Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jan 11, 2020



By Justin Balancier

Return to Flatbush is the latest and creative story about Asa Kline. It is fiction and any resemblance to persons, places or things is purely coincidental


Asa Kline liked reading books, listening to the radio and catching network news on TV. He had a cell phone and learned how to text, but that was about it for technology. He was not fond of television that much, but as time went by, he accepted it as home entertainment, after discovering PBS.

Asa was from a different generation. Time had passed him by when it came to attracting men for casual sex. In his prime, along with his friend Bernie, he would devour flesh, sniff and slurp, all over Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. He loved life and loving life, was to love Flatbush Ave, due to what he found there for the taking.

Flatbush was who Asa was in his mind and heart. When Adam and then Andrew came into his life making him whole, he knew this was true. Asa would often say that he had three loves - Adam, Andrew and Flatbush.

Living alone was comforting to him, after Adam and Andrew moved into the studio apartment upstairs. They were tenants who kept him supplied with fringe benefits. They catered to him around the clock and supplied him with the best human contact ever bestowed sexually on an elderly man whose mind was willing, but the flesh was weak.

A long time had passed; three years actually and Asa, Adam and Andrew were still together, very happy and closer than ever.

The young men were family to him and although his pseudo grandsons, he thought of them as real family. On occasion, they fooled around like savage sexual predators pleasing their grandfather exactly the way he wanted them to be. It is irrational to imagine how naughty the three of them could be; only to forget about it moments later and move on as if it was all a dream.

They lived in real time and respect for privacy held them together like crazy glue, allowing for a great deal of forwardness and tender moments. It was the strangest damn setup that anyone could imagine. As Peter Allen once said – "It's funny but it's true."

Asa had just poured himself a cup of hot cocoa and sat down in his favorite chair to read the morning paper. The telephone, beside him on a small table rang, making him jump almost spilling the cocoa.

"Oy, now what?"


"Asa; it that you?"

"Who'd you expect – Greta Garbo?"

"This is Bernie."

"I know who you are, I have caller ID.

"Tell me Asa, – how have you been?"

"Putting in time just like you. Maybe you think jogging, I should be doing." Said Asa

"Ha, walking you don't do so good – jogging forget about it." Replied Bernie

"Okay, I forgot, you putz"

"Oy vey" exclaimed Bernie. "You never change, but I love you."

"I know- I know, what do you want to talk about?" asked Asa.

"Lunch, I want to take you to lunch." Said Bernie

"I just ate, try again."

"It's only 11:30," Bernie, reminded him.

"I wanted to beat the crowd. The clock I don't pay attention to, Numbers, just numbers," mumbled Asa

"Now whose a putz? Okay forget about it."

"You think so?" added Asa

"I think so," replied Bernie


"How are you and that Wexler doing? Are you getting much?" asked Bernie

"Are you talking about Adam?"

"Of course, I could use some of that. Maybe you could put in a word for me."

"The word I put in, you wouldn't like." Said Asa

"Try me, you are all talk Asa, I know you. For 40 years, I know you. Doesn't that deserve a little praise?"

"Okay, praise I will give you. Adam you have to get yourself. I know nothing and I say nothing"

"Tell me about the gorgeous red head that he lives with." Asked Bernie "Not so gorgeous, but nice."

"Nice – nice; what's with nice. Is he hot?"

"Sizzling" replied Asa

"Oy vey"

"Exactly my thoughts." Agreed Asa

"I have to be hanging. Somebody is at the door. I think it is UPS with a delivery," said Bernie

"Go – go, everybody needs a present; with luck maybe his hair will be red." said Asa.

Bernie hung up the phone without commenting . Asa leaned back in his chair and picked back up his cup of cocoa. It was cooling down, but he drank it anyway. He picked up his newspaper and then dropped it on the floor beside his chair. He was no longer in the reading mood.

He thought about Adam and Andrew. The conversation with Bernie had awakened something inside him and he was feeling aroused. For a man Asa's age, a twitch was a sign of excitement. He took his smart phone from his shirt pocket and stared at it resting in his hand. Love was just a glance away. Should he, or should he not? That was the question.

