By Henry Higgins

Published on Mar 18, 1998




Hello again, folks. I was embarrassed to find that my previous post had a major glitch in it -- I had changed one of the main character names from Mark to Marty, but neglected to change it in all occurrences. "So what?" you say. Well, I take pride in my work and I don't like to publish something with a gaff like that anywhere. So here is the corrected version, along with some other slight changes to improve the way it reads. The revised version has been forwarded to the ASSGM archivist to replace the earlier version.

Although the author considers this story to have a positive message and outlook, it involves consenting sex between minor boys and refers to sexual violence, child abuse, and incest. If you find this to be offensive or illegal where you live, don't read it. If not, enjoy!

LOCKER ROOM RESCUE is a work of pure fiction -- the characters and the events do not represent any person or situation. Copyright (c), March 1998, by the author known as Henry Higgins (, all rights reserved. The author grants permission to the ASSGM and Nifty Archives to archive this story. Any other use of the story must first have the author's permission.

As before, I welcome any comments about the story, and will reply to all e-mail messages sent to I ignore and delete all flames.


===================================================================== LOCKER ROOM RESCUE

They had him up against the lockers and had just tugged his underwear down when I came in early from tennis. His stiff frankfurter arched upward, the head peeping out from its foreskin. Eighth grade gym should have finished their showers except for these bums, who seemed to be turning on one of their own.

"All right, what are you little shit-heads up to?" I boomed. All faces turned towards me with alarm or surprise, I couldn't tell which.

"N-nuthin, Marty, we were just havin' some fun with our new friend, Jack, here," said the little brother of one of my friends.

"Yeah, and bears don't shit in the woods. Jack doesn't look to me like he's having any fun. Are you having fun, Jack?"

When I surprised them, the boys had moved back from Jack and he had pulled his underwear back up, his hard-on tenting them out as he shook his head slowly back and forth, eyes open wide and fixed on me.

"I didn't think so; you little assholes are just trying to take advantage of a new kid. What d'ya think your brother would say if I tell him, Richie? Whadaya think he might do?"

Richie flushed. "Aw, you wouldn't tell him would ya, Marty? Anyways, this kid here's nuthin but a little faggot."

I nailed Richie with the meanest stare I could muster. "How the hell do you know who's a faggot and who's not?" I spit. "I doubt you even know what a faggot is, you stupid little shit."

Richie's eyes blazed. "I do too know what a faggot is; it's some guy who likes to do it with other guys. And this little faggot's been starin' at us in th showers."

The other boys nodded vigorously, agreeing with Richie.

"So that doesn't mean he's a faggot. And even if he is, who appointed you the judge of the world?" I was getting more and more exasperated with these little red-necks.

The other boys giggled at this as Richie looked down.

I warned, "Look, assholes, how about you just leave this kid alone, okay? Because if I hear of any ONE of you giving him any more shit -- from anybody -- I'm going to take it out of each one of you personally. You got that?"

They nodded glumly as they turned and shuffled out of the locker room.

"You okay, Jack?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but just stood there, shaking.

"Look, it's okay, guy. They're just a bunch of confused little assholes who don't know any better." Jack had not taken his eyes off me since I had entered the locker room and broken up their little scene. Suddenly he grabbed me around the waist, pressed his head into my side, and sobbed as if his heart was breaking.

I stroked his smooth back as he wrenched out his anguish. It must have been five or ten minutes before his sobs subsided. "Look," I said, "I've got to shower. Have you showered?"

He shook his head no.

"Well why don't we shower together? After that, I can give you a ride home." My teammates weren't due in for another fifteen or twenty minutes and that would give us enough time to finish and be gone by the time they came in. Jack nodded eagerly and turned to his locker to stash his underwear.

I shucked my tennis outfit and we hit the showers at the same time, towels in hand. When Jack hung his towel up it was obvious that he hadn't lost his wood and I felt my own swelling in acknowledgment of his condition. He tried to cover himself with his hands as he glanced at me nervously.

