
By Jeff Moses / Chainedcoot

Published on Nov 3, 2017



This is a work of fiction. It includes scenes of bondage and sex play between boys. No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended. If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now. Special thanks to my Boy Scout Handbook!

Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases. Please play safe--

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Benjy was nervous. "Really?"

"If you want to. Only if you want to."

"You want me to lie down on your dad's workbench so you can tie me up?"

Mac nodded. His cock was tight in his jeans, but he resisted the temptation to adjust them. No point in calling Benjy's attention to the bulge.

Benjy studied his best friend. It was Mac who'd welcomed him to the neighborhood, four years ago. It was Mac who had invited him to share his summer business mowing lawns. It was Mac who'd helped him to study for his last Science test. The boys' parents knew each other. Benjy and Mac had slept over at each other's houses a few times. "If I let you," Benjy finally said, "can I do it to you?"

"Sure," Mac replied, smiling. "Fair's fair."

"Okay." Benjy climbed onto the bench and lay down on his back with his arms above his head. "Like so?"

"Perfect." And Mac began tying Benjy's ankles in place. Two, three, four loops of rope, gather the loops with a bowline, then bring the rope off the end of the bench and tie it to the bench leg; then do the same with the other ankle. "Too tight?"

Benjy tugged. "No. It's fine."

Mac smiled and hurried to the other end of the bench, quickly tying Benjy's wrists the same way. "Can you get loose?"

Benjy squirmed, testing the restraints gently, then yanking them sharply. "Nope," he said.

Mac studied his helpless friend. He had no idea why it was so hot, but getting Benjy stretched out on the workbench had been bugging him for months. Almost a year ago, he'd gotten the idea of tying himself to it. He'd experimented with various arrangements, using a slip knot to secure his right hand. That's how he'd discovered the four-loop trick to keep the rope from leaving marks on his skin. And now...what? He'd directed all of his effort to convincing his best friend to let him do this, and now he had no idea what to do next.

"Now what?" Benjy smiled, as if he'd read Mac's mind. "Are you going to torture me, or something?"

"Yes!" Mac responded, perhaps a bit too loudly. But how? He put his hand on Benjy's chest, and got a satisfying gasp in reply. That gave him an idea, and he began tickling his friend's torso. Benjy responded with very satisfying struggles as he tried to control his laughter. Mac was relentless, and soon had Benjy gasping for breath.

"Stop! Please stop, man. I can't take any more!" his prisoner gasped between laughs.

"Where be the treasure?" Mac growled, trying to sound like one of the pirates from a "Jack Sparrow" movie

as he renewed the tickling.


"Where be the pirate treasure, matey?" Mac demanded.

"I don't know what--" Benjy suddenly caught on to the game. "I'll draw you a map if you want, Captain, but please stop torturing me!" he sputtered, battling his agonized laughter.

"Huh?" It was Mac's turn to be confused.

"Untie my hands and I'll draw you a map, Captain!"

"One hand!"

"How can I draw a map with one hand?"

"Then I guess I'll just have to keep torturing ye!" Mac laughed wickedly, and went back to tickling his victim.

"It's under the old oak tree!" Benjy cried. "Mercy, Captain!"

"Aha!" Mac shouted. To Benjy's surprise, he turned and ran up the basement stairs.

"Hey, Mac! You can't just leave me here!!" But Mac was already out of sight. Benjy tugged at the ropes again, but they still held. "Hey!" he yelled. "Mac! C'mon!"

Upstairs, Mac jerked on his aching cock, and shot into the toilet. For a moment, he relished the afterglow. Then, he heard Benjy's voice from the basement, and hurried back downstairs.

"Where'd you go?"

"I-I had to piss," Mac said, embarrassed.

"Oh." The two boys looked at each other. "Can you untie me, now?"

"Yeah. Sure," Mac replied, quickly. At least now he knew what he wanted to happen after his friend was tied up. He began undoing Benjy's hands. "Should we bike up to Shepperd's? I can buy ice cream." Suddenly, Mac really wanted to get his best friend out of the basement.

