Jase 1/1 m/m <hope it works this time>

By David Johansson

Published on Oct 10, 1994



Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Organization: Seanet Lines: 211 Message-ID: 37akdd$t3g@kisa.seanet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: kisa.seanet.com


This is a fictional story that contains

sexual acts between 2 adult males. If

this is not your cup of tea, do not read

any farther!


I had just dropped out of community college to get work. I still had no idea what I wanted to study, and really wasn't going anywhere with school. Living on my own had become more important to me. The only problem was that I couldn't afford to live on my own. So I did the next best thing: I found roommates! Ok, so I wasn't on my own exactly, but I was away from my parents. I had taken an archery class, and met 2 friends, Jason and Liz. <we called him Jase for short, but i don't think he really liked it all that much> We had all gotten along very well, and pretty much spent all of our time hanging out together. They were both in pretty much the same situation I was. We all wanted to be away from home. So Jase got a job in some wherehouse unloading trucks, Liz found one as a dishwasher, and I ended up working as a bike messenger downtown. I had been lucky. My brother had worked for the same company for 2 years, so I pretty much knew most of the people who were there. All 3 of us had pretty much had it with school for the time being and thought that finding a house was the best thing. Finally in August of that year, we found a house we could afford. It was a nice 2 story, with 2 bedrooms, a den and a living room and a large kitchen with a dinning area. We jumped at the chance, as the landlord took a liking to us and pretty much let us have it without hassle. I was a little worried at first, as Jase and Liz had dated briefly before, but were now just good friends. I asked them if that was going to be a problem, and they assured me it wouldn't be. Well, sure enough once we moved in, Liz and Jase started to sleep together. I was in the room next to Liz upstairs, and Jase had the den downstairs. As a result I could always hear them. I was very annoyed at first. The noise kept me awake for hours on end at night. And to make things worse, there sex often ended up in a big argument with one of them slamming the door and running downstairs. I think the thing that annoyed me the most was that I was not seeing anyone, and I was horny myself. One morning after a particularly bad argument, I was sitting in the kitchen talking with Liz. She was swearing up and down that she was never going to sleep with Jase again.

"Why did you start up again in the first place?" I asked.

"Both of us are sex addicts," she replied in a very frank tone.

She went on to say that they weren't even completely compatible. Which was why they broke up in the first place. Liz felt bad for brining the stess in the house, and decided that she was going to spend a few weeks at her parents. That way things would cool down, and hopefully the three of us could start hanging out again.

She left that night after a long talk with Jase. He agreed that it would be a good thing. They were both confident that the three of us could live together in a peaceful house.

The next few days went fine. Jase and I would sit up late watching movies and just bullshitting about the day. But by friday, his mood began to sour. "What's wrong," I asked.

He didn't say much, but I continued to pry. I pretty much got out of him that he was going crazy. His hormones were running wild. When he got like this before, he would just go upstairs and go at it with liz. I suggested we go out to a bar. Perhaps he would find a girl he liked and hit it off well with her. He shrugged, and finaly agreed that that might be the best idea. We went out to some local pub not far from where we lived. At first it was fine. We made some small talk for awhile with a pair of girls who had come in together, but they left after awhile to go to a friends party. After that, the place really slowed down. We continued to drink beer and talking until 1. Jase was getting pretty depressed by now. I pointed out that he was hovering over his glass and that it was not likely anyone would want to stike up a conversation with someone like that. By this time, I was getting pretty bummed out. I had always thought Jase a good looking guy, but I really never dealed with my sexuality when I didn't have to. I figured I had bisexual tendencies, and that eventually my attraction to males would fade in time. Usually I could just shrug off my urges for a guy. But for the last few weeks, I had been hearing Jase having sex in the next room. And now hear I was getting drunk with him trying to chear him up because HE couldn't get laid! I started to get depressed myself. I found myself staring at his biceps, and fantasizing of fondling his arms. After a bit, Jase asked me what was wrong. "Oh, nothing," I replied, "I think have just had to much to drink, I'm gonna head home." Jase said he had had enough as well. It wasn't gonna be his night here tonight. I told him that he didn't have to go, but he said he didn't mind. Inside I was not very happy. I had wanted to go in order to get away from him. He wasn't making this any easier. We got back to the house and sat in the living room. I had resigned to just getting smashed and hopefully I wouldn't care in a little bit. We talked about the day a bit, and then the subject went to Liz. I was getting very annoyed now. Finaly I blurted "Well what was so wrong with Liz?" Jase shrugged. The irritation in my voice had gone unheard. "I don't know. She and I just never seemed to like to do the same things. If I wanted to be on top, she didn't want me to. If she wanted to be on top, I didn't want her to. Just things like that."

"It's amazing you guys ever managed to have and orgasm." I said.

"Sometimes we wouldn't. It was just a bad thing."