"Hey, man, don't let a little wood mess you up, okay? We all have that problem more or less. It might even be contagious!" I smiled and nodded towards my own lengthening rod.

Jack broke into a broad grin. "Yeah, Marty, I see what you mean. It's just that mine seems to be like that most of the time."

"Yeah, I was like that when I was your age. It only gets a little better when you get older, but listen -- I'm not sure it's all that bad. I mean, it just feels so good."

Jack nodded vigorously as he turned on the shower right next to mine and began to soap himself. I rinsed shampoo from my hair. We were still alone in the locker room. He grinned at me mischievously. "Oh yeah, it sure does. Do you, um, you know, jack off?"

"Sure, doesn't everybody? Well, maybe there's some guys who don't, but not too many! Here, let me get your back for you."

The boy eagerly backed up to me as I lathered his back and then rubbed carefully to work the soap in. He had the makings of a fine build; all he had to do was get involved in gymnastics or swimming or some similar bodybuilding sport. As I worked my way towards his rump, I slipped a hand between his buns, across his butt hole, and up towards his balls -- just for a moment. He pushed back towards me slightly, obviously enjoying this special treatment.

"Do you think those assholes do it?" Jack asked, now looking around directly at my now erect penis.

"I'm pretty sure every one of them does. I know Richie does because his brother told me about finding him going to town in their basement with one of his Hustlers one day. Don't tell him I told you, though," I confided.

"For sure, not," he enthused, "Wow! I never thought that everybody does it. So what were they all over me for? I'd like to have them for my friends if they didn't act so shitty." His gaze stayed focused on my erection.

"I really think they don't know any better," I said. "Look, let's get dried off and dress and we can talk more about it on the way home. Jack happily agreed and pranced back to his locker with me, his arched boner leading the way. You'd never have known that a half-hour before he had been as miserable a kid as I've ever seen.

We dressed quickly and were out the door just as the tennis team burst into the locker room. I had parked nearby, to be ready for a quick exit from school. Tennis was my last class.

"Wow, Marty, you have a Jeep!"

"Yeah. I got a good deal on it from one of my dad's friends."

"Super! I'm gonna have a Jeep when I get old enough to drive. Oh, man!" he crooned as he climbed into my favorite place to be.

"So, Jack, where do you live?"

"Down Adams Drive about a mile; we just moved in. But, Marty, do you think we could, you know, go somewhere and talk before you take me home?"

Would I like to go somewhere? Oh would I! I had just turned sixteen, had had the Jeep for only a few weeks, and welcomed any opportunity to use it. Jack said he needed to get home around 5:30 because his mom got home at 6:00. That gave us about three hours. He lit up like fireworks when I suggested we do some off-roading nearby. I guided the Jeep behind the school to a back road. We were near the edge of town, so it wasn't long before we were cruising down a country lane.

"There's a county recreation area just over here where we can follow some fire trails," I explained. Jack grinned with delight as the sweet spring air whipped around us. With no top, the Jeep was too noisy to talk comfortably at highway speeds, so we just enjoyed one of the first really warm days as we drove the short distance to the recreation area.

County recreation areas were county land that had been opened to sportsmen for hunting and hiking, though they did not allow overnight camping. Most ranged from a hundred acres to nearly a thousand. Four-wheelers had recently discovered these reserves and a controversy was raging over whether to allow off-roading. Unlike the ATV crowd who was all over the place, I generally stuck to plowed fire lanes to avoid environmental damage, yet still get a little off the beaten path.

Turning into the area, I drove to the end of the short access road, popped the Jeep into four-wheel drive, and started up the steep hillside. Shortly we leveled out and I turned into the fire lane. The woods formed a solid canopy of light green new growth over the lane. After several switch-backs we were maybe a third of the way up the hillside. I stopped the Jeep. Birds twittered and the soft, warm breeze sighed through the trees. Otherwise, the silence was total.

"Wow, Marty, I don't think I've ever been out this far!" Jack was enthralled.

