Renes Dominant Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 2, 2021


Monte was sitting in the kitchen area, reading the Sunday paper. He had a feeling that he didn't have to be concerned about rene wanting to do the crossword - when was the last time one of his dates had shown any interest in that? so he was filling in cues, in pen (as an accountant he was always careful with this stuff). Every now and then, he'd laugh when he heard a little bit of a snore from rene in the bed. He shook his head and laughed. "These kids. Built for strength elsewhere, but on the other stuff...." He HAD taken rene to an old fashioned 70s disco party the night before. No drugs, but dancing until about 3 in the morning. rene had fallen asleep in the car on the way home and now, at 10, he was still, as his mom would say "shooting the zs."

"Not gonna throw this one back, that's for sure," Monte said to himself as he filled in 22 down. rene may not have had "disco stamina," but he had disco enthusiasm. Monte was a terrible dancer, but he thought he had met his match in rene. At one point he had called to rene, in the dance hall. "MOVE YOUR HIPS BOI," and someone had yelled back "HON, it's dancing not screwing. Let the boy be." rene had leaned in and said "you keep so well tied I CAN'T move my hips when you screw me," and Monte just started laughing. He was a wise ass, and Monte loved it. Maybe there'd be an excuse for a spanking in the future, but then again, when did a Daddy ever NEED an excuse to spank a boy?

He heard a change in the sound from the bedroom, and then he saw rene pop out of the covers, and look at the clock . "HE LIVES! THE GINGER PRINCE LIVES!" Monte yelled, as he got up, after pouring out a cup of tea for rene. He put two aspirin on the side. "Take them. They're for your headache." rene looked a little unsteady as he asked "How did you know I had a headache?" "Educated guess young man. Drink your tea, take your asprin, hot shower. I'm taking you to brunch. A French place. Let me see you strut your stuff with your tongue other than around my cock...." He paused. "You'll get to do that later before you head home." At "head home," rene's look darkened just a bit. "I'm having such a good time, Sir. I don't WANT to go home." Monte jumped into the bed next to him. "Well, listen. It was a first date really. You SHOULD be having a good time. I'm having one too." He ran his hands through rene's greasy curls. "Old expression, goes something like this: "leave them wanting more, not thinking they had too much." He began to think about something that he didn't share with rene, before he got up. "Now you... go get yourself washed. If you brought anything a little fancy, wear that. It's not suit and tie fancy, it's casual fancy.

"Bon temps" was a very gay, very French bistro, which was also very popular. That's where they were heading. They would not have been able to get in, if Monte hadn't managed to find a loophole for the owner some years ago, and saved him about 10,000 in taxes. The owner was forever in his debt as he said, and Monte didn't abuse that. He thought that it might be fun to have rene in a slightly dressy environment, with a chance to show off something HE knew that Monte didn't: his ability to speak French.

rene pulled out a pale blow oxford button down when he came out of the shower, and after he had blown dried his hair. "This gonna be good, Sir daddy?" He showed it to Monte with a smile on his face, knowing already that it would. "OH YES. That's gonna be QUITE fine. " "Jeans ok?" "On you, lollipop, they're gonna be fine. Until I get them off you." rene smiled. "What makes you think that'll happen?" Monte took the bait. "Because I know where to put my hands, and you may be fast but you're not fast enough to get away from me." Monte went off to change as well. a turtleneck this time: cashmere, and a dark red overshirt . One of his "hot daddy" outfits. "OH Mais oui" rene teased. "That means oh yeah, daddy." Monte gave him a dirty look. "I know a LITTLE french. " rene continued. "My experience is that you're very good at French - oh, FrenchING. S'il vous plait." Monte laughed. "Maybe you'll see more of that. But of course, if I can't get your jeans off you...."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Monte, we're NEVER gonna get in here, look at the crowd" "Just a second love, keep our place on line." Monte went to the front and rene saw him talking to a very handsome gray haired man. He saw the embrace, and then the two of them talking. "He sure knows a lot of hotties too," rene was thinking. "Good thing he likes em young." Soon, Monte was signaling to rene to come up front. "Simon, this is rene. He's from Canada" Simon smiled and began speaking to rene in rapid French. He asked rene if Monte were as good in bed as he had heard. rene laughed and answered that whatever he had been told, didn't do Monte justice. This was all too fast and at a level Monte didn't understand, but he saw Simon put his hands on his belly and laugh. He turned to Monte. "Ginger is supposed to invigorate All of us older guys. Seems to have done so for you." Now, Monte had some idea of what they had talked about, and he gave rene a look. He whispered. "You're gonna get it," to which rene replied "promises promises."

