Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 18, 2020


Return to Flatbush Part 14

The chapters keep rolling out with situations typical of Asa and his friends.

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Part 14

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the years has made a remarkable person out of me," said Bernie bragging to his old friend Asa.

The two of them were sitting on the stone steps in front of Asa's building on Flatbush Avenue.

"I don't feel like correcting you," replied Asa

"You don't feel like it. Are you feeling sick?" you always correct me," Said Bernie

"It is easier to agree. Yes, Bernie you are remarkable."

"Oy, this is not right. Okay, what is the matter?" Asked Bernie

"I am concerned about Adam. He is on my mind."

"Why are you worrying about Adam?"

I didn't say I was worrying, I said I was concerned," barked Asa

"For you, that is the same thing. When you are concerned, you have something to worry about," Bernie reminded him

"Okay – okay, I am worrying that Adam is playing with the bartender from the Meow Club. If Andrew knows about it, I would not be concerned."

"So a big deal, it is not. They have an open relationship. Besides, how do you know what he does, or does not, tell Andrew?

"You are right Bernie, yes, you are right, but it is not so open, as you think."

Asa was feeling better just talking about it, even tho the conversation was ridiculous from start to finish.

"You want we should get a beer?" asked Bernie

"That would be nice" replied Asa "come inside, I have beer and it is cold."

"I was thinking at the Meow Club. I am buying." Said Bernie

"If you are buying, then I am going. Only, I don't feel like walking that far today." Said Asa

"The bus stops on the corner."

"I don't think so," replied Asa. "It is too crowded."

"Okay." said Bernie." He took his phone from his pocket and called a cab. Moments later, they relaxed being chauffeured six blocks to the Meow Club.

Asa was hoping to see Johnny behind the bar; but he was not there. He never told Bernie that he swallowed Johnny's junk in the storeroom. There are some things Bernie is better off not knowing. Asa did not care what he knew. He just wanted to avoid all the questions.

Behind the bar was a lesbian that Asa did not recognize, but Bernie did. The bar maid, whose name was Lorraine, set two glasses of cold beer, in clean glasses, in front of Bernie. As usual, Bernie and Asa moved to a table. The bar stools were uncomfortable because Asa had nothing to lean his back against. He preferred a table with straight back chairs for comfort.

"So what do you think of Johnny?" asked Bernie. "I know you had him, because he told me. We are friends."

"He's gorgeous." Said Asa

"He's hot." Added Bernie

"That too, yes, he is," agreed Asa

"Quiet," said Bernie, pushing into Asa's knee, "Here he comes."

"Who is coming?"

"Johnny – he just walked into the bar and coming this way."

"Asa Kline, you ole pup, how have you been? I have missed seeing you," said Johnny

"I see you remember Asa?" Interrupted Bernie and directing his question towards Johnny.

"Oh sure, we are old crotch partners," said Johnny smiling and holding Asa's hand

Johnny sat down to talk for a moment being friendly. "I am waiting for somebody," said Johnny

"That is nice," replied Asa.

Bernie smirked, but said nothing. He looked like a puppet raising his eyebrows in that `gotcha' way.

"You have a date, do you? Asked Asa

"Sort of, but not really"

"What is `not really'? Either you do or you don't"

"I don't"

"That's nice," said Asa

"Maybe you are waiting for me. I took a little blue pill and that puts me a degree above men." Bragged Bernie

Johnny smiled and said, "Of course it does" – "However gentlemen, my day are already planned." He excused himself and walked away. Johnny said a few words to Lorraine, the bartender, and left. It was all very strange.

"You want to know something?" Bernie said to Asa

"I think I already know it," replied Asa.

