Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 1, 2020


Return to Flatbush

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Part 10

Asa withstood the test of time. There were faults one could say about him, but diminished by his superior goodness. There is no doubt about that.

He reached the reflective stage of life, and now thinking occupied a great deal of his private time. His special thought was. "I like the way life used to be."

Oy vey, there is nothing like an impossible request to make a fellow feel uncomfortable. Things were no longer the way it used to be.

Asa now had to deal with the Cardona family and Adam's future. It was something that annoyed, but also excited him. He was very capable of dealing with people. He was a tough negotiator when it came to money. This was going to be a bumpy ride.

A light knock came to his door. Asa assumed it was either Adam or Andrew, because that was typical of what they did, followed by tying the door. Asa had locked the door, so he got up to answer it.

It was Adam. With him was a good looking man well dressed and rather hunky looking, around forty. He introduced himself as Rocco, the nephew of Angelo Cardona, who was also his godfather.

Angelo owned the Corner Market and wanted to buy the property from Asa for expansion. Rocco managed the store for Angelo. Everything was beautiful.

"Mr. Kline, I am Rocco Cardona."

"I know who you are," said Asa.

"May we come in?"

"Oh, sure – of course, come in. I have coffee, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?" asked Asa, sounding more Italian than Jewish.

"I'll take coffee, that would be nice," replied Rocco

"So tell me Mr. Rocco, what do we talk about? Asked Asa like the sly old fox he was.

"Property Asa, let's talk about property," said Rocco

`Do I get an offer, I can't refuse?" asked Asa

"Oh, you saw the movie too?" said Rocco smiling and being friendly

"Of course, Marlon Brandow, what's not to like." Replied Asa

"Let's talk price." Said Rocco

"Let's talk favors, then, we will talk about price," replied Asa.

"Such as..." inquired Rocco, "what favor are you looking for?"

"Okay, on the line, I will be laying," only to be interrupted by Adam.

"Grandfather, you mean to say that, "you will by laying it on the line." corrected Adam, "that means straight out and to the point."

"I know what it means, you think because I am old, I am a schmuck?"

Rocco began to laugh. "Not a problem Asa, how can I help you?" He asked

"I understand that you want to enlarge your store. That means tearing out the back and adding to the structure. Am I right or am I wrong? Asked Asa

"That is right."

"So, Angelo has connections with the right people."

"Why do you think that?" inquired Rocco "sure he's got some friends around town."

"Evidently, he knows who to talk too. I see his building permit already tacked to the building.

"Of course," replied Rocco. "What is the problem here," he concluded

I want to remodel the vacant store downstairs. It was a candy shop. I plan to convert into a bakery. However, it needs to be larger for a suitable kitchen. I need permits, from the borough and I am getting the runaround.

"The runaround?" questioned Rocco.

The building department wants to see this – they want to see that. I have given them everything I have. Everything, and still more plans they want. This, I don't like, but what can I do? I am enlarging for a kitchen, not building Disney Land."

"I will ask Uncle Angelo to make a few phone calls." Said Rocco

What Asa needed was a phone call from the right person to speed up the process. Angelo was that person. He was convinced of that.

"More coffee," said Asa looking rather smug knowing he was on the right track.

"No, we will talk later and don't worry," Said Rocco, standing up to leave. Adam had been silent up until now. "I will walk out with you Rocco, you have been a tremendous help," Said Adam. However, we still have to talk money."

"Of course" was all Rocco Said?

They took the elevator to the street level. Rocco kept staring at Adam resting his body against the elevator wall. Adam recognized this type of stare from Rocco. His glance focused below the belt. Perhaps it was his imagination working overtime.

Rocco was married with children but that meant little to an Italian. Besides married Italian men in Brooklyn, were notorious for cheating on their wives and doing just as they pleased. Very little behavior surprised Adam. He had seen so much of this crap, that it earned the radiant title of "crap? - And let's leave it at that.

"What are you looking at?" Inquired Adam

"I like looking, Is there an objection to looking?'

"Just curious" replied Adam

"The red headed dude – is he your boyfriend?" Asked Rocco

"The woman with short dark hair, – is she your wife?" replied Adam

"Good, oh, you're good," said Rocco breaking a half smile.

"I have been told that before," replied Adam smiling back.

The elevator stopped and opened. The two of them walked into the vestibule and out on to the street.

"Where do you live" Rocco asked

"Not far from here, upstairs, in this building. We rent the second floor from Asa." Replied Adam

"Who do you mean by we?"

"The red headed dude, Yes, he is my boyfriend."

"Nice – that's good," said Rocco.