"We're really not too far out, Jack, but it seems like it because the woods are so thick. I love this place. I come here whenever I can, particularly when I need to get away from all the shit that goes on." I slid into the rear seat to stretch out. Jack joined me.

"It's really nice, Marty. We're out here all by ourselves. I like that."

" I like that, too. So, tell me about yourself. You say you just moved here?"

"Yeah, just last week. My mom and dad split and Mom wanted to move back here, where she grew up. That way she can be near Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa had a heart attack in January."

"Oh, dude, I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, well, shit happens. I've seen plenty of that. Personally, I'm happy we're away from my dad. He was always hittin' on me."

"You mean he beat you?"

"No, he always wanted to, um, get too close." Jack glanced at me from the corners of his eyes.

"You mean he smothered you?"

Jack wagged his head. "No, uh, he... you know, uh, he wanted to play with my, uh..."

"Jack, I know some things are hard to talk about. I want you to know that if you don't want to talk about it, don't feel that you have to, okay?"

Jack nodded. "No, uh, Marty I've never been able to talk about this with anyone. It's like I'm not sure how to, but I feel okay with you. It's like you understand me."

I couldn't help smiling at his compliment -- and feeling much closer to him. "Are you saying he played with your dick?" I was incredulous.

Jack didn't answer. He just stared at me and solemnly nodded. But then, why should I be surprised? He was cute, blond, blue-eyed, trim, budding -- the perfect mark for a weirdo -- but also, immensely attractive to me.

"Oh, you poor guy. I know how you feel. When I was a little younger than you are, a priest did it to me. I told; he got reassigned; I had to go for counseling, and I still go to the survivors group occasionally. So I think I know what you went through."

Jack's eyes widened as they filled with tears. He crawled over onto me, hugged me fiercely as he had done in the locker room, and again unburdened his heart. I held him close and stroked his head as he cried himself out. He looked up at me.

"Man, I thought I was the only kid this ever happened to, and now you're telling me it happened to you, too? I can't believe this!"

"I guess it happens a lot. I've met a number of kids who had it happen to them. We're not alone. Kids don't like to talk about it, so they keep it to themselves and feel all alone. I'll tell you more about it, but first, tell me what happened this afternoon at school."

Jack sobered as I gazed steadily at him. "Richie and his gang have been on my case ever since I started at Ranshaw last week. First, I thought they were just messing with me to break me in. But it's gone beyond that. They've done some really mean things. I guess I asked for it. I mean, David is really, uh..."


He nodded, smiling. It was almost like we could communicate without talking.

"Yeah, cute. I can't help staring at him in the showers. His dick is just so beautiful! And his face, man he's gorgeous! That's probably where they picked up on the faggot part."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised," I agreed.

"Well, yesterday they called me out for a fight. I hate that shit, so I just ignored them. Then today they ganged up on me after class."

"Do you know what they were going to do?"

"No, and I'm not sure they knew. They were acting all confused and stuff."

"That's probably because they were."

"Well, that's when you came in."

I kept stroking his back. He stayed curled up on me. Underneath him, my dick responded to the pressure and his warmth.

"After this afternoon, Jack, I don't think you'll have any more trouble with them. At least, I hope not."

"Me, too," he agreed. Marty, I, uh...don't quite know how to say this."

I gazed at him steadily.

"Well, uh, you know what they were saying about's true. I do stare at them. I can't help it." Jack looked at me, apparently watching carefully for the slightest clue to my reaction. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"And you think it's true what they said -- that you're a faggot?" Jack's eyes brimmed with tears as he nodded his head.

"According to what I've heard at the group, it might be true and it might not. I hear that most of us don't know for sure until we're twenty or so. Until then, there's a lot of exploring to do. I wouldn't be in a hurry to make up your mind until you're a lot older."

Jack's expression was solemn.

I continued, "When I went to counseling, after the thing with the priest, I learned a couple of things that are really important to me. They might be to you, too. Every kid who was in that group thought there was something wrong with him that caused it to happen to him -- me included. I hear you sounding that way too. We all had to work hard to realize that it wasn't us, it was the people who did the stuff to us that had something wrong with them." Jack stayed close and warm and focused on me.

