Rescuing a Superhero

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 18, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Gregory Grant left the office at ten minutes past five o'clock, something he knew for certain because he checked his watch as he exited the office building, and for a good reason. He now had exactly eight minutes to walk the two blocks to the subway station which would take him home, and since Gregory was in excellent physical shape thanks to a regular attendance at the gymnasium on his lunch hour, and not wielding a cane, crutch or walker, he ought to make the subway train with a couple of minutes to spare. For this reason, his heart was as free from care as any busy-office middle manager in his early thirties can be on a Friday after work. Time for two whole unfettered days of rest and recreation! Except that Sarah, his wife, probably would want him to work in the front yard, putting in some gladiolas or such instead of letting him lounge in the hammock in the back yard like any decent working stiff ought to have as his rightful prerogative as the family breadwinner! Especially when his wife cut him off from all sex six months ago and didn't appear to be ever going to let him touch her again. Life ought to offer a guy more than this....

That was as far as he got before the blasphemously loud sound hit the air above him. "SKREEEEE-AAAAAAAHHHH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH!" What the hell was that?

And then the source of that sound (which still echoed through the canyons of the offices of downtown Sainfield, punctuated now by shrieks and screams from ahead) peered at him from around a pair of buildings directly ahead of him. Transfixed by the sheer size of it, Gregory stood stock-still while everyone about him found the sight lent wings to their heels and were now fleeing away in all directions.

Translucent green with red blobs floating within it, it stood over twelve stories tall (the fourteen-story American Financial building barely topped it on its far side), it held three large white, misshapen eyes near the top of its roundish head (there was no neck below that) and a mouth that was a gaping hole instead of a clean, lip-lined orifice, below that an astounding number of tentacles of all shapes and sizes, similar only in that they were each tipped with a small bulge like the cap of a morel mushroom, which waved about like a hundred gigantic snakes, slapping the (empty) bus to Gregory's right away like it was a child's toy (considering the behemoth's enormous size, the comparison was more than apt, it was literal) and another ramming into the mailbox to Gregory's left, piercing it without apparent effort or resistance.

The slamming metallic sounds awakened Gregory's muscles and he turned to run, but got only a couple of steps when a large tentacle darted past him on the left, curved and passed him again on the right and then he was being encircled by the large, long, slime-coated appendage, and being bodily lifted up into the air.

Gregory yelled then, but another "SKREEEEE-AAAAAAAHHHH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH-WHUH!"from the alien (Gregory hoped it wasn't any sort of local talent, at least!) drowned him out utterly. Gregory watched and struggled helplessly as the huge whip of living matter that enchained him was joined by others as he was carried up to within a few feet of the monstrous alien's mouth and eyes. He closed his eyes, his only remaining defense. He was about to be eaten, and didn't want to know just when it was coming. His lips tried to form a prayer but that wasn't something he'd done much of ever since puberty and his words were only a hopeless mumbling sound. His clothing, an elegant suit of Italian silk, sleek-looking but not especially durable, was ripping itself into rags as the various tentacles pulled at his clothing. There seemed to be a bit of dissolving going on as well for his pants and shirt and briefs and t-shirt to sunder themselves so easily for there were no claws, he only saw and felt blunt nubs of the tentacle-heads touching against his body, rubbing across him, like a dozen or twenty heads of purring cats stroking up against you might feel. Oh, God, if only....

And there he was! A flash of yellow with red piping and on his chest, a brave, blue, arc-limbed "E" emblem in the center of the broad, massive chest of the sort Gregory dreamed of having, flying to his rescue! Element Man! He could make the air support him, water obey him, fire flare up for him, earth erupt for him. If anyone could save him, it would be Element Man!

"Element Man! Over here!" he shouted. "Help!"

Element Man swerved down and came toward the behemoth being that held Gregory in its thrall. God, his bare skin was touching those tentacles now! His clothing from his chest to his knees were either gone or in tatters too small to matter. Now the bulbous tips of the limbs were brushing his skin, feeling him, stroking him, touching him...touching him there! Oh, God!