He shook hands with Adam and walked away, but stopping only seconds later. He abruptly returned and said to Adam. "Do you want some company?"

"Do I need company?" commented Adam

"Let's find out - How about you and I hitting the mattress?" said Rocco

"Whew, that is kind of direct," said Adam "I can't fool around wasting time, Do you want to do something or not?" questioned Rocco.

"Okay, replied Adam, but why me? You are a married man."

"Don't analyze anything. With your body for riding and a biscuit butt, I want to check that out," Said Rocco changing his demeanor to pushy.

"I'm not analyzing anything. That is the way life goes – full of surprises. Correct me if I am wrong." Said Adam

"Nah, you're not wrong. Let's start again." Said Rocco.

Adam had never met anyone quite like Rocco. He was hot to look at with a solid body, large thighs and broad chested. He was Sicilian looking and no doubt could press the sheets like a steam iron.

He thought of Andrew, and he thought of Asa, but quickly pushed those thought aside. There was still a little wildness in Adam that never quite disappeared. Rocco was definitely his type and he was willing to tussle.

They stepped close to the building and leaned between the stone entrance and a large tree. They were still visible, but away from the sidewalk.

Rocco pulled his zipper down and told Adam to touch him.

Adam's hand went between Rocco's legs quickly and clutched a huge cucumber rod that was getting firm. That's all," said Rocco. "Can you handle that?"

"Of course"

"Rocco put his hand on Adam's butt. Are you going to let me have that?"

"Yeah, I will, just don't expect another get together.

"Why the hell would I want that? I am married. Maybe you Jews don't give a damn, but I am Catholic and we have sacrament rules." Said Rocco

"Jews don't give a dam - where did that come from? – You are a righteous altar boy. What sacrament speaks about that? I don't like you, Rocco," said Adam. You need to be someplace else."

"I deserved that. Yes sir, I asked for that and I am sorry. I have a big mouth and I step in shit, all the time," said Rocco. "I didn't stop and think."

"Well, you are Italian."

"Now, do we have the bullshit out of the way? Said Rocco, breaking a smile.

"Yeah it's forgotten, and I do like you. Let's go upstairs, this won't take long," suggested Adam

They took the elevator to avoid running into Asa and went to the second floor. The conversation came to a stop and the next few minutes was like being in an alley behind a dumpster.

Adam locked the door and took Rocco straight to the bedroom. They both undressed at the same time tossing clothes everyplace.

There was no doubt about it. Rocco's big circumcised sausage, already hard and slapping against his dark hairy balls, was a catch. Both men had that much in common. Naked they could have been both Jewish. Their junk was happily pressed together hard and nasty.

Adam completely naked stretched for a minute like a Chippendale on the bed. He looked like a whore waiting for a stranger.

"Holy shit Adam, what a misjudged body you have there. I am not a queer man, but you are fucking superior. The closer I get to you is like magic.

Are you sure, you can take me?" Asked Rocco. "I don't want to harm anything."

"I'm sure. You can't harm me with that little thing." Said Adam laughing.

Rocco laughed along with him. That `little thing' was a torpedo.

Are you confident that Asa will get his building permit with no hassle? Mumbled Adam

"Consider it done," said Rocco "Be my whore Adam, just for today?"

"Consider it done," replied Adam, tossing a condom and some lube on the bed for Rocco to use.

Adam had been growing a beard and it improved his looks considerably. He went from a desirable eight to a sought after ten. Couple that with a knockout body, and Adam was something unique to molest.

The next half hour was dripping hot sex, including serious penetration. The bed didn't squeak, but got moved slightly. The coming together of two men, different in their sexual desires; but so much alike as masculine people was crazy. It was awesome how Rocco could handle a little crazy. The Italian stallion was a first-rate stud.

Rocco was at the top of his game, for now he planned fucking in ways that would never happen at home. He had fooled around in the past, but never with a man like Adam. He pinned Adam in every position possible and Adam never objected to a thing. It made his body better and wild was a perfect observation...

Rocco wasted no time. With legs on his shoulders, Rocco lubed Adam's butt and slowly eased his big hog into his body. As accomplished as Adam was at taking dick or a toy, this man was stretching him and it did hurt. He was thankful he was moving in slowly.

However, since it only hurts for a little while, Adam never let on to the pain. Instead, he fucked back and Rocco road him like a mechanical bull. From here on, nothing was slow; He was taking cock fast and deep.

He fucked Adam sitting on top of his dick, on his side, with his legs in the air, doggy style, and standing up. Rocco liked the standing up position the best because he could ram like a bull with the full force of his hips and Adam had to take it.

