Replace me. . Interracial

By moc.atonatut@076enotsekaew

Published on Jul 11, 2022



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I have another story: STUPID WHITE BOY, Please check it out. I am working on part 2, but then this story popped into my head. I hope you like it, kind of long and I hope it's not foolish, please let me know. I read and love all emails. Try to respone but read all. This is just a work of fiction by a stoned white guy. I don't mean anything by it, don't want to anger anyone. I kind of want to work on this story for a while, if liked.

As always these stories take a long time and could go on forever so ready or not, here it is. Please excuse errors and redundant stupidies.

My name is Mike, I'm was 26 and I lived and worked on the far east side of Cleveland, I was one of those white power guys, to the extreme. I had a web sight showing my extremism and hatred of anyone not white. I wasn't a skin head, I loved my long flowing hair, it went good with my hazel eyes, but I was with them.

I was a tough guy though, well not muscle tough, but I talked tough, that was good enough to scare people. I didn't like to work out so I was skinny tough talking white guy. I didn't like black people or fags, I let people know that on my web sight. I had a following of others like me on my sight, we all had the same beliefs, same hatred. I had all the racist tattoos on my body, I wasn't a smart guy so I had some stupid ones. Some of them looked like old nazi tattoos. There was going to be a white power rally down south in Mississippi so I was getting ready for that. I was one of the orangizers and leaders.

My nick name was "Jack," as in jack them up. I got a new tat that I was going to show off to my followers when we all met down south. It was big and on my chest, It was a big black spade, like on the playing cards. It had a "J" on it, Jack of spades, that was going to be me, it was the coolest tattoo ever. I couldn't wait to show it off to my fellow white power guys, I knew they would love it and would want one, I thought it could be our new national symbol. I even had a bumper sticker of the symbol and put it right next to my confederated flag sticker. I orderded a box of 100 stickers, I figured I would pass them out to all my proud boys.

It was going to be a big rally, thousands of people on both sides, there was going to be trouble for sure. I was ready to Jack some things up myself. I packed up my big ass gas guzzling pick up truck and headed down south, I lived in Ohio so I had a long drive. I didn't know any black people, didn't live by them or work with them. I didn't know why I didn't like them, I just didn't. I drove straight through and 18 hours later I was in a small town a few miles from where the rally was going to be.

I had made a reservation at a small motel nearby the rally. The place was a dump but it was cheap. I pulled into the parking lot, I could tell right away I was in a black area. I thought about going else where but I was here so fuck it. I would just be hanging out in my room for a day, maybe it would be educational I thought, learn about the wild life of black people before the rally. Increase my hatered of them. Rally me up.

I got my stuff out of the truck and headed into the motel office. Of course the clerk was a black guy, figures I had to be in a black owned motel. Only one day I thought. I was sure the clerk knew why I was there, I was probably the only white to have stayed there. The place was empty, it looked more like a temporary place for loser black people to stay than a tourist place. Room 117 he said nicely as he handed me my keys. He was the only black guy that I had talked to in a long time. Even though I don't like them he seemed like a nice guy, maybe he's one of the good ones I thought.

I made my way to 117, this place was like 90% empty. The rooms were outside facing out onto a walkway over looking the parking lot, a real getto and not safe feeling place. Every room was empty, up until 116. The curtains were partly opened and I could see and the hear the TV. What the fuck, why would he put me in a room next to someone else when the place was so empty, stupid, typical. Only for one day I thought, I'll just stay in my room.

I entered the room, well it was clean and kind of nice at least, not what I expected. It was hot as hell outside but the room was well air conditioned and cold, felt great for sure. There was a door in there, fuck, 116 and 117 were adjoining room. I was ready to complain to the clerk but said, just one day, I can do this. I had a door also, 3 locks. I was safe. I would have to open that door myself for interaction, that ain't going to happen. I heard water running, sounded like the shower running in 116. Well, at least they take showers.

It had been a long trip so I did the bathroom thing and then took a nice hot shower. It was a nice clean place. For some reason, air conditioned motel rooms always made me horny. I got out of the shower and stayed naked, my dick hard from all the extra soaping of it. I laid down on the bed opened my laptop and jacked my dick. I did that a lot, I never got laid. I spread my legs out and really got into it. Maybe that's how I got my nick name.

It was then that I thought I saw movement outside of the window, I hadn't thought of closing the curtains, nobody was around except whoever was in 116. Maybe someone had just walked by. I got up and stood back and looked out through the curtains. I didn't see anybody, I looked over towards 116 standing back so I couldn"t be seen.