After they sat down and had been served drinks - mimosa for Monte, bloody Mary for rene, they looked over the menu. "Ok, Frenchie. I'm gonna tell you what I want, and you order for us, ok" "Mais oui mon pere" rene smiled. He had thought about opening two buttons on his shirt, but he thought, correctly, that Monte would find him cuter with only one opened. When the waiter came over, rene switched to French. Again, Monte didn't understand much of it, but he caught the phrase "mon papa" . The waiter smiled and looked at Monte before saying "Oui monsieur je comprends." After he left Monte looked at rene and tried to be serious. "You told him I was your daddy didn't you? " rene giggled. "I thought you said you didn't understand French." Monte just shook his head. "You really ARE going to get it." It didn't surprise Monte that rene ordered steak frites. He ordered a cheese omelet and asked for salad instead of the fries. "If you think I'm sharing , you're wrong," rene teased. "C'est bon, c'est bon," Monte answered. "I'll just add it to your list of malfeasances that you'll have to pay for before the day is over." The same shadow that had come over rene's face in the morning came over it now. "I HATE thinking about how the weekend is going to be over, Monte. I really can't stay?" "Not yet rene. We both need to digest what happened this weekend, and doing so in a bistro isn't the right place. " He reached out and took rene's hand. "But I'd like to see you again. Maybe for something a little more romantic than sex and tickling." "What's more romantic than sex and tickling, daddy?" Now it was time for Monte to be serious. "Movies. Slow dancing. Shows. Whole lots of stuff." rene realized that he had HEARD of all of that, but he had never done it. "We're not gonna give up sex and tickling though, are we daddy?" Monte laughed. "Not on your life cookie, NOT ON YOUR LIFE."

The place WAS truly a French restaurant, which meant they were there longer than they would have been at a more American place. Monte looked at his watch, because he wanted to make sure they had time for one more roll in the sack before he had to send rene home. He skipped dessert while rene put away a plate of ile flotante. "It's the one dish my mom knew how to make. No one makes it in the US" "You're right. I think the last time I had it was in Paris." "MONTE? You've been to Paris?" "Oui. When I was probably not more than 5 years older than you." "OH, monsieur, that was a long time ago. At least have a taste." Monte thought rene was going to hand over his plate. Instead, he got up and kissed Monte, leaving a wad of the custard on his lips. The nearby tables whooped and whistled and Monte reddened, then smiled. "You really ARE gonna get it. "

On the drive back to Monte's place, rene asked "Monte, were you upset when I referred to you as my daddy?" "Ha ha," was his response. "I was surprised more than anything else. I'm glad you're enough of an adult to not have said 'he's my topman' or 'we're dating' or to have lied and said "pere" instead of "papa." It may be too soon to think of me as your daddy, but I'm flattered. I keep on thinking that someone better is going to come along and take you from me." "For what it's worth daddy, I think the same thing." Monte smiled. "Well, you don't have to gingerboy. Especially if you keep on dressing like such an adorable preppy." "You like this look, daddy?" "I do. It kind of brings out animal instincts in me." "Like what?" "Heh heh. You're gonna find out."

