Sir" rene called out as he sat up in bed. He saw Monte, in what looked like a pair of old gym shorts and no shirt, making coffee. "Back at ya ginger. You sleep well? Tickling'll wear a boy out." "I slept GREAT Sir. I DID think you were gonna roll me over and take my ass again." Monte laughed. "It DID cross my mind, cutie. I don't oven get a curly haired ginger in my clutches." He put down the ground coffee "Come to think of it, the gingers I've had were straight haired. I'm not even sure one of them WAS a ginger. There was a certain issue with the curtains and the drapes if you know what I mean." rene frowned a minute. "No, I don't. What DOES that mean." Monte shrugged his shoulders. "Gotta accept that when you date younger men. It's an old expression. Means his bush color and his hair color weren't the same. Probably dyed his hair." "Oh. Well mine is natural." Monte gave him a look. "Only way to tell is to yank out a hair and look at the root. Maybeeeeeeeeeeeee." rene blanched. "You wouldn't do that, would you, Sir?" "All depends, gingerboy. All depends. Hey, you drink coffee?" "Actually Sir, I hope it's not too much trouble, but I drink tea." "You're a Canadian. OF COURSE." He paused for a minute. "Don't tell me you drink ginger tea?" "Ha ha. Nah, Sir. That spiciness just comes naturally. I like good old plain black tea. " "FUCK. I got muffins for breakfast, didn't think about donuts," Monte answered rene laughed. "I haven't had either in years Sir. They weren't on the training table, and then, I just didn't get them." rene got up out of bed. "Should I put on shorts Sir?" "If you want. Up to you. Your ass is still cute, and I know how to get them off if I want. And it's a little cold here." rene reached into his bag and pulled out a very tiny pair of onion skin shorts. Monte laughed. "DON'T tell me you wear those to work out?" "No. These are my dating shorts, Sir." "You have dating shorts?" "Well, yeah. Something easy to slip out of. " Monte laughed again. "You probably could teach a college class on pick up techniques. Now get your ass over to the table. Corn, blueberry, bran for the old fart here." He pointed to himself. I think there's a cranberry one too. " He poured tea for rene, coffee for himself, and put out the muffins with various spreads. "Sir, if I may, what do you do for a living?" "Of course you can. Gotta know that I'm financially secure. Boring job, but it pays the bills. I'm an accountant. Off season right now. If this were April, I never would've been able to answer your email." rene felt Monte's hand on his knee. "So, as you might imagine, I have some plans for you this weekend, but this morning is open. Anything in particular you wanna do?" "Hmmm. What's up for the afternoon?" "Well, while you were in there, sleeping like a little elf." Monte pulled out his phone and showed rene the photos he had taken. No nudes: rene was covered up, but he was sleeping with a smile on his face, "I called Clay. We're gonna have lunch with them, take a walk, and then after the food digests, I'm gonna introduce you to my little tickle invention." He smiled. "I can't wait. I think you're gonna love it." "Any hints , Sir?" "NOPE. Ok, one. You're gonna be face down. And blindfolded." Face down didn't resonate strongly but being blindfolded "got a rise" out of rene. "Maybe we'll go take a walk through the park." Monte rolled his eyes. "I can't wait to see how many people tell me how nice it is that a father and son are just hanging out." "Do you get that, Sir? REALLY?" "Ha ha. Not for a while. It's been a dry spell. But yeah, I got it in the past. It's ok. Once someone told me I made a wonderful father. I told him that I wasn't a father but I WAS a daddy. I think he may still be trying to figure out what that means." He looked at rene's plate. "More? Eat what you want. " "No Sir, I'm good. " "Ok, then how's about you get your sweet ass in the shower, and then get dressed. Casual. Park's nothing fancy, Clay and frank are real casual, and it's just gonna be burgers or something like that."