"Yeah! Great!" The boys spent the rest of the afternoon carefully avoiding any discussion about what had happened.

But Mac lay in bed that night, playing with his cock, thinking about Benjy and feeling creepy-- and horny. Images of Benjy's tied wrists and ankles, of his helpless struggles, kept swimming to the surface of his mind, and the feel of Benjy's body seemed to linger on his fingertips.

Benjy couldn't sleep. He was sort of angry at Mac, but at the same time, somehow, he wasn't. He'd cooperated, after all. And before the merciless tickling began, when his wrists were being tied, a feeling he liked but couldn't describe had flowed through him. And when Mac suddenly disappeared, it wasn't fear or anger that filled him, but an increasingly desperate hunger for his friend--even if the tickling was to continue. He got up and tiptoed into the bathroom and tried to piss. He brushed his teeth a second time, flushed the toilet out of habit, and returned to his bedroom. "I'm going to tie him up," he assured himself, but it felt more like a chore than payback. He lay on his bed, legs spread and arms reaching for the corners of his mattress, remembering and wondering.

It was almost a month before they found themselves in Mac's basement again, driven indoors by a sudden storm. Mac shook the water out of his hair, while Benjy removed his shoes and socks, drenched from an unexpected puddle. Water was dripping from his hair, so he pulled off his shirt to use like a towel. Seeing him do that, Mac pulled off his own shirt and did the same.

Benjy carried everything over to the laundry tub, wrung out his socks and shirt, then balanced his shoes on the floor drain, upside down.

"That was a lot of rain, huh?" Mac said. "You're a fast runner."

Benjy shrugged. "Didn't do me any good, though. I'm soaked!"

"Me, too."

For a moment, Benjy hesitated. Then, since Mac was quiet, he said, "So...what d'you want to do? We shouldn't go upstairs all wet like this, I suppose."

"You're right," Mac replied. "So, no TV or anything like that."

"I gotta piss, though," Benjy said.

"You can piss into the laundry tub. If you're tall enough." Even as he spoke, Mac wondered where that idea had come from.

"I'm tall enough!" Benjy turned back to the tub, dropped his shorts, and fished his penis out of his boxers. "See?"

"You're standing on your tiptoes, though!"


"Watch!" Mac walked up to the sink, undid his pants and dropped his y-fronts. "See?"

"You're on your toes, too!"

"Not as much, though." Mac dropped himself to a flat-footed stance. "See? I can still reach it."

"Cannot! You're just barely even with the edge!"

"So?" Mac smiled. "When I piss, the piss comes out up and goes into the tub." He demonstrated the hypothetical arc of the liquid with his free hand.

"I could do that, too!" Benjy protested.

"Maybe, maybe not. It could hit the edge and splash all over." Mac stuffed his penis back into his briefs.

"Wanna bet?" And without waiting for a reply, Benjy grabbed his penis and pissed. "See? Same deal: up and over."

"Bet you drip at the end!"

"Bet you would, too!" Benjy replied. But he tried to force his last drops over the edge. "Did it!"

Mac inspected the edge of the sink. "There's a drop!" he said, triumphantly.

Benjy leaned over to study it. "But it's not on the floor. It's going to go into the sink!"

"It's not moving. It's gonna stay there forever!"

"Is not!" Benjy blew on the drop, which trembled, but stayed in place.

"Told ya!" Mac reached the faucet and ran water into the tub to wash the piss down the drain. "What do you want to do?"

Benjy glanced at the workbench. "Can't do that, with all the tools and stuff on it."

"We could put it all away!" Mac kicked off his wet pants and hurried across the basement. It took only a few moments to put most of the tools into drawers. "Grab that brush, and the dust pan."

Benjy got the brush and dust pan and went to work. It was a little tricky getting sawdust and grit out of the cracks between the boards, but eventually, the bench was clean. The two boys looked at their work for a moment. Then Benjy's whisper broke the silence. "It's your turn."