What the fuck. I saw a black guy standing there looking over the railing into the parking lot. Fuck, he must be the 116 guy. Was he looking in my window, did he see me jacking off? I was super pissed and was going to get dressed and go kick his fucking black ass. Only thing was, he was kind of big and tough looking. He would kill me in a fight. He had the look of one of those mississippi chain gang kind of guy's. Had those prison tattoos, even had them on his face. Dark brown but not black skin. And his muscles, not body building type but strong as fuck type. He looked to be 6'4' and like 210lbs. God I thought, he's got a perfect body. He was wearing a thin white opened button down summer shirt and a pair of old white boxers. He turned to face me, I knew I was standing far enough back to where he couldn't see me.

This was my first time looking at a black man from this distance, even his head was big and strong looking, but maybe not to smart, but mean. His chest looked chiseled and his stomach had a strong look to it with a slightly hairy bellybutton which was strangly nice looking. OK, I had to, had to see if the myth was true, to prove to myself that it wasn't.

I looked down towards his boxers, Holy fuck, it was true. I could see it clearly under those old faded thin white boxers from this distance. He had to have been packing a solid 9 or 10" of mean black cock. Even soft it was, like him, tough looking. His boxers had no zipper so I could see some dark skin. I could tell through the tightness and thinness of his boxers that he was uncut. I could see every detail. His cock snaked down to where the head was at the opening of the left pant leg. I knew then why white girls love that black cock, it was amazing looking.

What the fuck was I doing? Standing there naked checking out some black guys body, and I could feel that excitment flowing through to my swelling dick. Fuck, I'm a fucking racist, I said to myself as I walked away. As I did so I foolishly bumped into the curtain causing it to move. Fuck, I had hoped that he didn't see that. I didn't want him to think I was checking him out.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. OK, OK, OK, everythings cool. The emotions flowing through my head were unreal and my dick was getting uncontrolby hard. KKK, KKK, white power, I thought in my head trying to get my dick to soften and get these new unknown emotions out of my head. My God, one look a near naked black guy and I'm turning fag.

Alright, I'm just going to look to see if he is still there, to see if he noticed the curtain move, just a quick look I told myself. I got up and peeked out, Fuck, he was there, and he was now sitting in a chair from his room facing my direction only closer than before. He did see the curtain move and must have thought I was checking him out. He was sitting there, I knew he couldn't see me. His shirt was opened wide and his hand was caressing his his nipple and his pinkie was going down to his belly button.

I looked down towards his boxers, fuck, his black cock was totally exposed and hanging out of his boxers pant leg, just every thing hanging. His giant black balls and long fat black tube of a cock with foreskin pulled over his slightly exposed slightly pink cockhead. My God, it was the most amazing sight I ever laid my eyes on. I was gone, out of my own head. My dick was harder than ever before. I didn't know what to do, I'm a racist, but now the sight of this black cock was beyond anything I knew. All to suddendly I wanted to touch, to taste this black guy's cock so bad, no one would know. I purposely bumped the curtain.

My fucking head was spinning, I was in a different dimension, a different world for sure. He had seen the curtain move for sure, I kept looking as he was giving a smart ass "I got you look," I was to far gone to care. He stood up and looked right at me, I knew he couldn't see me but he looked right at me. He then took his shirt off and set it on the chair, then as he looked at me he slowly lowered his boxers.

I almost came as his black cock slowly appeared over his loose waist band. My white cock was harder and I was hornier than ever before. God himself made this guy, he was beyond anything. This black man was perfect, I felt ashamed for my hatred, I would do anything to be with this black guy, I would do anything to be his, I felt so weak standing here with my weak white hard as fuck boner and skinny white body. He looked so superior with his cock dangling and bouncing around getting harder with what looked like a rope of pre-cum starting to drip and swing from it.

I was about to walk up to the window and show him my nakedness, offer myself to him when he walked back into his room and I heard him close the door. Maybe he was just fucking with me. That was a good thing, gave me a moment to compose myself. What the fuck am I doing I thought. Fuck, I'm a proud white boy. If I suck some black guys cock my life changes for ever. I'd go from some sort of proud white boy to a black cocksucking faggot. Might as well eat some black guys ass and swallow his cum if your going to suck his dick. Just the thought of that made me feel sick, and made my dick bounce with sexual excitment. God that was a close call, thank you lord for saving me from that, now please make my dick soft. I just had to get through a day.

I then heard the lock on the adjoining door on his side unlock, all 3 of them, my heart was pounding outside of my chest. I heard the door knob open like it was hi fi stereo surround sound, the sound of his door creaking open was electic. I knew that naked god was on the other side of my closed door, inviting me in. Fuck, I was done, my dick was a steel rod, I had no control over it or my new born faggot emotions. No, he's a black, I weakly told myself.