rene looked around in the shower. He liked that the products were all, well, NOT products. There was nothing designer, nothing fancy, but everything was functional." Monte wasn't hiding behind anything. He liked that. He liked the big generous bath sheets too. rene only needed to shave a couple of times a week, but he thought it might be a good idea to shave for Monte. He went back to the bedroom to pull out his razor from his overnight, and he saw Monte setting something up on the bed. "AW CRAP! Now ya saw the surprise. Well, one of them anyway." Monte had pulled the top sheet off the mattress. rene saw that there was a pattern of holes in the mattress itself: symmetric pairs. "Good places for keeping a ticklee restrained: ankles, just above the knee, mid bicep, wrist. You'll be glad this afternoon. Now get that peach fuzz gone. My turn. " When rene was finished, Monte went in, and rene began poking around his bag. He pulled out some jeans - tight, and faded - and a t shirt that was a little too small. His navel poked out of it. He was smiling when Monte came out of the shower, but he was surprised at the man's reaction.

"rene, you can't wear that shirt. Not with me." "I can't? Why not sir?" "I'm dating a young man, not a young boy. That shirt would suit you if you WERE my son and were about 10. No, find something else. Even if it's the shirt from last night. No, We're not going out if you dress like that."

THAT surprised rene. Guys usually wanted him to dress as young as possible. One had even given him a scout uniform to wear. This Monte guy: he was, well, complex. rene pulled out a forest green polo shirt that was tight, but not too small. He had picked it because his nipples pointed in it, and it hugged what little bicep muscles he had.

"Now THAT's better, rene. THAT's an outfit that'd make me turn around if you walked past me." Monte finished drying off, and he didn't shave. rene made a low growl when he saw Monte rub his hand on his chin. "Heh heh. You'll get some of that. You'll see. " "You ever been to the state park before, rene?" Monte had put on a snug white t shirt over his own black jeans. rene thought he was the hottest man in town. "Never. I haven't been in town long enough to even know where to buy basics, Sir. The park wasn't on my list." "Well, we'll take a look, maybe do a little hike. Nothing too strenuous. That'll come later." rene REALLY began to wonder what Monte had in store for him.

The park was at that point in the year where summer was moving into autumn and it was gorgeous. rene desperately wanted Monte to hold his hand as they went down one of the paths, Monte pointing out certain features, like where the cascade would form when the snow came and melted. "Can we come back, Sir? To see it?" "You should see it rene. Whether with me or with someone else, or by yourself. It's really beautiful. " He paused and then laughed. "You see those plants over there. Know what they are?" "Uh, no." "Heh heh. It's wild ginger. I think I have to start calling it plant rene." "I'm not so wild Sir. I'm pretty tame." "Oh, I wanna think of you as wild. It's my goal to tame you." rene grinned. "Challenge accepted Sir."

They walked for about two hours. At the end, rene didn't get to hold Monte's hand, but he felt a strong, sinewy arm around his shoulder. "You didn't bring a sweater. You cold, ginger boy?" "Not too, Sir. Hey how come your arm is so warm? " "I run hot, what can I tell ya? Did I make you sweat too much last night?" rene couldn't not take the opening "Not while we were sleeping but before.... oh yeah. "

Clay and frank were already at the little cafe' when Monte and rene got there. They were seated, side by side. It was the first time rene noticed the little collar on frank's neck with the tiny lock. He had noticed his wedding ring the night of the party, and that Clay was wearing a matching one. "One day... one day," he thought to himself. "HEY. CLAYMAN" Monte hugged Clay and then turned to frank. "And here's furter. How you doing sweet cakes?" He gave frank a kiss on the neck as frank embraced him. "rene, it's good to see you out of the hot house of the party," Clay smiled. "I like your shirt. You're sort of like green and gold right now. Like autumn. " rene blushed "He's like that. Sweet talks you until you can't resist him." "Didn't work with you. For you it was cuffs and gags." Clay smiled and winked at Monte and rene. "Sweet talk would've too, Sir Clay. I wanted you from the first day." "So how did you guys meet?" rene asked. "Classic on line?" Clay laughed. "Actually, no. We met at a party. A mutual friend brought frank as a blind date for me." "More like a sacrificial offering," frank joked, and Clay looked at him. "You really DO want a real good working over today don't you." frank smiled. "I wouldn't say no." As they talked, rene noticed how frank would look at Clay, and his expression would just show how much he loved this man, and how totally submissive he was. He would make sure Clay's water glass was full, that he had enough room at the table, and he saw how Clay responded: with a big smile, with a grope of frank's thigh that he thought no one saw, and a dirty look at anyone who came by and cruised frank. "It's hard when your husband is such a dish." he said to Monte and rene at one point. "Tell me about it," frank answered. rene thought they were BOTH dishy, in different ways. He couldn't see himself as frank's boyfriend: he was way too much of a bottom, that was clear. But Clay? The moustache, the hungry look, the sinewy body that was like a younger version of Monte... yeah, if he were on the prowl, this would work.