"Okay. Rope's over there." Mac pointed to the corner of the basement under the stairs, where ropes hung on a peg between a couple of extension cords and three snow shovels. While Benjy went to get the rope, Mac hopped onto the table and spread his arms and legs out. His cock was beginning to swell. "Shit," he thought, pushing it down so Benjy wouldn't see it.

Benjy returned, put the ropes down on the floor and pulled a piece from the pile. Hesitantly, he tied one end around Mac's ankle.

"You should wrap it around four times, like I did you," Mac ordered. Benjy untied his knot and carefully wrapped Mac's ankle four times. Mac continued. "Then sort of gather the loops, and use a bowline and tie it off on the leg underneath."

"What's a bowline?"

"Gee, Benjy, don't you know anything? It's like this." Mac tried to pantomime tying the knot, while Benjy stared in confusion. "Here, I'll do it," Mac said, at last. He slid down the bench and tied the knot. "See? Like that."

Benjy squatted beneath the bench to tie off the rope. The piece he'd chosen, though, was much longer than he'd expected. "I'm sorry, Mac. It's all tangled."

"Okay. Just let the rope go and I'll show you." Mac jumped off the bench. "Oh, man, that's the wrong rope! No wonder you got it all tangled. Maybe I should just tie you up, instead. Just until you know how to do it."

"Okay," Benjy said. Part of him was relieved at the suggestion, but part of him hesitated. "Just to show me how?"

"Yeah. First, you need the shorter ropes. These," Mac said, and he pulled four pieces of rope from the pile on the floor.

"What's the other ones for, then?"

"Chores and stuff. Or like if you...Suppose you want to tie somebody to the bench around the waist, or something." Mac had made that answer up on impulse, but as soon as he said it, his cock started growing once again. "Take off your shorts and hop on up on the bench."

"Why? Why do I have to take off my shorts?"

Mac shrugged. "I took my pants off, so..."

"Your pants got wet!"

"So? It's not like I'm going to put wet pants back on just 'cause you're wearing shorts! Fair's fair!"

Benjy sighed. "Okay." He dropped his shorts and climbed onto the bench.

Mac quickly wrapped Benjy's ankle with rope, pressing his own crotch against the end of the bench to keep his stiffening cock from showing. "This is how you tie a bowline," he said, raising Benjy's left ankle. "First, you make a loop. Then the rabbit comes out of the hole, runs around the tree, goes back into the hole. See?"

"I think so."

"Watch. I'll do the other one." And he quickly tied Benjy's right ankle. "There. You can use two half- hitches on the bench leg, but you should do a clove hitch, first."

Benjy felt the ropes tugging as Mac tied them off. "But I can't see that part!"

"I'll show you after," Mac said, popping back up and hurrying to the other end of the bench.

Benjy watched carefully as Mac tied ropes around his wrists, then dropped down to secure the free ends. Now was the time to protest, to point out that he was supposed to be tying Mac to the bench, but something stopped him. "Next time," he thought, "for sure."

Mac got up and studied his friend. Benjy was barefoot and shirtless, dressed only in his boxers. And they were displaying an unmistakable bulge.

Benjy noticed his friend's sudden silence, and followed his gaze. He squirmed desperately, trying to get his cock to behave, but only succeeded in making it stiffer. He watched in fascinated embarrassment as the head of his penis appeared in the piss slit.

Mac's own penis was fighting against his briefs. "Um...hey, man, it's okay. It's just a hard-on! Everybody gets them."

Benjy replied with a moan, his face red as watermelon.

"Look, Benjy! See, I got one too. So it's okay." Mac stepped back, reached into his y-fronts and tried to get his cock through the piss slit, which just made it stiffer. The whole process threatened to become impossible, so he gave up and simply dropped his underpants. "See?"

"Your dick is big," Benjy said, wide-eyed.

"So's yours!"

"But yours is..."