Element Man fired a blast of raw fire from his fingertips toward the blob, the fire splattered (away from Gregory) and the tentacles...were unaffected. Any searing of the flesh of the creature was absorbed or discarded without affecting the rest of the body! The tentacles that held Gregory didn't even stop their intimate exploration of his body!

Element Man swooped around the huge monster, firing other blasts, bigger blasts, to no greater effect. Gregory saw it all from his front row seat, the creature moving down the street, strewing destruction and chaos before him, while Element Man was flailing away ineffectually, no more than a human-sized gnat to this monster.

Element Man was trying water now, jetting water up from a broken fire hydrant to slap at the creature. This did no better than the one before, though the body of the monster wavered beneath the pelting of the high-powered jet Element Man was wielding toward him.

And one of the tentacles about Gregory had found his anus! Oh, jeez, it was probing and digging, trying to push its way in! Was it one of the smaller ones? Or one of those monstrous ones that held him up in mid-air!

Air now came into play, hurricane force winds whipped around the beast, Element Man had now given up trying to stop the creature, now he was trying to free Gregory from the tentacles' grip by bending back the tentacles.

The air's force did this much, it caught the gigantic monster's attention. Element Man was closing in, the air was blowing harder, so hard that if the thing did relax its grip, Gregory would go flying upwards at a high rate of speed. Element Man would surely fly up and catch him, but....

And Gregory watched as a tentacle came around and caught Element Man! "Look out!" he shouted as the tentacle contacted that yellow-clad form, and whipped about his waist as quickly as one had on Gregory!

Element Man blazed in fire all about his body as the tentacle was joined by another, and then a third and fourth, these last two caught his arms and held them away helpless to aim his powers. My God, it was overpowering Element Man!

And the tentacle at Gregory's ass drove into his sphincter! Oh, God! This was no dinky probe like the one now encircling his penis! This was bigger, much bigger! He could barely accommodate this bulbous tip, barely keep from screaming!

Element Man was now brought up to face him, the face that Gregory had seen time and again splashed across the newspaper below a banner headline in big, fat type. Element Man was now wriggling as helpless as he was, his curly brown hair in a disarray that belied Gregory's personal belief that Element Man never had a hair out of place.

And Element Man's costume was as vulnerable to the tentacle's dissolving/destroying touch as his own Italian silk had been. Gregory watched as the body beneath began to be revealed.

And his own ass was being slowly fucked by the tentacle in his ass, his cock was being circled, stroked, pumped by the smaller one that had wrapped it three or four times round, and in front of him, a handsome studly superhero was being systematically disrobed.

Element Man grunted and his disintegrating costume shifted, exposing one huge, distended nipple. The tear around it extended, increased, the costume peeled away, showing Gregory Element Man's massive muscled breast, a huge shelf of power coated with the sheen of sweat and exertion.

And Gregory saw one tentacle the size of a huge male organ at its tip dive around Element Man's body, aiming for the back of him and the fabric of the red briefs-shaped portion of his costume slicing itself into ribbons that fluttered away and exposed first his buttocks and the tentacle dove in with the confidence the creature had gained from its experimental probing of Gregory and Element Man gasped and writhed as the huge bulb penetrated his intestines.

Element Man's face was open, open eyes, flaring nostrils, open mouth, raised eyebrows, looking to Gregory for answers. ""

"I know." Gregory gasped. "Me, too!"

Element Man's costume split in two and his cock was there before Gregory, uncurling and rising up as the tentacles touched and brushed it.

"It's doing that to me, too." Gregory moaned as his own prong was stroked by the tentacle that had enfolded it.

Element Man was brought by the creature closer to Gregory, the two men panting now as their bodies were forcibly stimulated by the monster which continued its rampage. Gregory and Element Man were a mere side-diversion for it; the three eyes were not even watching what its tentacles were doing to its two captives.