I stood there, not like a proud white boy, but a stupid, horny one. It was all up to me on the direction of my life, a true test from God. Do I stay the way I am, a white racist going to a white power rally. Or do I dare unlock the door and become a black cocksucking faggot. I was torn, such an epic descision.

I thought of him there naked, that black uncut cock dangling there, cum dripping. If God didn't want me to do this he wouldn't have put this black convict mandingo here. I reached for the top lock and twisted, it was loud, no going back now. I unlocked the second and third locks and reached for the door knob and twisted until I felt it so vividly through my hand as the inner mechanism unlatched. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to die as I slowly opened the door.

As the door slowly opened his black foot came into view as he was laying on the bed opposite the door. The door slowly opening exposed up more of his leg. He was laying there naked with his legs spread slightly. I could see up his calf past his knee and thigh. Then the door was opened enought to where paradise was exposed. There it was, he was laying there with his one knee bent up and over at a angle and his other straighter out, legs opened. His black cock and balls exposed right there in front of me. My eyes looked up and met his stare. No words were spoken as he opened and spread his legs further and as his eyes guided my stare down to his flopped over dick and nodded as his cock throbbed and swelled.

We both knew what that meant as I slowly stepped into his room. Everything about this guy was beyond perfect. His feet and inner calfs and muscular thighs all popping with veins running up the length of his legs. And his black cock flopped sideways over his big black balls with his foreskin hanging loose at a angle over his cockhead. It was a sight that I was drawn to, I was in a trance as I stepped closer to him and knelt and crawled between his opened legs. I went right for that massive vein on his inner thigh and gave it a kiss.

This guy could kill me, I felt like I had to do whatever he wanted, I knew I had to totally please him. I should have thought this through, where is he going to cum, what if he makes me swallow. I ran my tongue up the fat vein to his upper thigh up under his balls which were now hitting my face, the smell was intoxcating, a new kinda high.

This was it, my face was against his black balls and dick, my white supremacist face between a black mans spread open thighs. I licked his balls, my mind so far gone. I turned my head to his dick, about to change my life forever.

He gave a negative grunt and shook his head. He covered and grabbed his cock and balls and lifted them as his spread his thighs out wide exposing his black taint to me. Fuck, anything he wants, I licked under his balls, he took a shower but I could still taste his blackness as my tongue finds his slightly sweaty taint , I end up licking all his sweat until there is no taste and it's shining from my saliva. Fuck, he lifted and spread his legs even more. He wanted me to tongue fuck his black asshole.

This was going to far but from my position I had no choice, what was I going to do now, back out. I was a weak ass white boy. He put his legs up over his head and spread them wide, his black asshole was right there, 2" from my white sumprence r face, I looked down at it. Everything about this guy was massive, and strangly beauitful. His asshole was like a black flower, wide and long with ridges, and unfortuntely partially opened. I knew if I put my mouth to his asshole my tongue would enter.

I had no choice, I put my opened mouth over the puckered black ring. I could tell he liked that. I had no choice, I wanted to make him happy I told myself. I guess I'm nasty. I don't know if it was I had no choice or if I was just into it but I went to town to please him, it felt good to bring him pleasure. I licked around the fat outer lips and dip my tongue into his asshole. I kissed and french kissed this hardcore mississippi black ex con's asshole, made love to it with my white proud boy mouth and tongue. If my followers could only see me now, their racist leader sucking and tongue fucking a black man's asshole.

He had me mouthfuck his asshole for a long time, way past the time where it no longer pleased him, he just liked that a white guy with these tattoos was doing the nastiest of nasty. I'll show him I'm no punk ass white boy as I forced my tongue as far into his fat black asshole as I could. In and out, fuck him, I am nastier than him, white's are still better at somethings.

He then grabbed me by the hair and pulled my face away from his ass, he smiled at me and put my face against his black balls. I've never been gay, I mean, a fag before, didn't really know what to do with big black sweaty balls in my face. I learned real quick with his asshole so I just started licking and sucking on them. The taste of his black ball skin was like a drug, the smell of him just intensifed everything. I sucked his plum sized balls into my mouth, one then the other, soaking and shining them with the wettness of my mouth. He seemed to like me sucking on them hard, so I did.

It was funny to have another man's balls in my mouth, espically a blackman's balls in a rundown motel room in southeren Mississippi. They were big and hairless, they felt like they were full of cum. This whole episode took 30 minutes. 30 mintues I went from a white power leader to sucking black balls after tongue fucking a black man's asshole. White pride, what's next?

He pulled me by my hair again away from his balls. He looked at me with a disgusted, cocky look. I kinda felt like he knew who I was as he slapped his big black cock across and onto my face. He knew one thing for sure, I was his weak ass white boy faggot. The whole time he was staring me in the eyes as he teased me with his hardening fat 10" black cock.