"Huh-uh! I bet they're just alike. Yours just isn't out all the way." Mac started toward the bench, then realized his feet were tangled in his y-fronts. "Just wait a sec!" He quickly stepped out of them and walked to the bench. "Okay." He carefully spread Benjy's boxers until his buddy's whole cock was exposed. "I'll prove it!" He scrambled onto the bench and assumed a push-up position, with his feet between Benjy's legs and his hands just outside of Benjy's armpits. His cock hovered over Benjy's crotch. Mac shifted his hips until the head of his cock was next to his friend's, then lowered his body until he felt the head of Benjy's cock touching his crotch. "See? They're the..." Suddenly, Benjy was squirming beneath him. Mac instinctively lowered his body onto Benjy's, and it happened. The two boys gasped and moaned as they both exploded, covering their crotches in cum.

Time seemed to have stopped; Mac and Benjy stared at each other, motionless. "What the--" Benjy said at last, breaking the spell.

"You came," Mac said, with awe in his voice.

"You, too!"

"Um...Yeah." Mac carefully separated himself from Benjy, then got to the floor.

"It's not supposed to feel like that, is it? That good? It's a sin, right?" Benjy asked, hoping against hope that somehow, it wasn't.

"My dad says jacking off is normal. It's masturbation, and he says everyone does it. You do it, right?"

"Maybe, sometimes. But that...this isn't...there's two of us!"

Mac nodded. "Yeah. I never did it with anyone else before. You?"

"Heck, no! That's what makes it a sin!" Benjy's voice was threatening to climb to a scream.

"Shhh!" Words tumbled out of Mac's mouth. "It's okay. It was an accident, or something. We didn't mean to do it. I was just...we thought your penis was smaller than mine. But it's not. You saw, right? It wasn't, right?"

"No! or wait, yes?" Benjy stared at his crotch. "I'm not sure, I guess. I think...I still had my underpants in the way, maybe," he said carefully, frowning. Then, he smiled, suddenly eager. "Research! It was research, like science! The...the other part was an accident, like you said."

"Yeah! Research!" Mac smiled. "Kind of messed up, though, huh? We should clean it off."

"Get my socks, or something!"

Mac hurried over to the sink. He grabbed two socks and started wiping himself off as he came back to the bench. "Here," he said. Then, realizing that Benjy was still tied, he leaned over and went to work on his friend's crotch. "I've got to get your underpants out of the way, some," he explained. He tugged the boxers as far down as he could.

"It's all over my underpants! Oh, shit! My mom's going to know!"

"Nah. I mean, does she check your pants and stuff know?"

Benjy thought for a moment. "Maybe not. She never says anything about the sheets, or anything."

"You do it on the sheets!?"

"I don't mean to, but it runs off, sometimes. You know?"

"You came a lot," Mac said. "It's all over down there."

"How do you know it isn't yours?"

"Oh, yeah! Maybe it is! I must cum as much as you do, because our cocks are--"

"Don't start that again!"

"We could measure now, now that we came."

"It wouldn't work. It didn't work...before. You have to be able to see the whole thing hard, or something. To be sure, I mean."

Mac had to admit that this was true. He wasn't exactly sure what was touching what, there at the end. "How about... I could measure us!" Before Benjy could object, Mac was digging through the tool drawers. "Here!" he said triumphantly, holding up a tape measure. "Can you get hard again?"

"Not all tied up!"

"How about if I play with it?"

"How about you untie me, instead?"

"Okay," Mac said, and the disappointment in his voice--in his whole body, for that matter--was obvious.

"Besides, I was supposed to tie you up, remember?"

"Right...Hey! I've got an idea. How about if I tie my hands and feet and get on the table and all you have to do is tie the ropes underneath, maybe. It's simple. Please?"

Benjy sighed. "And then we measure and we're...that's all?"

"Come on! I want to know how long we are!" Mac ducked below the table and began releasing the ropes. "You should learn knots."