"The other thing that I learned about me is that I really do like guys and that's okay. You know how interested you are in David's dick? Well, I'm as interested in yours -- and mine. But it's not like I just want to hit on you, Jack. I mean, I really like you!"

Jack grinned. "I'm really glad to hear you say that, Marty. I feel the same about you. He felt beneath him to squeeze my lumpy crotch, then scooted off of me for a better look. "What are ya doin, Marty, peeing yourself?"

I looked down at the moist spot of precum on my jeans and grinned back. "Haven't you ever seen pre-cum before? That's a sign that you really turn me on."

"Precum? No, man, let's see it! Is it like piss?" I unfastened my belt and undid the buttons to slide my 501s down, followed quickly by my briefs. My dick bobbed at its customary airborne angle over my belly, a clear drop of precum oozing out of my piss slit.

"No, Jack. It's more like part of your cum. I learned this year in biology that piss is slightly acid, at least enough to kill sperm. So pre-cum is kinda like a pre-wash for your urethra to neutralize any piss that might be left there. That way, when you come, all your little spermies can jet safely through your tube to make babies." Jack listened, but his gaze was fastened on my leaking bobber.

"Wow, Marty! I don't think I've ever seen one so big -- not even my dad's. But that stuff -- it's not white, it's clear." Jack moved so that he could study my dick closely. Grabbing the base of my dick with one hand, he moved the tip up toward his face and sniffed. "It smells like cum." Then he gingerly stuck out his tongue to taste my dick drool. "And it tastes like cum." Then in one movement he opened wide, curled his lips over his teeth, and closed over me with his warm, wet, sucking mouth.

"Oh, Jack! You feel wonderful. Man where did you learn to suck dick like this? Oh, yeah -- your dad?"

Jack managed an "um-mmh" as he nodded his head and continued to lick my lollipop. He supported himself with one hand while the other tugged gently at my balls.

"Well your dad sure taught you well, you little rascal."

He giggled, sending shivers of vibration into my dick and bringing an answering shudder from me. This kid was a regular vacuum cleaner. All too soon I started to tense. Jack immediately stopped sucking and tugged firmly on my balls. Just as he intended, my approaching climax retreated. Then he resumed his sucking, now pressing a fingertip slightly against my anus.

"Oh, Jack, that feels so intense! Oh," I moaned. Jack answered with another giggle and a slight wiggle of his finger.

This time as I approached climax, he slowed his movement and suction so that he barely slipped his mouth over my inflamed skin. I could feel his hot, damp breath on my glans. So that was why he was fingering me -- to detect when I began to tense.

He held me on the edge for what seemed like hours, though it must have been only five or ten minutes. I lay there under nature's chartreuse umbrella, caressed by the warm breeze and this surprising boy. Somewhere in the canopy a mourning dove moaned its soulful song. My own moans grew higher as again and again, Jack would tease me just to the edge then back off. Each time he worked his finger further into me until it just lightly brushed my prostate gland. That sent a gush of precum down my dick-shaft, which young Mr. Electrolux swallowed right down.

My breath came in guttural grunts as my eyes rolled back in my head. "Oh, Jack, you lovely boy. Please! Please! Please let me cum." I held him tightly as my body convulsed, begging for release. Finally, he touched my prostate and glans together ever so lightly and I went over the edge, surfing down long, delicious spasms of joy -- weeping, moaning, singing the joy in my soul. How could I clutch him tighter? But I did! He and I became one for that cosmic moment, sharing my orgasm.

My crying subsided into, "Oh, Jack! Oh, Jack. You lovely boy! Oh, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. I love you!" He left my cock and ass and crawled up to rest again on my chest, holding me as tightly now as I still held him. And he gazed at me with intensity and longing such as I had never seen. We kissed and he emptied my semen into my mouth for us both to share and savor. Little moans crossed between us as we each swallowed our portion of my load. Jack moaned still, clutched me as if never to let go, and for the third time that day, his tears overflowed as he unburdened his soul.