I was out of my normal state of mind but I would have brief moments of reality. This view I was in at this moment was one of them. Laying in a bed in a seedy Mississippi motel room, my head between a black man's thighs with his balls and taint all shinny from my saliva and his cum soaked uncut black cock an inch or two from my face and mouth. It was like a work of art, a scuputre made of black flesh and veins by God himself. The look of that pink and black head exposed through the black walls of foreskin sitting in a puddle of cum ozing from the gap of valley sized piss slit, that the was most intense image my mind has ever taken in.

He held my head in place by grabbing my hair with one hand and with the other held on to the base of his cock. It kept his cock a fraction of an inch from my opened mouth as his dark brown eyes stared into my hazel eyes. I could see tiny bubbles in the pool of cum floating in his foreskin, so close I could smell it. He then dipped my nose into the puddle of cum trapped by his foreskin. He pull my head back causing a stringe of cum conecting my nose to his cock, which when snapped landed onto my lips and chin. I licked his cum from my lips, I tasted the nastiness of it as it made my head spin.

I should be crying, but instead I was in a lustfull haze from licking a black man's cum from my lips. How did this happen, I wondered. He grabbed his cock at the base and squeezed up to the tip, bring up another glob of cum into his foreskin pool. He forced my nose into it again, this time his cum entered my nostrils, I sniffed it into my nose, the smell, unreal. He looked at me and kind of laughed, I'm sure I looked stupid with my nose all shiney and covered with his cum.

He did that again with his cock, filling up his foreskin pool with white creamy cum. Everytime I would breath through my nose I could smell it strong, it was making my eyes tear up. I was so high from it. This time he held the cum pool up to my lips. I, the racist, the superior being, knew what do to next as our eyes were locked onto each others. No words have been spoken between us yet, yet here I am, my head a sexual device for a Mississippi black guy.

I placed my lips over the foreskin cum pool and slurped it up. I stuck my tongue into his valley wide cum filled pee slit and licked up what was there. I licked under the foreskin, there was a lot of nasty tasty cum under there. I got it all as I ran my tongue around his pinkish black cockhead I swallowed the nasty blob down. Another high. I don't know how many white guys have been lucky enough to do this, but it's fucking amazing.

He started shoving and I started sucking more of his cock into my now faggot mouth. Hey, look at me, I hate black guys and fags, yea, white power. Look at me, one close look at a black guy, the second I saw that black dick I became another white boy faggot. Like a trance or a spell, something unexplainable. All I knew was fucking fags were the worst, and fags who sucked black cock were lower than that. And that was me.

Again, to anyone who has sucked black dick, you know there's something different, something magical. Especially the first time you take one into your mouth. If you haven't done it yet, don't, unless you want it be front and center in your mind forever. Before you know it you're writing crazy stories about it on the internet, or doing crazy, dangerious, and stupid things to find it. I knew I was hooked, like when a junkie shoots himself up for the first time, it takes over your life.

Here I am, Mr. KKK, sucking my first black cock. I could feel him getting harder in my mouth as his cockhead found it's way to my throat. He was getting harder and stiffer, with his hand on my head he was forcing my head to take him deeper into my throat. Of course he wasn't being nice about it. Even though my head was becoming a sexual device for him, I could tell he didn't like me. He was like me, a racist, probably hates white people but loves to degrade us by using his cock on us, making us into sissy boys. White people are smarter, better at most things, but look who's doing what to who.

He was forcing my head down more onto his now hard dick. It was starting to get into my throat, causing me to gag, but he didn't care. When I would gag he would jab his cock in further, my eyes were tearing up and as I had to breath though my nose, made me stongly smell his cum, intensifing my black cock high. I've been deep throated before by a fat girl. I remembered how great it felt, I wanted to do that for him. To let him use the smooth warm slippery surface of my throat. We could only do so much from this position.

He got up from the bed and like I was a rag doll grabbed and spun me around onto my back with my head at the foot of the bed. He dropped my head over the edge of the bed. He stood over me as I faced and looked upside down at him, I looked up at him. he looked like a powerful big dicked mandingo warrior from this view. Another amazing sight as his cock hung down and his foreskin covered wet piss slit brushed across my face

He put his hand under my neck and forced my head to an uncomfortable angle facing him. I opened my mouth as he forced his stiff cock back into me. This was a weird position to be in. Looking up his balls were in my face and against my eyes, all I could see was his color. The way he had my head cranked I knew my neck and throat were a straight slippery tube for him to slide his cock back and forth in. I knew it was going to get rough, but I felt I was ready. I am a tough guy, a tough white faggot, I can take anything a black guy can give me.