"How'd you learn?" Benjy's arms were loose, and he began untying the ropes around his wrists.

"My dad taught me," Mac said, popping up at the side of the table and promptly disappearing underneath the foot end. "He said Grandpa--his dad--showed him, and I'm going to have to show my son. It's like a family tradition, like when we go camping and he lights a fire with one match."

"All my dad does is sell paint," Benjy said, suddenly supremely annoyed at his father's obvious inadequacy.

"You should come camping with us!"

"I'll have to ask my folks." Benjy started to pull his boxers up. "Yuck!" He quickly pulled his legs free and tossed the underwear aside, then jumped to the floor, grabbing the other sock.

Mac gathered the ropes and set them on the bench, side by side, then stepped toward his discarded briefs.

"Wait a minute! You can't put yours on!"

"But I just took mine off so--"

"Mine are all sticky. We both have to be naked." Benjy's voice was adamant.

Mac sighed. "Okay," he said, and walked back to the bench and held out his arm. Both boys' cocks were swelling. Mac spoke quickly. "Now take one of the ropes and tie my hand." He watched carefully as Benjy wrapped his wrist. "Okay. Now you have to put the rope through and gather the loops, then make a loop and tie the bowline." He guided Benjy through it, and after several tries, Benjy got it right. "Now this one," Mac said, holding out his left wrist. When it was tied, he pushed himself up and sat on the bench, with his right knee bent and his foot on the edge.

"Like this?" Benjy said, and managed to get the knot secured around Mac's right ankle on the second try.

"Great!" Mac smiled and brought his left foot onto the bench, then watched with pride as Benjy tied his ankle properly on his first attempt. "Okay," he said, once again lying down in position on the table. "Now just tie the ropes underneath."

Benjy hurried around the bench, giving each rope a quick knot around its leg. He'd ask Mac to show him those other knots, later. "How's that?"

Mac tugged at the ropes. There was more movement than he would have liked, but the bonds were secure. "Now, we have to get hard." His own cock, he was happy to see, was well on its way. "How's yours?"

"It's's not there, yet."

"Well, play with it!"

Benjy smiled. He pulled Mac's hand to the edge of the bench and put his cock on Mac's palm. "Why don't you play with it," he ordered.

For a moment, Mac just stared. For the first time, he had another boy's cock in his hand. "Okay," he said, at last. He had just enough slack to wrap his fingers around the shaft and start stroking it. Somehow, this was making his own cock harder, as well. "Benjy? Could you jack me? Please?"

"Maybe a little." But Benjy couldn't get to Mac's cock without pulling his own cock away from Mac's hand. "Wait a minute." He grabbed another piece of rope, dropped below the end of the bench and added it to the rope securing Mac's right hand. "Try now."

Mac discovered he could move his right hand down the bench just far enough to grab Benjy's cock while Benjy played with his. "Fucking brilliant, man!"

"I have a good teacher," Benjy replied. "Do you spit on yours?"


"On your cock. To make it slippery. I do." And he leaned over and spat on his cock--and Mac's hand.

"That's gross!"

"Rub it into my dick!" And he leaned over Mac's dick and spat, then started pumping it.

"Hey! That's...whoa! That feels hot!"

"Hold your hand still," Benjy commanded. "Just hold my cock." And he began to slide his shaft back and forth. "This is what fucking's like, I bet!"

Mac tried to pump his cock in Benjy's hand, but he could only move it a little way. "Shit!"

"You'll just have to let me do the work, man," Benjy laughed. He spat on both cocks again. Mac's cock wasn't the same as his. The head was bigger, for one thing. And it felt fatter. Meanwhile, his own cock was getting close to cumming. He quickly pulled away from the bench and grabbed the tape measure, put his cock back in Mac's hand and pushed it forward as hard as he could. He hooked the end of the tape between Mac's hand and his own crotch and pulled the tape out. "Five and three-quarter inches," he announced.

"Okay, now do mine. But pump me up again, like I did you."