I was very quiet after that. I was getting very hot and bothered thinking of jase on top of anything right now. He looked at me for a bit and asked what was wrong. "Nothing" I said.

"I don;t believe that for a second. You look rather pissed."

"Well, here you are talking about you not being able to get sex, and I am sitting here getting horny as hell. I think I would like to change the subject!" I took a large swig of beer.

"Sorry dude, I didn't realize it was getting to ya so much."

"Don't worry about it, lets just talk about other things for awhile. Other wise I am gonna go crazy," I pleaded.

Jase just smiled and said "Ok". We started to talk about work, and before I knew it the conversation had changed to me and my ex girlfriends. I had only had two, one of which I never even had sex with. Jase started to ask personal questions about the last time I had sex. Before I realized what I was doing, I was describing the last time I fucked Ellen. We were pretty smashed by now, and we were really getting into the conversation. We were leaning in close as if to make sure no one over heard us. Jase began to compare sex with Liz to me and Ellen. "I always wanted to have a 3-way" he said. I looked down and saw that his leg happened to be up against mine. He was so close to me I could smell his breath. I started to breath in the smell of him, making myself light headed. I put my hand down and it ended up on his leg instead of mine. "Whoa, I think I need to lie down," I said. Jase said he would help me to bed. "You can crash in my room," he said. I was about to protest but didn't. He put his arm around me and helped me up. I was using him as a crutch to walk. I really wasn't that out of it, but the intensity of the situation was making it hard for me to concentrate. I turned to say something to him but ended up just running into him face to face. I looked up at him and before I could say anything he leaned down and kissed me. I was in shock for only a second, then I returned the kiss just as strong. We held each other close making out wildly as we walked backwards to his bed. He pushed me onto it and began to take off his clothes. I started to take mine off but I kept being distracted by his beautiful chest, and those wonderful biceps I had been admiring earlier that evening. Jase started pulling off the rest of my clothes and lay down on me. I could feel his swollen cock against my stomach. He began to rub it against me, as he licked my neck. I thrust my hips upwards to meet his movement, and nibbled lightly on his shoulders. He began to bring his waist higher until he was fucking my chest. I was going wild at the feeling of his cock rubbing my chest, now and then going up into my neck. I lifted my head as high as I could and tried to bite his nipples, only managing to get them on his downward thrust. I ran my toungue up and down his stomach, while rising my own hips. I noticed that his legs were spread on each side of me to give his cock full access to my chest. My arms wrapped around him pulling him to me. My cock was rubbing just slightly on the outside of his ass. I reached up to my mouth and spit in my hand to lubricate my cock. I then repositioned it to enter his ass. He was now teasing my face with his cock and was unaware of what I had been doing. He thrust upward bringing his cock in my mouth, and then pulled back, only to find my cock waiting. It entered his ass only a tiny bit but he held it there for a second. " No, not yet, I am gonna fuck you first!" he said. Before I could protest, He had moved down and brought his mouth onto my cock. He separated my legs and put them over his shoulders. With one hand he began to play with my asshole, the other went up into my mouth to keep me from protesting. He took my cock deep into his mouth, and pushed his finger farther into my ass. I sucked hard on his fingers and pushed his head down onto my cock. He then lifted up and kneeled. He took his cock and started to rub it against mine and spit in his hand to create more lube. Once his cock was wet and slippery he lifted me a bit so my ass was above his cock. "Wait!" I started to protest but his finger went deeper into my mouth. He took his cock and started to slowly push it into my asshole. But then stopped. He leaned forward and licked my chest, sucking hard on my nipples. He rubbed his cock along the crack of my ass, my legs spread far. He spit more in his palm and lubed my crack well. I felt like I could orgasm just with him rubbing his cock against my hole. Suddenly without warning it slipped in. I started to yell in pain at the sudden penetration, but he lifted my head with his arm and plunged his toungue deep into my mouth. My ass settled to the feeling of his cock deep inside, and he began to thrust. I wrapped my arms tight around his back and held him close to me. As he fucked me deep, my cock pressed against his stomach. It was more than I could take. I moaned loudly into his mouth as I shot onto his stomach and chest. The warm fluid between us was more than he could stand. He lifted his head up and yelled and shoved his cock deep into my ass. I could feel his whole body quiver as he dumped shot after shot deep inside me. He then collapsed on to me. Afer a moment we kissed again and held each other close. We settled down and fell asleep.

Morning brought on a new shock. I don't think either of us were aware of just how far we had gone at first, and quickly blamed it on the alcohol. We laughed about it, and went to our separate rooms. We agreed it was a fluke and wouldn't happen again. Then we had our first house warming party. And got rather drunk again. Boy were we wrong. We were wrong quite a few times after that as well. :) --

"I need a doll! Just a doll! I can't

make it through a day without a doll....."

~P. Duke~

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