His cockhead went straight to the entrance of my throat. I knew I was going to have to learn quickly as I felt

it seat against the entrance and force it's way further into me. It was all about him and his pleasure, I was just a device for him to use. He shove into me as I adapted my throat muscles around his tight fitting black cock. He wasn't giving me much time to adapte though, I was gagging and having a hard time breathing as he started to fuck into my head at a quicker pace. I was uncomforable and starting to hurt with my head cranked like this with this large black intrusion pistioning back and forth in my tight wet smooth throat.

We were doing it though, black and white working together in union, diversity at it's best. He was getting deeper and deeper into me. I could actually feel his foreskin sliding over his cockhead in my throat as he fucked faster and deeper. I was his, whatever he wanted, anything to please him, I felt I owed him that for all my hatred I had towards black people, for all the bad things white people did to blacks over history.. The horrible act of slavery, which I used to hate because it brought black people here, now I loved it because it brought black people here. Without slavery I wouldn't be able to be a blackcock slut. I've seen plenty of white dicks before, never thought of wanting to suck one.

Back and forth he pistoned into me, then he would stop and shove and force himself in when he met resistance. I worked at getting him all the way into my head, I wanted him fully in my throat as bad as he wanted. I'm not going to say it felt good, it didn't, it was the act of what was happening that was making my dick harder than ever before. His big black low hanging balls bouncing off my face and forehead as he piled into me. I was falling in love with his sweating black mississippian ball scent, with him.

He was about to cum, this is it, I thought. I knew I had to swallow his nastiness, millions of black cum cells, black baby makers swimming in my stomach making their way to my blood stream running through me, the ulitmate in submission. I couldn't think of a higher calling. He shoved his cock in deeper into my throat and held it there, his cockhead encased by my smooth wet warm throat when I felt the first blast, more of a surge of hot nasty black ball cum. He then quickly pulled out and put his piss slit up to my nose. The second shot came out like a jet blast, right into my nostils, flooding them with stong smelling cum. The next shot was in my eye sockets which burned like hell.

My head was overcomed as he shoved his cock deep into my throat again where he finished his final three blasts followed by many smaller pluses as his balls completly emptied into my mouth, I then sucked his piss slit like a straw to get it all. His first words to me were telling me "Not to swallow, hold it." I couldn't breath with his cock in my throat and my cum filled nostrils. I tried to blow it out of my nose but it didn't work, causing me to have to breath deeply through nose or die. I inhaled the pools of cum deep into my sinus cavites. It burned like crazy, but the high was like a drug, I could barley breath as I tried hard not to swallow the nasty cum in my mouth. I looked up at him and could see him through my burning cum filled eye smiling down at me.

"You gonna be my bitch?" He asked. I nodded yes in response.

"Let me see my cum." He said as I opened my mouth to show him.

There was so much of it and it tasted so nasty sitting in my mouth. I could see he was getting ready to spit as I kept my mouth opened staring up at him. He then dropped a big glob of spit into my opened mouth mixing with his cum.

"You gonna be my bitch, I mark my bitches?" I nodded my head wanting to swallow him.

"Swallow that shit bitch." I did.

The nasty taste didn't matter, the taste was him, my black mississippian mandindgo ex-con. Just as I swallowed the first gulp, my head trying to adjust as I felt and tasted the hot salty thick nastiness slide slowly down my throat into my belly. I know I was making a funny face as I swallowed his black ball grossness.

Then he hit me. Not hard, not with a fist but a slap, a bitch slap I guess. It hurt. My sinus was burning with inhaled cum, my eyes burning and blinded with cum. The taste of cum lining my throat to my stomach ever present, and now this. He hit me again. He spun around, my head hanging over the bed as he sat on my chest and trapped my head between his muscular thighs. Smack, again to the same eye.

"I told you I mark my bitches, you my bitch?" He asked mean like.

I nodded my head as he smacked me again. He wasn't hitting me real hard, but I knew it was going to leave a mark. He kept hitting me in the same eye so I knew I was going to have a black eye for sure. Even though he was being very mean to me, every hit felt like a kiss. It felt good being hit by him, he said he liked to "Mark his bitches." That meant I was his bitch, I was his. Why would I like that I wondered. He got up and stood over me.

"You sure look pretty like that." He said looking down at me.

I was sure he was making fun of me, I knew my face was a mess after that throat fucking and him cumming all over my face and him slapping the crap out of me. I knew my face had to have been puffy, red and bruised and shinny with cum.

"We need to get you dolled up and looking fine, go get your pants." He demanded.

I thought that was a weird request but I wasn't about to ask questions as I got up off the bed and went into my room. I grabbed my pants and underwear and went back in his room and handed them to him. He then tossed my underwear into the trash.

"My bitches don't wear fucking underwear, they wear panties." He said.