"You have to hold still, though. Here." Benjy spat on his hand, grabbed Mac's cock, and began to work it.

"Quick! I'm going to shoot!"

Benjy hooked the end of the tape under his thumb and bent over to read it. "Five and--Shit, man!" He spun away from the bench and rushed to the sink. The tape snapped back and fell between Mac's legs. Benjy washed his hands, frantically spitting into the sink at the same time. The jism around his mouth was already stiffening. He scrubbed himself desperately, until everything felt clean, grabbed his shirt to wipe his hands and face, and returned to the bench.

"Come on, Benjy! What the fuck--"

"You shot all over me! I think maybe I got some in my mouth, even!"

"How'd it taste?"

For a moment, Benjy just stared at Mac. He found a small puddle of cum that hadn't quite dried on the bench, scooped some on his finger, and jammed it into Mac's mouth. "That's what it tasted like, asshole!"

Mac sputtered. Everything he did with his lips and tongue seemed to bring more of the cum-covered finger into his mouth. "Yuck!" he said at last, and swallowed.

"At least it was your own," Benjy said.

"So what--how big was it?"

"Five and...three-quarters, I think." He picked up the tape. "Oh, shit!"

"What? What!?"

"Your cum's all over the tape measure." Benjy pulled the metal strip out. "It even got inside, I think."

"You're fucking kidding me! How could you let that happen?"

"I'm not the one who couldn't hold off, man. You shot into my face! You shot into my fucking mouth!"

"It won't kill you. Besides, I sucked your finger, so we're even."

"It's not going to make us pregnant, right?"

"Gross! You have to do it with a girl for that." Then Mac laughed, in spite of himself, and Benjy sighed and joined in. "So all that mess, and we really are the same size. That's weird!"

"Do you think they'll grow?" Benjy asked.

"Maybe if you jack off, more."

Benjy started to protest. "It's a--"

"It's a sin, it's a sin, oh no, it's a sin," Mac teased. "I bet Jesus jacked off!"

"That's gross!"

"He was supposed to be in human form, right? And he was a baby, so he had to be our age before he got to be an adult. He just must have jacked off!"

Benjy stared at Mac, somehow realizing for the first time that his friend was completely naked. "You're a heretic," he whispered. "Yeah! You're a heretic! And they torture heretics!" He quickly retied Mac's hand above his head, then ran to the end of the table and started tickling Mac's feet. "Heretic! Heretic!" he cried, while Mac struggled against the ropes and shrieked with laughter.

"You win! I'm a heretic! I confess!"

Benjy smiled. Then he started thinking about the longer pieces of rope. He squatted, slowly, then stood with a long rope in his hands. He studied Mac for a second, coiled the rope, and tossed it across Mac's stomach, so the end fell behind the bench.

"Hey! Benjy? What're you doing?"

"Like you said. Tying you to the bench." Benjy crawled underneath the bench to retrieve the end. The piece was long enough to go around twice. He proudly tied a bowline where Mac could see it. But there was more rope. He studied the body on the bench for a minute, then grinned. He carefully wrapped four loops around Mac's far leg, just at the knee, secured them with a bowline, dropped the rope behind the bench, and pulled the free end toward him. Then he tied Mac's near leg the same way, forcing Mac's legs to spread wide.

Mac watched in amazement as his friend, now thoroughly engrossed in his work, passed another rope across his chest, then tied it tight. Somehow, his own cock was stiffening again. "That's impossible," he thought, lifting his head as far as he could, and there was the head of his penis, peeking over the curves of his torso.

Benjy's cock was responding, as well. "That's okay," he told himself. "I just won't touch it." He reached out and stroked Mac's chest with one hand while stroking his own with the other, studying the differences between them. Mac had bigger muscles, and his belly was harder. Mac's nipples stuck out, just enough for Benjy to feel them. His own nipples were flat: just dark spots on his chest. Mac's belly button was an innie, like his own, but it didn't seem as deep, somehow. Mac had more hair above his penis, but it was sort of blond. Benjy's hair was dark, so it looked thicker. He didn't have any hair on his balls, but neither did Mac.