They got into the house, and rene said "Before anything else, daddy Monte, can you give me a kiss?" "C'mere boy. Just come into daddy's arms." They kissed for a long, long time. Then Monte looked at rene with a look that screamed "LUST". "Turn around boy." "yes sir." Once rene turned around, Monte took his arms and pulled them behind him. "You're mine for the rest of the afternoon, rene." rene was getting excited. He answered. "You know, this is an easy hold for me to escape." Monte grinned. "Really? Then go ahead. I'm gonna keep you in it until you say 'you got me.' " NOW rene was in trouble. He was teasing Monte, and he thought he MIGHT be able to get out of the grip, but Monte was strong - very strong. he pushed, and he struggled, but Monte wasn't giving any ground. "I think the preppiness gave me me extra strength rene. That and being called papa." "I'll get out. You wait and see." "Until when? When I retire and collect social security? Not waiting that long. MOVE" He began pushing rene toward the bedroom. rene pushed back, not at all wanting to get out of the hold. Soon, rene was on his back , lying on the bed, and Monte was standing over him, smiling. "Am I gonna throw one last fuck into you before you go home?" Then, his hand curled, and began tickling rene's belly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is unfair. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." Monte stopped. "You're right. But life is unfair. You wanna get fucked?" His fingers dug in again. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. C'MON DADDY. MY BELLY. IT'S FULL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Not as full as your ass is gonna be. You want cock. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. YES YES YES. I WANTED IT FROM THIS MORNING. FUCK ME DADDY FUCK ME. FUCK ME DADDY MONTE. PLEASE. PLEASE. MAKE IT HARD FOR ME TO DRIVE HOME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Oh, I'm gonna do that for sure. I nearly rolled you over this morning and took you before you got up." Monte reached for rene's belt buckle. rene lay back, stretching out his hands as if he were tied down. "Virtual bondage. GOOD." He began sliding off rene's jeans, and when he got to rene's sneakers, he stopped and pulled them off. "OH NO DADDY. OH NO. THAT'S NOT PART OF THE DEAL. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Monte had collected rene's feet under his arm, and began tickling them hard. "OH SHIT OH SHIT. MY DADDY. MY DADDY. FUCK ME DADDY. FUCK ME. LEAVE MY FEET TAKE MY ASS. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ME." The laughing had pushed Monte's lust over the edge. He tore down rene's briefs, and pushed his legs in the air. "OH YEAH. There's my Canadian rosebud... So fucking sweet." He traced a circle around it while rene made little sounds of delight. "Oh daddy. Oh.. Take your boy. Please. Take your preppy boy." Monte began by putting on a condom. "Do you have to do that daddy?" "No, but for now, I am. Maybe later. Not now." When he was wrapped up, he smiled. "Think of it as your tush getting a Christmas present." He began to slide into rene. "feel free to work yourself baby cakes" "Thank you Sir. rene slid his hand down and began to stroke himself. He closed his eyes. "I'm dreaming of being in my daddy's bed. Wrapped in his arms. OH FUCK YEAH. " rene's musings got Monte even hotter, and he began pounding rene for the third time that weekend. "TAKE ME DADDY. MAKE ME A CUMDUMP. PLEASE. OH YEAH. GIMME SOMETHING TO REMEMBER." Monte began pumping. He thought of rene calling him "papa" at the restaurant. He thought of the sweet red head in his bed when he woke up. And he thought about... how long he had waited for someone like this. He clenched, backed up, and he shot into the condom. His yell was much more bass than his other ones had been, but he had realized: rene may very well be "the one." rene was thinking the same thing. Had he waited. Had he let this man slip through his fingers.... "Daddy Sir, I'm gonna shoot. Is that ok?" "Yes rene, my sweet boy. Shoot that boy cock. Daddy's watching." rene was silent, as the stream went high in the air, in a thin stream. Monte smiled, and caught a little of it on his finger. "Even tastes like ginger, " he said as he put it to his mouth. "Can I taste, Daddy? Please?" Monte offered his finger to rene, who sucked on it, not wanting to give it up. Monte broke the reverie. "You know, we both have to go to work tomorrow. I think it's time you got moving." "Daddy, it sounds like you're throwing me out." "Well, in a way, I am. You need your job. I'm Daddy. I'm not your SUGAR daddy." rene's face beamed. "It's okay if I tell people I have a Daddy?"' Monte laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Just lie and tell them he's hot and built and a stud." "I'll say that but it won't be lying daddy. " Monte's heart broke open a little. "Let's get you packed up. You call me during the week you little flirt. I'll set something up for next weekend if you want" "REALLY? AM I YOUR BOY NOW? " "You're my ONLY boy rene. My ginger snap, my ginger ale, anything you want . My Canadian Mounty since I'm mounting you." "Mounted by Monte. I like that Sir." "OH GEEZ, " thought Monte. "kids..."

In an hour, rene was packed and in his car. "You could leave your stuff here, rene. I'll wash it for next time . And it'll guarantee you'll be back." "Oh, I'll be back daddy. Maybe sooner than you think." He threw his arms around Monte. "Thank you for the best weekend I've ever had." Monte smiled. His eyes were glistening. "Next weekend will be better. I promise. " "I'll bring more preppy clothes." "Bring whatever you want. Except don't dress like a ten year old. " "MMMM. I'll send Daddy pictures. You decide."

By Wendesday, Monte's phone was filled with text photos of rene's fashion choices. He spent Wednesday night, and Thursday night, jerking off to the snaps of rene. Meanwhile rene was doing the same thing, with the shots of Monte's cock he asked Monte to send to him.

Next: Chapter 5

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