He then pulled out a knife and and cut into the only pair of jeans I had. I watched horrified as he cut the pant legs off, making my jean pants into very short shorts, very short. There was one tiny strip of cloth in the crotch keeping them shorts and not a mini skirt. The knife was sharp but he butchered my pants, he cut up the back side, if I had to wear those my whole ass would be exposed. I was freaked, they were the only pair of pants I had. I couldn't wear those out in public, let alone the white power rally.

"Put these on and model them for me, do a dance, a sexy dance." he told me as he threw the shorts at me.

What could I do, I felt so weak standing there before him. This black guy was just fucking with me now, seeing how far he could take me. He just had me eat his black asshole, throat fucked me, almost drowned me with his cum and now cut the only pair of pants I had into stripper shorts and now wants me to put on a show for him. He wants me, Mr. KKK, Mr. white power to do a stripper dance for him. What could I do, I was so weak and he was so strong, and my dick was so hard. What could I do, I thought as I put the tiny shorts on my white body. I felt stupid yet so fucking horny standing there being admired by him, he was liking what he saw.

"Damn, you fine as fuck, you got a sweet faggot ass for sure. Look at yourself in the mirror." He said, that caused me to blush.

Now I was embarrassed, what did I do? I thought as I looked at myself in the mirror. These shorts made me look like a male hooker, a street walker, a faggot sissy ass fem boi. They clashed with my racist hate tattoos, except my cool jack of spades tatt. My face was a mess, glazed with cum and bruised and sure enough, the start of a black eye. In the corner of my eye was red with bit of blood. The sight of me staring back from the mirror was shocking. I thought of all my white power followers, if they could see me now. I knew then that there was no way I was going to the rally, not like this. Fuck, my dick was still so hard.

"Look at youself, aren't you proud? White people doing what they do best, being sluts for the nigger dick. I never had a tongue up my asshole as far as you, not even in prison when I made them do it, you did that all on your own. Now dance for me girl." He said with a laugh.

What could I do, my dick was hard as fuck, he knew I was his useless white boy faggot who would do anything for him. I never danced before, had no idea what to do, so I just started dancing. The more I danced the more he stared at me with hungry eyes the more I got into it. I did feel like an idiot though, I knew I looked stupid, but he was into it, for some unknown reason that was what mattered. He want me to keep looking at myself as I danced for him, I could see him sitting watching me, staring at my ass like a animal ready to pounce.

My God, I thought. He's going to want to fuck me. This already was out of control, I obviously never in a million years expected what had just happened to happen, but getting fucked. As I looked at myself foolishly doing a sexy dance in the mirror with the thought of him shoving that black monster in me and fucking me like he did to my head. I thought about just grabbing my keys and getting out of there.

However, when I saw him in the mirror stroking his black cock, getting it hard again. I thought maybe it wouldn't be that bad, as I stared at his hardening cock, I had taken it in my throat, if I could do that I could take it in my ass. I looked into my eyes through the mirror, I did look sexy, I really got into dancing for him. He was right, I did have a nice faggot body, and a ass made for fucking. His cock was hard again, I was about to get fucked in my tight racist white ass. Fuck yeah. I looked like one of those white crackhead girls on that TV show about cops, the ones with pimps that owned them.

We then heard people outside in the parking lot, more motel guests had pulled in. This was a black owned motel, so anti-white power protesters that were going to the rally were going to be staying here and a car load of them just pulled in. He looked out the window and saw them and smiled as he opened the curtains all the way complety exposing the room to them. They looked to be college students, five of them. There were three guys and two females, all white. I could see a rainbow gay pride and a greenpeace bumper sticker on their car. Fucking faggots I thought. He opened the door and and stood there naked yelled out a welcome to them drawning their attention our way. They then returned the greeting with stunned friendly hellos back. He then looked at me.

"Dance for our new neigbors." He said as he pointed to a spot in front of the window.

"Please don't make me do that." I pleaded to him. I was horrifed to be seen like this.

He just gave me a pissed off look, like how dare I disobey his order. I could tell I upset him and would have to pay the price. He smacked me again. I knew the white kids had seen that. I stepped up to the window almost crying and started my white power, racist sexy dance. The students were shocked and surprised and at first didn't know how to react. It didn't take them long to realize what was going on and started to enjoy the show. It didn't take me long to get into it also.

I've been to plenty of stripper joints to at least know the motions of sleezy strippers. I just danced like that, I could see them laughing at me as they stepped up for a closer look of the fool racist white boy trying to please his black man. The emotions flowing through my head were crazy. Embarrassed by doing this in front of a bunch of liberal white kids, yet horny as fuck seeing my black mandingo Mississippian Ex con getting worked up, he was loving this, I could tell by his fat swollen hanging hardening black cock..