"The more I see, the more I learn about facing a new challenge. The only advantage I have left is common sense." Said Bernie

"What challenge do you have? If you are talking about Johnny, get in line. The putz is a slut, believe me, what I see is not a challenge." Said Asa

"Want another beer?" asked Bernie

"No, I want to go to the bakery and get some bagels," replied Asa

"You want to go and check on Adam. I know you Asa, you can't fool Bernie"

They left the Meow Club and stood outside talking for a while. The street was crowded with people, so they began walking.

"You want I should call the cab back?" Asked Bernie

"No, save your money, the walk will do us good."

"You think so?" asked Bernie

"I said it, didn't I?"

"Okay, we are walking. Do you know what I think?" Said Bernie "What?"

"Let's buy some jelly doughnuts."

Asa grinned followed by a hearty laugh. Bernie was Bernie, and he would be lost without the constant bickering. They were like brothers, handsome young men, who grew into grumpy old men.

Five blocks went by quickly. Asa's building was number six, on the next corner. "I will get you the jelly doughnuts," said Asa. "Don't worry; I pay for anything I take. Adam is in business, so I pay. It is only right."

"Of course, it is right. But if Adam wants to put in an extra one, who are we to say no." replied Bernie.

"Oy vey" mumbled Asa, a bargain you are always looking for."

Outside the bakery, they stopped shortly. Sitting at one of the tables in the window was Adam, Andrew and none other but Johnny.

"Do you see what I see?" said Bernie

"I see Johnny found what he was looking for. Pay no attention to them. Let's buy some bagels and jelly doughnuts. Be friendly but not nosey." Asa warned him

"I will say nothing but hello," replied Bernie


Once inside, Adam came over to help Asa who was looking at the bagels. Asa waved to Andrew and Johnny still sitting at the table. They returned the wave friendly and smiling. It was certainly a `Hello Dolly' moment.

Bernie felt like saying – "Well, if it isn't - cannoli, red head, and lick-lick," but of course he did not.

Bernie said, "Hello men, the goodies look delicious" holding a bag of jelly doughnuts. They chatted for a minute assuming everybody knew one another – and of course, they did.

"Do you want to sit in the park, or go upstairs?" asked Asa. I have ice tea.

"Upstairs, it is comfortable and I could use a bathroom. Beer goes right through me," said Bernie

Asa could hear Bernie peeing and then washing his hands. The two of them were like raccoons. They constantly washed their hands. Some of the things they put in their mouth was not blossom pure, but still they chanced licking it like hungry savages

Sex has its own rule. Adam (and Andrew) was always clean but if fingers went into Asa's mouth, they washed their hands first. Cock was one thing, but hands carried germs from the public. Who knows what cock carried; but they did not seem to care; such blissful ignorance they possessed.

The pitcher of ice tea had moisture forming on the glass coming from the cold refrigerator into a warm room. Asa poured two glasses and put it back to keep it cold.

"If you want a refill, just help yourself," said Asa

"I won't be here that long. This is fine, `shalom' replied Bernie, taking a big swig of tea.

"I know, eat, drink and run – eat and run,"

"I am a busy man, I have things to do," said Bernie

"Plotting strategy is what you have to do. I know." Replied Asa

Bernie said nothing. For once, he did not have a clever comeback, so he wiped the powdered sugar from his mouth and smacked his lips. "Excellent" he said

Bernie left right after that and Asa put the ice tea glasses in the sink. He thought about the three men sitting in the bakery. He wondered if they were still there. He also hoped that Bernie was not with them making a fool of himself.

"Bernie has trouble minding his own business. If there is a hint of gayness, Bernie has to nuzzle in on everything. It was okay when Bernie was twenty, but now only meshuggeneh," He said talking to an empty room.

Asa took a bagel into the living room and sat looking out the window at the park. He thought maybe he would see Clayton, but he never texted or came back to the park. However, it did not hurt to have a look.

Asa nibbled on the bagel and sighed. It didn't matter, he knew that the past always comes along and catches up to you. All he needed to do was to stay in the moment. It wasn't his first rodeo, for sure.

Next: Chapter 15

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