"Yeah," Mac hissed. "Play with my nuts, man."

Startled by the words, Benjy realized that he'd been doing just that, to his own balls and his friend's. Aware now, he began exploring both his and Mac's more carefully. He couldn't tell whose were bigger, but his own seemed to be hanging farther from his stiff cock. Research.

Mac moaned. "Oh, yeah. Make 'em feel good," he muttered.

Benjy chuckled and promptly released Mac's balls. He slowly moved his hand down the inside of Mac's leg, which jerked against its bonds in response. He reached across Mac's body to see if the other leg would react the same way, and it did. Smiling, he began to tickle his helpless prisoner once again.

"Hey! Come on, man!"

"It's payback time, Mac." Benjy laughed and began methodically searching Mac's body for ticklish spots to torture. He was surprised to discover that Mac's earlobes were among them. The end of his nose wasn't. Impulsively, he squeezed Mac's nostrils shut, then pressed his other hand over Mac's mouth. For a moment, nothing happened. Then Mac began moving his head back and forth, trying to get away from Benjy's hands. As Benjy watched, Mac's chest began to move rapidly, while he fought for air. Mac's muscles contracted in a sort of dance as he pulled against his bonds. His tongue pushed desperately against Benjy's hand, and Benjy jerked it away in surprise.

"Jeez, man! What are you trying to do? Kill me?" Mac gasped, still struggling against the ropes.

Benjy watched, unconsciously lifting his hand to his face and licking the same spot Mac had pressed with his tongue. Mac's cock stuck up from his crotch, rigid, aching for release. Benjy carefully touched the shaft. It was steely hard. He pushed it down, released it, and watched it snap back to vertical. He experimented with it, pushing it from left to right, up against Mac's stomach, down until it was as close to the bench as seemed possible. Each time, when he released it, the shaft sprang back.

Mac's balls were tight against his crotch. "Please stop, Man. It's--it feels so good--I want--jerk me off, please Benjy? Please?"

Startled, Benjy pulled his hand away.

"You asshole! Mac cried. "Don't--come on, please! Let me shoot, Man. Please! I'll do whatever you want, but you gotta let me cum!"

"Bet you won't."

"I'm gonna explode, Benjy. Please?"

"Bet you won't kiss my balls!"

"Oh, fuck! Okay, I'll kiss them. But you gotta let me shoot!"

Benjy's jaw dropped. Mac had actually agreed to kiss his balls. He quickly climbed onto the bench, kneeling between Mac's arms, dragged his balls through his friend's hair and down his face to his mouth. He balanced himself with one hand, reached for the tip of Mac's cock with the other, and flicked it with his finger. "Kiss my balls, Mac."

Mac was staring into the darkness between Benjy's nuts and his ass. His nose was full of Benjy's smell, Benjy's nuts were resting on his lips. He began licking them frantically, and Benjy's cock beat against his chin. Mac thrust his hips up as far as the bondage would allow.

Benjy leaned forward, pressing his crotch to Mac's face as he reached for the desperate cock. He spat onto his hand once again, and wrapped it around the rigid flesh while he thrust his own cock against the knotted rope around Mac's chest, then down to the flesh below it. Mac's cock grew hard as stone in his hand.

Mac groaned. "Oh, fuck! Ohfuckohfuckohfuck!" he cried, his pitch climbing almost to a squeal as wave after wave of jism shot out.

Benjy felt some of it striking his back as his own cock exploded, pouring cum onto Mac's stomach. Benjy growled and shouted "Yeah!" as he fell forward and held Mac's cum-soaked cock against his cheek. After forever, he peeled himself off Mac's limp body and turned around, staring at his best friend.

"Holy shit," Mac whispered. "Holy fucking shit!"

Benjy smiled and nodded. "Research," he said, and they swam in each other's eyes.

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