"So this is your first weekend together?" Clay asked. rene started to speak, but when he felt Monte's hand on his knee, he stopped. "It is. first sleep away with me for rene." "Did you get any sleep?" Clay laughed and he saw frank blush. Had frank and Monte...." "Hey, I'm not as young as you kids. I gotta get my rest. I don't have the stamina the young do." rene didn't say anything, but he turned his face and pretended he was choking on his water. When he turned around, Monte was smiling. "I guess I did good." "So did you see the tickle mattress," Clay asked rene. "YEAH. Just before we left." Clay was shaking his head. "I taught Monte how to make it." "Yeah, ya did. But I perfected it with the metal hooks." "Metal hooks?" rene let it slip out. "Don't worry. It's not like a fish hook," frank smiled. "You'll see." "AH.. rene was thinking. So, let's see. If Monte learned how to design the mattress from Clay, and frank had seen it... " at some point he'd ask. In fact he did, on the way back to Monte's house.

"Sir, none of my business, so don't answer if you don't want to. You, Clay and frank... how close are you?" Now, Monte moved a hand over to rene. "Caribou, listen up. Ask the question you want to. You wanna know if we slept together? " "Uh, well, yeah." "Easy to answer. Ever been to a tickle orgy?" "OOOH. No, but... is it what I think it is?" "What do you think it is?" "Sounds like a sex party with lotsa tickling." "Yeah, that's pretty much it. Gotta be honest, frank isn't real fond of them, but Clay is. I went once, and I could see how frank was turning everyone away, but Clay was like the belle of the ball. So I went up to frank and I didn't ask him: I just told him "the bedroom. Strip. " and then we played. " "Sounds very hot Sir." "It was ok. frank is a damn good tickle sub. You could learn a lot from him. Anyhow, let's see if I can teach you a few things. Here we are." They were pulling up in front of Monte's house. "When we get in, you get your shirt off, and get in the bedroom. I'll be back as soon as I get a few things. " rene smiled. "Yes SIR. Some afternoon delight." "I think of it as a ginger sundae," was Monte's retort.