I went all in as they stepped up to the window, they were two feet from me, only separated a by a plain of glass. I started to rotate and move my hips as I slowly unbuttoned my shorts and lowered them. I could hear one of the girls mention the dryed cum on my bruised face and that it looked like I got throat fucked as my shorts hit the floor and I was naked before them.They really didn't know what to think as they laughed at me and my white dick through the window.

"Come here, let's really give them a show." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed and opened his legs and pointed to his hard black 10" cock.

What could I do? Nothing, I was his weak ass sissy white boy. I turned and walked my naked body, swinging my hips towards him in front of our very interested audience. They weren't laughing now but were into what was about to happen. I could see them bring out there cell phones to record my further degration. I didn't hesitate to get on my knees before him and lick into his cum filled pee slit again. Show time. I took him all the way down my throat and back up so the white kids could see the full size of him as I took him deep again. He stood up and once again brutilize my head and throat, not a peep from our audience.

After a few minutes of this abuse, he fucked my face harder and deeper than before, he really wanted to give a show. He then got on all fours on the bed and spread his ass out in front of me. I knew what that meant as I buried my face into his crack. I heard the students gasp and murmur as my tongue once again entered his puckered black asshole. Two of the girls made their way through the opened door for a better view. They were amazed as I tongue fucked him like a madman, I wanted to show these girls how to eat asshole, a black man's asshole. We only did this for a few minutes, he wanted to get to the main event.

He got up and pushed me down onto my stomach on the corner of the mattress. My legs where hanging down on both sides on the corner and my ass was exposed to everybody. My hard cock also exposed, hard as fuck and bent down at a painful angle pointing at them, again I'm sure I looked like a fool. I knew what was going to happen now. I really didn't want to get fucked by this black monster, any bit of dignity would be gone. Getting fucked like this in front of these white kids and it would game over for my white pride. What could I have done? My ass spread open, asshole right there, and his heavy hand on my back holding me down.

He spit on my asshole, the kids knew I was nothing but a fuck hole to this black beast, the students entered the room for a close up view, cell phones out to capture the moment. He put his hard cock up to my asshole and pushed in, WOW, did it fucking hurt. There was no way he was going in me like this as he tried to shove more into me, I screamed out in pain, I was too tight and he was too big and hard. I thought the girls felt sorry and took pity for me. I thought maybe they would lose interest at my sexual torture and leave causing my black abuser to do the same.

"Excuse me sir, I have some hand lotion that will help you with that." The blonde hair blue eye beauty said to him as she anxiously handed him a tube waiting and wanting to see this show.

"Why thank you little darling." He replied in a gentle southerenly dumb as fuck tone as he took the tube. I could see in her eyes they had no pity, they wanted to see me get fucked up by this black beast.

"Thank you ma'am." I said to her as looked up into her suddenly digusted filled eyes.

"Fuck him good and hard for us, please sir." She pleaded to my black abuser as she stared at me with a evil, cute as fuck grin.

How many times I've jacked off to girls like these, always thinking of different ways I might get lucky enough to meet and have sex with one. Now here I am, next to a girl of my dreams, in a motel room, but she is about to watch me get fucked by a big dicked black guy. Like I was a star in a Gay porno.

That was all he needed to hear as he squirted the lotion on and into my asshole. He then stuck his big middle finger in me and fucked me with it. Even that hurt, his cock was going to kill me. He told the girls to have a seat on the bed and told me to look them in their eyes as he took my ass for the first time. The girl with the lotion was really into it. She asked if she could lube it up and guide it into my asshole, he loved the idea and agreed. That made his cock even harder, mine to.

The one male student with the cell phone wanted to record the black cock enter into my tight white ass hole and took his position behind us. The other twinkletoe got right in my face, he wanted to record my face the moment the black beast entered me. My black abuser grabbed my hair from behind and help my head up for a up close shot.

"Keep looking at your girlfriend and keep that phone in you face bitch," he said as he leaned over talking forcefully in my ear, then slapped me with his free hand. He really wanted to play me for a fool.

"Tell all your fans who are, tell them what you are and what you want," he said as he slapped me again. They all loved that, especially the twinkletoes with the cell phone in my face. I was too far gone to care.

"My name is Mike Hearl, I live in Cleveland Ohio. I'm a sissy weak ass white boy who loves being a black cock faggot and will do anything for big Nigger dick. And I'm about to get some hard Nigger dick up my sissy ass by my black owner, and I'm going to have his baby. Black Lives Matter." I poured it on.