Adam was working very long hours running the bakery. He went to work often at sun up, to begin baking bread. He had employed two pastry chefs, who did the baking, but Adam pitched in constantly. That was what he truly loved. The paper work and payroll, he left to his accountant. Andrew was the jacket and tie man of the house. He was very smart and rose quickly in the financial world. Asa was extremely proud of Andrew and respected his training on how to make money and more important how to invest it and make it grow. Together Adam and Andrew were about as perfect a team, as one could hope for.

When they peeled off their clothes and put Asa between them on a bed, it was more than Asa ever hope for. An old Brooklyn Jew was the last thing that any two hot studs would be interested in pleasing. That is just the way things are, where ever one goes.

With them, Asa was not an old Brooklyn Jew. He was their grandfather and they loved making him happy. It was not entirely for monetary gain. They truly loved him. And, of course, a rent-free apartment from Asa didn't hurt in the beginning. Now however, they were independent and living well. Asa tapped a short message into his phone. It went to both Adam and Andrew. The message read... . "I am wondering about your schedule. It has been awhile - just thinking." Asa

Everything was quiet for the longest time. This was not unusual when both men were at work. Asa knew he would hear something shortly. Besides, it was nothing urgent.

The phone rang. It was Andrew.

"Grandpa is everything okay. This is Andrew. I got your text and thought I had better check up on you.

"I'm okay" replied Asa

"I heard from Adam and he is concerned that something may be wrong."

"No, I'm okay." Repeated Asa. "I'm just lonely, hungry and lonely."

"I am coming home and bringing you something to eat. I can leave early and that is what I'll do" said Andrew or even tomorrow." Replied Asa.

"I don't want to wait. I will see you in half hour. Andrew clicked off and hung up the phone before Asa could reply.

Immediately following the conversation Asa received a text from Adam.

"Oh good lord, what did I start?" said Asa talking to himself. He felt a little foolish causing a worry where one didn't exist.

The text from Adam read simply, "check your email"

Asa turned on his computer and signed into his email account. He had a "You have mail" message and sure enough, it was from Adam.

To: Asa Kline From; Adam Wexler

Hi Grandpa,

I know what your message was about. It has been awhile since we took care of each other and I apologize for that. I would like to blame it on work, but that would be a stretch. I am going to correct that blunder right now. Adam told me he would be at the house in about a half hour. I will be there too. I don't want to miss anything. I'll bring the plums. Big juicy plums and we 3 will get back on tract. I love you grandpa. Adam

Asa read the mail twice and kept staring at Adam's words. A tear ran from his eye thinking about this unusual young man. Men like Adam just doesn't happen to people like him. Yes, he had a fabulous past rich with cock, sweat and moments to remember. Now however, the ship had sailed and nobody cared about him any longer. Adam cared and Andrew cared. He woke up every morning with a purpose in life to keep breathing, thanks to both of them.

He had bathed that morning so everything was clean. He did brush his teeth for the second time after drinking cocoa. It probably wasn't necessary, but he did things like that. Asa was Asa.

Asa could hear somebody downstairs unlocking the inside door. He knew it was Andrew. About forty minutes had slip away since talking to him. Sure enough, a knock came to the door and Asa struggled getting up to answer it.

Andrew stood in the doorway with his sport jacket over his arm. His tie was loose and his white shirt unbuttoned at the neck.

"Grandpa" was all he said and stepped into the apartment. He kicked the door shut with his foot and put his arms around Asa. He hugged him far longer than necessary pushing his crotch into Asa's body. He dropped his jacket on to the floor and unzipped his pants still embracing Asa.

Andrew placed Asa's hand into his white boxer underwear and pushed his cock between Asa's fingers for him to hold.

"Oy Andrew, you are leaking precum. How hard you are." Said Asa.

"I have been hard ever since talking to you. That is why I am caring my jacket in front of me. I am so excited – so hot, and my cock won't go down. I need your mouth gramps. I really need your expertise. I haven't cum in a week." Said Andrew.

"Stop with the lies. I know Adam. He wouldn't let you keep that for a week." Said Asa.