"Holy fuckin muther, you are so tight – so fuckin deliciously tight, you could open a jar. I love this shit. Adam, you are one great fuck," he said, offering a badge of accomplishment to a star.

True, Adam was a great fuck and built for it. Anything to do with his ass, Adam loved.

Andrew did not have the crotch equipment to fuck like Rocco, but he was not judging and certainly not comparing the man he loved, to a wife cheating Italian stranger. Rocco was bigger than Andrew, but bigger isn't always better. In fact it seldom is. This was an accurate observation and Adam knew it would not happen again.

"OMG I am going to dump, should I keep going?" screamed Rocco.

"Down my throat," was all Adam had the chance to say when Rocco pulled out of his butt and yanked off the condom?

Adam flipped over with is head hanging off the bed and Rocco shoved his dick between his lips almost choking him with harsh gummy liquid flooding the back of his throat.

Adam swallowed and swallowed trying to keep up. It was not all that great tasting and he gaged, but kept up with him. Actually, it was easy because it was already in the back of his mouth and sliding down his throat. Adam could not swallow cum the way Asa could, but he managed and it was fine.

Finally, Rocco stopped spurting and his cock begun to calm down. Adam sprawled on the sheets like a used up whore. He was not proud of himself, but he did it, knowing this was a one-time abuse of his body. Besides, now Rocco owed Adam a favor. Rocco got what he wanted giving Adam the power to ask for a favor if need be...

"You swallowed my nutt," said Rocco "How can you do that – why would you want to do that?" he asked being quite serious.

Adam thought Rocco, didn't understand much, about sucking dick" so he replied, "I'm a people person and we swallow cum, call it recycling"

"With your happy hips and lick it tongue. You have a wet something special." Said Rocco "I know, and I am keeping it. A onetime hook up is a onetime hook up. Replied Adam

"That's right, agreed Rocco. "Let me wash my dick off and get the hell out of here,"

He disappeared into the bathroom and ten minutes later, he was out the door, down the stairs and back on to Flatbush Avenue. He avoided the elevator knowing Asa would hear it.

Adam put a clean sheet on the bed, took a shower, then shorts and tee shirt looking fine, by the time Andrew arrived. Rocco decided not to tell Andrew or Asa about Rocco. It had no purpose and a hook up going no place, is best unsaid.

Tommy Edwards once said, "It's all in the game" Adam knew what that meant. He surely did.

Asa had a meeting with a contractor friend he had known for years. His name was Hellman and although semi-retired, he was familiar with the building owned by Asa.

Hellman's son, Seth, was running the remodeling business and chief "big wig" in the company. Seth understood how Asa wanted to remodel the old candy store in his building. He was good at doing that.

They met several times, along with Adam, and drew up the expansion plans for the building dept. Adam designed the kitchen himself, with several baking ovens and plenty of refrigeration, pantry and counter space.

The center of the room contained a number of work islands with drawers stocked with necessary cutlery and mixing bowls, Asa wanted the kitchen just the way Adam envisioned it.

Everything was set and the necessary permits were available three days later. There is something to be said, about friends in high places.

All that remained was the signage, paper work and of course access to a bundle of money. Adam concerned about spending, worried daily.

Asa would tell Adam that they were breathing life back into an old building and keeping alive Jewish heritage on Flatbush Ave. He was too old to go back into business, so Adam was the answer.

Three month later, the bakery was finished. Seth improved the front of the store with new display windows and a customer friendly entrance. The new look was refreshingly beautiful.

An artist completed a handsome sign that hung above the door along with complementary indoor signs for the display counters. The missing goodies were pastry, so Adam had pastry baking every day.

The covered glass counters, stocked with delicious fruit filled gems, reopened on September 21, following Rosh Hashanah, part of the Jewish High holidays.

Everybody was there, Caroline Morse, Alice Green, Bernie, Angelo Cardona, his nephew Rocco, and of course Andrew and neighbors.

The day was beautiful. Asa called it gorgeous, and the three amigos, Asa, Adam and Andrew stood out front watching people file into the new store.

Adam wanted to keep the Morse name and Asa agreed. A large blue and white sign, with gold leaf boarder, across the front of the building, read,


"So grandpa – what do you think?" asked Adam

Asa clutched both of their hands. "I wouldn't change one moment, this is perfect"

"Don't you mean, "Gorgeous" teased Andrew

"You think so?" said Asa

"Yes, I think so, "replied Andrew

"Okay, so now you're a Jew – It's gorgeous."

Next: Chapter 11

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