"Oh Marty, I never, never, ever thought I would find anyone like you. Oh, my God, there is someone else like me, and you're the one! How did we ever find each other?"

"See, Jack? There is a God. And he lives in us; he must, because I have never ever felt the way about anybody that I feel about you. I love you my little colt. Oh, my, I have so much to learn from you!" My hands were inside his T-shirt, rubbing and caressing his smooth skin, working their way down under the elastic of his shorts to his rump, rubbing in all those special places that I had learned feel so good to me. With puppy ease he wriggled out of his T-shirt so that our chests now pressed together skin to skin.

His sobs turned into the occasional sniffle that would disrupt his speech like a hiccup. His tears warmed between our chests, just as my post-orgasmic drool warmed and wetted our crotches pressed so tightly together. "Marty, I... I..." and the tears welled up again as my colt released yet another wave of pent-up misery.

"I know, baby, I know. We'll be okay, you and I. I love you and I see how you love me. We'll be okay." There seemed to be nothing to do but to hold him and caress him and let him cry. And cry he did. There were no more tears now, just long, keening wails of misery. Or were they of happiness? Perhaps both. I had never known such happiness and contentment as I did then.

With both thumbs I worked his shorts down to expose his beautifully satin globes of pearl bun flesh, and then twisted around so that I could turn him over to return his love. His young staff stood straight out perpendicular to his belly, framed by sparse, sandy curls. The sheath was now totally withdrawn to reveal a perfect, pinkish glans. Gradually I closed my mouth around him, careful to avoid his glans, and began my best version of suction to bring him off. It didn't take long.

Jack had taken my now limp penis into back into his mouth as I engulfed his, just holding it and suckling it ever so slightly. As his climax approached, I felt his body arch under me. His penis seemed to swell to twice its size as his first shot of puppy spunk splatted against the back of my throat. I slowed my motion but held him all the way in my mouth -- feeling him gradually go limp as he held my glans in his mouth and massaged my balls and crotch.

We broke our embrace and came together at the mouth again. My tongue roamed his mouth, sharing his gamy aftertaste. I couldn't get enough of this golden colt. My hand was everywhere, caressing his hair, rubbing his scalp and his neck, pressing the pressure points along his spine, squeezing his perfect buns. I pulled back and couldn't keep from grinning as we gazed at each other.

"What? What, Marty? Well, what?" The more he quizzed, the more I giggled.

"I'm just delirious, man. I never thought I could find anyone like you, just like you never thought you could find me. And here you are! And here I am! And, good God, it's time to get you home!" We both started. The clock on the Jeep's dashboard pointed to just past five.

Jack slipped back into his shirt and we both did up our pants. "Man, I hope your mom isn't early! You have quite a wet spot there, my love."

"Oh, yeah. Well, I didn't have a chance to tell ya. Remember when you were coming?"


"Well, I came then, too. I didn't even touch myself! That's never happened before." Jack had climbed back into the front passenger seat and turned to gaze at me as I pulled up my pants and climbed back into the driver's seat.

"Well, you little Eveready Rabbit, you! And you still shot a load for me?" We buckled up and I started the engine, ready to turn the Jeep around.

"Well, yeah, you know... youth!" He grinned. I beamed. Yeah, youth, love, fulfillment, contentment. How could I ever be happier?

We jolted down the steep hill, pulled out onto the county road and headed back into town. Within ten minutes we were pulling up in front of Jack's house. I was relieved to see no car in the driveway.

"Could you come in and meet my mom when she gets home, Marty? I think she'll really be happy to see that I've made a new friend." He was already shucking his damp school outfit and putting on play clothes. My eyes feasted on his coltish body, so full of promise and delight.

"Sure, man. Just let me call home to let them know where I am." As I hung up the telephone, the door opened. The first thing I noticed about the spare woman who walked in was her sunken eyes with great, dark bags under them. She looked almost as if she had two shiners.

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