And their bodies were brought closer still. Gregory watched wide-eyed as Element Man's body was only a foot away, only six inches away, only two inches away. And the tentacle about his cock released its hold and his prong fell over and landed splat on top of Element Man's own sizeable organ, the glans of Element Man's cock was buried in Gregory's testicles and his own was resting in Element Man's brown pubic bush.

And the tentacle wrapped them again, this time...together.

"Sorry about this." Gregory groaned as his pud's shaft-skin was slid back and forth over Element Man's own. "Not my idea. Honest!"

"I understand." Element Man gasped. "This alien seems...uh!...curious about humans...uh!"

"A bit too curious!" Gregory groaned. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't think...guh!...we get to decide that!" Element Man quipped.

Gregory felt the tentacles releasing them. Thank God he wasn't going to cream his load all over Element Man! And have that elemental load blasted onto his balls. Gregory wasn't sure how hard a superhero could shoot his wad!

And Element Man was lifted up by the tentacles, struggling feebly as he realized the alien's intent. Gregory was stretched backwards to a nearly horizontal position and he watched as Element Man's legs were spread and his body was lowered down toward Gregory's steaming hard dong, the taut ass being the lowest point on Element Man's squirming body.

And the beast's aim with his tentacles was dead-on accurate. Element Man's ass had been stretched out by the alien probe so that Gregory's own more modest dick slid into him.

"Guh-uh-huh!" Gregory grunted as his cock was enveloped in hot superhero ass. "So sorry...Guh!...Element Man!"

"Not your fault! Huh!" Element Man groaned in his turn. "We have to...uh!...simply endure this! Huh! I have...guh!...summoned help from....ah!...members of the Heroes' Guild...whoo!...who should be here...guh!...shortly!"

"So we...ah!...just have to wait!" Gregory closed his eyes and let his body have its way. Element Man wouldn't realize that it wasn't the alien moving his hips to ram his cock up into Element Man's ass, now would he?

Element Man wriggled as Gregory hunched up into him. If he realized Gregory was now the one doing the fucking, he didn't say anything, just moaned and his cock waggled up and down, ignored now by the tentacles that held them captive.

And Gregory's hand was sliding free of the tentacle's grip. He could get his hand out. He could use it to tug at the strands of alien beast holding them in thrall. He could scratch his nose if he chose! He could...

He could reach out and grab Element Man's cock and pump it avidly. Element Man gasped and looked down at Gregory's flailing hand on his prong.

"What are you doing?" Element Man guttered out huskily.

"This alien wants us to fuck!" Gregory panted. "The more we do it voluntarily, the less he holds us! So I say let's fuck ourselves free!"

Element Man watched Gregory's hand, and then his ass began to clutch and tug at Gregory's dick. Then his hips began to wriggle, adding his motions to Gregory's to make the loving better, less a ravishment of one and more a symphony of two!

And the tentacles about Gregory's waist began to release. They were not holding him now, but rather, cupping his body from below now, giving him free rein to hump the hapless, still helpless hero above him.

Gregory reached up and pulled Element Man's body down to him and as their lips met and they kissed, Gregory felt his cock racing towards climax. "Oh, God, Element Man, I'm coming! Uh, gah, uh, I'm coming!"

"Shoot it in me!" Element Man grunted. "Shoot it in and shoot it hard!"

"Ah! Hah! Hah! Hah! HAH-GAH-AH-GAH-HUHHHH!" Gregory's cock revenged itself for all the mistreatment and stimulation forced upon it in one gigantic eruption of hot male jizz. He poured his seed into Element Man's ass, groaning and gasping, and in that cataclysm of climax, he felt the tentacle in his ass, the final obstruction which had been lying dormant for as long as he had been fucking Element Man, pulled itself free with a "pop" and he was completely unfettered by the alien.

But Element Man was still bound at the waist and hands. He looked at the free man before him and gasped, "You're free. Now help free me!"


"Sex frees us!" Element Man wheezed. "When I come, it'll set me free as well!"

And Gregory understood and he laid back on the tentacles and raised his legs in the air. "Then come on and fuck me, Mr. Superhero."

And the tentacles ferried Element Man into position. As the powerful supercock touched Gregory's sphincter, he smiled, closed his eyes. Damn, that felt good! Damned good!