"Would you believe 2 days?" said Andrew smiling

"That I would believe. Stop trying to please me with stories. Don't be a schmuck. "Old? Maybe. Stupid? – not on your life." Said Asa

"What's a schmuck?" asked Andrew."

"You're Irish; forget about it, it's nothing."

"Lick it off Asa. Lick the precum from my dick and enjoy." Mumbled Andrew.

"C'mon on, follow me," said Asa and walked into the kitchen.

Asa took off Andrews's shirt followed by his pants, shoes and socks. "Hop up there on the counter and open your legs. I want those red hair cover balls in my mouth."

"Smell me, grandpa," said Andrew sitting on the counter with his legs open. "Smell your boy and let me be your man whore," continued Andrew playing the game exactly the way he knew would make Asa happy.

Asa put Andrew's thick cut cock into his mouth. His face and nose rested on a bed of strawberry crotch hair in search of anything that smelled like sex.

"Do you like that crotch taste?" Said Andrew trying to be playful but really being turned on and about to fuck the old man's mouth for real.

Asa ran his tongue up and down Andrew's thighs slurping everything in its path. He deep drank his dick, which was no easy chore, and rolled his nuts around in his mouth; first one than the other. He mumbled only one thing, He said, "Damn right I do." Which was not the way Asa normally spoke.

"Good God, nobody can suck me like you can grandpa, nobody. Adam is good but he is not an Asa," said Andrew and meaning every word of it.

Andrew was not kidding about not getting off for several days and he was about to explode. The tight warm pressure from Asa's mouth was about as good as it gets. Some men take forever to get off. Asa's had the power of a sub pump and could set ones nuts bubbling in a matter of minutes.

"Shouldn't we wait for Adam to get here?" asked Andrew

"Adam who?" mumbled Asa never leaving Andrews dick. He was behaving like a dog with a bone that belonged to him.

"Yeah, fuck `em – feed yourself grandpa. Suck me off; my cock syrup is for you."

Andrew had no sooner spoken, when he began to erupt shooting gob after gob of liquid lunch down Asa's throat. "Take it – take it." He barked at Asa.

Every bit of Adam's cum disappeared down Asa's throat except for a small gob that dripped on to Andrew's leg. When Asa saw the white jizz on his leg, he slurped it up like a frog catching a fly.

"Do you feel better grandpa?" asked Andrew. "I know I sure as hell do. I wanted to dump that load ever since talking to you this morning."

"Good question. I will have to talk to you more often."


"Of course – definitely," responded Asa

Andrew's cell phone rang. It was Adam.

"Hey, call boy, did you take care of grandpa? Asked Adam. "I am still busy here at the store."

"Yup, I fed him big time." replied Andrew.

"Let me talk to him," said Adam

Andrew handed the phone to Asa and he spoke with Adam briefly.

"Do you feel better grandpa? I couldn't make it, but Andrew thinks you are great."

"I'm always great," replied Asa

"That you are gramps – that you are," said Adam. "Come to dinner tonight at the apartment, I need a hug and my butt on your face."

"What time?"

"7:00 o'clock" answered Adam

"Okay." Replied Asa, and handed Andrew back his phone.

Andrew left shortly after that and Asa returned to his comfortable chair to rest. He was humming or maybe it was excitement stirring inside him, creating the noise.

Andrew was good sex; there was no denying that; however Adam, for his young age, was a master at the game. He wasn't a pretty boy, but attractive in an average way. It was his body that was priceless and it belonged to him and Andrew. Not a bad deal, not bad at all.

He loved these young men. He loved them sexually and loved them as friends. He possessed something other lonely men his age would never have in their senior years. In his own way, he was still on top of his game.

"It isn't anything to brag about; but I'm a dirty old man and I will be one until I am a dead old man. I never knew how to do anything else that felt so good to me." He thought, leaning down picking up the newspaper from the floor.

Asa looked at the clock and it was only 1:20 in the afternoon; 7:00 pm was a long way off.

Part 2 continues

Please remember Nifty. It is a new year filled with new stories and hours of erotic reading. I thank the writers for that, but it is Nifty that sees that all these wonderful stories are here for you to read. We are all grateful and thank Nifty. – email me if you are interested in the background for the story of Flatbush and your comments. Thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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