"Now, let's get you on the bed, face down," was Monte's strongly worded order to rene. "And let me get these on ya." The blindfold was dark. REALLY dark. rene felt metal restraints on his wrists, then his biceps. Then, Monte applied them to the upper part of his leg, right above his knee, and then his ankles. "Let's get these off. Nice and sloooooooooooooooow." Monte dispensed with rene's shoes, and then he agonizingly pulled off rene's socks. "Now, boy. Let's just do some warm ups. rene felt Monte's fingers going into his ribs and he began to giggle. Then the laughter was spurting out of the sides of his mouth, and then he lost control. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. OH FUCK SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is just the beginning?" "Just the beginning sweetcakes..." rene felt fingernails tracing over his soles, one at a time and then at the same time. "OH SHIT. I DIDN'T PEE BEFORE WE STARTED SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Well, then, you better hope your bladder control is really, REALLY good. Cause we're just beginning." Then there was a pause. rene didn't know what was happening until he felt a finger trace horizontally across the back of his knee. "OH SHIT NOT THERE. NOT THERE. I BARELY KNOW YOU. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " When two fingers each took one of his knees, rene truly thought he was gonna lose bladder control. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP! STOP SIR PLEASE. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT..." "Oh, I know that cookie. But I'm just getting started. I haven't even got into the pits..." rene tried to pull his arms together, but the restraints kept him from doing so, and Monte's fingers dug in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. OH GOD. OH GOD..." While he was laughing, rene realized: Monte had mentioned a surprise. This was all standard stuff. What was next? The blindfold kept him from seeing, but he heard the buzzing. Then he felt... the electric toothbrush on the bottom part of his balls. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I need a wee wee pad. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Then they switched to the back of his knees. First one , then two. "SHIT! OH SHIT. THOSE ARE WORSE THAN THE DOCKERS. HAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. COME ON MONTE. COME ON. LEMME BLOW YOU OR SOMETHING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA. Then the toothbrushes moved to his feet. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH. MONTE SERIOUSLY. NO SERIOUSLY. I NEED A BREAK. I CAN'T BREATHE. " Monte looked at rene's face and yeah, it was bloody red. "Ok, get some air. You need water." "OH GOD. Water is the last thing I need. Can I get up to pee?" "No. But if you can talk... you can take some more.." rene heard a smaller amount of noise, and then he felt a toothbrush probing his ass crack. "OH. OH. OH MY GOD...." It wasn't as stimulating tickle wise, but the feeling, somewhere in between getting fingered and fucked, made him begin to try to hump the bed. "Sir.. I need cock. I need cock so bad. SO BAD..." rene heard the toothbrush go off, and then he felt Monte on top of him. He wasn't doing anything to rene but breathe in his ear, and it was making him crazy. "Please Sir. Please. Take your boy. PLEASE. Flip me. I wanna see you. Please. " "MMMMM." He felt Monte's tongue in his ear. "Ok, I'm gonna let you go so you can turn over. Empty your bladder first. " "Yes sir. " When rene came back from the bathroom, Monte pointed at the bed. rene shook his head. "What if I don't wanna?" Monte smiled. "Ok, I'm gonna have to go madman on you.." He charged rene. rene thought he was pretty swift from his hockey days, but he was wrapped in Monte's arm almost immediately. Monte's fingers were digging into his belly, and he was laughing and kicking, as he got thrown down on the bed. "We forget who's in charge here today, boy?" Monte was "claw style tickling his belly, and his fingers were getting closer and closer to rene's navel. "No. No. I didn't forget anything. You're in charge Sir. You are... OH SHIT.." He saw Monte reach for a toothbrush and now, he was using it on rene's belly button while his free hand started squeezing a nipple. The combination got rene to throw a boner. "GOD SIR. I THOUGHT I NEEDED COCK. I DID. BUT NOW I NEED IT MORE. FUCK YOUR BOY. PLEASE. PLEASE. TICKLE ME ALL YOU WANT AFTER, BUT TAKE ME. " "Your wish is my command, sweet stuff." Monte dropped his pants - he was already shirtless, and sweating. He pushed rene's legs apart, and ran his figner over his man pussy. "OOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOH. Your finger feels so good Sir." "My cock is gonna feel better." The blindfold was gone, and he saw the huge sausage Monte put in a casing. Then he felt it go into him. OH IT FELT SO GOOD" He moaned with pleasure. "Go deeper Sir, please. Please. Make me feel like.. OH SHIT NEVER MIND." Monte had taken complete control of rene's ass, as he worked his nipples and ran his tongue over his torso. "DAMN. I'm so hot. I'm so.... I'M SO FUCKING READY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. " So much jizz poured out of rene, that Monte began to get worried. He took a breath, plunged in once, and then, his seed was spilling into the condom. There was so much of his, that he pulled out because he was afraid it would drip into rene. When he was done, rene grabbed him. SIR MONTE. OH GOD. OH GOD. DON'T MAKE ME GO HOME. EVER. PLEASE. FUCK ME LIKE THAT EVERY DAY." Monte laughed and hugged him back. He whispered into his ear. "You couldn't take it studmuffin. I'd have you hurting so bad, you'd need a stand desk at work. " "Oh, I'd do it if I could get your cock Sir. I would. I really really would. "MWAH." rene felt Monte's lips on his. "How about we take a little nap before we start heading out for the night. Gonna introduce you to old school disco, young man."

Next: Chapter 4

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