He guided the cockhead up to my tight asshole and shoved it in, they watched as his mammoth cock worked it's way painfully into me. I was moaning, groaning, and wimpering like a little girl as I kept eye contact with the other very cute blonde haired beauty. I thought she may have had pity on me, maybe even a little, but she had lust in her eyes, she wanted to see me get fucked, up close, see my pain, see what it was like. Her friend had a mean streak in her. Just as soon as he was balls deep in me.

"Fuck him hard, please fuck him real hard for me, make him hurt," the blonde lotion girl pleaded.

And he did. He didn't even wait for my ass to adjust to him. He pulled all the way out and forcefully shoved back into me. Thankfully it was good lotion. Even though my dick was rock hard I was not having fun. It was very uncomfortable and hurt like hell. I could feel every bit of his cock as it speared into and filled my colon, I could then fill it collasp as he pulled out. I was a mess. My eyes were tearing up causing the dried up cum in and around them to liquefy, making them sting. It was like I had the sniffles with his cum in and draining out of my nose. Every time I had to snort up the dripping cum snot into my sinuses it made my head spin.

And how I have this young pretty white girl staring into my eyes and some whisp of hair on his chin putz and his cell phone in my face recording for history as I lost my virginity, my manliness, my whiteness, my pride, to this black man who acts likes like he can do what he wants to me. And he could, I was so fucking high off of him.

I knew he was recording some great stuff as my bruised cum crusted face twisted and contorted as I wimpered with the pain of having a large cock shoved into my tight ass. What a sight that would be for anyone who might watch it. I felt like nobody I knew would ever see it, I had hoped it wouldn't end up on the internet, once there it's there forever, for anybody and everybody to see. The black abuser was fucking me so hard and deep that my face was bumping into the phones screen.

"Man, you are awesome, you are such a fucking faggot getting pounded like that, taking all that dick." Twinkletoes said to my face, as my black fucker kept hold of my hair keeping my face up and in view.

Now that hurt, having a guy like this saying that to me. Normally I would have killed him for saying that, but I thanked him into the camera instead.

My dick was rock fucking hard showing the kid behind me with his cell phone out and recording that I was totally into it. My asshole was loosening up and taking his pounding a little easier, it didn't hurt as much. I started to like it as I laid there moaning and making eye contact with this pretty southern girl and took my fucking like a man, well, like a weak ass white boy faggot. That's all I was now.

"Fuck him, Fuck that faggot, Fuck him." The lotion girl chanted as she watched that steel hard black cock fuck me up. He started to grunt again, I knew that grunt, I was about to be inpregnated with his baby makers. The girl looked into my eyes intently as he shot another massive load into me.

As he came, I came, and came hard. The way my cock was bent pointing backwards I shot like a blast. My first blast hit the white boy behind me cell phone screen. I could feel my black abuser in me as his cock spasmed and pulsed as he came in my body as I shot blast after blast like never before. The most intense moment of my life.

That when it hit me, an epiphany, a true awaking. That singer I secretly loved was right, I was born to be faggot for black guys, I just didn't know it. It took God to show me the way. It was just an unusual path, but a path for sure. I was wrong about black men, they are Gods that white people should give sexual service to. Of couse white people should still run things and be in charge, you know, just so things in socity still work.

"That is so fucking cool." The white kids behind me said as the large black cock pulled out of me and cum seeped out of my now gapped asshole. They were stunned and speechless and recored everything. What a rally story they already had.

The white boy behind me came around and made me lick my cum off of his cell phone screen, no denying that was me licking my cum off the screen, they all had the best phones with the best cameras, my life changing moment recorded for history in super detail.

The two white boys were making serious eye contact with my black abuser. I was sure they wanted to be next but they had to go meet other pro black and gay protesters. All their white faces were pink from blushing at what they just witnessed. They would be telling stories about me for a long time.

Are you guys going to the rally? The lotion girl asked as they headed out the door.

"Oh Yea, we'll be there. Post that shit you got on your phones to my web site "Jacked". com." My black abuser replied.

Wait, what. He just told them to post their videos to my web site. "Jacked. com" that's my white power web sites name. And what did that mean? We'll be there, he said. We, as in him and me? No way I could go to the rally now, I didn't even have a pair of pants to wear. No way I could go with him, way too many people would have known me there from my web site, I had over 1000 followers waiting to see and meet me. I'm a fag now, a fag for black dick. Who's side am I even on now. The panic that set in overcame the emotions I had about what I had just done in front of those white kids.

A lot more people were showing up at the motel, at least 10 more cars pulled in and the parking lot was full of anti-white power people. People that I had hated. He threw me my shorts and told me to "Get the ice bucket and go get some ice." What could I have done? I didn't hesitate as I did what he said. The ice machine was way over by the office so I would have to walk through all the people in the parking lot looking like this. I had a feeling he had plans for me at the rally, I knew then that things were about to get real crazy in my life.

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