And Element Man entered him with a gentleness that came through even though his body moved under the power of an alien giant. His cock delved deep into Gregory's ass and when it was fully embedded, Gregory locked his legs about Element Man's waist and said, "Okay, get to fucking me the way a superhero should!"

He knew Element Man could have split him in two from the force of his fucks if he chose...or simply if he lost control. But Element Man kept that control, he fucked Gregory slowly and kindly, speeding up gradually until his ass was a blur Gregory could just see over Element Man's hunched and hunching back muscles. And the tentacles around Element Man, they released their hold as Element Man's ardor and fuck-frenzy increased.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Element Man whispered to Gregory in his ear. "When I do, hold on tight as you can."

"I will. I promise." Gregory said.

And Element Man's face flushed a light scarlet, he moaned, grimaced, gritted his teeth and with a wheezing sort of sigh escaping his lips, his jizz pumped into Gregory's ass. No harder than any normal man's ejaculation would be, Gregory let out a sigh of relief as the hot spunk flooded his bowels.

And then Element Man acted. With a burst of speed, Gregory hanging on for dear life, he burst free, carrying Gregory up and away from the massive beast even as his cock sprayed Gregory's insides lavishly. By the time Element Man was finished, they were nearly a mile high in the air and the gigantic monster was a huge green oval below them.

And the Heroes' Guild had arrived. With them was Blockbuster, a man with a singular and singularly deadly power. He could divulge it in lesser amounts, only destroying small bits of the world. But now, on this monster, Blockbuster unleashed his full power.

The monster exploded in a violent volcano of green gore, spraying the buildings around him for blocks around. Blockbuster's power pulverized big chunks of the four buildings nearest the beast...but those had already sustained heavy damage and fell in clouds of dust and rubble about the carcass of the disrupted behemoth.

Element Man flew Gregory over to a rooftop. "Here we are." he said as he set Gregory down on the roof. "I hid my regular clothes here. Let's see what we can do for you. After all, you did rescue me, so to speak."

Element Man donated his pair of boxers and t-shirt to Gregory. With the shreds of his Italian silk jacket warding his arms over that, and the remnants of his shirt bolstering the boxers, he was as decent as he could hope to be to a casual eye. Element Man was kind enough to cap this by flying Gregory (while wearing his secret-identity clothes) directly to Gregory's home. Gregory looked at his watch (which had survived the monster's strange ability to remove clothing unscathed) and saw that he was pretty much on time arriving at home. By slipping in the front door without knocking, he was able to get up to his bedroom and cover himself in fresh clothes before his wife even knew he was there.

The green monster invasion dominated the talk at his table, but Gregory found his own part (and Element Man's) had been an unnoted sideshow to the massive destruction the beast had inflicted upon the downtown area. Blockbuster was the hero of the day to the news shows. He decided to not mention it to his wife, and figured that was the end of it.

And it was until the next afternoon when his wife Sarah came in where he was watching a game on television. "Anything on the news?" she asked.

"Nothing they interrupted the game for." Gregory said. "Why?"

"Element Man has been flying overhead the last fifteen minutes." Sarah said. "He must have flown directly over our house a dozen times or more. I think he's looking for something nearby."

Or someone. "I think I'll go out front and look at those gladiola beds you've been working on." Gregory said. "See if I can spot what Element Man is looking for."

"They're geraniums." Sarah said reprovingly. "And I'm leaving to pick up the plants now. I should be back in a half hour or so."

"That ought to be long enough." Gregory said enigmatically.

He waited until Sarah had driven away to go outside. Above his head was a yellow and red flying figure, which came down to alight beside him. He didn't say a word, just smiled and nodded to Gregory's questioning look, and Gregory nodded in return with a smile of his own.

And was carried up into the air in the arms of his new superhero lover. A moment later, they were only a faint speck in the air that dove into a bank of clouds and vanished from sight.

After all, when you rescue a superhero, you have to expect something unusual in the way of gratitude.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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